Uplifted Bear

Unlike Pahtras or Vlakas, who are aliens that coincidentally just so happen to look like catpeople and wolfpeople, Uplifted Bears are literal bears that have been experimented on Dr. Moreau style to turn them into sapient bipedal humanoids. They also have telepathy.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Hit Points: 6
Size and Type: Large magical beast with a space of 10 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Climber: Uplifted bears have a climb speed of 20 feet.
Ferocious Charge: When the creature charges, it can attempt a trip combat maneuver in place of the normal melee attack. In addition, the creature can charge without taking the normal charge penalties to its attack roll or AC. If the creature has another ability that allows it to charge without taking these penalties (such as the charge attack ability from the soldier’s blitz fighting style), it also gains the ability to charge through difficult terrain.
Limited Augmentation:The only augmentations that can be installed in an uplifted bear’s brain are datajacks and the mechanic’s custom rig.
Limited Telepathy 30 feet
Low-Light Vision
Natural Survivor: Uplifted bears have a +2 racial bonus to Life Science and Survival checks.
Natural Weapons: Uplifted bears have natural weapons that function like those of vesk, except the bears’ natural weapons deal slashing damage.
Swift: Uplifted bears have a land speed of 40 feet.