
Konor is an Imperial Forge World located in the realm of Ultramar, and is one of the foremost planets of the Five Hundred Worlds. It is presumably named after Rowboat Girlyman's adoptive father Konor Guilliman, which is a pretty sweet gesture when you think about it.
Early History[edit | edit source]
During the Great Crusade, Konor was one of Ultramar's primary shipbuilding worlds, alongside Calth. Its importance was such that one of Ultramar's four tetrarchs hailed from the planet and ruled over it as his personal domain. It was also the subject of a dispute between its native tech-priests; Mars had not granted Konor the status of a full Forge World because they saw it as subservient to Macragge, not the Mechanicum. This nearly escalated into civil war with the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, as some of Konor's elders openly asked whether they shouldn't just side with Horus and the Dark Mechanicum. This dispute prevented them from sending aid to the XIII Legion for some time, but eventually they decided to remain loyal to the Imperium. This was probably a wise decision, since one can only imagine how absolutely blind batshit furious Guilliman would have been if the world named after his dad had turned traitor.
Later History and the 41st-42nd Millennium[edit | edit source]
Much like poor old Pluto, Konor's status was in flux for some time after the end of the Heresy. It was initially upgraded to a full Forge World, then downgraded to a mere research station. By the time of Guilliman's resurrection in 999.M41, however, it had regained its status as a Forge World. Guilliman immediately made it the headquarters of Ultramar's northern section and assigned it a new tetrarch, Ultramarines First Captain Severus Agemman. During the Plague Wars, Konor and its system were invaded by the Death Guard, since it guarded one of the few stable Warp routes to Macragge. Taking it would cut Macragge off from the rest of the Imperium and deny Konor's immense manufacturing capability to Ultramar's defenders. The Ultramarines naturally weren't having any of that bullshit and counterattacked along with a bunch of successor chapters, Imperial Guard regiments, and some Grey Knights. Two of the system's planets, Vanitor and Drenthal, fell to the Chaos forces, but they were driven back from Astaramis, Nethamos, and Konor itself, which was the site of some of the fiercest fighting of the campaign. Mortarion attempted to pull an Autek Mor and crash a plague-infected planet called Loebos into Konor, but an Imperial strike force managed to detonate the fusion plant powering the colossal engines that he'd strapped to the planet, destroying the whole thing and forcing the Death Guard to retreat.