Warcry/Tactics/Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber
Blar Blar Far Far Tar Tar sigmarines of Sigmar.
Faction Overview
Sigmar’s finest vanilla-flavored Stormcast Eternals. A dependable yet nuanced choice, but notably lacking in spice and pizazz. The faction is bloated with minor Weapon choices, letting you fine-tune your fighters for a specific job.
- Durable: Your opponent will be looking to put 20+ damage on each of your models while only wounding on 5’s and 6’s...
- Heavy Hitters: Most of your melee fighters have the ability to one-shot squishier targets. Additionally, if one of your paladins ever gets to double-tap, he’s going to delete just about anything in the game.
- Versatile: See aforementioned comment about weapon options.
- Pecs: Best bods in the biz.
- Expensive: Your warband will be small.
- Slow: The paladins don’t even have enough movement to climb some of the core box’s terrain in one go...
- Unforgiving: Because of your small warband size and slow move characteristics, it’s easy to get punished for not thinking several turns in advance. Even then, a few crummy dice rolls can send a solid plan down the tubes with little ability to react on-the-fly.
- No Girls Allowed!: Unless you go out of your way to recruit Leena Stormspire or Angharad Brightshield, your Warband model range is going to be a sausage-fest. It’s okay though; they all have cooties anyway.
Hammer vs Sword
The main argument when picking a Weapon variant; swords are +1 attack S4 on a unit, an allrounder, and more likely to score crits. Hammers meanwhile are are situations better in some matchups with their Strength to 5, letting them wound other T4 units on 3+, and T5 on 4s.
For Liberators, Lay Low the Tyrants makes the decision clear. By expending a mere double, sword liberators get to outclass their hammer bros against everything except specifically high toughness models with a wounds characteristic of less than 15. Spoilers, there aren’t many of those.
Otherwise, hammers vs swords should be chosen based on your expected meta. Or you could choose swords to match your stab-happy liberators. Or your could choose hammers because the game is literally named after your own god’s giant shiny warhammer... Whatever.
Abilities Overview
- [Double] Furious Avengers: A fighter can use this ability only if there is another friendly fighter within 6" of this fighter with 1 or more damage points allocated to them. This fighter makes a bonus move action.
- Fighter Commentary:
- [Double] Lay Low the Tyrants: Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 2 to the Attacks and Strength characteristic of attack actions made by this fighter that have a Range characteristic of 3 or less and that an enemy fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 15 or more. (Liberator)
- Fighter Commentary:
- [Double] Sigmarite Shield Bash: Until the end of this fighter's activation, the next time this fighter finishes a move action within 1" of an enemy fighter, pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter and roll a dice. On a 3-4, allocate 1 damage point to that fighter. On a 5-6, allocate a number of damage points to that fighter equal to the value of this ability. (Fighter with Shield)
- Fighter Commentary:
- [Triple] Darting Attack: this fighter makes a bounus attack action. then, they can make a bonus disengage action.
- Fighter Commentary:
- [Triple] Wings of Divine Life: Add the value of this ability to the Move characteristic of this fighter for the next move action they make this activation.
- Fighter Commentary:
- [Quad] Earth-shattering Blow: This fighter makes a bonus attack action. In addition , add half the value of this ability (rounding up) tot eh damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit from that attack action.
- Fighter Commentary:
- [Double] Warcloak's Storm Magic:
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
- [Triple] Staunch Defender: Until the end of the battle round, add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of friendly fighters while they are within 6" of this fighter. (Leader)
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
- [Triple] Battle-horn Thunderblast:
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
- [Tripple] Lantern of Abjuration:
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
- [Tripple] Warding Lantern:
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
- [Tripple] Lightning Storm:
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
- [Quad] Tempest Winds:
- Fighter Commentary: (leader)
Fighter's Overview
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
Judicator-Prime with Skybolt bow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 30; 235 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-20"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Fighter Commentary -
Judicator-Prime with Bolstrom Crossbow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 30; 240 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-20"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Fighter Commentary -
Liberator-Prime with Warblade/Warhammer and Shield
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 6; Wounds 30; 245 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader, Bulwark, Warrior
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 4/3; Strength 4/5; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 30; 255 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader, Brute
- Weapons:
- Axe-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 3/6
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 30; 250 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader, Brute
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 3"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 30; 255 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader, Brute
- Weapons:
- Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary -
Prosecutor-Prime with Paired Celestial Hammers
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 5; Wounds 30; 280 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader, Fly
- Weapons:
- Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 5; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Ranged-Range 3-8"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary -
Prosecutor-Prime with Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 5; Wounds 30; 300 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader, Fly, Bulwark
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Ranged-Range 3-8"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary -
Your Ranged fighter, Divided between rapid fire crossbows and long-range bows and their upgraded forms
Judicator with Bolstrom Crossbow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 190 Pts.
- Weapons:
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Ranged-Range 3-10"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary
- Weapons:
Judicator with Thunderbolt Crossbow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 200 Pts.
- Weapons:
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Ranged-Range 6-15"; Attacks 5; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary
- Weapons:
Judicator with Skybolt bow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 185 Pts.
- Weapons:
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Ranged-Range 3-20"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary
- Weapons:
Judicator with Shockbolt bow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 205 Pts.
- Weapons:
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Ranged-Range 3-20"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 2/6
- Fighter Commentary
- Weapons:
Rank and file heavy plate warriors, Operating as your Immovable walls or offense.
Liberators have two versions of each role, with Warblades are all-rounders with more attacks, while Warhammer better-wound Toughness 4 and 5 enemy.
Liberator with Paired Warblades/Warhammer
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 170 Pts.
- Runemarks: Warrior
- Weapons:
- Sword/Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 4/3; Strength 4/5; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary
Liberator with Warblade/Warhammer and Shield
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 185 Pts.
- Runemarks:Bulwark, Warrior
- Weapons:
- Sword/Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 3/2; Strength 4/5; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary
Liberator with Grandblade/GrandHammer
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 185 Pts.
- Runemarks:Warrior
- Weapons:
- Sword/Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 4/3; Strength 4/5; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
wears the heaviest armour of Toughness 6 and wield a big weapon, but are slow.
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 195 Pts.
- Runemarks: Brute
- Weapons:
- Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary Exeplifying Paladins, wounding most fighters on 3+, and removing 3 to 5 wounds each swing. Thier slowness make them kitable.
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 195 Pts.
- Runemarks: Brute
- Weapons:
- Axe-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 3/6
- Fighter Commentary
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 190 Pts.
- Runemarks: Brute
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 3"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary
Paladin with Starsoul Mace
- Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 225 Pts.
- Runemarks: Brute
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 4/8
- Fighter Commentary
Flying Fast-moving Stormcast
Prosecutor with Paired Celestial Hammers
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 230 Pts.
- Runemarks: Fly
- Weapons:
- Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Ranged-Range 3-8"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary
Prosecutor with Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 250 Pts.
- Runemarks:Fly, Bulwark
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Ranged-Range 3-8"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary
Prosecutor with Stormsurge Trident and Sigmarite Shield
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 6; Wounds 20; 260 Pts.
- Runemarks:Fly, Bulwark
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 3/5
- Ranged-Range 3-8"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary - for 10 more points you upgrades the Stormcall Javelin base damage by +1.
Prosecutor with Grandblade/Grandhammer
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 230 Pts.
- Runemarks:Fly
- Weapons:
- Sword/Hammer-Range 1"; Attacks 4/3; Strength 4/5; Damage 3/5
- Fighter Commentary
Prosecutor with Grandaxe
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 5; Wounds 20; 225 Pts.
- Runemarks:Fly
- Weapons:
- Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 3/6
- Fighter Commentary
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
- Stats: Movement 0"; Toughness 0; Wounds 0; 0 Pts.
- Runemarks: Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 0-0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Dagger-Range 0"; Attacks 0; Strength 0; Damage 0/0
- Fighter Commentary -
Minions, Thralls, and Allies
General Tactics
Other Helpful Tips
Example Builds
Build extracted from Reedo's lists [1]. This is not a highly optimized list, but it works in terms of playability.
- 1 Judicator with Bolstrom Crossbow - 3 Liberator with Grandblade - 1 Paladin-Retributor-Prime (Leader)
TOTAL: 1000 pts.
Very survivable High damage output
Little mobility
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