
Cuttas are a very old school vehicle dating back to Rogue Trader. These land yachts are unique in the sense that they are powered by wind. First appearing in Gorkamorka, these vehicles are used by the Rebel Grots in the game.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Cuttas are smaller than a Big Lugga, varying between a Bike and a Trakk. They are used by Rebel Grots to scout ahead of the main force and locate possible targets. The strength and direction of the wind greatly affects how fast they can go and how well they manoeuvre.
They are lightly armored in order for the vehicle to maintain high speeds in the sand dunes of Gorkamorka and are lightly armed; carrying a single catapult that possibly fires buzzer squigs. The vehicle may gain some added firepower if the Gretchin crew are all armed with Grot Blastas which may score the occasional kill.
It is unknown if Grots from other Ork worlds have built such a thing.