Seldarine is a bit of gamer slang that originates amongst and is used by the Dungeons & Dragons fandom. It is the in-universe "pantheon name" for the pantheon of Elf Gods, as featured in Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and Planescape, making it analogous to the Morndinsamman, the pantheon of Dwarf Gods.
The Seldarine is divided into two aspects; the "Light" (just called the Seldarine) covers the various gods of the Elves, whilst the "Dark Seldarine" covers the various gods of the Drow.
The Elven gods themselves have been described as androgynous and genderless as early as 2e, but were referred to as male or female by their mortal followers through the various allegorical tales, myths, and legends surrounding their activities. Of course as divine powers the Seldarine can take whatever shape they like, though the formless aspect of their nature has perhaps been exemplified more in 5e, where Corellon took offense to the other gods and elves taking distinct shapes and has a distinctly more Grimdark relationship with them compared to earlier editions.
Whilst the most popular Seldarine have been detailed in various sourcebooks, such as Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground and Demihuman Deities, a number of lesser members of the Seldarine have slipped through in various sources, namely Dragon magazine issues #155, 236, and 251, certain 3e Forgotten Realms sourcebooks, and 3e's "Races of the Wild".
For greater details, see here:
Elf Gods[edit | edit source]
- Corellon, god of war and protection
- Aerdrie Faenya, goddess of flying creatures and the sky
- Deep Sashelas, god of the seas, knowledge and sea-elves
- Elebrin Liothiel, goddess of nature and gardens
- Erevan Ilesere, goddess of mischief and mayhem
- Fenmarel Mestarine, god of wild-elves and outcasts
- Hanali Celanil, goddess of love and beauty
- Labelas Enoreth, god of time and longevity
- Rillifane Rallathil, god of wilderness and woodlands
- Sehanine Moonbow, goddess of death and dreams
- Solonor Thelandira, god of hunting and survival
Lesser Seldarine Members[edit | edit source]
Races of the Wild[edit | edit source]
- Alobal Lorfiril, god of indulgence and mirth
- Elebrin Liothiel, goddess of nature and gardens
- Vandria Gilmadrith, goddess of war and grieving
Dragon Magazine[edit | edit source]
- Araleth Letheranil, god of stars and revelation
- Alathrien Druanna, goddess of runes and magic
- Darahl Firecloak, god of earth and fire
- Kirith Sotheril, goddess of divination and enchantment
- Melira Taralen,
- Mythrien Sarath, archfey of protection magic
- Naralis Analor, god of dying and healing
- Rellavar Danuvien, god of winter and harsh weather
- Sarula Iliene, goddess of lakes and water
- Tethrin Veralde, god bladesinging and swordwork
- Tarsellis Meunniduin, god snow-elves and mountains
Greyhawk[edit | edit source]
Forgotten Realms[edit | edit source]
- Angharradh
- Khalreshaar, an aspect of Mielikki
- Shevarash
- Trishina, consort of Deep Sashelas.
- Zandilar the Dancer, a forgotten elven deity of the Yuirwood elves and now an aspect of the goddess Sharess.
Drow Gods[edit | edit source]
Whilst not an official part of the Dark Seldarine, drow are known to worship (or have worshipped) various Demon Princes, especially in their older/Greyhawk interpretations. The Cult of the Elder Elemental Eye is also represented amongst drow, but is regarded as Extra-Heresy.