
Verthani are the primary inhabitants of the planet Verces in Starfinder. They look like 8 foot tall humans with pure black eyes. They also have chameleon skin.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str
Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Verthani are Medium humanoids with the verthani subtype.
Easily Augmented: Verthani have spent a long time implanting devices into their bodies. A verthani can install an additional augmentation (cybernetics only) into one system that already has an augmentation.
Low-Light Vision: Verthani have low-light vision.
Skill Focus: Gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat.
Skin Mimic: A verthani who stays stationary for 1 round gains a +10 racial bonus to Stealth checks (this bonus doesn’t stack with the invisibility spell or similar effects). If the verthani takes any action, he loses this bonus until he once again spends 1 round remaining still. A verthani wearing clothing or armor that covers more than one-quarter of his body can’t use this ability.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
The Races of Starfinder |