
Bodt was an arid and volcanic planet in the Ultima Segmentum, which is known for being the main recruitment world of the World Eaters during the Great Crusade and early Horus Heresy. Bodt was unique in that, unlike other Space Marine Legions who mainly recruited from their Primarch's homeworld, Angron wanted nothing from his shithole of a home from Nuceria, so Bodt was chosen. Like other Traitoris Perditas worlds, it was destroyed, resulting in a severe shortage of angry motherfuckers which can be felt even in the 42nd Millenium.
History[edit | edit source]
Bodt is first mentioned as a planet on which Angron took charge over War Hounds Legion of Space Marines in a ceremony attended by a whole regiment of Solar Auxilia and Adeptus Titanicus. Because Angron would never even visit his homeworld Nuceria ever again, he chose this planet as his primary recruitment centre. Bodt's terrain was arid and volcanic and resembled more like Mars than anything else.
It was inhabited by Numen Gun Clans, which often served in Imperial Army units attached to World Eaters expeditions. As the World Eaters conducted live fire exercises and established industry upon Bodt, it became a polluted, unstable, and toxic planet. Bodt also maintained a vault of ancient and forbidden weapons overseen by Tech-Priests from Sarum, known as the Crimson Priests. Its capital city was Tredcimmia.
In the aftermath of the Drop Site Massacre, senior World Eaters Apothecaries in cooperation with the Word Bearers arrived on Bodt, where they established bio-vats to create new warriors at a rapid pace. What resulted were rage-filled monsters of pure aggression. Initiates who survived the process awoke thinking they were a veteran of countless wars.
For a while the primarch was chilling there building war infrastructure and preparing supplies, turning Bodt into a hypermilitarized war camp. Later during The Scouring, Bodt was destroyed like all traitor legions homeworlds when the motherfucking Iron Hands dropped Bodt's moon on it.