
The Gutrippa is an Ork vehicle. It is unique in a sense that its primarily equipped with a pair of pincers on its front hull, because where else would you see pincers being attached to? Said pincers allow it to rip through formations of infantry, tear down trees and obstacles, rip open the armor of heavy infantry and even grab things, hence its name, although it is unknown on how effective it is against vehicles. It is also armed with a Battle Cannon and Shoota for range, for when rip and tear isn't appropriate.
The Gutrippa seems to have been built around the chassis of a Chimera, although heavily modified to complement Orkish design. In Epic, the Gutrippa was used as a line breaker and assault tank, ripping apart infantry at close range while still having the ability to engage enemy armor at a distance.
Like a number of other Ork vehicles from 1st Edition Epic, the Gutrippa hasn't seen the tabletop nor been mentioned by GW at all for decades now baring a single possible exception in that the new Beast Snagga special character Mozgrod Skragbad has a Power Klaw by the name of Gutrippa, which might or might not be a reference to the vehicle’s pincers.