Warcry/Tactics/Idoneth Deepkin
A new take on the Sea Elves from the early editions of Fantasy, sometimes nicknamed "Teclis' Sea-Monkeys". Teclis's attempt to reconstitute the Elves from The-World-That-Was resulted in them going horribly wrong because they kept having PTSD-style flashbacks to their time with Slaanesh. Many of them were also bald, blind or both. Many of them even have souls that are slowly losing their strength and thus have extremely short lives. The only way to fix this is harvest the souls of others Dark Eldar Drukhari style. Teclis tried to find out what was wrong with the aelves, but they resisted his attempts to investigate, and he eventually declared them a mistake. They fled, and when he decided to start killing them off the aleves renamed themselves Idoneth Deepkin and decided to start a new life under the sea (unaware that Tyrion talked Teclis out of killing them off). They move around using Whirlways, Realmgates that are underwater.
Faction Overview[edit | edit source]
Some Idoneth are willing to take the risk of using tainted souls for their nourishment. Namarti of Both Kinds and eel riders form a rather extreme band of either cheap units with some strength or expensive steamrolling cavalry with 25 wounds base.
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Fast and mobile: have elfs and flying eels.
- Strong basic units:
Cons[edit | edit source]
- Low toughness:
- Limited havy hiters:
Abilities Overview[edit | edit source]
- [Reaction]: When enemy comes within 3" and has other valid melee targets, the said enemy model cannot target this model until the rest of the battle round.
- [Double] Low Tide: First turn only, universal. Fighter gets a bonus move equal to the value of the ability.
- [Double] Sweeping Blow: Namarti Thrall only. Roll a dice for each visible enemy fighter within 2" of this fighter, dealing 1 damage to that fighter on a 5, and damage equal to the value of this ability on a 6.
- [Double] Storm Fire: Namarti Reavers only. Add one to the Attacks characteristic of this model's attacks that target a model outside of 3 inches (so its bow).
- [Double] Riptide : (Isharann Tidecaster only) Pick a visible enemy fighter within 12" of this fighter. Until the end of the battleround, subtract 1 (to a minimum of 1) from the Attacks characteristic of attacks actions made by that fighter.
- [Double] Hangman's Knot: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 3" of this fighter. Until the end of that battleround, that fighter cannot take move actions or disengage actions. (Double, Isharann Soulrender)
- [Double] Storm of Blows (Akhelian King): Add up to +3 to the Attack characteristic of next attack action.
- [Triple] High Tide: Leader only, on third turn only. Add 1 to attacks and strength characters of friendly models attacks with range of 3 or less when they're within 6 of the leader.
- [Triple] High Tide (all Leaders): On the third battle round any friendly unit within 6” of the leader gets +1 attack and strength until the end of the round for melee attacks.
- [Triple] Biovolatic Barrier: Ishlaen Guard only. Crits hitting this fighter count as hits. Given Ishlaen Guard have 25 wounds base, this ability is horrifying, especially against Crit hunting Warbands.
- [Triple] Scryfish Shoal (Isharann Soulscryer): Pick a visible enemy fighter within 10" of this fighter and roll 8 dice. For each roll of 3-5, allocate 1 damage point to that fighter. For each roll of 6, allocate 2 damage points to that fighter.
- Commentary - Allocate from 0 to 12 (5 on average) damage to an enemy within 10″.
- [Triple] Way of the Depths (Akhelian Thrallmaster): +1 STR to melee of Namarti within 6".
- [Quad] Biovoltaic Blast: Morrsarr Guard only. Deals damage equal to the value of this ability to every visible enemy fighter within 3 of this fighter.
Fighter's Overview[edit | edit source]
Leaders[edit | edit source]
Akhelian King With Bladed Polearm[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 305 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Champion, Fly
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 5; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary A strong guy, beefy, with his flying 10" gets around many problems of having one of the large model bases in warcry. A decent weapon with his [double]Storm of Blows for up to 7 attacks.
Akhelian King With Greatsword[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 35; 305 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Champion, Fly
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 5; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary
Akhelian Prince[edit | edit source]
Your Flying Calvery. great movement with Flying 10", and decently tough T4 W35. Great leader to alwy be in the right place to unleash High Tide
Ishlaen Lochian Prince
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 25; 250 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Bulwark, Fly
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary
Morrsarr Lochian Prince
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 25; 260 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Berserker, Fly
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary
Isharann Soulrender[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 22; 185 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Frenzied
- Weapons:
- Fang-Range 3"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Sword-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary - a Fragile elf hero with two long-reaching attacks (stronger vs being at a safer distance). You don't want him to in brawls but good at using his [double] Hangman’s Knot to anchor a foe into a favorable 1vs1 with your sea elf gang.
Isharann Soulscryer[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 18; 140 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Priest
- Weapons:
- Fang-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - weakest hero, a Triple ability to deal damage.
Isharann Thrallmaster[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 18; 170 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Sentience
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 4; Strength 4; Damage 2/5
- Fighter Commentary
Isharann Tidecaster[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 18; 130 Pts.
- Rule: Leader, Mystic
- Weapons:
- Arcane Bolt-Range 3-7"; Attacks 2; Strength 3; Damage 3/6
- Staff-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/4
- Fighter Commentary - the caster, get that good Riptide double ability that -1 attacks within range to protect your fighters.
Fighters[edit | edit source]
Namarti Reaver[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 6"; Toughness 3; Wounds 8; 105 Pts.
- Rule: Agile
- Weapons:
- Ranged-Range 3-15"; Attacks 2; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
- Dagger-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 3; Damage 1/3
- Fighter Commentary - a quick elf at 6". also Great range with 15" with Storm Fire Let loos a lot of arrows.
Namarti Thrall[edit | edit source]
- Stats: Movement 5"; Toughness 3; Wounds 8; 80 Pts.
- Rule: Minion
- Weapons:
- Axe-Range 1"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 1/4
- Fighter Commentary - a fragile fighter but hits defistaenly hard.
Akhelian[edit | edit source]
Your Flying Cavalry. great movement with Flying 10", and decently tough T4 W20.
Ishlaen Guard
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 20; 180 Pts.
- Rule: Bulwark, Fly
- Weapons:
- Sword-Range 1"; Attacks 4; Strength 3; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - the defensive of the two, getting a triple to ignore Crits(where the most damage is dealt). also decent melee profile.
Morrsarr Guard
- Stats: Movement 10"; Toughness 4; Wounds 20; 200 Pts.
- Rule: Berserker, Fly
- Weapons:
- Spear-Range 2"; Attacks 3; Strength 4; Damage 2/4
- Fighter Commentary - Trade an attack for reach so as not to be in a locked engagement with the enemy. Has Quad that can deal lots of ability damage. overall a situational pick over the Ishlaen for 20 more points, taking one so you can electrocute a problematic enemy when you get a big quad.
Minions, Thralls, and Allies[edit | edit source]
General Tactics[edit | edit source]
Other Helpful Tips[edit | edit source]
Ally Scinari Cathallar from Lumineth for a decent ability damage (big potential with eels and king)
Example Builds[edit | edit source]
Warcry Tactics | |
Grand Alliance: Chaos | |
| |
Grand Alliance: Death | |
Grand Alliance: Destruction | |
Grand Alliance: Order | |
Monsters & Mercenaries |