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there wasn't any mention of the lack of a model, soo...
1d4chan>The Hat That Was
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{{Topquote|Wot's faster than a warbuggy, more killy than a warbike, and flies through da air like a bird? I got no bleedin' idea, but I'm gonna find out.|Kog da Flymek, pioneer of the Deffkopta}}
''"Wot's faster than a warbuggy, more killy than a warbike, and flies through da air like a bird? I got no bleedin' idea, but I'm gonna find out."''<br>
-Kog da Flymek, pioneer of the Deffkopta


Revision as of 12:55, 16 October 2018

"Wot's faster than a warbuggy, more killy than a warbike, and flies through da air like a bird? I got no bleedin' idea, but I'm gonna find out."

– Kog da Flymek, pioneer of the Deffkopta


"Harharhar! Humie don' surf!"

No, but seriously

A Deffkopta is an Ork flying device resembling a crude helicopter or gyrocopter built to seat one, the pilot, and carry a set of underslung weaponry, generally twin-linked big shootas, bazookas or mega-blastas. The vehicle usually has additional rocket thrusters installed on it to aid the velocity-addicted greenskin manning it to get his nonexistent rocks off even harder than already possible, notwithstanding how senseless jamming rockets onto a helicoper is (unless they're the shoot-at-the-other-guy kind). Some daring flyboys go so far as to modify their rawket lawnchair with a chainsaw or rotary saw blade sticking out the bottom to driveby-slit-up gits with, unheeding of the danger of snagging it on something and then slamming face first into the ground. It is the logical extension of the average Kult of Speed fanatics' MO and one would not at all be wrong to think of it as essentially being an airborne Waaaghbike, sometimes even being constructed from the remains of one (though that doesn't mean much with orks anyway).

So it came to pass that in the 41st millenium, as the humans were rocking a transport craft that was the Mil Mi-24 Hind in design, carrying capacity, combat role and armament but exactly not name, the Orks were still the only ones with any actual helicopters. Well, sort of. Gyrocopters of one kind or another make several appearances in the literature, but these are almost exclusively for civilian and non-combat roles, so rather, the orks are the only ones that still fly helicopters into battle.

It should be noted that you are extremely unlikely to face one in an actual battle though, as the only model available for sale is a piece of crap pewter dual-rotor revolver armed model. In 5th edition, there were actually alright plastic models for the Deffkopta, which appeared in the starter set Assault On Black Reach. But now the only way to get your grubby little mitts on the things is Ebay, or other third parties, as to my knowledge they never saw a separate release, and even if they did they no longer have it. So until GeeDubs get around to actually giving these guys viable models don't expect to lock horns with this beast any time soon

Forces ov da Orks
Bosses: Beastboss - Big Mek - Boiler Boy - Meganobz - Painboy
Painboss - Pigdok - Warboss - Warlord - Weirdboy - Wurrboy
Boyz: Boyz (Huntas - Madboyz - Shoota Boyz - Slugga Boyz - Stikk Bommas - Wildboyz)
'Ardboyz - Brutes - Cyborks - Diggas - Gretchin - Nobz - Skarboyz
Oddboys: Burna Boyz - Flash Gitz - Kommandos - Lootas
Mekboyz - Rokkas - Runtherd - Stormboyz - Tankbustas
Feral Orks an'
Beast Snaggas:
Beast Snagga Boy - Boarboyz - Herda - Kill Rig
Squig Catapult - Squiggoth - Squighog Boy - Trappa
Stompy 'fings: Deff Dred - Gorkanaut - Killa Kan - Mega-Dread - Morkanaut
Transports an' Tanks: Battlewagon - Big Lugga - Big Trakks - Bonebreaka - Bonecruncha - Braincrusha
Flakkatrakks - Gobsmasha - Grot Tanks - Grot Trakbike - Gutrippa - Grot MegaTank
Gunwagon - Looted Wagon - Lungbursta - Trukk - Spleenrippa - Weirdboy Tower
Speed Freeks: Boomdakka Snazzwagon - Bowelburna - Cuttas - Deffkilla Wartrike - Junka
Kustom Boosta-Blasta - Megatrakk Scrapjet - Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
Shokkjump Dragsta - Speedsta - Warbikers - Warbuggy - Wartrakk
Flyboyz: Bomma - Dakkajet - Deffkoptas - Drilla-Killa - Fighta - Fighta-Bomma
Grot Bomms - Landa - Minelayer - Warkoptas - Wazbom Blastajet
Supportin' Dakka: Grot Bomm Launcha - Magna-Kannon - Mek Gunz
Splashy Noggins: Ship Smasha-class Maritime Destroyer
Nautical Kroozer - Ork Submersible
Zoggin' Big and Ded Killy: Battlefortress - Gargant - Kill Tanks - Locomotive Battering Ram - Stompa
Warp Ulks: Ork Assault Boat - Rok
Huts'an Stuff: Big'ed Bossbunka - Dropz - Mekboy Workshop
Gubbinz an' Wots-its: Choppas - Fungus - Ork Gunz - Snotlings - Squigs - Warboars