
Quorlus are four-legged, three-armed, silicon-based magma snails from Starfinder. Like Xorns, they like to eat rocks. Specifically gypsum, quartz, and salt, which they grow in crystal farms. They don't need to breathe, which means they can survive in a vacuum longer than Sarcesians.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
+2 Con, +2 Cha, –2 Dex
6 HP
Medium monstrous humanoid.
Land speed 25 feet.
Darkvision 60 feet.
Endothermic: Resistance 5 to fire that stacks with one other source of fire resistance.
Lithic: Quorlus gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against bleed, disease, and poison effects, and they can’t benefit from drugs, medicinals, or similar nonmagical substances. In addition, quorlus don’t breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.
Multiarmed (3): A quorlu can wield and hold up to 3 hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items it can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks it can make during combat.
Stable: +4 racial bonus to AC against combat maneuvers to bull rush, reposition, or trip.
Susceptible to Cold: When a quorlu takes cold damage, it becomes fatigued for 1 round. This effect doesn’t cause a fatigued quorlu to become exhausted.
Tunneler: A quorlu can dig through soil at a rate of 5 feet per minute. A quorlu can use this ability combined with its internal heat to dig through stone at a rate of 1 foot per minute. When it digs, a quorlu can leave a tunnel behind.
Unflankable: Flanking a quorlu does not grant any bonuses, and abilities that function only against a creature that is flanked do not function against it.