
Hey! You ever wondered where Gretchin get all their "motivation" from? Well look no further.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Runtherds are Ork Oddboyz who are responsible for exploiting Gretchin and Snotlings. Far from detesting their jobs, Runtherds often take pride in their work and like any good breeder will try to produce the fiercest Grots and Snots they can (not too fierce though, a Grot should know 'is place). Also, they take full credit for any brew of fungus beer crafted by Gretchin and their rabble. Since most "civilian" functions in Ork societies are performed by Grots, the Runtherds perform a vital role by ensuring that the Grots don't slack off.
While Grots are marginally effective in combat they are nevertheless useful as living meat-shields, so Runtherds are often seen leading large Gretchin mobs into the fray or ordering around the Gretchin crews of Big Gunz.
A Runtherd will sometimes work with a Big Mek to goad Snotlings into the maw of a Shokk Attack Gun so that the Mekboyz can use them as living ammunition. If a Mek is not around, than the Runtherd will 'convince' the Snotlings to attack the nearest enemy with whatever they have via pain of death. Usually the Snotlings fail to even tickle the enemy and end up mulched whilst the Runtherd laughs his green ass off. For this reason, Snotlings do not currently have an entry in the Ork codex.
By human standards most orks exhibit highly psychopathic tendencies including an extreme proclivity for violence and an utter lack of empathy, and Runtherds are no different. However, in contrast to most of their brethren Runtherds can at least abstractly understand the notion of other creatures just not being as 'ard as orks, while also remembering that they need to be fed, watered, and hit just right so you don't kill them by accident. This means that they're also responsible for handling and overseeing any non-grot slaves such as humans that Ork society has accumulated, at least back in the days when this was something that they actually did frequently. A truly successful Runtherd must therefore exhibit more patience, care, and intelligence toward his charges than you might think. All that being said, a Runtherd is still an Ork, and he will not hesitate to casually murder a particularly truculent Grot in order to set an example for the others. After all, killing just one or two means that you are being firm but fair.
In fact, an old Ork special character named Zodgrod Wortsnagga recently returned to the tabletop in 9th Edition. Zogrod is a rather unique Runtherd who is known for taking such pride and care for his runts that he got really, really zogging pissed off with the way other Orks would abuse his underlings. This led to his exile after he deliberately fired a Mekboy through his own Shokk Attack Gun.
Runtherds are also responsible for maintaining the oral traditions of the Orks. These highly-embellished oral histories are the only real link that Orks have with their past, given that most Orks don't even bother to think about the past in the first place.
Finally, it should be noted that one of the biggest perks of being a Runtherd is that a quick snack is never far away...
Equipment[edit | edit source]
As mentioned above, Runtherds are armed with four distinct and useful tools/weapons. The first is the Grot Lash, which is basically a barbed lash several metres long used by Runtherds to keep Grotz in line. The second is the Grabba Stikk which are the traditional tool used for throttling anything in arm's reach. Consisting of a sturdy metal pole, a deceptively simple pulley system, and an articulated barbed claw, Grabba Stikks are used to capture and restrain potential slaves. In battle, Runtherds often use them to throttle enemies within the weapon's reach. The third one is the Grot-Prod. This tazer-like weapon is constructed by a Meks to deliver a short, sharp shock to an errant Grot's vulnerable parts. These electric prods can also be made into a formidable close combat weapons by increasing the voltage to lethal levels. Fourthly, Runtherds will often make use of Squig-hounds or Herd Squigs to eat errant or fleeing Grots in order to "increase" the morale of their Gretchin mob.
On the tabletop, Runtherds are fairly sturdy characters with 4 wounds (as of 8th edition). They are also armed with a Slugga for blastin' gits.