
Starfinder's Phentomites look like blue Pathfinder First Edition Kasathas with one less pair of arms and digitigrade legs. Thousands of years ago they accidentally blew up their entire planet, fracturing it into 10 continent-sized chunks and dozens of smaller fragments that now orbit a "gravitation anomaly". Thanks to magic, the pieces still have a thin atmosphere around them.
The Phentomites had very advanced technology before the accident, but now their only means of traveling between the landmasses is to literally jump from one to another when they get close enough, and construct temporary bridges of rope and wood. And thanks to the gravitational anomaly, landing starships on the surface of one of these chunks is incredibly dangerous.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
+2 Dex, +2 Wis, –2 Con
4 HP
Medium humanoid (phentomites).
Darkvision 60 feet.
Acclimated: Phentomites are acclimated to thin atmospheres and high altitudes, and they count as Small creatures for the purpose of slow suffocation.
Heat Tracker: As a full action, a phentomite can alter their vision to detect the latent heat trails left by passing creatures. This allows the phentomite to use the Perception skill to perform the follow tracks task of the Survival skill and also functions as the tracking universal creature rule. While this ability is active, the phentomite takes a –1 penalty to Reflex saving throws. The phentomite can deactivate this ability as a move action.
Natural Agility: +3 racial bonus to Athletics checks to climb or jump.