Clan Skryre

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Clan Skryre is one of the four major clans of the Skaven, and along with Clan Moulder represent the scientific bent to the race. They specialize in making technological wonders, often combining mechanical ingenuity with Warpstone-powered magic and expendable slaves or idiots to carry the damn things. Their inventions range from the Skaven-portable Warplock jezzail, to the Warpfire Thrower (read: magic flamethrower), all the way up to the mighty Warp Lightning Cannon. They also made a Chaos nuclear bomb once and placed it under the capital city of the MANTHINGS once, but it failed to detonate. In general, the more powerful the device, the less reliable it is -- the results of using one are always spectacular, but sometimes they do more harm to the user than the intended target (which is why Clan Skryre tends to behave like wizards and stand amongst their bodyguards while the footplodders do their work). This suits Skryre just fine, as long as they get enough data to make something better.

tl:dr They have the best gubbinz and they sell said gubbinz to everyone else.

More recently, they developed the Farsqueaker, a telephone-like communications device that has managed to unify the Skaven tribes for the first time in recorded history.

Clans of the Skaven
Great Clans: Clan Eshin - Clan Moulder - Clan Pestilens - Clan Skryre
Thrall Clans: Clan Ektrik - Clan Feesik - Clan Fester - Clan Flem - Clan Gratzz - Clan Kreepus
Clan Morbidus - Clan Septik - Clan Skrat - Clan Treecherik - Clan Vrrtkin - Clan Verms
Warlord Clans: Clan Carrion - Clan Corpulent - Clan Crooktail - Clan Famin - Clan Ferrik - Clan Festerlingus
Clan Festus - Clan Gangrous - Clan Gnaw - Clan Gowjyer - Clan Grikk - Clan Gristlecrack
Clan Gritak - Clan Gritus - Clan Grutnik - Clan Klaw - Clan Krik - Clan Krizzor
Clan Liskit - Clan Makris - Clan Mange - Clan Mawrrl - Clan Merkit - Clan Mordkin - Clan Mors
Clan Rictus - Clan Rikek - Clan Rikket - Clan Scruten - Clan Skab - Clan Skaul - Clan Skitr
Clan Skitterbite - Clan Skrapp - Clan Skrittlespike - Clan Skully - Clan Skurvy - Clan Skuttle
Clan Sleekit - Clan Spittle - Clan Volkn - Clan Vruzz
Age of Sigmar Clans: Clan Verminus - Clan Blistryk -Clan Brakkish - Clan Buborix - Clan Corruptus - Clan Craniak - Clan Dessik - Clan Dregg - Clan Ekkit
Clan Ezzik - Clan Fang - Clan Fizzik - Clan Ghrubbitus - Clan Gnarlkyn - Clan Iytch - Clan Koniptik - Clan Krakhl
Clan Kratt - Clan Morskrit - Clan Nibbolt - Clan Nichtus - Clan Nullix - Clan Phrikk - Clan Pustulous - Clan Resnykt
Clan Retchid - Clan Rhukrit - Clan Scour - Clan Scurrie - Clan Shokryk - Clan Shrok - Clan Shushbik - Clan Shyvik - Clan Skarrik
Clan Skrabb - Clan Slynk - Clan Snirk - Clan Sputix - Clan Stabbik - Clan Staktik - Clan Stryk
Clan Threbb - Clan Thikkrik - Clan Virulox - Clan Vomikrit - Clan Vomix - Clan Vrash - Clan Zikk - Clan Ziknak