Junkas are essentially the catch-all term for any vehicle created by Orks from the remains of completely destroyed vehicles; often looking more like a Frankenstein of a vehicle with different vehicle body parts bolted, welded or glued together. They take on an entirely new level of looting as looted vehicles often come from enemy vehicles that still functions and are given the proper Orky treatment.
Most Junkas are completely unique and no two look alike due to their mishmash of different vehicles. Even by Ork standards Junkas are difficult to independently classify from their usage. So far there are only two identifiable types of Junkas documented by the Imperium. The Junka Trukk and the Mekboy Junka.
Junka Trukk[edit | edit source]

Junka Trukks are made by Feral Orks, which is usually to compensate for their overall lack of advance technology. It's not uncommon for Feral Ork tribes to salvage vehicles left by other forces. These vehicles will usually have been heavily damaged, and it is rare that a Feral Ork tribe will either have the mechanical expertise or spare parts needed to repair them correctly. But that generally does not stop the Tribes from cobbling things together with their boilers and boars to make surprisingly effective war machines. Junka Trukks rely on their speed to overcome their relatively light and poor quality armor.
Think of them as the poor man's Trukk and like most Ork vehicles they are highly customizable. The Junka Trukk usually features a single pintle-mounted Big Shoota that is operated by a dedicated gunner, but can swap it with a Rokkit Launcha for anti-vehicular or a Burnas for anti-infantry purposes. The vehicle is crewed by an Ork Gretchin, who drives the vehicle, and a single Ork, who can be a Nob or a Wildboy. The vehicle is also open-topped, allowing the passenger to be armed with Shootas or a Shoota and a Choppa, so that the Ork is able fight off enemies at close range. Junkas also double as inefficient transports, with its passengers riding into battle clinging to any spare piece of their technological masterpiece in large numbers. The Junka Trukk can also be outfitted with many types of attachments and upgrades, including armoured plating, a big grabber, a boarding plank, a bolted-on Big Shoota, a reinforced ram, a Stikkbomb Chukka, or a wrecker ball.
Mekboy Junka[edit | edit source]

On the other end of the spectrum, Mekboy Junkas are used by... well... Mekboyz and are often seen as the more advanced and sophisticated of the two (By Ork standards of course). Often these vehicles are a way for younger Mekboyz to showcase their skill and talent in building vehicles and weaponry, hopefully impressing Warbosses and Nobz. Think of them as the Ork equivalent of a Children's Science Fair.
Like the Junkas used by the more primitive brethren, Mekboy Junkas are sometimes scratch built or looted, but usually are a ramshackle cross of both. Like many Ork vehicles, each Junka is unique, incorporating the Mekboy's own special 'innovashuns'.
Mekboy Junkas come usually with a Deathrolla, a turreted Big Shoota and two side mounted Scorchas which can be replaced with Rokkit Launchas or more Shootas. Like all Junkas, Mekboy Junkas are fast, very fast.
Fanmade Rules[edit | edit source]
8th Edition[edit | edit source]
Junka Trukk[edit | edit source]
A Junka Trukk is a single model armed with a Big Shoota, it may also attempt to crush its foes with its Ramshackle Tyres.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Junka Trukk | 16" | 4+ | 5+ | 5 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 5+ | 40 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Big Shoota | 36" | Assault 3 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - | 0 |
Bolted On Big Shoota | 36" | Assault 3 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - | 2 |
Rokkit Launcha | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -2 | D3 | - | 5 |
Burna | 8" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. | 2 |
Ramshackle Tyres | Melee | Melee | User | -1 | 1 | - | 0 |
Wargear options:
- This model may swap its Big Shoota for a Rokkit Launcha or a Burna.
- This model may take Extra Armour Plating 10 points
- This model may take up to 3 Bolted On Big Shootas.
- This model may take a Reinforced Ram 10 points.
- Literal Junk: It’s difficult to really damage something when any damage your causing to it might actually be improving its structural integrity.
- Every time this model would lose a wound roll a D6, on a 5+ that wound is ignored and not lost. However, attacks made against this model with ap -1 or better add 1 to their ap characteristic (eg ap -1 becomes ap -2).
- Out of Control: Junka’s are even more unreliable than normal Trukk’s, which is to be expected as they are made out of... well junk.
- Roll a D6 when this model goes to or below 5 remains wounds, or at the beginning of your turn if this model has 5 or less wounds.. On a 4+ this model goes out of control and collides into the nearest unit in front of it (friend or foe) with that unit suffering D3 mortal wounds. Any models which this model was transporting are now deployed within 1” of this colluded unit, and if that unit is an enemy they are now engaged in combat. This model then becomes immobile from the crash, it may not move or fight in melee but it may still shoot any weapons it has in the shooting phase or overwatch.
- "Open Topped": Not so much a design feature as the laziness of the designer to cover up the transport compartment properly.
- Models embarked inside this model may shoot out of it.
- Extra Armour Plating:
- If this model has taken Extra Armour Plating then its armour save is increased to a 4+, but it reduces its movement characteristic to 12".
- Reinforced Ram:
- If this model has taken a Reinforced Ram then when it charges an enemy unit, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ on a D6. Also, increase the number of wounds inflicted to a unit by Out of Control to D6 instead of D3.
Transport, this model may transport up to 10 ORK INFANTRY models, but not MEGA ARMOUR or JET PACK models.
Faction Keywords: ORK, <CLAN>
Mekboy Junka[edit | edit source]
A Mekboy Junka is a single model armed with a Turreted Big Shoota and two Scorchas, it may also attempt to crush its foes with its Deathrolla.
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | A | Ld | Sv | Points |
Mekboy Junka | 20" | 4+ | 5+ | 5 | 6 | 9 | 3 | 6 | 5+ | 70 |
Weapon | Range | Type | S | AP | D | Abilities | Points |
Turreted Twin Big Shoota | 36" | Assault 6 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - | 0 |
Bolted On Big Shoota | 36" | Assault 3 | 5 | 0 | 1 | - | 3 |
Rokkit Launcha | 36" | Heavy D3 | 8 | -2 | D3 | - | 6 |
Burna | 8" | Assault D6 | 4 | 0 | 1 | This weapon automatically hits its target. | 3 |
Deathrolla | Melee | Melee | +2 | -2 | 1 | This weapon hits on a 2+ and each hit counts as 2 against INFANTRY in a turn in which this weapons bearer charged. | 0 |
- This model may take 3 additional Bolted On Big Shootas.
- This model may replace both or either of its Burnas with Rokkit Launchas or Bolted On Big Shootas.
- This model may take a "Borrowed" Fighta Bomma Jet Engine 50 points.
- This model may be equipped with an 'ard case for 15 points.
- This model may be equipped with extra armor plating for 20 points.
- This model must take one of the following upgrades: Reinforced Ram, Deff Rolla, Wreckin' ball, Grabbin Klaw.
- This model may replace its turreted twin big shoota for a kustom mega blasta for 15 points.
- This model may take any one of the following upgrades (if one is taken, its Transport Capacity drops to 6): Supa-skorcha for 28 points, Zzap gun for 18 points, Kustom force field for 20 points, shokk attack gun for 25 points.
- Literal Junk: It’s difficult to really damage something when any damage you are causing to it might actually be improving its structural integrity.
- Every time this model would lose a wound roll a D6, on a 5+ that wound is ignored and not lost. However, attacks made against this model with ap -1 or better add 1 to their ap characteristic (eg ap -1 becomes ap -2).
- Out of Control: Junka’s are even more unreliable than normal Trukk’s, which is to be expected as they are made out of... well junk.
- Roll a D6, when this model goes to or below 5 remaining wounds. On a 4+ this model goes out of control and collides into the nearest unit in front of it (friend or foe) with that unit suffering D3 mortal wounds. Any models which this model was transporting are now deployed within 1” of this colluded unit, and if that unit is an enemy they are now engaged in combat. This model then becomes immobile from the crash, it may not move or fight in melee but it may still shoot any weapons it has in the shooting phase or overwatch.
- Grot Repair crew:
- At the start of each of your turns this model regains 1 previously lost wound.
- "Borrowed" Fighta Bomma Jet Engine:
- If this model has a "Borrowed" Fighta Bomma Jet Engine, then it adds 6" to its movement characteristic and may activate the "Turbo Speed!" ability.
- Turbo Speed!:
- If this model has a "Borrowed" Fighta Bomma Jet Engine, then at the beginning of your turn you may decide to power up the jet turbine, this model gains the FLY keyword and must move in a straight line between 36"-42". It may pass over INFANTRY units doing so, but it may not pass over scenery, VEHICLE's, MONSTER's or TITANIC units (you may not activate this ability if the models path would be blocked by such units). You must then fire this models weapons at every single enemy unit it passes within 12" of, and these shots hit on a 6+ (unless otherwise specified). After this you may not activate this ability again for the rest of the battle.
- "Open Topped": Not so much a design feature as the laziness of the designer to cover up the transport compartment properly.
- Models embarked inside this model may shoot out of it.
- Extra Armour Plating:
- If this model has taken Extra Armour Plating then its armour save is increased to a 4+, but it reduces its movement characteristic to 12".
- 'ard Case
- If this model is equipped with an 'ard case, it's Toughness characteristic is increased by 1 and it loses the Open-topped ability
Transport, this model may transport up to 10 ORK INFANTRY models, but not MEGA ARMOUR or JET PACK models.
Faction Keywords: ORK, <CLAN>