Warcry/Tactics/Monsters/Mindstealer Sphiranx

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Mindstealer Sphiranx[edit | edit source]


  • [Double] Telepathic Threatening : Pick an enemy fighter within a number of inches of this fighter equal to the value of this ability and roll a dice. On a 3+, until the end of the battle round, that fighter cannot make a move actions or disengage actions.
  • [Triple] Dominate Mind : A Pick an enemy fighter within 6" of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. for each roll of a 3-4 allocate 1 damage pinot to that fighter. for each roll of 5-6, allocate 3 damage to that fighter.
  • [Quad] Charm : Pick an enemy fighter within a number of inches of this fighter equal to the value of this ability. That fighter cannot activate this battle round.


  • Stats: Movement 8"; Toughness 5; Wounds 30; 240Pts.
    • Rule:
    • Weapons:
      • Claw - Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 2/5
    • Fighter Commentary

General Tactics[edit | edit source]

Warcry Tactics
Grand Alliance: Chaos
Grand Alliance: Death
Grand Alliance: Destruction
Grand Alliance: Order
Monsters & Mercenaries