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===Rotor Cannon===
===Rotor Cannon===

The direct ancestor of the Assault Cannon, firing smaller-caliber, less-capable ammunition and to date only seen in 30k. Unfortunately it is much weaker than its more recognizable descendant, with only half the stopping power (in fact it is on par with the standard Autogun and outclassed by the Heavy Stubber) and much less armour-piercing ability, despite having the same shot output most of the time. About the only advantage it has over the Assault Cannon is the fact that it is man-portable by both Power-Armoured Astartes and unaugmented humans, whereas the Assault Cannon requires the user to wear Terminator armour or a vehicle mounting. Based on the stats, it presumably fires similar rounds to an autogun (which is analogous to a modern battle rifle) but at a much higher cyclic rate, so it probably has some similarity to an M134 minigun. It should probably have been named Rotor Gun instead, to avoid insulting the true cannons.
It should probably have been named Rotor Gun instead, to avoid insulting the true cannons. The direct ancestor of the Assault Cannon, firing smaller-caliber, less-capable ammunition and to date only seen in 30k. Unfortunately it is much weaker than its more recognizable descendant, with only half the stopping power (in fact it is on par with the standard Autogun and outclassed by the Heavy Stubber) and much less armour-piercing ability, despite having the same shot output most of the time. About the only advantage it has over the Assault Cannon is the fact that it is man-portable by both Power-Armoured Astartes and unaugmented humans, whereas the Assault Cannon requires the user to wear Terminator armour or a vehicle mounting. Based on the stats, it presumably fires similar rounds to an autogun (which is analogous to a modern battle rifle) but at a much higher cyclic rate, so it probably has some similarity to an M134 minigun.

===Punisher Gatling Cannon===
===Punisher Gatling Cannon===

Revision as of 06:44, 18 May 2017

Ever got a strange feeling of Deja Vu, that you have seen this type of model before? The M16 Assault-Rifle understands.

An Autogun is a chemically-powered projectile throwing weapon (a slug thrower, durr), that can be compared to late 20th to early 21st century fire arms, though it is (probably) slightly more powerful, which is why it avoids the title of Stubber (which have basically no improvements on World War II firearms) which are even worse than lasguns (there is not a single part of a suit of flak armor that a rifle sized Stubber can pierce at any range according to some sources) Simply put these weapons use a propellant to accelerate a metal projectile to punch holes in things. It is a significantly older weapon than the Lasgun, and does not see quite as much use due to the Departmento Munitorium. So if a young and often curious Guardsmen tries and ask his superiors, mostly a Commissar (Yes, reasonable Commissars do exist) on why a Lasgun is preferred over an Autogun by Imperial Standards, they will tell you a whole list of things such as the following...Lasgun Power Packs weigh significantly less than Autogun magazines and are far more sustainable (rechargeable via heat, light, or wall outlet), Lasguns are also significantly more accurate and require notably less maintenance than Autoguns, and have no recoil, meaning even the 8-year-old baby-faced kids and 98-year-old dusty seniors that has been recruited from the Imperial Guard can fire it straight. So a big reason that Autoguns were phased out was a matter of practicality, but there is one thing the Autogun has that the humble Lasgun doesn't, it is the amount of different types of ammunition you can carry, from Incendiary to AP rounds and even HE rounds that makes the Autogun a miniature Bolter. This means that while the Lasguns are used as the more common assault weapon, the vast variations of the different ammunition makes the Autogun a tactical weapon in some sense of form. Though /tg/ rather enjoys musing that the main reason was cost (all that grimdark spent ammunition came from somewhere, after all). In spite of the ammunition problem, the Autogun still sees use throughout the Imperium (particularly among PDF forces, as they do not have the overwhelmingly massive logistical issues the Imperial Guard does), and its removal from large parts of official service hasn't stopped its development. There is significant debate over the actual power of Auto and Stub weapons, with the "high power" team citing higher tech level and advanced materials, and "modern power" team citing no mention of any kind of recoil compensator (limiting power), and less innovative designs. Meaning autoguns may actually be be less advanced than modern firearms. After all our cannon rounds are definitely more advanced, and autoguns are meant to be built on all sorts of backwater worlds.

Tl;dr, if the Lasgun is called a 'Flashlight' then the Autogun is called a 'Stapler'.



Most often a machine pistol or submachine gun, the Autopistol is a single-handed submachine gun (called the Uzi Autopistol) which is frequently used by Chaos heretics (and on occasion, traitor guardsmen) and cultists who don't particularly care about accuracy or expenses and wish to be able to make noise and cause death at a close distance (the former is done better by an Autogun than a Lasgun) as they close in to use their swords. Quite fittingly, many of the autopistols manufactured by the Imperium are based off the MAC-10/MAC-11 weapon series.


There are dozens of other Autogun models that have been created since, including more-advanced versions that use caseless ammunition. The most common variety is an assault-rifle sized version formerly used by Imperial Guard regiments, known as the Armageddon-Pattern Autogun. It can fire on semi-automatic, 5-round bursts, or on full-auto and holds 60 rounds in a triple-stacked magazine. Most versions are modded to fire specifically in 5-round bursts, allowing it to achieve 12 bursts per mag. Whilst the Autogun is not hugely damaging, its fire rate is extremely high, allowing it to quite figuratively chew through body armor at medium range. Usually they carry 5-8mm bullets like in real-life (lexicon says 8.5mm but good portion of 8mm rounds are too slow (as in low velocity) or have too much kick for any type of assault or battle rifle). Autoguns are commonly employed by pirates, rebel groups, Chaos cultists, Kriegers, Planetary Defense Forces, Hive Gangers, Adeptus Arbites and low-tech civilisations that are too underdeveloped to create even a simple Lasgun, which puts into perspective just how poor these people are.

In Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior, the Stormtroopers used by the Guard detachment on-planet uses Autoguns that have been given special armor-piercing rounds (read regular AP rounds) to improve their damage output, essentially putting them on-par with Hellguns. Paired with the weapon's fast fire rate, they're probably the earliest weapon you can reliably take down a Space Marine or Chaos Space Marine with, though clearly better options are available.


The Autocannon is the big-cheese of the Autogun family (and possibly related to the 88mm flack gun Bofors 40-57mm), firing enormous shells capable of tearing through bodies like a guillotine through a French aristocrat's neck. Most commonly mounted on vehicles, but also seeing use in Imperial Guard Heavy weapons teams, it possesses a worrying rate of fire, and good armour penetration, proving that even older tech can work when made sufficiently huge. It used to be much better, using what were approximately up-scaled Heavy Bolter shells to literally kill anything, but then grimdark happened and the Mechanicus forgot how to read. You know, business as usual. Basically, these autocannon shells were to 40k's autocannon shells what Baneblade cannons are to battle cannons. Yeah. By the way most modern cannons actually use advanced shells like this, suck it imperium.

The standard Autocannon makes a satisfying POM-POM-POM sound as it chews up targets up to four feet away. It hits at S7AP4 and is a Heavy 2 weapon, making it statistically better than the Heavy Bolter against everything except Toughness 4 and less models. The long-barreled Hydra variation is used on the Hydra Flak Tank, and is designed to serve as anti-air support but used to chew up any cocky infantry that gets too close. Nowadays it gives warning shots that may clip an enemy if that enemy is standing right in front of it and jumps up and down screaming "SHOOT ME" (and even then might miss). Fortunately, it has an additional two feet of range, so while it only has one job, it tends to do it pretty well.

Then there is the Reaper variant, which only the Chaos Space Marines get because Assault Cannons were discovered after the Horus Heresy, and everybody Imperial promptly thought they were cooler than the Reaper Autocannon. This is an infantry-portable, twin-linked Autocannon that wants to put its shells in your face at 36" or less. Scary for light vehicles and monsters, the Imperials were right (for once) to switch to the Assault Cannon for infantry fighting. Fluff-wise it's mostly popular due to it's reliability and durability, capable to operate for years without repair and heavy maintenance, while also often being used as a heavy club in close combat - compare it to the rapier assault cannon, which needs it's barrels to be replaced after each battle or else they would jam or even explode.

Then at some point, the Traitor Legions and their Dark Mechanicus pals looked at the Reaper Autocannon and asked, "How can we make this even more rapey?" So they came up with the Helstorm Autocannon, which apparently can only be fitted to vehicles and aircraft such as the Hellblade due to its sheer rate of fire. It has the same profile as the Reaper except for firing an extra shot per attack and adding delicious Rending because fuck assault cannons. Now if only GW would let the forces of Chaos get their collective shit together and replace every vehicle mounted heavy bolter with S7 AP4 Heavy 3, Twin-linked, Rending.

Also because Chaos likes to add daemons to things, and daemons make things goofy, Chaos Space Marines have access to another vehicle-mounted variant, the Hades Autocannon, which bafflingly can only be mounted onto a dinobot (probably because it's propelled by warp-flame or something). Fieled onto a Heldrake for air support or in pairs on a Forgefiend for heavy support, the Hades Autocannon (R36", S8, AP4, Heavy 4, pinning) suffers the Reaper's slightly gimped range compared to the vanilla autocannon, but is slightly stronger and can pin units (but don't count on pinning too much); while it's not twin-linked like the reaper, having double the firepower more than compensates. A Forgefiend can mulch most infantry short of Terminators, pounding through power armour on sheer weight and power of fire, can make most Monstrous Creatures' lives flash before their eyes, and can hurt even a Land Raider or Monolith. It's almost really a shame that the average Forgefiend isn't known for being a phenomenal shot.

Assault Cannon

The Assault cannon is an Autogun with an outrageous rate of fire, meaning it has to have rotating barrels to stop them from melting. Although it falls far short of it's terrifying fluffy firepower on tabletop, firing 4 shots compared to the 10 and 20 shots of imperial Gatling cannons. It also fires unique, diamond-hard rounds at significantly increased velocity, resulting in far greater stopping power and penetration. The upgraded weapons system was found post-Heresy, meaning that Chaos doesn't get these meat-grinders (although Obliterators do). Primarily used by Space Marines as anti-infantry weaponry on Terminators, Dreadnoughts, and various other vehicles and aircraft. The assault cannon might actually be a stub-weapon, as some art shows it ejecting spent casings. Only War and several other sources show that there is a difference. Auto-weapons are (usually) caseless and can be anything from merely caseless, chemically-propelled rounds, to railrifles and gravitic-accelerated projectiles. This is also why Macrocannons are auto-weapons, as their shells are magnetically propelled. Of course, knowing the Mechanicus, there are probably examples of both auto-weapons and stub-weapons for all solid-projectile weapons of the Imperium.

Rotor Cannon

It should probably have been named Rotor Gun instead, to avoid insulting the true cannons. The direct ancestor of the Assault Cannon, firing smaller-caliber, less-capable ammunition and to date only seen in 30k. Unfortunately it is much weaker than its more recognizable descendant, with only half the stopping power (in fact it is on par with the standard Autogun and outclassed by the Heavy Stubber) and much less armour-piercing ability, despite having the same shot output most of the time. About the only advantage it has over the Assault Cannon is the fact that it is man-portable by both Power-Armoured Astartes and unaugmented humans, whereas the Assault Cannon requires the user to wear Terminator armour or a vehicle mounting. Based on the stats, it presumably fires similar rounds to an autogun (which is analogous to a modern battle rifle) but at a much higher cyclic rate, so it probably has some similarity to an M134 minigun.

Punisher Gatling Cannon

The most dakka in the game that isn't the Titan mounted Vulcan Mega-Bolter. In fact, so much it doesn't go "dakka, dakka" it goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT. Able to churn out more shots than a squad of Tactical Marines at even greater strength, this baby will melt down any block of infantry it comes across and can even threaten Monstrous Creatures by the sheer volume of fire they put out. Also has a kid brother in the form of the Taurox Gatling Cannon, which has less strength and half the shots.

Gatling Blaster

Strapped to the mighty Reaver Battle Titan and above, this is the weapon you field when you need the biggest dakka the Imperium of Man has to offer, it's basically an Assault Cannon, except that it fires Battle Cannon shells rather than bullets, yeah... this is what you get if you thought about the Schwerer Gustav using Gatling Technology.

Macro Cannon

A voidcraft Macrocannon, why the Mechanicus decided it was a good idea to use slaves to manually reload a EXBOXHUGE Cannon, despite already having auto-loaders is beyond our moral understandings.

The Biggest of the Big. 'Macrocannon' seems to be a catch-all for any auto-type weapon larger than a Gatling-Blaster, ranging from fortress-mounted field artillery to the literally apocalyptic, cathedral-sized weapons found on voidcraft. As is clearly evident, it causes a quantity of Rape proportional to its size, but even the smallest land-based Macrocannons are capable of laying waste to mostly everything, including flyers. It is at its basest an autocannon that fires bullets ranging in size from that of a man all the way up to the size of a Baneblade, depending on the weapon's calibre (no, seriously), and since this is the Imperium, instead of an automatic reloader, they need dozens of slaves to move each bullet for the ship-mounted Macrocannons (heretical theories suggest this is either because it is actually cheaper for the Imperium, which is overloaded with humans and not resources, or because they are stockpiling resources, or because they are cutting down on chances of daemonic incursions through humans by putting more of them in the killzone, or they are testing to see just how far people will comply with slave labor in a totalitarian state, or - most heretical of all - some suggest it is a bureaucratic screw-up with paperwork). Provided yields for these weapons can go from 42 exajoules (about 5.297 times more powerful than most powerful earthquake ever recorded; a 42 exajoule earthquake would be approximately magnitude 9.98) right down to the measly 50 tetrajoules...*sigh* Games Workshop never fails to surprise us. Seriously believe us, we know that tetrajoules isn't an official unit of measurement, but since tetra is Latin for four this essentially gives us....4 joules of power....which is weaker then a human punch and a flashlight.... Don't believe us? We got that from Rogue Trader rpg: BattleFleet Koronus pg. 31 & 20 which is quote on quote:

"Look at her, son. Isn’t she a beauty? Over two hundred Vulcan mega-bolter defence turrets, fifteen tetrajoule Sunsear las-broadsides, prow plating ten metres thick, the finest auspex masts in the battlefleet… And the lines on her! Fluted prow, elegant statuary… those xenos scum won’t know what hit them!” – Bosun Phineas Jhule tempts fate at the embarkation of the Fire of Heaven
"The Avenger dates from an earlier period of fleet tactics, when, squadrons of grand cruisers were employed as “line-breakers.” Traditionally, they were thrown into the midst of massive fleet engagements, soaking up enemy fire while racing into the middle of enemy formations, then crushing their opponents at short range with tetrajoules of energy from their oversized broadsides."

Yeah...we in /tg/ aren't sure whether this was intentional or a gross example of a severe typo. THE 60 JOULE BROADSIDE BATTERIES! Jokes aside, if we use the picture to the right as a reference for size, and estimate the shell as a solid slug of density equivalent to lead, launched at a planet from geosynchronous orbit above an Earth-like planet (36,000km), you're looking at somewhere in the region of 50 Tera-Joules of energy when it strikes the ground, or slightly less than the Little Boy dropped on Hiroshima (and that's just from gravity, not including launch energy). About fifty or so of the land-based Macrocannons would equate to one ship-mounted Macrocannon, or one point of firepower in Battlefleet Gothic. Oh yes.


Weapons of the Imperium of Man
Ballistics: Absolvor Bolt Pistol - Archaeotech Repeater - Archeotech Revolver - Assault Grenade Launcher - Autopistol
Belasco Galvian Needler - Bolter Cane - Bolt Launcher - Bolt Pistol - Condemnor Stakethrower - Exitus Pistol
Flechette Blaster - Flechette Pistol - Flintlock Pistol - Grenade Discharger - Handbow - Hand Cannon - Heavy Bolt Pistol
Kinetic Destroyer - Needle Pistol - Radium Pistol - Radium Serpenta - Ripper Pistol - Sawn-Off Shotgun - Shotgun Pistol
Stub Gun
Directed-Energy: Arc Pistol - Blast Pistol - Digital Weapons - Disintegration Pistol - Electrostatic Gauntlet - Gamma Pistol
Helfrost Pistol - Hellpistol - Hotshot Laspistol - Inferno Pistol - Laspistol - Neo-Volkite Pistol - Photon Gauntlet
Bale Eye - Eradication Pistol - Plasma-Caster - Plasma Cutter - Plasma Pistol - Rad Beamer - Voltaic Blaster
Volkite Serpenta
Incendiary: Exterminator - Hand Flamer - Phosphor Blast Pistol - Phosphor Pistol - Phosphor Serpenta - Sulphur Breath
Chemical: Alchem Pistol
Gravitational: Grav-Pistol
Other: Chimera Pistol Sword - Grapnel Launcher - Neural Shredder - Reductor Pistol - Snare Gun - Web Pistol - Web Spinner
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Angelus Bolt Carbine - Autogun - Astartes Assault Shotgun - Bolter - Bow - Combat Shotgun - Crossbow
Gun Axe - Galvanic Carbine - Pump-Action Shotgun - Radium Carbine - Storm Bolter - Stubber - Musket
Blunderbuss - Stub Cannon - Stub Rifle - Longrifle - Macrostubber - Bolt Carbine - Imperial Boltgun
Stubcarbine - Sling - Solo Boltgun - Sororitas Boltgun - Special Issue Boltgun - Bolt Rifle - Concussion Carbine
Directed-Energy: Arc Rifle - Blast Rifle - Lascutter - Hellgun - Lasgun (Lasgun Patterns) - Phased Plasma-Fusil - Plasma Blaster
Plasma Incinerator - Suppression Laser - Hotshot Lasgun - Hotshot Volley Gun - Mining Laser - Lascarbine
Laser Gauntlet - Auxilia Lasrifle - Las-Lock - Mitralock - Rad Gun
Incendiary: Assault Flamer - Flamer - Pyreblaster
Gravitational: Grav-gun
Other: Webber
Special Weapons:
Ballistics: Assault Bolter - Grenade Launcher - Flechette Carbine - Needle Sniper Rifle - Radium Jezzail
Sniper Rifle - Transuranic Arquebus - Mole Mortar - Galvanic Caster - Galvanic Rifle - Forge Bolter
Magnarail Lance - Vengeance Grenade Launcher - Purgatus Crossbow - Stake Crossbow
Exitus Rifle - Light Mortar - Mark IX Sniper Rifle - Guardian Bolter - Balistus Grenade Launcher
Lastrum Storm Bolter - Mk.III Shrike Pattern Bolt Sniper Rifle - Krumper Rivet Cannon - Nemesis Bolter
Executioner Shotgun
Directed-Energy: Conversion Beamer - Long-Las - Meltagun - Plasma Caliver - Plasma Gun - Adrathic Destructor
Plasma Repeater - Volkite Charger - Photon Thruster - Melta Rifle - Plasma Talon - Plasma Exterminator
Las-Fusil - Lightning Gun - Proteus Plasma Projector - Volkite Incinerator - Plasma Burner - Arc Lance
Eradication Ray
Incendiary: Incinerator - Phosphor Blast Carbine - Phosphor Torch - Immolation Rifle - Balefire Gun
Chemical: Alchem Flamer - Chem-Thrower
Sonic: Transonic Cannon
Gravitational: Grav-Amp
Warpcraft: Animus Speculum - Psilencer - Psycannon
Combi-Weapons: Magna-Needle Mk.X Pattern Pistol - Ultra-Needle Mk.IX Pattern Pistol - Stub Gun-Plasma Combi-Pistol
Combi-Flamer - Combi-Melta - Combi-Grenade Launcher - Combi-Plasma - Combi-Grav - Combi-Volkite
Infernus Heavy Bolter - Adrastus Bolt Caliver - Disintegration Combi-Gun - Combi-Needler
Condemner Boltgun - Executioner Pistol - Needlespine Blaster
Other: Chaff Launcher - Crozius Arkanos - Infernum Halo Launcher
SLHG Pattern Assault Ram - Stormcaller Stave - Tarantula Sentry Gun
Heavy Weapons:
Ballistics: Autocannon - Assault Cannon - Scatterbolt Launcher - Harpoon Gun - Heavy Bolter - Heavy Stubber - Missile Launcher
Rotor Cannon - Heavy Mortar - Heavy Shotgun - Storm-Welder - Heavy Crossbow - Harpoon Launcher - Scatter Cannon
Ripper Gun - Rad Missile Launcher - Boltstorm Gauntlet - Maxim Bolter - Grenadier Gauntlet - Tempest Bolter
Mole Launcher - Salvo Launcher - Mauler Bolt Cannon - Cyclone Missile Launcher - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Skyhammer Missile Launcher - Grenade Harness - Cerberus Launcher - Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Deathwatch Frag Cannon - Auto-Launcher - Ravenwing Grenade Launcher - Thunderfire Cannon - Icarus Rocket Pod
Ironhail Heavy Stubber - Lucius Pattern Heavy Quad-Launcher - Tempest Salvo Launcher - Bombast Field Gun
Castellan Launcher (Superfrag Rocket Launcher - Superkrak Rocket Launcher - Vengor Launcher) - Charge Caster
Concussion Cannon - Malleus Rocket Launcher - Rad Grenade Launcher
Directed-Energy: Heavy Arc Rifle - Helfrost Cannon - Lascannon - Rad Cannon - Multi-Melta - Multi-laser
Plasma Cannon - Volkite Caliver - Volkite Culverin - Darkfire Cannon - Melta Destroyer
Las-Ripper - Irradiation Projector - Volkite Blaster - Plasma Culverin - Heavy Mining Laser
Volkite Cavitor - Volkite Falconet Battery - Corve Las-Pulser - Vultarax Arc Blaster
Heavy Lascannon
Incendiary: Atalan Incinerator - Heavy Flamer - Phosphor Blaster
Flamestorm Gauntlet - Incendine Combustor
Pyroclast Flame Projector - Infernus Firepike
Chemical: Alchem Heavy Flamer - Death Cloud Projector
Sonic: Seismic Cannon
Gravitational: Grav-Cannon - Heavy Grav-Cannon - Graviton Pulsar - Graviton Ram
Other: Firestrike Servo-Turret - Heavy Webber - Mancatcher - Sabre Weapons Battery - Torsion Cannon
Daemon Weapons:
Ballistics: Hellrifle
Ballistics: Anvilus Autocannon Battery - Anvilus Snub Autocannon - Battle Cannon - Conqueror Cannon - Demolisher Cannon
Hellstrike Missile - Hydra Autocannon - Eradicator Nova Cannon - Punisher Gatling Cannon - Punisher Rotary Cannon
Vanquisher Cannon - Ironhail Skytalon Array - Ferrumite Cannon - Onslaught Gatling Cannon - Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Icarus Stormcannon Array - Siegebreaker Cannon - Skyreaper Battery - Avenger Bolt Cannon - Iliastus Accelerator Cannon
Hurricane Bolter - Lastrum Bolt Cannon - Multiple Rocket Pod - Blackstar Rocket Launcher - Deathwind Missile Launcher
Hunter-Killer Missile - Bellicatus Missile Array - Hammerstrike Missile Launcher - Sabre Missile Launcher
Disruptor Missile Launcher - Frag Cannon - Hellfury Missile - Skystrike Missile - Stormstrike Missile Launcher
Aiolos Missile Launcher - Scorpius Launcher - Hyperios Missile Launcher - Hammerfall Missile Launcher
Ironclad Assault Launcher - Boreas Air Defence Missile - Skyspear Missile Launcher - Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
Arcus Launcher - Krakstorm Grenade Launcher - Blackstar Cluster Launcher - Macharius Battle Cannon - Taurox Battle Cannon
Taurox Gatling Cannon - Leviathan Storm Cannon - Vengeance Launcher - Xiphon Rotary Missile Launcher - Kratos Battlecannon
Hellion Pattern Heavy Cannon Array - Terrebrax Rocket Battery - Castigator Gatling Cannon - Pulveriser Cannon
Ballistus Missile Launcher - Oppressor Cannon
Directed-Energy: Helfrost Destructor - Magma Cannon - Pulsar-Fusil - Volcano Cannon - Volkite Saker - Adrathic Devastator - Eradication Beamer
Las-Talon - Macro Plasma Incinerator - Volkite Demi-Culverin - Melta-Cutter - Siege Melta Array - Plasma Eradicator
Magna-Melta - Plasma Destroyer - Volkite Sentinel - Cyclonic Melta Lance - Plasma Storm Battery - Heavy Conversion Beamer
Thermal Spear - Hellfire Plasma Cannonade - Neutron Laser Projector - Neutron Laser - Arachnus Blaze Cannon
Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon - Arachnus Heavy Lascannon Battery - Arachnus Storm Cannon - Laser Destroyer Array
Laser Destroyer - Heavy Laser Destroyer - Omega Plasma Array - Sabre Neutron Blaster - Solex Heavy Lascannon
Melta Blastgun - Volkite Cardanelle
Incendiary: Heavy Phosphor Blaster - Incendium Cannon - Inferno Cannon - Flamestorm Cannon - Clearance Incinerator
Infernus Incinerator - Heavy Incinerator
Chemical: Chem Cannon
Sonic: Heavy Seismic Cannon - Laud Hailer
Warpcraft: Gatling Psilencer - Heavy Psycannon - Rift Cannon
Combi-Weapons: Cerastus Shock Lance
Ballistics: Apocalypse Missile Launcher - Basilisk Magnus - Colossus Siege Mortar - Deathstrike Cannon - Deathstrike Missile
Dreadhammer Cannon - Earthshaker Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar - Manticore Missile - Medusa Siege Cannon
Quake Cannon - Spicula Rocket System - Stormshard Mortar - Stormsword Siege Cannon - Tremor Cannon
Nemesis Quake Cannon - Doomsday Cannon - Exorcist Multiple Missile Launcher - Taurox Missile Launcher
Ironstorm Missile Pod - Stormspear Rocket Pod - Spiculus Bolt Launcher - Karacnos Mortar Battery
Praetor Multiple Missile Launcher - Morbus Heavy Bombard - Dominus Triple Bombard - Behemoth Cannon
Whirlwind Multiple Missile Launcher
Directed-Energy: Belleros Energy Cannon - Hellex Plasma Mortar
Gravitational: Graviton-Charge Cannon - Grav Flux Bombard
Warpcraft: Vortex Missile
Ballistics: Accelerator Autocannon - Ardex Defensor Mega-Bolter - Avenger Gatling Cannon - Doomstrike Missile Launcher
Gatling Blaster - Thunderhawk Cannon - Vulcan Mega Bolter - Trident - Thundercoil Harpoon - Castigator Bolt Cannon
Shieldbreaker Missile - Helios Defense Missile Pod - Hellion Missile - Accelerator Cannon - Baneblade Cannon
Stormhammer Cannon - Hellhammer Cannon - Macro-Accelerator Cannon - Revelator Missile Launcher
Cruciator Gatling Array
Directed-Energy: Atrapos Lascutter - Hellstorm Cannon - Lightning Cannon - Melta Cannon - Plasma Annihilator
Plasma Blastgun - Plasma Destructor - Plasma Obliterator - Turbo-Laser Destructor
Vengeance Cannon - Arachnus Magna-Blaze Cannon - Thermal Cannon - Plasma Decimator
Volkite Veuglaire - Las-Impulsor - Volcano Lance - Volkite Chieorovile - Volkite Carronade
Defense Laser - Lightning Lock - Conversion Beam Cannon - Volkite Eradicator - Volkite Destructor
Conversion Beam Dissolutor - Extirpator Cannon
Incendiary: Acheron Flame Cannon - Conflagration Cannon - Inferno Gun
Sonic: Sonic Destructor
Gravitational: Graviton Destructor - Graviton Imploder - Graviton Ruinator
Graviton Singularity Cannon - Krius Grav Imploder
Warpcraft: Warp Missile - Warp Missile Rack - Psi-Cannon
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Annihilator Cannon - Bombardment Cannon - Doomstorm Missile
Hellfire Missile - Macro Cannon - Nova Cannon - Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Lance Weapon
Sonic: Sonic Disruptor
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Chain Weapons - C'tan Phase Weapons - Daemonblade - Force Weapons - Power Weapons - Arc Close Combat Weapons
Transonic Weapons - Basic Close Combat Weapons - Imperial Miscellaneous Weapons - Grav Close Combat Weapons
Grenades & Explosives: Arc Grenade - Blind Grenade - Choke Gas Bomb - Colossus Bomb - Demolition Charge - Frag Grenade - Gunk Bomb
Haywire Mine - Heavy Bomb - Incendiary Charge - Krak Grenade - Melta Bomb - Mindscrambler Grenade - Phosphex Bomb
Poison Globe Grenade - Smoke Grenade - Shock Grenade - Stasis Bomb - Stasis Grenade - Psyk-Out Grenade - Rad Grenade
Tectomagnic Munitions - Vortex Grenade