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Fyreslayers Tactics

Faction Overview[edit | edit source]

New rules and fighter cards for using Fyreslayers in your games of Warcry are available in February White Dwarf. Be warned, they like hitting stuff hard and setting things on fire! Includes rules for 10 different loadouts over three fighter types.

Pros[edit | edit source]

  • Good Damage-Your Hearthguard units have great crit damage hitting at 4 or 5, and your Vulkite Berzerkers w/ dual handaxes are throwing 4 dice.
  • Good Ranged Access-[Double] Fyresteel Throwing Axe throws one more dice compared to other warbands' missile abilities so it's more worth it to try and land the crit value on anyone within 6". Meanwhile, the Auric Hearthguard have a 3-15" range and hit for 4 on the crit.
  • Movement Debuff-If you're using Auric Hearthguard then you can use[Double] Encase in Molten Rock. This is a great utility to remove threats from getting close to objectives or chasing your already slow dorfs down.

Cons[edit | edit source]

  • Low Movement-With a base 3" movement, your angry beards aren't getting anywhere fast without using [Double] Relentless Zeal. Even then that is 9" with two activations for only one or two of your fighters that battle round.

Abilities Overview[edit | edit source]

  • [Double] Fyresteel Throwing Axe: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 6" of your one and roll 2D6. The enemy fighter gets 1 damage for every 4-5 rolled, while for each 6 it takes damages equal to the value of the ability dice.
  • [Double] Encase in Molten Rock: Until the end of the fighter's activation, when the fighter attacks an enemy fighter their movement is reduced of half the value of the ability dice.
    • Ability commentary-A great and hilarious debuff against warbands that are just as slow as you, or spamming on your opponent's prize fighter/monster. This debuff can be stacked, so shoot your molten goo and laugh as your opponent's fighters crawl 1" each activation. Also good if you end up getting "The Gauntlet" victory condition.
  • [Double] Relentless Zeal: +3 Move to a fighter's next move action.
  • [Triple] Duty Unto Death: Can be used only by fighters who suffered 5+ damage. Fighter gets a bonus movement action, followed by a bonus attack action.
  • [Triple] Honour Our Oaths: Can only be activated when the selected fighter takes down an enemy. Everyone within 6" of them gets an additional attack if that attack action has a range of 3 or less.
    • Ability Commentary- Can only be used by your leader, and only good to use once you have a good chunk of dorfs either engaged or able to move 3" to engage.
  • [Quad] Unleash Runic Fury: The fighter using this action gets the value of the ability dice to the number of attacks they can do with 3 or less range.

Fighter's Overview[edit | edit source]

Leader[edit | edit source]

Vulkite Berzerker Karl[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 22; 170 Pts.
  • Rules: Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary -Unless you want to squeeze in as many fyreslayers in your list as possible this guy is a pass. The Hearthguard leaders just have access to both better attacks and abilities.

Auric Hearthguard Karl[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 22; 180 Pts.
  • Rules: Fenzied, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Blast-Range 3-15"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
      • Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 1/2
  • Fighter Commentary - Not all that different from a normal Auric Hearthguard, but he punches much harder. If you want your leader to take potshots instead of risking himself on the frontline you could take him, but then you would not only be kind of a coward but also losing out on using the leader specific dice ability as you NEED to be in the thick of it to use it effectively.

Hearthguard Berzerker Karl with Flamestike Poleaxe[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 22; 185 Pts.
  • Rules: Leader, Warrior
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 3/5
  • Fighter Commentary - You're gonna be much better at taking out chaff units in one activation compared to taking the Berzerker Broadaxe, but you may struggle when hitting anything with even a bit of armor.

Hearthguard Berzerker Karl with Berzerker Broadaxe[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 22; 185 Pts.
  • Rules: Leader, Warrior
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
  • Fighter Commentary - Compared to the Vulkite Berzerker Karl, you are getting an additional inch of range, +1 crit damage, and access to [Triple] Duty unto Death all for 15 more points. Pretty much an auto take since you WILL be losing wounds to take advantage of your [Triple] ability.

Fighter[edit | edit source]

Vulkite Berzerker With Fyresteel Handaxes[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 12; 85 Pts.
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
  • Fighter Commentary - Your bread and butter if you plan on just drowning your opponent in attack dice and want to chance critting on anything that isn't chaff.

Vulkite Berzerker With Fyresteel Handaxe and Bladed Slingshield[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 5; Wounds 12; 85 Pts.
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 2; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
  • Fighter Commentary - Unfortunately the Bladed Slingshield's ability to roll for mortals in AoS didn't carry over to these guys, so no throwing your shield Captain America style. It's good to take one or two of these guys if you want to reliably camp an objective while your other dorfs smash face, but you'll do okay even if you don't take any.

Vulkite Berzerker With Fyresteel War-pick and Bladed Slingshield[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 5; Wounds 12; 90 Pts.
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 2; Strength 3; Damage 1/4
  • Fighter Commentary - Same as the other shield dwarf, but for 5 points you get an additional damage on the crit. A better deterrent for chaff grabbing objectives if you land said crit. Again, you'll do okay if you decide not to take one.

Auric Hearthguard[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 12; 125 Pts.
  • Rules: Fenzied
    • Weapons:
      • Blast-Range 3-15"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
      • Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/2
  • Fighter Commentary - You'll definitely want at least one or two in your warband. Just having access to [Double] Encase in Molten Rock let's you control how your opponent moves up the table, whether that be buying you time to snag an objective or stop him from helping his buddy who your other dorfs are currently curb stomping. Crits hitting for 4 is also nothing to sneeze at for a ranged attack.

Hearthguard Berzerker arl with Flamestike Poleaxe[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 12; 110 Pts.
  • Rules: Leader, Warrior
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 2/5
  • Fighter Commentary -

Hearthguard Berzerker with Berzerker Broadaxe[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 3"; Toughness 4; Wounds 12; 115 Pts.
  • Rules: Leader, Warrior
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary -

General Tactics[edit | edit source]

Warcry Tactics
Grand Alliance: Chaos
Grand Alliance: Death
Grand Alliance: Destruction
Grand Alliance: Order
Monsters & Mercenaries