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The Wartrakk Skorcha's grandpapa.

The Bowelburna is a fast attack Ork vehicle. Like the Bonebreaka, Bonecruncha, Braincrusha, Gutrippa, Spleenrippa, Weirdboy Tower, Gobsmasha and the Lungbursta. The Bowelburna is a very old Ork vehicle dating back in the days of the Squats. Oh yeah, you heard us right, they are that old and it really shows its age. Seriously, just their names itself reeks of 90s cheesiness. These guys have not seen the light of day.

Overview[edit | edit source]

In terms of function, these four-wheeled ramshackle vehicles serve as the Ork's answer to the Imperial Guard's Hellhound, with a Skorcha as its primary weapon. As they are both light vehicles armed with flamers which are designed for crowd clearing and bunker busting, the comparisons are quite uncanny despite the Bowelburna's appearance of a over glorified farm tractor with a flamethrower on top.

It would seem now that the Bowelburna's spiritual modern successor is the Wartrakk sub-variant called the Wartrakk Skorcha, which essentially fills in the same role as the Bowelburna's identity as a fast attack assault vehicle. With the only key difference being the Wartrakk Skorcha having a exposed fuel tank, which makes the original a hundred times better in both practical design and safety regulations.

Forces ov da Orks
Bosses: Beastboss - Big Mek - Boiler Boy - Meganobz - Painboy
Painboss - Pigdok - Warboss - Warlord - Weirdboy - Wurrboy
Boyz: Boyz (Huntas - Madboyz - Shoota Boyz - Slugga Boyz - Stikk Bommas - Wildboyz)
'Ardboyz - Brutes - Cyborks - Diggas - Gretchin - Nobz - Skarboyz
Oddboys: Burna Boyz - Flash Gitz - Kommandos - Lootas
Mekboyz - Rokkas - Runtherd - Stormboyz - Tankbustas
Feral Orks an'
Beast Snaggas:
Beast Snagga Boy - Boarboyz - Herda - Kill Rig
Squig Catapult - Squiggoth - Squighog Boy - Trappa
Stompy 'fings: Deff Dred - Gorkanaut - Killa Kan - Mega-Dread - Morkanaut
Transports an' Tanks: Battlewagon - Big Lugga - Big Trakks - Bonebreaka - Bonecruncha - Braincrusha
Flakkatrakks - Gobsmasha - Grot Tanks - Grot Trakbike - Gutrippa - Grot MegaTank
Gunwagon - Looted Wagon - Lungbursta - Trukk - Spleenrippa - Weirdboy Tower
Speed Freeks: Boomdakka Snazzwagon - Bowelburna - Cuttas - Deffkilla Wartrike - Junka
Kustom Boosta-Blasta - Megatrakk Scrapjet - Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
Shokkjump Dragsta - Speedsta - Warbikers - Warbuggy - Wartrakk
Flyboyz: Bomma - Dakkajet - Deffkoptas - Drilla-Killa - Fighta - Fighta-Bomma
Grot Bomms - Landa - Minelayer - Warkoptas - Wazbom Blastajet
Supportin' Dakka: Grot Bomm Launcha - Magna-Kannon - Mek Gunz
Splashy Noggins: Ship Smasha-class Maritime Destroyer
Nautical Kroozer - Ork Submersible
Zoggin' Big and Ded Killy: Battlefortress - Gargant - Kill Tanks - Locomotive Battering Ram - Stompa
Warp Ulks: Ork Assault Boat - Rok
Huts'an Stuff: Big'ed Bossbunka - Dropz - Mekboy Workshop
Gubbinz an' Wots-its: Choppas - Fungus - Ork Gunz - Snotlings - Squigs - Warboars