Wazbom Blastajet

By far one of the craziest and more fucktastically awesome looking Ork aircraft. The Wazbom Blastajet masters all three aspects of going fast, having lots of Dakka, and screaming Waaagh! really loudly, these improvised flying machines are covered in improbable weaponry and piloted by the craziest Mekboyz. Wazbom Blastajets fly in tight mob formations, competing to see who can blow stuff up in the most hilarious manner. The more hapless enemies dissolved by searing energies, teleported into oblivion, or hurled through the skies to their messy demise the better, and every kill means more scrap for the Mekboyz to gather up and nail to their Blastajet squadrons.
To give you an idea of how crazy-awesomely it is armed, the Wazbom Blastajet typically sports exotic Mekboy weaponry, including either twin Kustom Mega-Kannons or twin Tellyporta Mega Blastas. It also has a nose-mounted Smasha Gun, a Stikkbomb launcher, and/or a pair of Supa Shootas. For defense, it can replace the Stikkbomb launcher with a Kustom Force Field. So yes, this thing features the same energy shielding that you would find on a Morkanaut. In case you were still wondering, yes, this is literally a flying tank destroyer.
Unfortunately, there are some downsides. The damage output of its weapons can be a bit unreliable, and they suffer from Ork accuracy (aside from the Smasha Gun, which gets a +1 bonus to hit). As of 8th Edition, it is also the most expensive Ork flyer. A fully decked out Blastajet is almost 200 points, so this is one expensive flying brick. While the Kustom Force Field can protect the Blastajet to some extent, this fighter is still a giant neon "Shoot Me!" target for every anti-air weapon on the game board.