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Alignment Chaotic Good
Divine Rank Lesser God
Pantheon Drow, Elf, Faerun
Portfolio the Moon, Beauty, Swords, Singing, Legitimising Drizzt clones
Domains Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Moon, Portal
Home Plane Couch surfing between Arvandor and the Demonweb Pits
Worshippers Drizzt clones
Favoured Weapon Moonsword (BASTARD sword)

Eilistraee is the daughter of Corellon Larethian and Araushnee in the Forgotten Realms setting. Despite being a good deity, she chose exile with her mother because she realised that her people needed someone to look out for them.

Also the topic of considerable Skub especially since her portfolio is pretty much covered by Sehanine Moonbow (even their mythological histories can be considered interchangeable to a point), considering that she only really exists to provide a legitimate avenue for redemption of Drow thereby opening the floodgates to a plethora of Drizzt clones.


During the dawn of time, Corellon Larethian's wife Araushnee decided that she wanted rid of him.

In one particular telling if the story (because there are several) Araushnee laid a curse on an arrow, to ensure it would find her husband's heart.

During a hunt, his daughter Eilistraee let the arrow loose, and accidentally took daddy out of action. Not only that, but in everyone's moment of confusion the gods of evil decided to invade Arvandor.

Thankfully, Sehanine Moonbow had spotted that Araushnee had been sleeping around, and combined with the other female goddesses to create her final form:Angharradh which gave her the power to heal dear old dad. Whereupon they kicked the butts of evil... for GOODNESS!

Afterwards, Corellon asked for a quickie divorce, so long as he kept the house. The kids got to choose between parents, and though Eilistraee had just found out her mum was a complete hoebag, she still felt guilty about shooting her dad in the heart. So she moved in to a condo in the middle of the Abyss with her mother and her brother Vhaeraun, while also forswearing the use of range weapons ever again.


Sword Dancers

Vandria Gilmadrith

Vandria Gilmadrith
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Divine Rank Intermediate Goddess
Pantheon Elf
Portfolio War, Justice, Vigilance, Decision
Domains Law, Protection, War
Home Plane Arvandor
Worshippers Lawful Elves
Favoured Weapon Longbow

Meanwhile back in "Core" D&D, in something similar to a "What if?" Scenario, we have Vandria. Who is also the daughter of Corellon and Araushnee. Though in this case the story does not have his daughter shoot him through the heart with a cursed arrow. Or at the very least his daughter did not follow Araushnee into the Abyss.

So we get to see what the daughter would have turned out like if she was raised by Corellon instead, and bizarrely she turns out unlike any other Elven god in the Pantheon: Vandria is LAWFUL, but not only that but an entire rank category higher than Eilistraee too. So we can probably suggest that the decision to move in with mother was a bad one, if the spiders, hate and mortal sacrifice didn't already give it away.

Vandria Gilmadrith is the goddess of guardians in Elven communities. Her servants participate strongly with the town militias, and they have strongholds hidden all over the place. They also act as arbitrators as diplomats because they are likely to be the most even handed amongst elves.