Radium Weaponry

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"Vulkan: "There will be no Rad or Phosphex in my legion. We shall fight wars humanely. Some things should be left in the dark age."
Ferrus: "Oh cool, when are you going to stop burning people to death?"
Vulkan: "I don't understand the question."

– A conversation between the X and XVIII Primarchs
They're actually nothing like this AT ALL.

In fact this is probably the most inappropriate and tone-deaf illustration on this entire wiki. And that’s saying something .

Radium or Rad Weapons are deadly and highly dangerous weapons that are used exclusively by the forces of the Skitarii Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Think of them as nuclear rifles. Radium Weapons are so volatile that they eventually kill their wielders. Although quite frankly, having a gun that just ends up killing you seems to venture more into Grimderp territory more than anything else. Made worse that the Imperium does have extremely potent small arms scale radiation protection in both material and energy field form. Most likely the Skitarii don’t use the protection because Skitarii are blatantly disposable. Their baroque beauty belies a singularly vile function; not only to strike, but to render the battlefield as deadly as the rad-wastes of Mars. Each weapon's bullet cylinder is so thoroughly bathed in radium that a volley can cause a localized rad-storm. Those inside such a storm soon find their flesh blackening and sloughing away.

So what do they actually... DO? Simply saying "they shoot radiation" isn't descriptive enough; lasguns and melta weapons "shoot radiation" (in visible and infrared respectively). Even plasma, volkite, and projectile weapons generate Bremsstrahlung radiation. That's all photons and charged electrons. What Rad Weapons do is shoot neutron radiation. Lots of it. Somewhere between "peeking into the core of Chernobyl" and "man-shaped shadow on a wall at Hiroshima" levels of neutron radiation.

Nuclear disaster guns are all sorts of grimderp, to the point of being hard to defend even in-context. Anything that pumps out enough neutrons to burn flesh is more than enough to turn pretty much anything else (vehicles, buildings, earth, bones, etc) into short lived radiation sources, meaning that a battlefield with rad weapons will very quickly become deadly and useless to virtually everyone. Vulkan hated them even though his legion was better adapted to eating radiation than any other. There are two caveats to this point: 1) The battlefield being useless to everyone is a good thing if your executing a scorched earth stratagem, and 2) we don't actually know the half life of Radium Weapons so it might be possible to return there once the half-life becomes safe to walk around in a few decades like in Chernobyl.

On tabletop, generally speaking, Rad Weapons have a low strength of 3 and no AP, but a to-wound of 6 causes two damage, although stats do differ depending on what type you're using. In 30k 6s to wound do two auto-wounds saved separately. A ten man squad without special weapons requires about thirty dice rolls. Normally Ork troops would have that much. While having shootouts with the Tau and can even win. But that's how the Adeptus Mechanicus rolls.

Radium Rifles and Pistols both existed before Warhammer in John Carter of Mars, though in both cases they were far less lethal to the user unless their ammunition was exposed to sunlight. Which makes even less sense but given a pass because the internet didn't exist back then and John Carter's first book actually predates actual nuclear technology.

Imperial Variants[edit | edit source]

Rad Grenade[edit | edit source]

For more information, see here: Rad Grenade

Radium Pistol[edit | edit source]

Radium Pistol

A small pistol (Small!? It’s bigger than an arm!) that uses scaled down radium technology, usually used by Skitarii Vanguard and Ranger Alphas. These nuclear armed hand cannons are unfortunately not as rad (Hah! See what I did there?) as one might think. You're better off ponying up the points for the Phosphor Blast Pistol instead, unless you *have* to have radium. But really you're better off just not taking a pistol on your Alpha.

On 8th Edition, this little nuclear powerhouse is a single shot pistol with the abovementioned base stats. If you choose this pistol, you are essentially replacing a Skitarii Alpha's main weapon. Their base weapon does in a turn what this pistol does in two or three. If you choose to drop your main gun for a pistol, there are better alternatives...although this one is free.

Radium Serpenta[edit | edit source]

Radium Serpenta

Like the Phosphor Serpenta, the Radium Serpenta is a baroque-style revolver pistol that increases its range beyond that of a typical sidearm. Except, rather than shooting out space white phosphorous, you're shooting out irradiated plutonium.

Compared to the typical Radium Pistol, the Radium Serpenta is far more superior in its craftsmanship as well as having the aforementioned better range. As such, they are only wielded by the high-ranked Skitarii Marshals as their primary ranged weapon. Still has the shoddy side affects of acute radiation poisoning, unfortunately, so whilst pretty to look at, it is best to stay as far away as possible.

On the tabletop, the Radium Serpenta is actually counted as an assault, not a pistol. It is a 18" ranged S3, AP0, D1 radium weapon, not too shabby for a sidearm.

Rad Beamer[edit | edit source]

Rad Beamer

An absolutely batshit insane radiation projector weapon used only by the Archeoteks of House Van Saar in Necromunda. The Rad Beamer resembles a hand-held, miniature version of the much larger Rad Cannon for all intents and purposes, and that assessment is correct. Mounted on the forearm of an Archeotek and powered by the Archeotek's power pack on his Imperial Mesh Armour. Quite frankly, calling this 'hand-held' is very generous given that this thing is bulky as fuck and looks like it weighs 30kg.

Firing this Chernobyl-level event deals as much damage as the Rad Cannon at a reduced effective range. Unfortunately, it still lacks the safety one-ton worth of lead shielding to prevent the Archeotek from getting radiation poisoning.

Crunchwise, unfortunately, despite the potential in the fluff, crunchwise, this thing just gives you cancer. This gun sucks, like...really suck. You would expect this heavy piece of radiation equipment would be just as powerful as its larger brother right? Nope. Instead of behaving like any other rad weapon, using this piece of shit is the equivalent of spending a whopping 70 credits for an Autogun with Rad-phage. Someone really fucked on this, which is a shame because the weapon kind of looks cool.

Radium Carbine[edit | edit source]

Radium Carbine

The basic weapon of the Skitarii Vanguard. The Radium Carbine rapid firing weapon capable of a punishing rate of fire, it is the main armament of Skitarii Vanguard. The Carbine is noted for its amazing fire rate, sometimes bordering on the absurd; it's entirely possible for this S3, AP0 weapon to destroy vehicles by sheer Dakka.

If you want to roleplay as Fallout in WH40K, this is the gun for you. Speaking of Fallout, this gun closely resembles the Fallout 4's similarly named Radium Rifle in both design and function. On the table, at 18" range and Assault 3 allowing Vanguard to cover lots of ground and still hit on 4+, the Radium Carbine usually means lots of hits at short-mid range.

Rad Gun[edit | edit source]

Rad Gun

The middle child of House Van Saar's Fallout collection.

The Rad Gun is the rifle of the family, boasting stats somewhere in-between that of the smaller Rad Beamer and the much larger Rad Cannon. Like their siblings, the Rad Gun fires a beam of focused ionising radiation akin to a microwave gun. Just like its siblings, having what amounts to a man-portable Chernobyl is bound to give any Van Saar member cancer within an hour of using it continously.

It is a weapon that can be used by the Prime, Augmek and Tek members. They specifically used the Nihilus Pattern.

Crunchwise, despite its awesome appearance, the Rad Gun is a half-strength Flamer with a special rule that does something only half the time. Back in Gang War III, Rad-Phage was a trait to be feared, but it seems that GeeDubs felt that it was too stronk and decided to nerf it. In its current iteration, the Rad Gun is definitely not rad *BLAM*.

Radium Jezzail[edit | edit source]

Radium Jezzail

A motherfucking nuclear sniper rifle. The Radium Jezzail is a long sniper-like weapon that is sometimes used by Sydonian Dragoons instead of a Taser Lance. On the table, it's a two shot sniper version as a weapon choice for the Dragoon, in place of its Taser Lance, for free.

Seriously, it has more power than other armies' sniper rifles, beginning at S5 Heavy 2, it would be more accurate to call it an anti-materiel rifle than a sniper rifle. It is offset for its relatively short range (For a sniper rifle) of 30". It could also Wound at 6's, which causes an extra mortal wound, just to make sure that poor sod is right and proper dead.

Basically, if you're going to be taking these on Dragoons you will have to commit to it; as in they're all gonna be sniping.

Irradiation Projector[edit | edit source]

Irradiation Projector

Dating back to the Great Crusade and working much like an oversized Flamer rather than a light machine gun firing pure Uranium. An Irradiation Projector, also known as a Rad-Cleanser or Irad-Cleanser, are specialized Adeptus Mechanicus weapons. A potent anti-infantry relic of the Dark Age of Technology, the weapon itself is a dish-like projector connected to a bulky generator which unleashes a powerful blast of cross-spectrum radiation.

Victims caught in the blast suffer horrendous deaths as they are boiled alive from within and blasted apart on a cellular level (think microwave combined with particle bombardment, kinda like an unfocused Necron weapon). Though less effective against vehicles or targets with heavy armor, the target will likely die a short time later from late-term effects of acute radiation sickness (compare "Walking-Ghost-phase").

The biggest users are Thallaxes whose enclosed cybernetic harness means that they are less susceptible to radiation poisoning.

Rad Grenade Launcher[edit | edit source]

Rad Grenade Launcher

The Rad Grenade Launcher or sometimes known as the Angel's Tears Grenade Launcher was a type of Grenade Launcher used by the Blood Angels Angel's Tears during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Like the slightly bigger Rad Missile Launcher, these Rad Weapons were spawned from the Unification Wars and Age of Strife and proved itself well-suited to the Angel's Tears role as purgers. These were heavy Grenade Launchers, the type to be fired against dudes in power armour, not cannon fodder. These drum-fed Grenade Launchers like their missile launching counerpart, fired specialised radioactive grenades filled with ionising irradiated materials to completely lay waste in an area, turning them into dirty bombs in the process.

As a Grenade Launcher, it has less range than the Rad Missile Launcher, but it is able to rapid fire and act as a form of light artillery.

Crunchwise, these are S4, AP4, 24" Assault 3 Rad Weapons with Rad-phage and Fleshbane, very, very nasty weapons against GEQs and MEQs alike. Although Terminators and Vehicles can tank them.

Rad Missile Launcher[edit | edit source]

Rad Missile Launcher

The big cheese of the Imperium's Rad Weapons. Rad Missile Launchers were a type of Rad Weapon deployed during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. These Terran-derived missiles are a horror of the genetic wars waged during the Age of Strife, using custom loaded-warheads which combine high explosive fragmentation charges lined with radioactive isotopes.

The effect is to create an intensely toxic radiation weapon that inflicts a hideous death on its victim no matter their resilience. Because of its contaminating and hideous nature, it was deployed sparingly, most commonly by Destroyer Space Marines. The effects of these weapons were so horrific that they were only used against Xenos. Even the worst among the Legion Astartes had very little trust for those would dare use them. Exceptions being the Death Guard and the Dreadwing of the Dark Angels. The effects of Rad Missiles would force Destroyer Marines to replace their limbs with cybernetics. As the ammunition fired by the launcher itself caused aggressive forms of cancer that can deter Space Marines. The outbreak of the Horus Heresy turned Rad Missiles Launchers and Destroyers into a necessary evil for both sides. This is the first pre-Grey Knight answer against Chaos Daemons or anyone dumb enough to not wear or too broke ass to afford Power Armor. Most likely abandoned by Chaos Space Marines due to the possibility of dying from cancer, one of the most humiliating ways to go for a bloodthirsty beserker.

Tl;dr, it's a missile launching dirty bomb.

Rad Cannon[edit | edit source]

Rad Cannon

Rad Cannons are a type of Rad Weapon and the big daddy of the lot. They are known to be used by House Van Saar's Augmek and Tek gangers on Necromunda. These are extremely bulky weapons that essentially shits out Chernobyl-levels of radiation at the particular vicinity.

They are extremely powerful, albeit unwieldy and deadly weapons (for both the enemy target and its user). It should not surprise us that users of Rad Cannons often could count their lifespan in months from constant usage, due to the radiation backwash. For some unknown reasons, the AdMech nor the destroyer squads of the space marines never seem to utilize these dangerous ordinances, despite the fact that they would probably in all likelihood, should. Though their version would be much less shitty and look like a larger Irradiation Projector.

On the Necromunda tabletop, this is a 5” and 32” range blast weapons. For House Van Saar which sorely lacks blasts, this weapon could be a god send. However, the weak-ass Strength of 2 means that you are not hitting above your weight. As such, it is a pretty mix-bag weapon, quite situational honestly.

Karacnos Mortar Battery[edit | edit source]

For more information see here: Karacnos Mortar Battery

Weapons of the Imperium of Man
Ballistics: Absolvor Bolt Pistol - Archaeotech Repeater - Archeotech Revolver - Assault Grenade Launcher - Autopistol
Belasco Galvian Needler - Bolter Cane - Bolt Launcher - Bolt Pistol - Condemnor Stakethrower - Exitus Pistol
Flechette Blaster - Flechette Pistol - Flintlock Pistol - Grenade Discharger - Handbow - Hand Cannon - Heavy Bolt Pistol
Kinetic Destroyer - Needle Pistol - Radium Pistol - Radium Serpenta - Ripper Pistol - Sawn-Off Shotgun - Shotgun Pistol
Stub Gun
Directed-Energy: Arc Pistol - Blast Pistol - Digital Weapons - Disintegration Pistol - Electrostatic Gauntlet - Gamma Pistol
Helfrost Pistol - Hellpistol - Hotshot Laspistol - Inferno Pistol - Laspistol - Neo-Volkite Pistol - Photon Gauntlet
Bale Eye - Eradication Pistol - Plasma-Caster - Plasma Cutter - Plasma Pistol - Rad Beamer - Voltaic Blaster
Volkite Serpenta
Incendiary: Exterminator - Hand Flamer - Phosphor Blast Pistol - Phosphor Pistol - Phosphor Serpenta - Sulphur Breath
Chemical: Alchem Pistol
Gravitational: Grav-Pistol
Other: Chimera Pistol Sword - Grapnel Launcher - Neural Shredder - Reductor Pistol - Snare Gun - Web Pistol - Web Spinner
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Angelus Bolt Carbine - Autogun - Astartes Assault Shotgun - Bolter - Bow - Combat Shotgun - Crossbow
Gun Axe - Galvanic Carbine - Pump-Action Shotgun - Radium Carbine - Storm Bolter - Stubber - Musket
Blunderbuss - Stub Cannon - Stub Rifle - Longrifle - Macrostubber - Bolt Carbine - Imperial Boltgun
Stubcarbine - Sling - Solo Boltgun - Sororitas Boltgun - Special Issue Boltgun - Bolt Rifle - Concussion Carbine
Directed-Energy: Arc Rifle - Blast Rifle - Lascutter - Hellgun - Lasgun (Lasgun Patterns) - Phased Plasma-Fusil - Plasma Blaster
Plasma Incinerator - Suppression Laser - Hotshot Lasgun - Hotshot Volley Gun - Mining Laser - Lascarbine
Laser Gauntlet - Auxilia Lasrifle - Las-Lock - Mitralock - Rad Gun
Incendiary: Assault Flamer - Flamer - Pyreblaster
Gravitational: Grav-gun
Other: Webber
Special Weapons:
Ballistics: Assault Bolter - Grenade Launcher - Flechette Carbine - Needle Sniper Rifle - Radium Jezzail
Sniper Rifle - Transuranic Arquebus - Mole Mortar - Galvanic Caster - Galvanic Rifle - Forge Bolter
Magnarail Lance - Vengeance Grenade Launcher - Purgatus Crossbow - Stake Crossbow
Exitus Rifle - Light Mortar - Mark IX Sniper Rifle - Guardian Bolter - Balistus Grenade Launcher
Lastrum Storm Bolter - Mk.III Shrike Pattern Bolt Sniper Rifle - Krumper Rivet Cannon - Nemesis Bolter
Executioner Shotgun
Directed-Energy: Conversion Beamer - Long-Las - Meltagun - Plasma Caliver - Plasma Gun - Adrathic Destructor
Plasma Repeater - Volkite Charger - Photon Thruster - Melta Rifle - Plasma Talon - Plasma Exterminator
Las-Fusil - Lightning Gun - Proteus Plasma Projector - Volkite Incinerator - Plasma Burner - Arc Lance
Eradication Ray
Incendiary: Incinerator - Phosphor Blast Carbine - Phosphor Torch - Immolation Rifle - Balefire Gun
Chemical: Alchem Flamer - Chem-Thrower
Sonic: Transonic Cannon
Gravitational: Grav-Amp
Warpcraft: Animus Speculum - Psilencer - Psycannon
Combi-Weapons: Magna-Needle Mk.X Pattern Pistol - Ultra-Needle Mk.IX Pattern Pistol - Stub Gun-Plasma Combi-Pistol
Combi-Flamer - Combi-Melta - Combi-Grenade Launcher - Combi-Plasma - Combi-Grav - Combi-Volkite
Infernus Heavy Bolter - Adrastus Bolt Caliver - Disintegration Combi-Gun - Combi-Needler
Condemner Boltgun - Executioner Pistol - Needlespine Blaster
Other: Chaff Launcher - Crozius Arkanos - Infernum Halo Launcher
SLHG Pattern Assault Ram - Stormcaller Stave - Tarantula Sentry Gun
Heavy Weapons:
Ballistics: Autocannon - Assault Cannon - Scatterbolt Launcher - Harpoon Gun - Heavy Bolter - Heavy Stubber - Missile Launcher
Rotor Cannon - Heavy Mortar - Heavy Shotgun - Storm-Welder - Heavy Crossbow - Harpoon Launcher - Scatter Cannon
Ripper Gun - Rad Missile Launcher - Boltstorm Gauntlet - Maxim Bolter - Grenadier Gauntlet - Tempest Bolter
Mole Launcher - Salvo Launcher - Mauler Bolt Cannon - Cyclone Missile Launcher - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Skyhammer Missile Launcher - Grenade Harness - Cerberus Launcher - Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Deathwatch Frag Cannon - Auto-Launcher - Ravenwing Grenade Launcher - Thunderfire Cannon - Icarus Rocket Pod
Ironhail Heavy Stubber - Lucius Pattern Heavy Quad-Launcher - Tempest Salvo Launcher - Bombast Field Gun
Castellan Launcher (Superfrag Rocket Launcher - Superkrak Rocket Launcher - Vengor Launcher) - Charge Caster
Concussion Cannon - Malleus Rocket Launcher - Rad Grenade Launcher
Directed-Energy: Heavy Arc Rifle - Helfrost Cannon - Lascannon - Rad Cannon - Multi-Melta - Multi-laser
Plasma Cannon - Volkite Caliver - Volkite Culverin - Darkfire Cannon - Melta Destroyer
Las-Ripper - Irradiation Projector - Volkite Blaster - Plasma Culverin - Heavy Mining Laser
Volkite Cavitor - Volkite Falconet Battery - Corve Las-Pulser - Vultarax Arc Blaster
Heavy Lascannon
Incendiary: Atalan Incinerator - Heavy Flamer - Phosphor Blaster
Flamestorm Gauntlet - Incendine Combustor
Pyroclast Flame Projector - Infernus Firepike
Chemical: Alchem Heavy Flamer - Death Cloud Projector
Sonic: Seismic Cannon
Gravitational: Grav-Cannon - Heavy Grav-Cannon - Graviton Pulsar - Graviton Ram
Other: Firestrike Servo-Turret - Heavy Webber - Mancatcher - Sabre Weapons Battery - Torsion Cannon
Daemon Weapons:
Ballistics: Hellrifle
Ballistics: Anvilus Autocannon Battery - Anvilus Snub Autocannon - Battle Cannon - Conqueror Cannon - Demolisher Cannon
Hellstrike Missile - Hydra Autocannon - Eradicator Nova Cannon - Punisher Gatling Cannon - Punisher Rotary Cannon
Vanquisher Cannon - Ironhail Skytalon Array - Ferrumite Cannon - Onslaught Gatling Cannon - Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Icarus Stormcannon Array - Siegebreaker Cannon - Skyreaper Battery - Avenger Bolt Cannon - Iliastus Accelerator Cannon
Hurricane Bolter - Lastrum Bolt Cannon - Multiple Rocket Pod - Blackstar Rocket Launcher - Deathwind Missile Launcher
Hunter-Killer Missile - Bellicatus Missile Array - Hammerstrike Missile Launcher - Sabre Missile Launcher
Disruptor Missile Launcher - Frag Cannon - Hellfury Missile - Skystrike Missile - Stormstrike Missile Launcher
Aiolos Missile Launcher - Scorpius Launcher - Hyperios Missile Launcher - Hammerfall Missile Launcher
Ironclad Assault Launcher - Boreas Air Defence Missile - Skyspear Missile Launcher - Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
Arcus Launcher - Krakstorm Grenade Launcher - Blackstar Cluster Launcher - Macharius Battle Cannon - Taurox Battle Cannon
Taurox Gatling Cannon - Leviathan Storm Cannon - Vengeance Launcher - Xiphon Rotary Missile Launcher - Kratos Battlecannon
Hellion Pattern Heavy Cannon Array - Terrebrax Rocket Battery - Castigator Gatling Cannon - Pulveriser Cannon
Ballistus Missile Launcher - Oppressor Cannon
Directed-Energy: Helfrost Destructor - Magma Cannon - Pulsar-Fusil - Volcano Cannon - Volkite Saker - Adrathic Devastator - Eradication Beamer
Las-Talon - Macro Plasma Incinerator - Volkite Demi-Culverin - Melta-Cutter - Siege Melta Array - Plasma Eradicator
Magna-Melta - Plasma Destroyer - Volkite Sentinel - Cyclonic Melta Lance - Plasma Storm Battery - Heavy Conversion Beamer
Thermal Spear - Hellfire Plasma Cannonade - Neutron Laser Projector - Neutron Laser - Arachnus Blaze Cannon
Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon - Arachnus Heavy Lascannon Battery - Arachnus Storm Cannon - Laser Destroyer Array
Laser Destroyer - Heavy Laser Destroyer - Omega Plasma Array - Sabre Neutron Blaster - Solex Heavy Lascannon
Melta Blastgun - Volkite Cardanelle
Incendiary: Heavy Phosphor Blaster - Incendium Cannon - Inferno Cannon - Flamestorm Cannon - Clearance Incinerator
Infernus Incinerator - Heavy Incinerator
Chemical: Chem Cannon
Sonic: Heavy Seismic Cannon - Laud Hailer
Warpcraft: Gatling Psilencer - Heavy Psycannon - Rift Cannon
Combi-Weapons: Cerastus Shock Lance
Ballistics: Apocalypse Missile Launcher - Basilisk Magnus - Colossus Siege Mortar - Deathstrike Cannon - Deathstrike Missile
Dreadhammer Cannon - Earthshaker Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar - Manticore Missile - Medusa Siege Cannon
Quake Cannon - Spicula Rocket System - Stormshard Mortar - Stormsword Siege Cannon - Tremor Cannon
Nemesis Quake Cannon - Doomsday Cannon - Exorcist Multiple Missile Launcher - Taurox Missile Launcher
Ironstorm Missile Pod - Stormspear Rocket Pod - Spiculus Bolt Launcher - Karacnos Mortar Battery
Praetor Multiple Missile Launcher - Morbus Heavy Bombard - Dominus Triple Bombard - Behemoth Cannon
Whirlwind Multiple Missile Launcher
Directed-Energy: Belleros Energy Cannon - Hellex Plasma Mortar
Gravitational: Graviton-Charge Cannon - Grav Flux Bombard
Warpcraft: Vortex Missile
Ballistics: Accelerator Autocannon - Ardex Defensor Mega-Bolter - Avenger Gatling Cannon - Doomstrike Missile Launcher
Gatling Blaster - Thunderhawk Cannon - Vulcan Mega Bolter - Trident - Thundercoil Harpoon - Castigator Bolt Cannon
Shieldbreaker Missile - Helios Defense Missile Pod - Hellion Missile - Accelerator Cannon - Baneblade Cannon
Stormhammer Cannon - Hellhammer Cannon - Macro-Accelerator Cannon - Revelator Missile Launcher
Cruciator Gatling Array
Directed-Energy: Atrapos Lascutter - Hellstorm Cannon - Lightning Cannon - Melta Cannon - Plasma Annihilator
Plasma Blastgun - Plasma Destructor - Plasma Obliterator - Turbo-Laser Destructor
Vengeance Cannon - Arachnus Magna-Blaze Cannon - Thermal Cannon - Plasma Decimator
Volkite Veuglaire - Las-Impulsor - Volcano Lance - Volkite Chieorovile - Volkite Carronade
Defense Laser - Lightning Lock - Conversion Beam Cannon - Volkite Eradicator - Volkite Destructor
Conversion Beam Dissolutor - Extirpator Cannon
Incendiary: Acheron Flame Cannon - Conflagration Cannon - Inferno Gun
Sonic: Sonic Destructor
Gravitational: Graviton Destructor - Graviton Imploder - Graviton Ruinator
Graviton Singularity Cannon - Krius Grav Imploder
Warpcraft: Warp Missile - Warp Missile Rack - Psi-Cannon
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Annihilator Cannon - Bombardment Cannon - Doomstorm Missile
Hellfire Missile - Macro Cannon - Nova Cannon - Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Lance Weapon
Sonic: Sonic Disruptor
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Chain Weapons - C'tan Phase Weapons - Daemonblade - Force Weapons - Power Weapons - Arc Close Combat Weapons
Transonic Weapons - Basic Close Combat Weapons - Imperial Miscellaneous Weapons - Grav Close Combat Weapons
Grenades & Explosives: Arc Grenade - Blind Grenade - Choke Gas Bomb - Colossus Bomb - Demolition Charge - Frag Grenade - Gunk Bomb
Haywire Mine - Heavy Bomb - Incendiary Charge - Krak Grenade - Melta Bomb - Mindscrambler Grenade - Phosphex Bomb
Poison Globe Grenade - Smoke Grenade - Shock Grenade - Stasis Bomb - Stasis Grenade - Psyk-Out Grenade - Rad Grenade
Tectomagnic Munitions - Vortex Grenade

Tau Variants[edit | edit source]

The Tau Empire only utilize one type of rad weapon in which only the Vespids are known to use.

Neutron Blaster[edit | edit source]

Neutron Blaster

The primary weapon of the giant cockroaches. Neutron Blasters are some type of rad weapon that fires irradiated neutrons. The Neutron Blaster is one of the most bizarre and impractical weapons ever conceived by Games Workshop. This is due to the fact that in order to fire it, you need a constant, ultrasonic tone emitted only by the vibrations of the Vespid wing casings which perfectly modulate the energies contained within the crystals. Whilst some may claim that this allows only the Vespids to utilize these weapons which is a great enemy denial tool. It also presents the problems of the usefulness of this weapon in closed, cramp spaces, or the hard vacuum of outer space which may render the weapon quite useless....whoops....

The Neutron Blaster in a sense, is a hybrid of Vespid and Tau technology, the bulk of a Neutron Blaster is of Tau manufacture as the Vespid have not yet attained the technical facility to fabricate it themselves. Mounted at the barrel of the weapon is a highly energetic and unstable crystal harvested from the lowest levels of the largest stalactite islands of the Vespid homeworld in the deepest reaches of Vespid's cloud seas. At such depths, the atmospheric pressures create all manner of exotic, bizarre and unique crystal formations, and it is only the larger female Vespid, those who form the leader class of the species, who have the constitution to descend to such depths and harvest the purest crystals.

Neutron Blasters are capable of emitting short-ranged but deadly streams of neutron radiation that are able to pass straight through all but the sturdiest of ray-shielded enemy armor to reduce biological matter or delicate machine circuitry to cinders.

For some reason, the Neutron it fires is a sickly green despite the fact that neutrons aren't known to come in green.

Weapons of the Tau Empire
Ballistics: Kroot Pistol
Directed-Energy: Pulse Pistol
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Kroot Scattergun - Kroot Rifle - Krootbow
Directed-Energy: Pulse Blaster - Pulse Carbine - Pulse Rifle
Special Weapons:
Ballistics: Accelerator Bow - Kroot Bolt Thrower - Kroot Gun
Kroot Hunting Rifle - Londaxi Tribalest - Rail Rifle
Directed-Energy: Ion Rifle - Neutron Blaster
Other: Dvorgite Skinner
Ballistics: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector - Flechette Discharger - Heavy Rail Rifle - Missile Pod
Directed-Energy: Burst Cannon - Cyclic Ion Blaster - Cyclic Ion Raker - Fusion Blaster - Fusion Cascade
Fusion Collider - Heavy Burst Cannon - Phased Ion Gun - Plasma Rifle
Incendiary: Tau Flamer
Heavy Battlesuit
Ballistics: Fragmentation Cluster Shell Launcher - High-Yield Missile Pod
Directed-Energy: Heavy Burst Cannon - Ion Accelerator - Ionic Discharge Cannon
Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon - Pulse Submunitions Cannon
Pulse Submunitions Rifle
Incendiary: Phased Plasma Flamer
Ballistics: Railgun - Seeker Missile - Smart Missile System
Directed-Energy: Ion Cannon - Tau Plasma Cannon - Pulse Bomb Generator
Quad Ion Turret - Fusion Cannon
Ballistics: Cluster Rocket System - Destroyer Missile - Heavy Rail Cannon Array
Heavy Railgun - Nexus Meteor Missile System
Directed-Energy: Ar'Ka Cannon - Fusion Eradicator - Pulse Blastcannon
Pulse Driver Cannon - Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver
Tri-Axis Ion Cannon
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Torpedo - Starship Railgun - Heavy Starship Railgun
Gravitic Launcher - Warsphere Missile Pod
Directed-Energy: Cutting Beam - Heavy Ion Cannon
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Bonding Knife - Equaliser - Honour Blade - Onager Gauntlet
Grenades & Explosives: EMP Grenade - Photon Grenade