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{{Infobox Deity |Name = Eilistraee |Symbol = |Alignment = Chaotic Good |Divine Rank = Lesser God |Pantheon = Dark Seldarine, Faerûn |Portfolio = the Moon, Beauty, Swords, Singing, Legitimising Drizzt clones |Domains = 3E: Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Moon, Portal
5E: Life, Light, Nature |Home Plane = Great Wheel: Svartalfheim (Ysgard)
World Tree: Arvandor, The Demonweb Pits (Abyss) |Worshippers = Drizzt clones |Favoured Weapon = Moonsword (BASTARD sword) } Eilistraee is the daughter of Corellon Larethian and Araushnee. She exclusively exists in the Forgotten Realms setting, a drow goddess whose domains include: beauty, dance, song, freedom, moonlight, hunt, and swordwork. The Dark Maiden, as she is called, is the patroness of all drow who long for a life free from the strife imposed on them by Lolth, of artists, smiths, hunters, and outcasts. Even though focused on drow, Eilistraee gladly welcomes and helps anyone willing to walk a path that revels in life and its celebration.

Due to her choice of sharing the fate of her people, the drow, Eilistraee went through many hardships and much pain in her life, but she learned to turn the scars of her battles into flowers--both for all those who need her, and for herself. Despite all her wounds, she never stopped seeing and healing the beauty in all things and souls—including what was broken or corrupted; she never stopped loving, dreaming and smiling to life. The Dark Maiden can still find hope, and the strength to create and nurture, even in the deepest abyss, where most would only see hatred and despair. She works to bring her warmth to all those trapped in the cold of their night--especially her people.

That said, Eilistraee reamins a generally melancholy goddess (in great part because of the suffering of her people, the drow), but she still tries her best to spread joy, show kindness, and make life flourish. She is a lover of peace and beauty, music and dance, and is happiest when seeing artists—especially bards, dancers, and musicians—composing and performing, craftsmen at their work, people doing acts of kindness, and lovers in tender moments. She herself enjoys helping people in need in various practical ways. Despite her kind heart, the Dark Maiden is also a free spirit with a moody and wild side to her personality. She has a fiery streak and is prone to wild action, especially in protection of her faithful when they are harmed.

Eilistraee works to "redeem" the drow by showing them all that they've been missing on in life due to Lolth's oppression, and by taking the role of a nurturing mother. While they were taught that love and affection are weakness, Eilistraee loves them as they are--including vulnerabilities and wounds--and shows them the strength in compassion and caring for each other. While they were taught that an individual has no value except for the power and favor from Lolth that they detain, Eilistraee shows them that they matter as people. Lolth's society is governed by rigid roles and rules, and every drow is forced to constantly wear a mask and enegage in the perennial strife. Eilistraee, on the other hand, teaches them the freedom of expressing themselves, of casting off their chains, and experience that full, vivid joy that too many are denied. With her focus on beauty and freedom, Eilistraee lures the drow out of their prison (and, weirdly, comfort zone, due to Lolth's indoctrination), to embark on a journey to see and marvel at what life actually is, to open their eyes and make them understand that a different existence is not only possible, but that it leads to actual happiness and liberation.

The Dark Maiden does her best to help her "children" in various practical ways, nurturing, protecting and teaching them about the surface world that is their forgotten home. For example, she often scares off aggressors, sends visions warning of danger, or leads a stag within the reach of a hungry drow. She provides dancing beams of moonlight that move about guiding those who are lost in the dark and leading them to safety, or to lighten childbirths. She is also known to often appear when her children need confort and her visible support in difficult moments (or to welcome a new drow to join her dance). It usually happens through her own moonlight, or as a protecting, shadowy, tall female dark elf that dances with the drow.

Even then, Eilistraee tries to leave the drow free to choose; she is subtle and delicate when offering her help, and careful to never impose herself or to forcefully intervene in people's choices. She wishes for her children to find their own path, and to see with their own eyes what life has to offer.


When, during her youth, a host of evil deities assaulted Arvandor (her home), Araushnee's treachery almost made Eilistraee slay her own father. Even though she was cleared from any guilt, Eilistraee chose to share her mother's exile, because she had foreseen that the drow would need her light and help in the dark times to come. After her exile, the Dark Maiden wandered Toril, the same world that the elves--including the dark elves that she wanted to watch over--had chosen as their home. For centuries, she fought Vhaeraun's (her brother)and Ghaunadaur's corruption of the drow in southern Faerun, but in the end she wasn't powerful enough to prevent their rise. Eilistraee and her people would later found a flourishing center of arts and magic in Miyeritar, but the following centuries would inflict blow after blow to them. During the Crown Wars, she could only mitigate the growing control Lolth, Vhaeraun, and Ghaunadaur had over the dark elves of the south, and Dark Disaster – a magical cataclysm unleashed by the elves of Aryvandaar – caused the death of the majority of her people in Miyeritar, leading her to lose everything she had worked for, and bringing her to a near powerless state.

Eilistraee found an unlikely protégé in her nephew-god, Selvetarm. He was the son of Vhaeraun and Zandilar the Dancer, but had spurned both his parents and walked alone for centuries, neither good nor evil. Finally, he was befriended by his aunt Eilistraee, and grew close to her. Selvetarm came to admire her goodness and appreciate her teachings, and the goddess hoped that, by teaching him her ways, he could become an exemplar that would aid her in healing the rift between the dark elves and the Seldarine. However, said hope and friendship ended when Lolth tricked Selvetarm into slaying Zanassu (a demon lord whom Lolth considered her rival, as he claimed to have power over spiders), by promising him that doing so would gain him the appreciation of the Dark Maiden. But Selvetarm was overwhelmed by the demonic essence and he fell wholly to evil, ending up as Lolth's champion. Spiteful Lolth did this to prevent her daughter gaining an ally among the Dark Seldarine.

Lolth and Ghaunadaur gained great influence among the dark elves, until the Seldarine and the elven court cursed and exiled all dark elves (including Eilistraee's followers). Once again, Eilistraee chose to share the path of her people, but in her powerless state she could not rival Lolth as deity of the dark elves, and the Spider Queen led them in the Underdark. After this event, Lolth's and Ghaunadaur's persecution of worshipers of rival deities further marginalized the influence of the Lady of the Dance for millennia. Since after the descent of the drow, Eilistraee has tried her best to be a mother goddess to her people and to bring them the hope of a new life: she fights to lead them back to the lands of light, helping them to flourish and prosper in harmony with all other races, free from Lolth's tyranny. Hers is an uphill battle, however, as her power is little and she is opposed by all the gods of the Dark Seldarine. Multiple times the Dark Maiden and her followers managed to rebuild and gain some prominence, and many times they fell; despite all this, Eilistraee kept starting over and never stopped fighting for her people. In the 1370s, the efforts were rewarded with a new rise to power. Eventually, the Dark Maiden chose to put her own life at risk in a battle to free the drow from Lolth and once and for all. She was defeated and (apparently) killed--even though, as suggested by Ed Greenwood, thanks to the help of Mystra, the hit that took her down only made her lose her divinity, forcing her to lay low and recover for a century or so. It lasted until the Second Sundering (circa 1480s DR/5e D&D), when Eilistraee returned to her people.


The first ever depiction of a holy rite of Eilistraee, from AD&D FR's "Drow of the Underdark".

The followers of Eilistraee operate according to these tenets:

On helping others

Aid and protect all folks in need, of any race, weak and strong, kind or rude, promoting harmony and acceptance among all races. Lend your help to all those who fight for good whenever there are ways to do so. When not fighting evil, be always kind—even to those who show rudeness—and aid others in acts of kindness.

Strangers are your friends. Hungry travelers are to be fed and the homeless are to be given shelter—under your own roof if needed--. When traveling and while adventuring, feed, help and protect all those in need met along the way as a prayer and offering to the goddess. Patrol the lands about, especially in cold winters, so that all those who are lost, hurt, or bitten by the cold can be given appropriate cures and shelter.

On promoting joy, arts, and beauty

Bring happiness and merriment everywhere you go, lifting people's hearts with kindness, gaiety, songs, jests, and revelry. Nurture and create beauty, promote and practice music and dance, learn new songs and dances and how to play, craft and repair musical instruments. Pass this learning on whenever possible and use it to bring joy to friends and strangers alike. Feasts should always be joyful events and food eaten with the accompaniment of music, save for sad occasions. Practice swordwork, learning new techniques with the blade.

On Drow

Encourage drow to return to the surface world whenever and wherever there are ways to do so. Work to promote peace with other races, helping the drow to forge their own place in the world and become part of its rightful, nonevil inhabitants. Aid all dark elves who are in danger or in need of help. If they are in combat, the fighting must be ended as soon as possible, with as little bloodshed as possible. All drow met, when not working evil on others, are to be given the message of Eilistraee:

A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow.

On food

Learn how to best cook food and game, and gather new recipes and spices whenever there is the chance to do so. Try to feed yourself by your own gardening and hunting skills and assist hunters when possible. If food is aplenty, part of it is to be set aside and given to all those in need (especially outcasts and individuals of other races)--try to always carry some food for this purpose--. Give any remaining food to the priestesses of the Dark Maiden, as they will do the same and none shall go hungry.

On conflict

Repay violence with swift violence, quickly removing dangers and threats, so that the fewest may be hurt. When fighting evil, the bodies of the fallen enemies are to be burned as an offering to the goddess, unless they happen to be edible and nonsentient and hungry people are near. When faithful, friends and allies fall in battle, priestesses of the Dark Maiden must comfort and soothe those who are mourning the loss, and provide a funeral song and burial.

On possessions

Wealth should be used to buy food, swords, armor and musical instruments and to assist the work of the goddess. When helping others, take as price no more than a single tool or favor that can be used to serve the goddess' will.

Eilistraee and her church detest slavery and actively fight it whenever possible. Followers of the Dark Maiden are therefore forbidden from taking slaves, and prisoners of war (mostly Lolth-worshipping drow or untrusted individuals who have acquired too much knowledge and that are held for some time to make sure that such knowledge isn't used against the followers of Eilistraee) are usually made work for food and shelter, but they aren't owned and can't be commanded by anyone (only supervisors assigned by the decision-makers among the Dark Dancer’s worshippers can give them orders, in selected cases).


Vandria Gilmadrith

Vandria Gilmadrith
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Divine Rank Intermediate Goddess
Pantheon Seldarine
Portfolio War, Justice, Vigilance, Decision, Grief
Domains 3E: Law, Protection, War
5E: Grave, War
Home Plane Arvandor
Worshippers Lawful Elves
Favoured Weapon Longbow

Meanwhile back in "Core" D&D, in something similar to a "What if?" Scenario, we have Vandria. Who is also the daughter of Corellon and Araushnee. Though in this case the story does not have his daughter shoot him through the heart with a cursed arrow. Or at the very least his daughter did not follow Araushnee into the Abyss.

So we get to see what the daughter would have turned out like if she was raised by Corellon instead, and bizarrely she turns out unlike any other Elven god in the Pantheon: Vandria is LAWFUL, but not only that but an entire rank category higher than Eilistraee too. So we can probably suggest that the decision to move in with mother was a bad one, if the spiders, hate and mortal sacrifice didn't already give it away.

Vandria Gilmadrith is the goddess of guardians in Elven communities. Her servants participate strongly with the town militias, and they have strongholds hidden all over the place. They also act as arbitrators as diplomats because they are likely to be the most even handed amongst elves.
