Sylvaneth Tactics

The Sylvaneth are forest spirits of the Wanderer Aelfs. Led by the goddess Alarielle, the new treefolk were made from "Soulpods" she created. After Sigmar retreated to his realm, she considered herself a free agent, opposing Nurgle who seeks to claim the Realm of Life as his own. For some reason, all of Alarielle's soulpods became female Dryads and male Treekin, which makes sense only in the context of using existing models, but when looked at from a lore perspective Alarielle clearly had saved a LOT more female souls, and the only males she saved were the biggest. Lotta jokes that can be made here, hard to decide...
Faction Overview[edit | edit source]
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Fast: 5" move on most fighters + Teleporting fighters
- Ability to heal
- Varied abilities and strategies
Cons[edit | edit source]
- Medium hitters
- Random abilities
Abilities Overview[edit | edit source]
- [Double] Draw from the Spirit-song: Remove a number of damage points allocated to this fighter equal to half the value of this ability (rounding up). (Universal Ability)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Double] Trample Underfoot: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. For each 4+, allocate 1 damage point to that fighter. (Kurnoth Hunters)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Double] Shrieking Terror: Pick a visible enemy fighter within a number of inches equal to the value of this ability and roll a dice. On a 3+, until the end of the battle round, that fighter cannot make move actions or disengage actions. (Spite-Revenants)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Double] Zephyrspite’s Tail Pincers: A chance to do up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy. (Arch-Revenant)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Double] Swarm of Spites: A chance to do up to 6 damages to an enemy within 6″ (on a 4+).
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Triple] Enrapturing Song: Pick a visible enemy fighter within a number of inches equal to the value of this ability. Until the end of the battle round, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of attack actions made by friendly fighters with both the Sylvaneth runemark and the Scout runemark that target that fighter. (Dryads)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Triple] Walk the Spirit Paths: Remove this fighter from the battlefield and set them up anywhere on the battlefield more than 5" from any enemy fighters. (Tree-Revenants)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Triple] Blessing of the Forest: Heal 1 damage to all friendly fighters within 6″. (Branchwraith)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Triple] Call to Battle: Add +1 to the melee Attacks of friendly fighters within 3″. (Arch-Revenant)
- Fighter Commentary -
- [Quad] Envoy of the Everqueen: Until the end of the battle round, add half the value of ability (rounding up) to the Toughness and Strength characteristics of friendly fighters while they are within 6" of this fighter. (Leader)
- Fighter Commentary -
Fighter's Overview[edit | edit source]
Leader[edit | edit source]
Dryad Nymph[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 20; 145 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, scout
- Weapons:
- Claws-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - Dyade leader. with Enrapturing Song put out lots of attack for a dryad back.
Scion[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 16; 120 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Warror
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - cheapest hero. Able to telport were his leader aura abilities are needed.
Shadestalker[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 16; 140 Pts.
- Rule: Terror, Leader
- Weapons:
- Claws-Range 1"; Attacks 5; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - offensive solo Dryad Nymph. Also can stop a nearby enemy from moving.
Huntmaster[edit | edit source]
Very tough mini-treeman, especially if using Envoy of the Everqueen to boost your hoards Toughness and Strength.
Huntmaster with Greatsword
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 230 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Elite
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 5; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary - Get more attack for more chance to roll crits.
Huntmaster with Scythe
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 240 Pts.
- Rule: Elite, Leader
- Weapons:
- Scythe-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 3/6
- Fighter Commentary - gains reach and more damage to offset for less attacks.
Huntmaster with Bow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 240 Pts.
- Rule: Elite, Leader
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-20"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
- Fighter Commentary - Comparing the Leader with a bow to the fighter (Kurnoth with a bow), you're paying 40 points, for 5 health and one extra attack on the range (a 3, instead of 2). Not worth it in my opinion. The Huntmaster with Scythe is a better buy for the same 240 pts.
Arch-Revenant[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 25; 250 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Fly, Destroyer
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary - Your most expensive fighter, a fast flyer, and decent reach clave. that speed lets her make the most of her Call to Battle and Envoy of the Everqueen abilities.
Branchwraith[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 6"; Toughness 3; Wounds 22; 180 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Berserker
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-7"; Attacks 2; Strength 3; Damage 3/6
- Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - that that tough mage. Still have claws and a weak and situational Triple aura ability to he all 1 wound.
Branchwych[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 6"; Toughness 3; Wounds 22; 180 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Mystic
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-7"; Attacks 2; Strength 3; Damage 3/6
- Staff-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/4
- Fighter Commentary - offensive Branchwraith. Wizard type with a damage dealing double.
Fighter[edit | edit source]
Dryad[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 10; 70 Pts.
- Rule: scout
- Weapons:
- Claws-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
- Fighter Commentary - your aggressive hoard fighter. fast, cheap lots of attacks, don't mind the unremarkable damage, use [Triple] Enrapturing Song and a swarm of Dryad will tear them to pieces.
Tree-Revenants[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 8; 50 Pts.
- Rule: Warror
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
- Fighter Commentary - Your cheapest fighter. not remarkable except for his teleportation ability. the range restriction prevents it from being used offensively but can be used to claim or defend objectives at a moment's notice. Good to have one in a warband.
Spite-Revenant[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 8; 70 Pts.
- Rule: Terror
- Weapons:
- Claws-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 1/3
- Fighter Commentary - a alternate to Dryads. no group synergy with Dryads, but +1 Strength and [Double] Shrieking Terror to paralyze an enemy fighter (so can't claim objectives or run from your tree ladies).
Kurnoth Hunters[edit | edit source]
the big strong slow guys of the Sylvaneth. With [Double] Trample Underfoot for extra damage.
Kurnoth Hunters with Greatsword
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 30; 180 Pts.
- Rule: Elite
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary - damage dealer
Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 30; 190 Pts.
- Rule: Elite
- Weapons:
- Scythe-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 3/6
- Fighter Commentary - pay extra for reach.
Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbow
- Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 30; 200 Pts.
- Rule: Elite
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-20"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
- Fighter Commentary - your long range artillery of the warband. 20" lets him sit back to loose 4 arrows.
Minions, Thralls, and Allies[edit | edit source]
General Tactics[edit | edit source]
Other Helpful Tips[edit | edit source]
Example Builds[edit | edit source]
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