Gantz (Planet)
"Yo dawg, we heard you like Forge Worlds, so we put a Forge World in orbit of your Forge World so you can forge stuff while you forge stuff!"
- – Magos Xzibitus
Gantz (No, not that Gantz) is a Forge World and moon of Konor, which is also a Forge World. Both are part of the realm of Ultramar and are sometimes referred to as Konor-Gantz.
Overview and History[edit | edit source]
Gantz was probably settled around the same time as Konor, though no one knows for sure. By the time they were rediscovered during the Great Crusade, Gantz had already become a full Forge World by ancient treaty with Mars. Sometime after being incorporated into the Imperium, Konor started feuding with the newly founded Forge World of Anuaris, though Gantz decided to stay out of it. As the Crusade progressed, Gantz became the primary supplier of weapons and armour to the Ultramarines Legion. Their dedication was such that when the Titan Legio Praesagius (the True Messengers) needed somewhere to settle down due to battle damage and losses, Guilliman tapped Gantz for the job, granting the Legio the planet as its new homeworld. Praesagius spent seven years on Gantz resting, refitting, and being supplied with new Titans. By the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Gantz had brought the legio back to a strength of 112 Titans. A dozen Titans remained on Gantz while the rest were shipped to Calth, where they were all destroyed when the Word Bearers got their backstabbing on. The survivors pledged themselves to an Iron Crusade against the traitors, waging war across Ultramar with the aid of Knight Houses such as Ohrlacc and Vyronii and fellow Titan Legios, including Oberon, Lysanda, and the dread Psi-Titans of the Ordo Sinister.
Not much is known about Gantz's status in the intervening millennia between the Heresy and the 41st Millennium, though they rebuilt the True Messengers into something like its former strength. It was apparently ignored by both sides during the Konor Campaign in the Plague Wars, which is weird considering that the Death Guard invaded literally every other planet in the system. All things considered, GW probably just couldn't be bothered to do anything with it.