Force Weapons
Force weapons are psychic weapons in Warhammer 40,000, used mainly by the Imperium of Man, Chaos Space Marines, and the Eldar, although the Squats and Orks have their own rough equivelents. They are used almost exclusively as close combat weapons by psykers, and serve to store up and channel psychic energy. Force weapons are very useful against Daemons, as Warp energy is one of the few surefire ways to put down a Daemon. They are, in most cases, not explicitly power weapons, although the difference is usually negligible to those on the receiving end.
The only army that uses force weapons as near standard issue equipment pieces are the Grey Knights. They can also have ranged "force" weapons, such as the Psilencer and its Dreadknight counterpart, the Gatling Psilencer.
In 8th edition, generally bump a weapon's damage to d3. Previously, they had a psychically-activated Instant Death. In the role playing games, they tended to kill everyone, including the user, but that was true of most psychic powers.
Imperial[edit | edit source]
Close-Combat Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Force Staff[edit | edit source]

Also called the more generic Force Weapon.
Serving as a conduit for psychic energy, Force Staffs are used to channel the wielder's psychic power through the staff and direct it at an opponent, usually in the form of warp fire or warp lightning. Although it takes the form of a staff, in reality there is very little standardization on what counts as a Force Weapon. The basic Force Weapon often takes the form of a sword, axe, maul or any close combat weapon. So long as it can channel a psyker's potential than it is called a Force Staff de jure.
Clan Raukaan has one that acts as a thunder hammer.
Librarian holding the most common psychic force weapon in the Imperium
Force Rod[edit | edit source]
A Force Rod is a black rod of alien origin which acts as a psychic battery. Psykers may store their psychic energy in the rod to be used in the future, giving the individual an additional source of energy in combat.
The rod is used as a normal Force Weapon in combat, but the wielder may draw the stored psychic energy from the rod to increase the power of the attack. Force Rods are in some ways analogous to Null Rods.
Due to its xenos origin, it is unknown how such weapon manage to get underpass without triggering the entire AdMech into war. It could be that such weapons are carefully overseen and sanctioned for Inquisitorial use only, similar to the C'tan phase weapons used by Callidus assassins and the Deathwatch.
Force Sword[edit | edit source]

Resembling a classical broadsword, the force sword's inner workings is extremely complex and sacred. Inside the structure is interwoven a powerful psi convector, a special material formed into a precise serpentine shape which concentrates and directs psychic energy in the hands of its wielder. This sometimes appears as an interlacing or serpentine pattern on the blade.
Like the force staff, a force sword gathers the wielder's psychic power, but instead of channeling it at an opponent, it will store the accumulated psychic power as warp fire coursing along the blade, allowing the psyker in question to attack his opponent with a flaming sword.
The Emperor's Sword is possibly the most famous, most potent and most powerful of the Force Swords.
Force Axe[edit | edit source]

Like the force sword, but as an axe.
The force axe is a weapon that seems standard issue for Space Marine Librarians who serve as Terminators, wearing psychically-attuned armor called the Aegis Suit. Similar to the force sword, the force axe incorporates a psi-matrix compartment that is either a serpentine or interlaced pattern which concentrates psychic energy to a sharp point.
Unlike the force sword, the force axe magnifies the power and blow of the Space Marine's superhuman arm strength. Shattering vehicle armor and slicing flesh like butter. It is by far one of the more powerful force weapons wieldable by infantry.
On tabletop, GeeDubs being the lazy fuckwits decided that all Librarian Force Weapons should have similar stats of D1d3 instead of just 1. They lack Sx2 but have no penalty to hit but they are overcosted as fuck, with the Force Axe being, unfortunately, the worst offender of the lot.
Furioso Force Halberd[edit | edit source]

A giant fuckyou Force Halberd fit for a Dreadnought.
Furioso Force Halberds are basically Dreadnought sized force weapons used by Blood Angel Librarian Dreadnoughts. If a Librarian is severely crippled, he would eventually miss the feeling and experience of smiting enemies with his Force Weapons. The Blood Angels being Italian/Catholic inspired, felt sympathy for their crippled brethren, so they simply grabbed a normal Force Halberd, gave it some growth hormone and enlarged it by twenty times.
It is similar in function to the Grey Knights Nemesis Doomglaive.
Nemesis Force Weapon[edit | edit source]
Nemesis force weapons are the signature weapons of the Grey Knights Space Marine Chapter. Made of special materials containing iron and silver, the power of a Nemesis force weapon is proportional to the Grey Knight wielding it. Additionally, Nemesis force weapons are one of the few types of force weapons that are also power weapons. The most common types are Nemesis force swords and Nemesis force halberds.
Nemesis Force Sword[edit | edit source]

The most common type of Nemesis weapon, the Force Sword exemplifies an amalgamation of sorcery and science, something that annoys and triggers Magnus to this day until he made his own (yes made, not received). A lighter version of the force halberd, a force sword can take many forms. Force swords are crafted using arcane magic and complex scientific formulae and incorporates a powerfield like all Nemesis Force Weapons.
The blade is usually tempered iron, flecked with shards of silver and inset with ancient runes of daemon-slaying. In contrast to these primitive materials, the haft and hilt of the sword contain advanced Nemesis power field generators. Their balanced grips and nearly indestructible construction makes them perfect for parrying even the attacks of even the most powerful daemonic foe.
Nemesis Force Halberd[edit | edit source]

As equally ancient of both design and purpose as the Grey Knights themselves, the Nemesis Force Halberd is one of the most iconic and identifiable weapons of the Grey Knights. Nemesis Force Halberds are finely crafted polearms with long, curved blades and sturdy hafts.
A Nemesis Force Halberd comprises an iron and silver blade set atop a long Adamantium haft, similar to that of the Nemesis Force Sword. This extra reach is invaluable to a Grey Knight, often allowing him to land a telling blow before he is within reach of the enemy's own melee weapons. A Grey Knight can easily use such a weapon one-handed in short deadly chops. However the weapon becomes even more dangerous should he wield it two-handed.
Grey Knight Paladins are one of the more common users of these weapons.
Nemesis Daemon Hammer[edit | edit source]

Think a Thunder Hammer on roids.
The most common Nemesis Force weapon to be used by non-Grey Knights...for some reason.
The Nemesis Daemon Hammer is often used by high ranking Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus. The Nemesis Daemon Hammer combines the crushing impact of a more traditional Thunder Hammer and affects of pure psychic destruction -- few entities of the Warp can survive the impact of a Force Hammer unless they are monstrous creatures or Titans. This weapon was developed by the Ordo Malleus as the most versatile and practical weapon in daemonic destruction.
In the old Daemonhunters army book, it was originally a glorified Thunder Hammer that struck daemons without the initiative penalty that vanilla thunder hammers usually had, but as of the Grey Knights codex, it was changed into a Nemesis Force Weapon you see today.
Nemesis Warding Stave[edit | edit source]

An interesting weapon unlike most Nemesis Force Weapons.
A Nemesis Warding Stave's abilities are defensive, rather than offensive. Designed as a defensive tool, the Nemesis Warding Stave can be used in melee combat to protect a bearer from attacks that would breach even the armor of a Terminator.
The hollowed-out haft of the stave contains several Refractor Field generators, which the wielder can prime with a charge of psychic energy. Thus activated, the stave projects a zone of protective gravitic force similar to a Conversion Field around its wielder, granting him enhanced resilience against his enemies' attacks.
Of course, if push comes to shove, the Warding Stave can still be used to shoot bolts of purifying lightning if the needs arise.
In Chaos Gate Daemonhunters, the execution animation of the Warding Stave involves slamming it on the ground with power field lightning crackle, lifting the enemy by telekinesis, and blowing their limbs apart with a psychic blast.
Nemesis Falchions[edit | edit source]
A weapon that is best utilized in pairs. Nemesis Falchions improve its cutting power with the aide of the Grey Knight's psychic talents.
Nemesis Falchions resemble shorter versions of a Nemesis Force Sword, with a much smaller hook-ended blade. Nemesis Falchions can be carried by a Grey Knight with a Storm Bolter thanks to the Storm Bolter's wrist mounting. When the weapon's monofilament circuitry is triggered, a Grey Knight can wield these blades with incredible speed, striking multiple blows in the time it would normally take for one to fall.
The Falchions is thus favored by Grey Knights who like finesse over brute force and is able to cut weak points in armor more effectively than any other Nemesis weapons.
Nemesis Doomfist[edit | edit source]
A giant power fist of pure psychic rape.
The Nemesis Doomfist or Dreadfist is a variant of the Astartes Power Fists found on Dreadnoughts and possibly one of the most brutally honest names of any weapon, 'cause the Doomfist is going to do some roight propa fisting.
The Nemesis Doomfist is a massive weapon augmented by Nemesis circuitry, easily able to crush a man in its grip. Nemesis Doomfists are also found as part of the Dreadknight battle suit, although the Dreadnight would most likely opt for the bigger Nemesis Greatsword. Those struck by a Nemesis Doomfist swiftly discover that though the occupant of a Dreadnought may be crippled in body, his psychic might is as formidable as ever.
On tabletop, the Dreadfists, while only d3 damage, grant an extra attack when taken together so you can pummel and beat the ever-loving shit out of these Chaos worshipping faggots.
Nemesis Doomglaive[edit | edit source]
This weapon resembles the huge sword psychically attuned to one arm of the Mk IV Dreadnought, similar to the Furioso Force Halberd from the Librarian Dreadnought.
It is one of the weapons of the Doomglaive Pattern Dreadnoughts of the Grey Knights. It is ideal for confronting large hordes of enemies, as its cunningly articulated mount and long blade prove to make devastating scything strikes. Although the positioning of the Doomglaive itself makes it difficult to hit enemies bigger than the Dreadnought.
The Nemesis Greatsword is basically the upscaled version of the Doomglaive.
On tabletop in 8th edition, the Doomglaive is a S9 CCW which is pretty meh for a specialist Dreadnought weapon. However, it compensates for its lack of strength with 1d6 damage (average: 3.5) instead of a flat 3, meaning that you can put out more wounds for every hit.
Additionally, the Doomglaive can take one power from the Sanctic Discipline, which is pretty neat and rare for a Dreadnought weapon. You'll never have to worry about getting tied up when you are needed elsewhere, since you can just teleport into the best position. In short, if you take any power other than Gate, you're doing it wrong, especially when considering how much easier it makes getting into combat.
Nemesis Greatsword[edit | edit source]
A giant fuck off sword for purging giant fuck off daemons.
Wielded only by the ridiculous Nemesis Dreadknights Baby Carriers, these colossal greatswords consist of a massive blade of silver and iron so large that not even an Adeptus Astartes in Power Armour can lift it. Despite its immense size, it is perfectly balanced in the hands of a Dreadknight, and is a powerful tool against even a greater daemon.
These weapons are designed for maximum Chaos assfucking, probably the only thing a Keeper of Secrets does not like getting penetrated by.
On 8th Edition, the Nemesis Greatsword stands at a whopping d6 damage for the same price as the Doomfists. This is the equivalent of smacking a Bloodthirster upside the head with a lascannon.
Ranged Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Psyk-Out Grenade[edit | edit source]
For more information, see here: Psyk-Out Grenade
Animus Speculum[edit | edit source]

An unusual piece of equipment and more analogous of an anti-Force weapon due to the nature of the user. The Animus Speculum is a weapon used by the Culexus Assassin, you know, those creepy anti-psychic Blanks that can tear your soul into oblivion. It is noted as one of the most terrifying weapons ever devised in the 40k universe, and that is saying something. It also looks dope as fuck.
Packed with sensors and techno-arcane circuitry designed to enhance and help control the Assassin's gifts, the Animus Speculum is an elongated helmet with a stylized skull-shaped faceplate. A bulky apparatus that appears to be an Auspex array is connected to each side of the helmet via thick cables.
It is capable of firing lethal blasts of negative psychic energy. By focusing the Assassin's aura through the single eye on the front, it becomes a thin beam of energy, burning the target's brain and sucking out its soul. These blasts can be deadly to anyone, but psykers who rely upon the warp for energy are especially vulnerable, and can potentially have their powers taken. The weapon also serves as a restraint, dampening the Culexus' negative aura to allies around them.
The Speculum is made primarily of two key quirks such as the following:
- Psyocculum: The built-in Psyocculum allows the Assassin to clearly see individuals and objects obscured by psychic powers.
- Arcane Eye: The giant eyepiece that focuses the assassin's negative anti-psychic bullshit into a point of immediate murderfuck.
Psilencer[edit | edit source]

One of the few available ranged Force weapons.
Psilencers are a type of psionic weapon created by an unknown Xeno race and made use of by the Grey Knights Chapter. Whether the technology was stolen or freely given to the Grey Knights is not known; all that is known is that it is unlike any weapon within the armories of the Imperium. As you can guess being of Xenos origin is one of the reasons that Space Marines don't have them. Not even the Blood Ravens with their high amount of Psykers do. Well that and it'll piss off the AdMech if they were authorized for other chapters.
They function by channeling the psychic might of the user where it is not only focused but amplified. The unique design means that it lacks a triggering mechanism but instead the wielder channels his psychic might into the containment core of the weapon - after which, focusing crystals channel the resultant energy into a refined azure energy pulse capable of destabilizing the physical form of a Daemon.
On the 7th ed tabletop, it is pretty underwhelming despite the cool fluff; being a gatling gun that fires off six shots a turn at strength 4 at AP-, so daemons with armor will shake it off and even Orks get saves against it... at least, until you learn that you can use Force on this. If you're fighting a lot of multi-wound monsters, you are spamming Psilencers; their precious plot armor can only protect them for so long. Still, this is still a S4 weapon, so you aren't looking to go one-on-one with a Greater Daemon. What the Psilencer is better for is killing swarms or multiwound infantry, or for denying Feel No Pain. Of course, then it is competing with the Psycannon and Incinerator, so competition is high.
On 8th ed, the new psychic stratagem called Psychic Onslaught makes Gatling Psilencers, Psilencers and regular and Heavy Psycannons absolutely brutal towards regular infantry and can even scratch high Toughness models due to number of shots it can shit out. For the Psilencer, it has been buffed in 8th ed. It is now Heavy 6 S4 AP0 D1d3 gun that fires the condensed psychic power of its wielder. Literal mindbullets. Deals 1d3 damage, just like all force weapons. Now that standard weapons like bolters no longer have AP, the lack of AP on this thing stings a lot less; with 6 shots apiece, not to mention having an easier time wounding tougher models, you're sure to force some failed saves eventually. Of course you still have to be cautious to any unit with Toughness 5 or higher and a 3+ save.
Gatling Psilencer[edit | edit source]

The Psilencer on Crystal Meth. The other available ranged Force weapon.
A Gatling Psilencer is a far more powerful version of the regular Psilencer. Far too large for a single Grey Knight, it is reserved for the infamous baby carriers known as the Nemesis Dreadknight. This is used for those extra large Daemons that just won't die in a single barrage of mind bullets and holy promethium. The mechanics of the Gatling Psilencer is similiar to its smaller kin, but obviously mounts more barrels and a larger focusing crystal for even bigger mind bullets.
On the crunch (7th ed), it is basically similiar to the regular Psilencer but it pumps out 12 shots with Force, making it more Dakka and more chance to mulch swarm armies. Unfortunately, despite the increased size, it is still only a S4 AP- weapon.
In 8th ed, the new psychic stratagem called Psychic Onslaught makes Gatling Psilencers, Psilencers, and regular and Heavy Psycannons absolutely brutal towards regular infantry and can even scratch high Toughness models due to the number of shots it can shit out. The Gatling Psilencer like its smaller sibling has been buffed due to the fact that bolters no longer have AP.
Psi-Cannon[edit | edit source]
Not to be confused with the Psycannon
The Psi-Cannon or more formally known as the Sinistramanus Tenebrae AKA The Left Hand of Darkness, is the big dick of Imperial Force Weapons. Akin to the Eldar Psychic Lance and possibly rivaling it in size, the Psi-Cannon is an Imperial weapon mounted exclusively on the Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titans.
Although they look somewhat similar to a Volcano Cannon, the Psi-Cannon is a device that allows it to focus the psychic antipathy of the dozens of bounded psykers within the Titan itself. When it fires its psychic discharge, rather than a simple psychic attack like force lightning or pyromancy, the Psi-Cannon creates a massive bolt of darkness which is akin to a Warp breach of sheer psychic spite. Due to this, it is somewhat similar in function to a Vortex Weapon than traditional Force Weapons.
On tabletop, this thing is the proverbial rape machine of ALL rape machines, which is one hell of a feat. In 5th Edition, the Psi-Cannon is a multi-attack Strength D weapon of various psychic ass lube. When it attacks, it comes in three circles of Cheese. In the outer circle, it creates a Posion 4+ to any unit within the area. In the middle circle it has the Fleshbane rule. Finally, in the innnermost circle, it is essentially the equivalent of getting hit by a close range Deathstrike Missile Launcher AKA a Vortex, so even a good roll on the Destroyer table probably won't save you. Oh yeah, it also has an AP 3/2/1 for its respective ranges, but that shit is irrelevant compared to the psychic shit storm that would make even Magnymagick blush with envy.
Squats[edit | edit source]
Close-Combat Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Ancestral Ward Stave[edit | edit source]
The quintessential bonk stick.
The Ancestral Ward Stave is the primary weapon and equipment used by the Leagues of Votann's Grimnyr. A type of Barrier-Tech weapon which is a form of quasi-psychic technology. These hard, dense-looking walking canes has special psychic materials that allows the Grimnyr to safely utilize the Warp without going batshit crazy.
On the tabletop, Grandpa's walking stick counts as a S+3 AP-2 Dd3 close-combat weapon. Your Grimnyr gets this. It's not bad, but it is probably best used so your bearded geezer can finish a weak opponent off.
Chaos[edit | edit source]
Close-Combat Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Divining Spear[edit | edit source]
A Chaos Singing Spear.
Divining Spears are Chaos weapons, used by the Tzaangor Enlightened and are tuned to hit predetermined victims. When they are thrown, they emit humming reverberations that grow louder as they near their targets.
In the 8th Edition of the Thousand Sons Codex, the Divining Spear is the primary weapon of the aforementioned Tzaangor Enlightened. These nasty little fuckers are a S+1, AP-1, D1 weapon that can be increased to D2 on the charge.
Combine this with the auto-wounding ability of the Enlightened and you get a weapon that is a nasty surprise for vehicles and monsters.
Achea Khopesh[edit | edit source]
An old Thousand Sons force weapon.
The Achea Khopesh or Achea Force Sword or Achea Blades is a type of Force Sword and one of the first force weapons of its type that was developed by Magnus the Red during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. These uniquely designed blades ignored shields and its force capabilities means it can do anything from cleaving apart targets or covering it in either warpfire or lightning like in Dark Souls. These weapons use a mesh of psycho-conductive filament worked into the surface of a adamantine blade to conduct the raw psychic fury of the wielder. Unlike more common force weapons, these refined devices allow only a lesser portion of the Psyker's will to be channeled through the weapon; a spiritual circuit-breaker that allows these weapons to be safely employed en-masse.
The much larger Osiron Force Blade would later be based on the designs of the Khopesh. Unfortunately, after the Rubric, the Achea Khopesh fell out of use due to the fact that 95% of its users turned to dusty derp. At least the Sehkmet Terminator Cabal still wields them.
Ruleswise, they count as conventional Power Swords, what they do is that they act as a vehicle for the Khenetai Occults to do their special Psychic check to gain +1 to Movement, Weapon Skill, and Attacks. The Scarab Occult also have them, albeit it is slightly longer and it is treated more like a Power Axe.
Commune Stave[edit | edit source]
The cheap dollar-store knock-off you find in Walmart.
The Commune Stave is the primary tool of communication as well as a symbol of religious authority for your cult of Satanic Edgelords. Only used by a Cult Demagogue in a Dark Commune. The Demagogue uses the trapped Daemon as a form of psychic conduit for he/she to cast sorcerous prayers to his/her's cult members and is not really meant to be used as a weapon. These are the poor man's version of a Dark Apostle's Accursed Crozius, only lamer in every way. And we don't just mean its value of quality, but also in the crunch too.
Crunchwise, you definitely ain't using this as a close-combat weapon. AP-1, D3 staff with an S scaling. This ain't it chief, as you're unlikely to kill a god damned Grot in melee with this bonk stick. Rather, it is a support tool to cast either Faithful Flock which allows a unit to automatically pass a Morale test. It also allows the Demagogue to cast Dark Zealotry and Prayers to the Dark Gods. Overall, not a particularly good weapon other than for the looks.
Osiron Force Blade[edit | edit source]

Arguably the first Force weapon ever created by the Imperium.
The Osiron Dreadnought was a specialized class of Contemptor Dreadnoughts that were once used by the Thousand Sons Legion during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Osiron Dreadnoughts were created by the Primarch Magnus the Red himself, and each one had the mortally wounded remains of a Thousand Sons Librarian entombed within, his brain laced with a psychometric barrier.
This allowed the Dreadnought to perform psychic abilities safely, and as such these Dreadnoughts were equipped with Force Weapons. The most commonly known Force Weapon used a massive curved Force Blade that featured an in-built Combi-Bolter loaded with Asphyx Shells.
It is unknown whether such weapons are still in use by the TS in the 41st Millennium.
Eldar[edit | edit source]
Close-Combat Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Witch Blade[edit | edit source]

The most common Eldar Force Weapon and the most recognizable.
Used by Eldar Seers, particularly Farseers and Warlocks and based on a long sword archetype, Witch Blades (or Witchblades) serve as Force Swords with a crystalline, helix shaped force crystal that is powered by the wielder's psychic power.
Used to enhance and unleash the latent psychic power of the wielder, Witchblades are effective against all infantry targets; humanoid, xenos, beast or Daemon.
Singing Spear[edit | edit source]

A Witchblade on Viagra.
A Singing Spear is a force spear which will store psychic energy derived from an Eldar Seer, which the Seer will then throw at an opponent. Once it has struck its opponent, the Singing Spear will return to its wielder like Predator.
Singing Spears obviously take the form of a long spear, thus providing greater striking range and penetrating power. However, since a Singing Spear is a two-handed weapon, its use in close combat is reduced.
Spear of Twilight
Witch Staff[edit | edit source]
The...staffier version of the Witch Blade.
Witch Staves or Witch Staffs act similarly to a Force Staff in that it functions as a safe, psychic conduit for the Eldar to control and project his/her's powers over the battlefields among other psychic shenanigans. It is often used by some Farseers as well as Way Seekers from the Eldar Corsairs' Voidscarred.
On the tabletop, in terms of the Way Seeker version, at D3/5 the staff is no power weapon and is only a bit better than using your fists. Don't use it as a close combat weapon.
Miststave[edit | edit source]

The Miststave of the Harlequins is a traditional close-combat force weapon of the Shadowseers. Crafted from psycho-reactive materials it can channel the psychic power of a wielder to crush the armor plates, flesh and bone of the enemies. Even a glancing blow of this weapon delude the victim clouding its mind with illusions and reducing sight to a slow-motion blur.
The Miststave in 8th edition is the special melee weapon for the Shadowseer, it hits hard with +2S, -1 AP and D1d3. While -1AP is poor, the Shadowseer's 3 attacks let it do a surprising amount of damage up close for a Psyker, and D3 damage gives it a chance to splat other HQs.
Ranged Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Tormentor[edit | edit source]

A very weird weapon, but its Dark Eldar so you shouldn't be that surprised.
The final training of an Incubus is to kill an Aspect Warrior and take his/her spirit stone. Said stone will then be used to make this thing you see here attached by the chest plate. A Tormentor unleashes a torturous neural wave that is, unsurprisingly, extremely painful (Hint: it involves blood being boiled). A Bloodstone is a more powerful kind of Tormentor which is made from the spirit stone of an Exarch.
Don't tell us how this shit works though.
Despite its fluff, back when they had rules it worked exactly like a splinter pistol.
Eyeburst[edit | edit source]

Think of this as something like the Dark Eldar version of the Culexus Assasin's Animus Speculum...but even more edgy (Which is quite the impressive feat mind you).
The weird helmet-looking thing found on Medusae. A Medusae can open its host's steel visor and paralyze those under its gaze with a wave of raw anguish, plunging them into a coma from which there is no recovery. It is unknown what the Dark Eldar would do with these comatose bodies, unless they specifically have some techno-bullshit that can bring these victims out of their deep sleep and into a surprise party.
Also, they may or may not be responsible for feeding the Medusae some psychic brain fruit. Trust us, it gets even weirder afterwards.
On tabletop, the Eyeburst used to be a rough analogue of a Flamer, which should be unsurprising since it has always been described as shooting a 'wave' of psychic terror. But with 8th edition, it is oddly not a Flamer anymore, the Eyeburst of the Medusae has 4 shots S4 with AP-2. Burns through armor well enough, but keep an Archon close for those rerolls to Hit because this thing does NOT hit automatically.
Psychic Lance[edit | edit source]

The largest force weapon known by the Eldar and possibly the largest force weapon to date.
Psychic Lances are a type of Titan Close Combat/Ranged Combi-Weapon with a short-range attack used by Eldar Knights. However, a larger and more powerful variety can be found on the fabled Warlock Titan.
The Eldar psychic lance uses a short-ranged burst of psychic energy directed through a crystal mounted in the Knight's/Titan's visor. The resonance set up in the crystal acts to wipe out aggressive instincts from the creatures in its area of effect. This weapon was originally used by Exodites to pacify local wildlife, but the effect can be amplified to launch devastating assaults on the minds of sentient enemies.
It also looks strangely phallic in appearance. Like a dildo with warts. Actually, fuck that, that just sounds nasty.
Orks[edit | edit source]
Close-Combat Force Weapons[edit | edit source]
Wyrdboy Stikk[edit | edit source]
A Wyrdboy Stikk is a copper staff which Weirdboys use to safely ground their excess psychic energy. It is usually a personal gift from the Weirdboy's superior, usually the Warboss himself and is often decorated with bells along with Weirdboy's clothes. It is the closest thing the Orks have to a Force Weapon.
The staff is a great source of comfort to the Weirdboy as it means he can go about his daily life without suffering from sudden and unexpected outbursts of psychic energy. Unfortunately, this doesn't work all the time and Weirdboys still often form the focus for all sorts of unexplained activity. While it might not save his life, the bang may be of a lesser magnitude than it might otherwise have been.