
Starfinder's Urogs are silicon-based electric aliens native to Dykon, one of Bretheda’s moons. When moving, they look like big blue chitinous slugs, but they can rear up to reveal four pairs of appendages for manipulation. They float using electromagnetism. They eat by using thier tiny legs to extract useful atoms, so not strange to see a Urog play with thier food rock.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Hit Points 6
Size and Type: Urogs are Large magical beasts with a space of 10 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Blunt: –2 penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy checks
Electrical Resistance: Urogs have electricity resistance 5, which stacks with one other source of electricity resistance.
Electrolocation: An urog who is in contact with a crystalline or metallic surface can detect the presence of other creatures within 60 feet that are also in contact with the same surface, even through walls and other obstacles. This otherwise functions as blindsense (vision).
Limited Telepathy: Urogs can communicate telepathically with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language.
Low-Light Vision: Urogs can see in dim light as if they were normal light.
Plodding: Urogs have a base speed of 20 feet.
Skilled: Urogs gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and each level thereafter.
Darkvision: Urogs have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.