
Damais are a race of humanoid aliens from the planet Daimalko who were forced underground 200 years ago in a cataclysmic event that caused massive earthquakes, evaporated the oceans, killed all plantlife, and awakened a bunch of Kaijus who have been angrily stomping around ever since. Fast forward 150 years and an enterprising Damai named Reirali Kokolu reunited the remaining subterranean settlements and discovered a cache of magic orbs that let them mentally control the colossi above.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Ability Modifiers: +2 Cha, +2 Dex, -2 Wis
Hit Points: 2
Size and Type: Damais are Medium humanoids with the damai subtype.
Low-Light Vision: Damais have low-light vision.
Scrappy: Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet, a damai can reroll a failed attack roll or saving throw.
Survivor: +2 racial bonus to Stealth and Survival checks. This bonus increases to +3 when a damai is underground.