Disintegration Pistol
The Disintegration Pistol is the smaller brother of the more famous Disintegration Combi-Gun. But like its bigger brother, the Disintegration Pistol is found exclusively only on the limited edition "Imperial Space Marine" model. So if you want one, you have to either buy one off from E-Bay or 3D print it yourself.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Nevertheless, the Disintegration Pistol works off in the same way as its big bro. These weapons can reduce a target to atoms in the blink of an eye. Though highly dangerous, few remain in Imperial use and the ones that do are revered beyond measure as they came from the Dark Age of Technology and are classified as Archeotech. Now, whether it is related to the Adrathic Weapons or Conversion Beamers we have no idea since they both function identically the same as molecular vapouriser guns.
Unfortunately, despite its sweet fluff, the model has been obscured by the Marine's arm getting in the way. So we don't really have a clear idea on what it completely looks like outside of its mould casing. Crunchwise, in 7E, the Disintegration Pistol itself has a very similar statline and effects to the Adrathic weaponry.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Alternate view.
Mould model, the closest way we can see what it looks like in full.