
Falling under the domain of the Space Wolves, Frostheim is one of the 3 inhabited worlds of the System alongside Fenris and Midgardia. The center of Frostheim is a Space Wolves fortress known as Morkai's Keep.
Overview[edit | edit source]
As its name implies, Frostheim is a snowball of a world like Fenris that just so happens to have a giant skull for a face. Was it a natural formation? Or something artificial? No one knows other than the fact that it looked Awesome. Unlike its bigger brothers, Frostheim is not a geological clusterfuck and remained relatively stable, despite this, it had the lowest population out of the three main worlds.
Frostheim has one moon, Svellgard, which maintains a orbital defense fortress known as the Wolf's Lair.
During the Siege of the Fenris System, Frostheim and its moon Svellgard came under the assault of Chaos forces. The planet itself was occupied by the Alpha Legion Lord Vykus Skayle while Svellgard was overrun by Daemons led by the Bloodthirster Vor'hakk. When Midgardia turned into a firework show, the destroyed world released 'solar flairs' which melted Frostheim's ice and turned its moon Svellgard from an Ocean Moon to a Desert Moon within an instant. It still got off better than either Fenris or Midgardia however. The worst part was that when the ice melted off Frostheim, a massive layer of fossilized bones was revealed, which were reanimated by the forces of Chaos into undead monsters which drank the blood of the living. So yeah, absolutely fantastic, they have to deal with real-life Skeletal Vampires now.