Grot Trakbike

Grot Trakbikes are small ramshackle armoured vehicles, built and driven by Gretchin (or 'Grot') hordes within Ork armies. They are the equivalent of a Grot Rhino/Land Raider, serving as a miniature APC, much as how Grot Tanks serve as the Grot's MBT. They allow these buggers to survive a few more seconds in the battlefield.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Made from the track of a Chimera, the Trakbike is armed with a Big Shoota and is adorned with Ork bike teef on its front. Due to their small size, over a dozen Grots could comfortably sit within the hulls of the vehicle. The Lasgun turrets of the Chimera have been replaced by a cuppola and some firing ports to allow the Grots to fire their Grot Blastas. Still, although they allow the Grots some safety within the armoured hulls, a single anti-tank shot from an anti-armour weapon like a Lascannon or Melta can easily vapourize the ramshackle contraption.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
The Grot Trakbike was created by the Games Workshop employee John Ashton and was showcased in an article of the March 2020 issue of White Dwarf.