
Pathfinder's Shobhads are shameless expies of the Tharks from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series. Which is to say they are giant green four-armed humanoids with a warlike, tribal culture who live on a Fantasy version of Mars. In Starfinder they got a redesign that gave them big tusks, making them look even more like Tharks.
Starfinder PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, -2 Int Hit Points: 6
Size and Type: Shobhads are Large monstrous humanoids with space and reach of 10 feet.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Four-Armed: Shobhads have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks shobhads can make during combat.
Shobhad Ferocity: Once per day, a shobhad brought to 0 Hit Points but not killed can fight on for 1 more round. The shobhad drops to 0 HP and is dying (following the normal rules) but can act normally until the end of her next turn, when she becomes unconscious as normal. If she would lose additional Hit Points before this, she ceases to be able to act and falls unconscious.
Swift:A shobhad has a base speed of 40 feet.
Weathered:Shobhads have cold resistance 5, which stacks with one other source of cold resistance.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Bestiary 4
Distant Worlds
Alien Archive 1