Warcry/Tactics/Ogor Mawtribes

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Much like the Orruks, Ogors don’t particularly need a reason to be in the Eightpoints other than they are mad hungry.

Faction Overview[edit | edit source]

The band is generally a low model count team with each big boy capable of taking and dishing out a lot of damage.

Pros[edit | edit source]

  • Durable: Toughness 4 and 5 with have 30+ wounds, something even most Leaders don't have and that is just your basic fighters. Simply put, they don't die quickly.
  • High Killing: Ogor attacks are 5+ Strength that do 3-4 damage and 6-8 damage on criticals. As on average, most Fighters are T3 or 4 and between the 8-15 wound range, you are likely to take out a fighter with each attack action.
  • Gnoblars: Cheap chaff fighters making up numbers for how expensive your ogors are.
  • Fast units and Speedboosters: Have the average Universal 4", with several being 8", which can be boosted with generic abilities, On the Mawpath and Might Make Right.
  • Has A Cannon: Only one type of ranged Fighter that's expensive. Despite that, having one boosts up you army's value when your opponent tries to body shield.

Cons[edit | edit source]

  • Low Model Count: Outside of spamming weak Gnoblars, it's easy to get surrounded and each loss HURTS. the 2020 update has given you cheaper options but the only lets you squeeze in one or two more big guys.
  • Hard to Spend Effectively: Because of how much they cost, your successfulness is held on what fighters you can bring in a 1000pt budget.

Abilities Overview[edit | edit source]

Fighter ablities[edit | edit source]

  • [Reaction] Quick Bite: Activate if targeted by a melee attack. if none are crits, attacker takes 3 wounds and ogre regain equal to what it dealt. ([Brute] all Ogers and Gorger)
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Double]On the Mawpath: Add 3 to the Move characteristic of this fighter for their next move action in the current activation. ([Brute] All Ogors and Gorger)
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Double]Bounding Leaps: The fighter makes a bonus move towards the closest enemy. ([agile] Icefall Yhetee and Gorger)
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Double] Ironfist: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter and roll 2 dice. For each 3-5 the enemy fighter takes 1 damage point, for each 6 they take half this ability's value. ([Bulwark] Fighter with Ironfist)
    • Ability Commentary: If you’re not spending doubles for movement, get more value from a Crusher leader. Otherwise, just take Paired weapons on Gluttons.
  • [Double] Sneaky Traps: Until the end of the battle round, each time an enemy fighter finishes a move action within 3" of this fighter, that fighter suffers impact damage. ([Trapper] Gnoblar)
    • Ability Commentary: Makes the little guys a tiny bit scarier to the enemy. Best case scenario is your opponent will have to play around that particular gnoblar or waste a shooting attack to take it out.
  • [Triple] Bullcharge: Until the end of this fighter's activation, the next time they finish a move action within 1" of an enemy fighter the enemy fighter takes damage points equal to the value of this ability. ([Brute] All Ogors)
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Quad]Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal: Add 3 to the Attack and Strength characteristics of the next missile attack action made by this fighter this activation. ([Destoyer] Leadbelcher and Thunderfist)
    • Ability Commentary: For when you want to nuke a high-value target or tear a big chunk out of some monster.

Leader ablities[edit | edit source]

  • [Double] Might Makes Right: A fighter can use this ability only if an enemy fighter has been taken down by an attack action made by them in this activation. This fighter makes a bonus move or attack action. ([Leader])
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Double] Lead the Skal: Allow a [Beast] nearby to perform a bonus attack. ([Scout][Leader] Icebrow Hunter)
    • Ability Commentary: Encourages you to keep your Frost Sabres near your Hunter at all times. The Hunter can still hold his own like most other Ogors, but bonus attacks are always welcome.
  • [Double] Bloodgruel: Remove wounds equal to dice value. ([Mystic][Leader] Butcher)
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Triple] Bully of the First Degree: Damage a friendly fighter up to dice value to allow them to perform a bonus move or action. ([Elite][Leader]Tyrant)
    • Ability Commentary:
  • [Quad]Fire Breath: Damage up to dice value to all enemy fighters within range 3". ([Frenzied] Firebelly)
    • Ability Commentary:

Fighter's Overview[edit | edit source]

Leaders[edit | edit source]

Crusher[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 32; 245 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Bulwark, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 4/8
  • Fighter Commentary- He exemplifies Ogor kind with the highest wound total of 40. He will destroy the majority of enemy fighters with at most 2 attack actions. Using [Double]Might Makes Right or [Double]Ironfist will extend this rampage.

Gutlord[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 32; 280 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Sword-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 6; Damage 5/10
  • Fighter Commentary- Up the Crusher's Toughness, Strength and Damage. Most other warbands can only hit him on 5s now and wound their heaviest armour on 3s. 30 more points for extra is maybe too much unless your worried about other tough Warbands like Ironjawz or Stormcast.

Tyrant[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 42; 315 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Elite, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Beastskewer Glaive-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 6; Damage 4/8
      • Tyrant Ogor Pistols-Range 8"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary- More expensive than the Gutlord by 20pts, but greater versatility in all categories. He gets the Gutlord’s armor and more attacks, including a pistols to take out enemies from a distance. [Triple] Bully of the First Degree makes him surpringly effective at leading. Chip off some health on a fellow big boy so they get an extra move towards objectives or deal a finishing blow.

Skalg[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 8"; Toughness 4; Wounds 40; 355 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Mount, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Skalg Culling Club-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 4/8
      • Ironlock Pistol-Range 8"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary-

Thunderfist[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 32; 215 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Destroyer, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Ranged-Range 3-10"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
      • Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary- Our new cheapest leader choice and a darn deadly one too. Though not "as" killy in CC as a Crusher, but just as dangerous if any fighter gets within 10" of him. Easily the best choice for using [Quad]Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal.

Icebrow Hunter[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 40; 280 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, scout, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Hunter's Crossbow-Range 8"; Attacks 2; Strength 5; Damage 2/4
      • Hunter Culling Club-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 4/8
  • Fighter Commentary-

Butcher[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 38; 225 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Mystic, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Cleaver-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 3/6
      • Arcane Bolt-Range 3-7"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 3/6
  • Fighter Commentary- your second cheapest fighter. like a Thunderfist but more balance at ranged and melee. shorter shooting range less effective angienst the tough fighters.

Firebelly[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 38; 230 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Frenzied, Leader
    • Weapons:
      • Basalt Hammer-Range 2"; Attacks 2; Strength 5; Damage 4/8
      • Arcane Bolt-Range 3-7"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 3/6
  • Fighter Commentary-

Fighters[edit | edit source]

Glutton with Clubs[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 28; 200 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute
    • Weapons:
      • Club-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 3/6
  • Fighter Commentary- They are big boys, on par with Brutish Leaders. using [Double]On the Mawpath can make one surprisingly quick, They will kill almost every attack and [Triple] Bullcharge turns even a move action into an attack.

Glutton with Ironfist[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 28; 190 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Bulwark
    • Weapons:
      • Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 3/6
  • Fighter Commentary- Trade +1 attack to have Bulwark and a 10-point discount. The uses of the [Double]Ironfist ability don't really make up for this, so Unless there is a Scenario that benefits Bulwark Runemarks, skip.

Maneater[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 30; 205 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute
    • Weapons:
      • Slicers-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 3/6
      • Ogor Pistol-Range 8"; Attacks 2; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary- Take a Glutton and give him a gun. Still has decent ogor melee damage while dealing some ranged poke damage. When choosing between a Maneater vs Leadbelcher, the key question is if you prefer versatility or hanging back to obliterate a fighter up to 2 more inches away.

Irongut[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 5; Wounds 30; 235 Pts.
    • Rule: Brute
    • Weapons:
      • Club-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 6; Damage 4/8
  • Fighter Commentary - This is bringing a Lascannon to a knife fight. toughness 5 makes him hard to hit and his club will hit almost everything on 3+. He is meant to survive agent strong fighters and kill heavily armored foes. Situational and require those kinds of encounters to be more than once. Only has 3 attacks but if you find a way to boost it (and fish for more six) He is a destroyer. same problem as the Gutlord.

Leadbelcher[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 4; Wounds 28; 185 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Destroyer
    • Weapons:
      • Ranged-Range 3-10"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
      • Unarmed-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
  • Fighter Commentary - Easily among the star players of the whole game. Just one of these guys can be very nasty, blowing down enemies from across the board and being pretty durable to boot too.

Gnoblar[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 6; 45 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Trapper
    • Weapons:
      • Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 2; Damage 1/3
  • Fighter Commentary - Instead of a Glutton, can buy 4 4/9 Gnoblars. They exist so your opponent doesn't get more activations per turn than you. They are on par with other chaff fighters, they will die quickly. They are used to take objectives and accompany Gluttons. Their[Triple] Sneaky Traps can detur enemy rushes unless they want to take impact damage.

Frost Sabre[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 8"; Toughness 4; Wounds 16; 175 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Beast
    • Weapons:
      • Elongated Fangs-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
  • Fighter Commentary - being your "cheapest" objective graber. Ogor light in states but quick as a horse so this cat may grab any loose objectives. Also, recommend a few with an Icebrow Hunter so he can use his [Double] Lead the Skal to give one an extra attack.

Gorger[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 30; 195 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Agile, Brute
    • Weapons:
      • Distensible Jaw-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 3/6
  • Fighter Commentary - this hangry boy is now is if an Ogor becomes a cheaper Bezerker. cheaper and more speed than a glutton but lacks some defensive flab and a point less of strength. Easy to hit with T3 but 30 wounds should keep him in for a while. Gets [Double]On the Mawpath and [Double]Bounding Leaps so can quickly close in on enemies.

Icefall Yhetee[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 8"; Toughness 4; Wounds 25; 205 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Agile
    • Weapons:
      • Ice-encrusted Clubs-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
  • Fighter Commentary - mix of Sabercat and Ogor. Like the Gorger they are fast movers, but trade that to be less effective at combat glutton. Having [Double]Bounding Leaps, they are well suited to claiming objectives while also hunting down other fighters.

Mournfang Pack with Culling Club and Ironfist[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 8"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 295 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Mount, Bulward
    • Weapons:
      • Culling Clubs-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 3/6
  • Fighter Commentary -

Mournfang Pack with Gargant Hacker[edit | edit source]

  • Stats: Movement 8"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 300 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Brute, Mount
    • Weapons:
      • Gargant Hacker-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 5; Damage 4/8
  • Fighter Commentary -

Minions, Thralls, and Allies[edit | edit source]

Gobbapalooza[edit | edit source]


  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 12; 85 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Ally, Berserker
    • Weapons:
      • Club - Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/4
    • [Double] Mesmerize: Stop an enemy from making a move or disengage action on a 3+.
  • Fighter Commentary - His ability is very useful for pinning down key targets for your Ogors to charge or blast.


  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 20; 85 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Ally, Terrifying
    • Weapons:
      • Fangs - Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 1/4
    • [Triple] Bogeyman Dance: Roll a D3 and add up to 3″ of Movement to a nearby friendly fighter.
  • Fighter Commentary - Likely the worst of the Gobbapalooza for Ogors since they’re already decently quick on their own.


  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 12; 85 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Frenzied, Ally
    • Weapons:
      • Club - Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/4
    • [Triple] Fungoid Cloud: Roll a dice and reduce up to 6 (to a minimum of 1) from the Attack characteristic of an enemy fighter.
  • Fighter Commentary - Useful for debuffing any enemy big boys that might pose a threat.


  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 12; 85 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Ally, Bulwark
    • Weapons:
      • Dagger - Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
    • [Double] Loonshrine Potion: Roll a D3 and add up to 3 to the attacks to a nearby friendly fighter. This is stackable with other abilities.
  • Fighter Commentary - Always helpful. Use him to juice up a your biggest hitter like a Tyrant and watch him go to town.


  • Stats: Movement 4"; Toughness 3; Wounds 12; 85 Pts.
    • Runemarks: Ally, ---
    • Weapons:
      • Club - Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage /14
    • [Double] Poison Brew: Roll a D3 and add up to 3 to the Strength of a friendly fighter.
  • Fighter Commentary - Similar to the Brewgit, though more designed for cracking more armored enemies.

General Tactics[edit | edit source]

Other Helpful Tips[edit | edit source]

Example Builds[edit | edit source]

  • Crusher, Leadbelcher, Glutton w/ Paired Weapons, and 6 Gnoblars
    • An all-rounder team meant for most situations. You can easily divide them up into an Ogor and 2 Gnoblars per formation as well.
  • Thunderfist and 14 Gnoblars
    • An unashamed meme build, but you’ll be drowning your opponent in sheer numbers, using the little runts to tie down enemies while the boss blows them to pieces.
  • Icebrow Hunter, Frost Sabre, Leadbelcher, and 6 Gnoblars
    • A thematic list for any Ogor hunting parties you wish to throw. If for some reason you don’t want the Leadbelcher, you can replace him with an extra Frost Sabre and Gnoblar.

Warcry Tactics
Grand Alliance: Chaos
Grand Alliance: Death
Grand Alliance: Destruction
Grand Alliance: Order
Monsters & Mercenaries