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[[Image: Imperial_Palace_Terra.jpg|700px|thumb|right|Ladies and gentlemen, hive/shrine world, Holy Terra.]]

== Agri-Worlds ==
== Designated by function ==
=== Agri-Worlds ===
'''Agri-Worlds''' are planets in the [[Imperium of Man]] entirely dedicated to agriculture.  A typical agri-world is mostly covered by millions of square kilometers of farmland managed by a few million farmers and a couple of spaceport cities/transportation hubs where stuff is loaded onto starships to be sent elsewhere to feed the Imperium's teeming masses.  Said ships also drop off huge loads of shit (sometimes literally) to keep things fertile.  Others are Ocean Worlds with huge fish farms or Gas Giants with habitable zones and balloon bases that collect airborne plankton and mash them into Soylens Viridens.  Their tithes are paid in grains, space potatoes and grox meat, which, combined with their relatively sparse population, means that they rarely have to raise regiments for the [[Imperial Guard]]. Some Agri-Worlds are defended by [[Imperial Knight]] Houses, becoming Knight Worlds.
'''Agri-Worlds''' are planets in the [[Imperium of Man]] entirely dedicated to agriculture.  A typical agri-world is mostly covered by millions of square kilometers of farmland managed by a few million farmers and a couple of spaceport cities/transportation hubs where stuff is loaded onto starships to be sent elsewhere to feed the Imperium's teeming masses.  Said ships also drop off huge loads of shit (sometimes literally) to keep things fertile.  Others are Ocean Worlds with huge fish farms or Gas Giants with habitable zones and balloon bases that collect airborne plankton and mash them into Soylens Viridens.  Their tithes are paid in grains, space potatoes and grox meat, which, combined with their relatively sparse population, means that they rarely have to raise regiments for the [[Imperial Guard]]. Some Agri-Worlds are defended by [[Imperial Knight]] Houses, becoming Knight Worlds.

== Cemetery World ==
=== Cemetery World ===
Extremely depressing worlds that are dedicated almost entirely to being huge graveyards.  '''Cemetery Worlds''' see some religious overlap with Shrine Worlds, and are considered sacred and solemn places by the Imperium at large and especially the Ecclesiarchy.  Most if not all of these worlds are not simply covered in row after row of grave plots, though one might assume some Cemetary Worlds are surfaced in nothing but geometrically perfect grave tessellations, broken only by small hills with singular willows to be sad under.  Some have cathedrals clad entirely in human remains, or catacombs that reach many kilometers into the planet's crust. Certain Cemetery Worlds are dedicated only to the deceased of certain organizations or sub-sectors, though these are very rare.
Extremely depressing worlds that are dedicated almost entirely to being huge graveyards.  '''Cemetery Worlds''' see some religious overlap with Shrine Worlds, and are considered sacred and solemn places by the Imperium at large and especially the Ecclesiarchy.  Most if not all of these worlds are not simply covered in row after row of grave plots, though one might assume some Cemetary Worlds are surfaced in nothing but geometrically perfect grave tessellations, broken only by small hills with singular willows to be sad under.  Some have cathedrals clad entirely in human remains, or catacombs that reach many kilometers into the planet's crust. Certain Cemetery Worlds are dedicated only to the deceased of certain organizations or sub-sectors, though these are very rare.

These should not be confused with Mausoleum Worlds, which are a sub category of either shrine worlds or, more usually, Space Marine worlds.
These should not be confused with Mausoleum Worlds, which are a sub category of either shrine worlds or, more usually, Space Marine worlds.

== Civilized Worlds ==
=== Forge World ===
'''Civilized Worlds''' are the 'normal' inhabited planets in the Imperium. Lacking Hives or Forge-World-scale factories they never the less have a decent level of technology and a population in the same ballpark as modern Earth (5-11 billion souls). Due to lack of [[fluff]], this may be the most common type of planet in the Imperium, but seriously, are you in the game for a chance to edit wikis in the 41st millenium?
{{Main|Forge World#Planet}}
The Imperium's massive workshops. Forge Worlds are planets dedicated entirely to industry, are technically a sovereign world of the Mechanicum, and the property of the [[Adeptus Mechanicus]].
<!---move planets list on the Admech page here?--->
===[[Hive Worlds]]===
Exists for cramming tens of BILLIONS of people into on planet, obviously. [[Grimdark]] for underhivers.
=== Shrine Worlds ===
'''Shrine Worlds''' are worlds completely dominated by the Ecclesiarchy.  They are famously paved in cathedrals, monastaries, reliquaries and catacombs. While never truly reaching Hive World status, many of these worlds are nonetheless stuffed to the gills with pilgrims, caretakers, priests, and the officers of the Imperial Cult. They make excellent homeworlds for Orders of the Sisters of Battle.

=== Pleasure World ===
=== [[Indrick Boreale| SPESS MAHREEN]] Worlds ===
'''Pleasure Worlds''' are a subtype of civilized worlds, sporting exquiste wine estates, views Hive Worlders will never even see a picture of, and [[Slaanesh|much more]]. Essentially tourist traps and vacation spots IN SPEEEHS, which are predictably restricted to the exclusive use of nobles, senior officials of the Adeptus Terra, and other big shots in the Imperium. These worlds are often hotzones for Slaaneshi cultists, because why not turn some of the Imperium's most powerful men and women to [[Chaos]] when they're on vacation? As of 8th edition, even Pleasure Worlds are supporting war by setting up hospitals, providing rare medication and other whatnot.
These are planets claimed by a [[Space Marine]] chapter. While typically most Chapters select Death Worlds, Feral Worlds, or Feudal Worlds as a home due to the hardiness of their residents, some of these planets are more civilized or even at a [[Ultramarines|better standard of living]] than most of the Imperium - the Realm of [[Ultramar]] is an obvious example of the latter.

== Paradise Worlds ==
Tithe Astartes planets are notable for being one of only two planet types [[Gene-seed|exempt from the usual Imperial Tithe]], with the only other type being ''Aptus Non'' (read: planets which have been [[Exterminatus]]'d)
Different from Pleasure Worlds, '''Paradise Worlds''' are merely a joy to live on. Either lushly verdant or impressively architectural (or both!), Paradise Worlds are as far from the Imperial front lines as one can reasonably get. As war can and will find its way to Paradise Worlds, [[Grimdark|no well-known examples have remained in this world classification for very long.]] Many of the remaining Paradise Worlds are self-sufficient, with farming and housing and industry all balanced perfectly. Many of them are relics, with histories that span back into the Dark Age of Technology (somehow without civilization-ending calamities). Paradise Worlds are jealously guarded and staunchly defended both politically and militarily. Some Knight Worlds are Paradise Worlds, such as Voltoris, home of [[Imperial Knight|House Terryn]].

== Dead Worlds ==
Exterminatus isn't the only way planets die. Ecological disaster, sudden celestial events, alien invasion, someone disengaged from the warp too close to the planet and accidentally the atmosphere...  Keep in mind, unlike the entry below, these aren't strictly forbidden for colonization, its just the work required to make it habitable is prohibitively expensive for the negligible gain in resources.  Most would require either completely isolated arcologies, underground cities, or huge terraforming projects. Tyranids create these worlds en masse: after they nom all the life on the planet, will then turn to draining the planet of its core, atmosphere, and any water still remaining before setting off for new real estate.
=== Barren Worlds ===
A sub-classification of Dead World; a '''Barren World''' is the Dead World's less awful little brother.  It is a world which has never harbored life, nor could it without substantial terraforming.  Mars in M40 (and M2) is a good example of a Barren World, or it would be if it wasn't already a Forge World (and a Hive World in it's own right).  These worlds are often colonized for mining.

== Death Worlds ==
== Designation by development level ==
'''Death Worlds''' are worlds where everything is hostile to Human Life.  And that means ''everything''.  The animals, the plants, sometimes even the very air itself is fatal for humans, while being just habitable enough to warrant colonization.  Examples include [[Catachan]] and the majority of Astartes homeworlds.

== Feral Worlds ==
=== Feral Worlds ===
'''Feral Worlds''' are places where mankind has regressed to the level of the Stone Age. While they're as primitive as it gets, they are prized for the high quality of their warriors.  There are numerous kinds of Feral Worlds, from stereotypical "Neanderthal worlds" (like the ones which spawned the [[Ogryn]]s) where humans are brutish hunter gatherers wearing pelts to Techno-Barbarian worlds where everything has gone ''Mad Max'' or ''Waterworld''.   
'''Feral Worlds''' are places where mankind has regressed to the level of the Stone Age. While they're as primitive as it gets, they are prized for the high quality of their warriors.  There are numerous kinds of Feral Worlds, from stereotypical "Neanderthal worlds" (like the ones which spawned the [[Ogryn]]s) where humans are brutish hunter gatherers wearing pelts to Techno-Barbarian worlds where everything has gone ''Mad Max'' or ''Waterworld''.   
Some Feral Worlds are closer to the Neolithic Age, and have recognizable urban civilization and culture.  There isn't a lot of official nomenclature for the numerous sub-variants of these worlds.  Imperial Tithes from Feral Worlds tend to be either nonexistent, or in manpower for the Imperial Guard.  Occasionally these worlds will have some natural resource which the Imperium decides it needs, so they can be colonized by official Imperium of Mechanicum citizens, who set up isolated bases of operation amidst the "barbarism".
Some Feral Worlds are closer to the Neolithic Age, and have recognizable urban civilization and culture.  There isn't a lot of official nomenclature for the numerous sub-variants of these worlds.  Imperial Tithes from Feral Worlds tend to be either nonexistent, or in manpower for the Imperial Guard.  Occasionally these worlds will have some natural resource which the Imperium decides it needs, so they can be colonized by official Imperium of Mechanicum citizens, who set up isolated bases of operation amidst the "barbarism".

== Feudal Worlds ==
=== Feudal Worlds ===
'''Feudal Worlds''' are planets abandoned by the greater human species during the Age of Strife and for one reason or another regressed back to pre-engine (steam or otherwise) technologies.  They are also generally divided into small kingdoms which fight with each other but pay tribute to the Imperium.  Because apparently the Neo-Medieval themes of 40k just weren't enough so they had to add in several actual medieval-themed worlds too.  The Imperium deliberately keeps them from progressing further technologically with only a small handful of exceptions, since the Imperium already works on a form of the feudal system anyway.  More importantly, it ensures that the planet's citizens know their place in Imperial society and don't get any ideas about secession into their heads.  But the big reason why these planets are kept around is because they provide good light infantry for the Imperial Guard and Space Marines like to recruit from there.
'''Feudal Worlds''' are planets abandoned by the greater human species during the Age of Strife and for one reason or another regressed back to pre-engine (steam or otherwise) technologies.  They are also generally divided into small kingdoms which fight with each other but pay tribute to the Imperium.  Because apparently the Neo-Medieval themes of 40k just weren't enough so they had to add in several actual medieval-themed worlds too.  The Imperium deliberately keeps them from progressing further technologically with only a small handful of exceptions, since the Imperium already works on a form of the feudal system anyway.  More importantly, it ensures that the planet's citizens know their place in Imperial society and don't get any ideas about secession into their heads.  But the big reason why these planets are kept around is because they provide good light infantry for the Imperial Guard and Space Marines like to recruit from there.
=== Knight Worlds ===
=== Knight Worlds ===
The '''Knight World''' is a special variant of planet, somewhere between an Agri-World and a Feudal World.  These worlds are only found in planetary systems with Forge Worlds, and are more within the legal vestibule of the Mechanicum, not the Imperium.  Since Forge Worlds rarely harbor any kind of agriculture, Knight Worlds supply Forge Worlds with the huge amount of food it needs to survive, and sometimes help fulfill their mineral quotas as well.  In turn, the Forge World supplies the kingdoms of the Knight World with [[Knight Titans]], huge war machines with which the kingdoms may defend themselves from rampaging mega-fauna, Chaos incursions, Xeno invaders, and the Knights of other kingdoms.  When the Forge World is in need of defense, or when a local Exploritor is going on a quest, the Knights and their well-trained pilots (and squires, attendants, and etc.) are called upon in whole or in part to "ascend to the stars and fight amongst the gods."
The '''Knight World''' is a special variant of planet, somewhere between an Agri-World and a Feudal World.  These worlds are only found in planetary systems with Forge Worlds, and are more within the legal vestibule of the Mechanicum, not the Imperium.  Since Forge Worlds rarely harbor any kind of agriculture, Knight Worlds supply Forge Worlds with the huge amount of food it needs to survive, and sometimes help fulfill their mineral quotas as well.  In turn, the Forge World supplies the kingdoms of the Knight World with [[Knight Titans]], huge war machines with which the kingdoms may defend themselves from rampaging mega-fauna, Chaos incursions, Xeno invaders, and the Knights of other kingdoms.  When the Forge World is in need of defense, or when a local Exploritor is going on a quest, the Knights and their well-trained pilots (and squires, attendants, and etc.) are called upon in whole or in part to "ascend to the stars and fight amongst the gods."

== Forge World ==
=== Civilized Worlds ===
{{Main|Forge World#Planet}}
'''Civilized Worlds''' are the 'normal' inhabited planets in the Imperium. Lacking Hives or Forge-World-scale factories they never the less have a decent level of technology and a population in the same ballpark as modern Earth (5-11 billion souls). Due to lack of [[fluff]], this may be the most common type of planet in the Imperium, but seriously, are you in the game for a chance to edit wikis in the 41st millenium?
The Imperium's massive workshops. Forge Worlds are planets dedicated entirely to industry, are technically a sovereign world of the Mechanicum, and the property of the [[Adeptus Mechanicus]].
==== Pleasure World ====
'''Pleasure Worlds''' are a subtype of civilized worlds, sporting exquiste wine estates, views Hive Worlders will never even see a picture of, and [[Slaanesh|much more]]. Essentially tourist traps and vacation spots IN SPEEEHS, which are predictably restricted to the exclusive use of nobles, senior officials of the Adeptus Terra, and other big shots in the Imperium. These worlds are often hotzones for Slaaneshi cultists, because why not turn some of the Imperium's most powerful men and women to [[Chaos]] when they're on vacation? As of 8th edition, even Pleasure Worlds are supporting war by setting up hospitals, providing rare medication and other whatnot.

<!---move planets list on the Admech page here?--->

== Quarantine/Forbidden Worlds ==
== Designation by status ==
While it seems cut and dry what kind of planet this is, these tend to have a large spectrum of why they are blocked off and how it is enforced.  For the most part, the reason is [[heresy]]: the planet has fallen to Xenos influence, worships Chaos, or broke off from the Imperium.  Others include [[SCP Foundation|mysterious perceived danger]].  A planet being a Death World is one thing, but if the [[Call of Cthulhu|last '''five''' colonization attempts on a planet ended with the inhabitants mysteriously vanishing]], the Imperium is going to block it for settling and generally tell the Inquisition to figure out what is going on.  The Inquisition rarely does, and so Forbidden World they remain until everyone forgot why they were forbidden, and [[Grimdark|they send another settling party down...]]

== Shrine Worlds ==
=== Paradise Worlds ===
'''Shrine Worlds''' are worlds completely dominated by the EcclesiarchyThey are famously paved in cathedrals, monastaries, reliquaries and catacombs. While never truly reaching Hive World status, many of these worlds are nonetheless stuffed to the gills with pilgrims, caretakers, priests, and the officers of the Imperial Cult.  They make excellent homeworlds for Orders of the Sisters of Battle.
Different from Pleasure Worlds, '''Paradise Worlds''' are merely a joy to live on. Either lushly verdant or impressively architectural (or both!), Paradise Worlds are as far from the Imperial front lines as one can reasonably get. As war can and will find its way to Paradise Worlds, [[Grimdark|no well-known examples have remained in this world classification for very long.]] Many of the remaining Paradise Worlds are self-sufficient, with farming and housing and industry all balanced perfectly. Many of them are relics, with histories that span back into the Dark Age of Technology (somehow without civilization-ending calamities). Paradise Worlds are jealously guarded and staunchly defended both politically and militarily. Some Knight Worlds are Paradise Worlds, such as Voltoris, home of [[Imperial Knight|House Terryn]].

== Tithe Astartes (Space Marine) Worlds ==
=== Dead Worlds ===
These are planets claimed by a [[Space Marine]] chapterWhile typically most Chapters select Death Worlds, Feral Worlds, or Feudal Worlds as a home due to the hardiness of their residents, some of these planets are more civilized or even at a better standard of living than most of the Imperium - the Realm of [[Ultramarines|Ultramar]] is an obvious example of the latter.
Exterminatus isn't the only way planets die. Ecological disaster, sudden celestial events, alien invasion, someone disengaged from the warp too close to the planet and accidentally the atmosphere..Keep in mind, unlike the entry below, these aren't strictly forbidden for colonization, its just the work required to make it habitable is prohibitively expensive for the negligible gain in resources.  Most would require either completely isolated arcologies, underground cities, or huge terraforming projects. Tyranids create these worlds en masse: after they nom all the life on the planet, will then turn to draining the planet of its core, atmosphere, and any water still remaining before setting off for new real estate.

Tithe Astartes planets are notable for being one of only two planet types exempt from the Imperial Tithe, with the only other type being ''Aptus Non'' (read: planets which have been [[Exterminatus]]'d)
=== Barren Worlds ===
A sub-classification of Dead World; a '''Barren World''' is the Dead World's less awful little brother.  It is a world which has never harbored life, nor could it without substantial terraforming.  Mars in M40 (and M2) is a good example of a Barren World, or it would be if it wasn't already a Forge World (and a Hive World in it's own right).  These worlds are often colonized for mining.

== War Worlds ==
=== Death Worlds ===
'''Death Worlds''' are worlds where everything is hostile to Human Life.  And that means ''everything''.  The animals, the plants, sometimes even the very air itself is fatal for humans, while being just habitable enough to warrant colonization.  Examples include [[Catachan]] and the majority of Astartes homeworlds.
=== Quarantine/Forbidden Worlds ===
While it seems cut and dry what kind of planet this is, these tend to have a large spectrum of why they are blocked off and how it is enforced.  For the most part, the reason is [[heresy]]: the planet has fallen to Xenos influence, worships Chaos, or broke off from the Imperium.  Others include [[SCP Foundation|mysterious perceived danger]].  A planet being a Death World is one thing, but if the [[Call of Cthulhu|last '''five''' colonization attempts on a planet ended with the inhabitants mysteriously vanishing]], the Imperium is going to block it for settling and generally tell the Inquisition to figure out what is going on.  The Inquisition rarely does, and so Forbidden World they remain until everyone forgot why they were forbidden, and [[Grimdark|they send another settling party down...]]
=== War Worlds ===
'''War Worlds''' are planets locked in eternal war.  So what makes these planets different from just any old planet with a war on it?  Scale and length.  Generations of soldiers have lived and died.  Some planets, as well, just have such warlike cultures that even without an external force, they will kill each other (not necessarily for Khorne, usually planets with scarce resources——such as [[Zayth]], but that's a Hive world——result in this, since the best way to deal with limited supplies is to kill someone else and take their stuff).  Some of these worlds just happen to be unluckily situated in a location so strategic that two intergalactic factions refuse to acknowledge the sunk-cost fallacy and back down.
'''War Worlds''' are planets locked in eternal war.  So what makes these planets different from just any old planet with a war on it?  Scale and length.  Generations of soldiers have lived and died.  Some planets, as well, just have such warlike cultures that even without an external force, they will kill each other (not necessarily for Khorne, usually planets with scarce resources——such as [[Zayth]], but that's a Hive world——result in this, since the best way to deal with limited supplies is to kill someone else and take their stuff).  Some of these worlds just happen to be unluckily situated in a location so strategic that two intergalactic factions refuse to acknowledge the sunk-cost fallacy and back down.

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For the most part, these are probably pretty shitty places to grow up in, ''[[Grimdark|even by Imperial standards]]''.
For the most part, these are probably pretty shitty places to grow up in, ''[[Grimdark|even by Imperial standards]]''.
== [[/tg/]] worlds ==
===Imperial Daemon Worlds===
See Terranis in [[Love and Krieg Spinoffs]].


Revision as of 05:54, 26 December 2017

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Ladies and gentlemen, hive/shrine world, Holy Terra.

Designated by function


Agri-Worlds are planets in the Imperium of Man entirely dedicated to agriculture. A typical agri-world is mostly covered by millions of square kilometers of farmland managed by a few million farmers and a couple of spaceport cities/transportation hubs where stuff is loaded onto starships to be sent elsewhere to feed the Imperium's teeming masses. Said ships also drop off huge loads of shit (sometimes literally) to keep things fertile. Others are Ocean Worlds with huge fish farms or Gas Giants with habitable zones and balloon bases that collect airborne plankton and mash them into Soylens Viridens. Their tithes are paid in grains, space potatoes and grox meat, which, combined with their relatively sparse population, means that they rarely have to raise regiments for the Imperial Guard. Some Agri-Worlds are defended by Imperial Knight Houses, becoming Knight Worlds.

Cemetery World

Extremely depressing worlds that are dedicated almost entirely to being huge graveyards. Cemetery Worlds see some religious overlap with Shrine Worlds, and are considered sacred and solemn places by the Imperium at large and especially the Ecclesiarchy. Most if not all of these worlds are not simply covered in row after row of grave plots, though one might assume some Cemetary Worlds are surfaced in nothing but geometrically perfect grave tessellations, broken only by small hills with singular willows to be sad under. Some have cathedrals clad entirely in human remains, or catacombs that reach many kilometers into the planet's crust. Certain Cemetery Worlds are dedicated only to the deceased of certain organizations or sub-sectors, though these are very rare.

These should not be confused with Mausoleum Worlds, which are a sub category of either shrine worlds or, more usually, Space Marine worlds.

Forge World

Main article: Forge World#Planet

The Imperium's massive workshops. Forge Worlds are planets dedicated entirely to industry, are technically a sovereign world of the Mechanicum, and the property of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Hive Worlds

Exists for cramming tens of BILLIONS of people into on planet, obviously. Grimdark for underhivers.

Shrine Worlds

Shrine Worlds are worlds completely dominated by the Ecclesiarchy. They are famously paved in cathedrals, monastaries, reliquaries and catacombs. While never truly reaching Hive World status, many of these worlds are nonetheless stuffed to the gills with pilgrims, caretakers, priests, and the officers of the Imperial Cult. They make excellent homeworlds for Orders of the Sisters of Battle.


These are planets claimed by a Space Marine chapter. While typically most Chapters select Death Worlds, Feral Worlds, or Feudal Worlds as a home due to the hardiness of their residents, some of these planets are more civilized or even at a better standard of living than most of the Imperium - the Realm of Ultramar is an obvious example of the latter.

Tithe Astartes planets are notable for being one of only two planet types exempt from the usual Imperial Tithe, with the only other type being Aptus Non (read: planets which have been Exterminatus'd)

Designation by development level

Feral Worlds

Feral Worlds are places where mankind has regressed to the level of the Stone Age. While they're as primitive as it gets, they are prized for the high quality of their warriors. There are numerous kinds of Feral Worlds, from stereotypical "Neanderthal worlds" (like the ones which spawned the Ogryns) where humans are brutish hunter gatherers wearing pelts to Techno-Barbarian worlds where everything has gone Mad Max or Waterworld. Some Feral Worlds are closer to the Neolithic Age, and have recognizable urban civilization and culture. There isn't a lot of official nomenclature for the numerous sub-variants of these worlds. Imperial Tithes from Feral Worlds tend to be either nonexistent, or in manpower for the Imperial Guard. Occasionally these worlds will have some natural resource which the Imperium decides it needs, so they can be colonized by official Imperium of Mechanicum citizens, who set up isolated bases of operation amidst the "barbarism".

Feudal Worlds

Feudal Worlds are planets abandoned by the greater human species during the Age of Strife and for one reason or another regressed back to pre-engine (steam or otherwise) technologies. They are also generally divided into small kingdoms which fight with each other but pay tribute to the Imperium. Because apparently the Neo-Medieval themes of 40k just weren't enough so they had to add in several actual medieval-themed worlds too. The Imperium deliberately keeps them from progressing further technologically with only a small handful of exceptions, since the Imperium already works on a form of the feudal system anyway. More importantly, it ensures that the planet's citizens know their place in Imperial society and don't get any ideas about secession into their heads. But the big reason why these planets are kept around is because they provide good light infantry for the Imperial Guard and Space Marines like to recruit from there.

Knight Worlds

The Knight World is a special variant of planet, somewhere between an Agri-World and a Feudal World. These worlds are only found in planetary systems with Forge Worlds, and are more within the legal vestibule of the Mechanicum, not the Imperium. Since Forge Worlds rarely harbor any kind of agriculture, Knight Worlds supply Forge Worlds with the huge amount of food it needs to survive, and sometimes help fulfill their mineral quotas as well. In turn, the Forge World supplies the kingdoms of the Knight World with Knight Titans, huge war machines with which the kingdoms may defend themselves from rampaging mega-fauna, Chaos incursions, Xeno invaders, and the Knights of other kingdoms. When the Forge World is in need of defense, or when a local Exploritor is going on a quest, the Knights and their well-trained pilots (and squires, attendants, and etc.) are called upon in whole or in part to "ascend to the stars and fight amongst the gods."

Civilized Worlds

Civilized Worlds are the 'normal' inhabited planets in the Imperium. Lacking Hives or Forge-World-scale factories they never the less have a decent level of technology and a population in the same ballpark as modern Earth (5-11 billion souls). Due to lack of fluff, this may be the most common type of planet in the Imperium, but seriously, are you in the game for a chance to edit wikis in the 41st millenium?

Pleasure World

Pleasure Worlds are a subtype of civilized worlds, sporting exquiste wine estates, views Hive Worlders will never even see a picture of, and much more. Essentially tourist traps and vacation spots IN SPEEEHS, which are predictably restricted to the exclusive use of nobles, senior officials of the Adeptus Terra, and other big shots in the Imperium. These worlds are often hotzones for Slaaneshi cultists, because why not turn some of the Imperium's most powerful men and women to Chaos when they're on vacation? As of 8th edition, even Pleasure Worlds are supporting war by setting up hospitals, providing rare medication and other whatnot.

Designation by status

Paradise Worlds

Different from Pleasure Worlds, Paradise Worlds are merely a joy to live on. Either lushly verdant or impressively architectural (or both!), Paradise Worlds are as far from the Imperial front lines as one can reasonably get. As war can and will find its way to Paradise Worlds, no well-known examples have remained in this world classification for very long. Many of the remaining Paradise Worlds are self-sufficient, with farming and housing and industry all balanced perfectly. Many of them are relics, with histories that span back into the Dark Age of Technology (somehow without civilization-ending calamities). Paradise Worlds are jealously guarded and staunchly defended both politically and militarily. Some Knight Worlds are Paradise Worlds, such as Voltoris, home of House Terryn.

Dead Worlds

Exterminatus isn't the only way planets die. Ecological disaster, sudden celestial events, alien invasion, someone disengaged from the warp too close to the planet and accidentally the atmosphere... Keep in mind, unlike the entry below, these aren't strictly forbidden for colonization, its just the work required to make it habitable is prohibitively expensive for the negligible gain in resources. Most would require either completely isolated arcologies, underground cities, or huge terraforming projects. Tyranids create these worlds en masse: after they nom all the life on the planet, will then turn to draining the planet of its core, atmosphere, and any water still remaining before setting off for new real estate.

Barren Worlds

A sub-classification of Dead World; a Barren World is the Dead World's less awful little brother. It is a world which has never harbored life, nor could it without substantial terraforming. Mars in M40 (and M2) is a good example of a Barren World, or it would be if it wasn't already a Forge World (and a Hive World in it's own right). These worlds are often colonized for mining.

Death Worlds

Death Worlds are worlds where everything is hostile to Human Life. And that means everything. The animals, the plants, sometimes even the very air itself is fatal for humans, while being just habitable enough to warrant colonization. Examples include Catachan and the majority of Astartes homeworlds.

Quarantine/Forbidden Worlds

While it seems cut and dry what kind of planet this is, these tend to have a large spectrum of why they are blocked off and how it is enforced. For the most part, the reason is heresy: the planet has fallen to Xenos influence, worships Chaos, or broke off from the Imperium. Others include mysterious perceived danger. A planet being a Death World is one thing, but if the last five colonization attempts on a planet ended with the inhabitants mysteriously vanishing, the Imperium is going to block it for settling and generally tell the Inquisition to figure out what is going on. The Inquisition rarely does, and so Forbidden World they remain until everyone forgot why they were forbidden, and they send another settling party down...

War Worlds

War Worlds are planets locked in eternal war. So what makes these planets different from just any old planet with a war on it? Scale and length. Generations of soldiers have lived and died. Some planets, as well, just have such warlike cultures that even without an external force, they will kill each other (not necessarily for Khorne, usually planets with scarce resources——such as Zayth, but that's a Hive world——result in this, since the best way to deal with limited supplies is to kill someone else and take their stuff). Some of these worlds just happen to be unluckily situated in a location so strategic that two intergalactic factions refuse to acknowledge the sunk-cost fallacy and back down.

Many Imperial groups maintain War Worlds as a means of keeping battle-trained troops at the ready. They are useful for Guard and Space Marine recruiting and act as a natural deterrent to planetary conquest or invasion in important areas.

For the most part, these are probably pretty shitty places to grow up in, even by Imperial standards.

/tg/ worlds

Imperial Daemon Worlds

See Terranis in Love and Krieg Spinoffs.

The Planets, Systems, Regions and Sectors of the Galaxy
Imperial Homeworlds: Holy Terra (Luna) - Sacred Mars
Primarch Homeworlds: Baal - Barbarus - Caliban - Chemos - Chogoris - Colchis
Cthonia - Deliverance - Fenris - Inwit - Medusa - Nostramo
Nocturne - Nuceria - Olympia - Prospero - Macragge
Notable Imperial Worlds: Accatran - Acreage - Agripinaa - Alaric Prime - Arkhona - Armageddon - Astaramis
Atoma Prime - Aurelia - Aurum - Badab Primaris - Bakka - Baraspine - Barbarossa IV
Belacane - Bellerophon's Fall - Belis Corona - Beseritor - Betalis III - Black Reach - Bodt
Branx Magna - Cadia - Calderis - Calth - Catachan - Chinchare - Coronis Agathon - Cretacia
Crucis - Cyrene - Death of Bianzeer - Dreah - Drenthal - Drusus' Shrine World - Dusk - Eleusis
Endymion Prime - Espandor - Equinox - Fedrid - Fenksworld - Fervious - Frostheim
Galen VI - Gantz - Ganymede - Ghosar Quintus - Grail - Gramarye - Gryphonne IV
Gulgorahd - Hale - Harakon - Hethgard - Hilarion - Hydra Cordatus - Hydraulic
Incron - Iocanthos - Isstvan III - Istrouma - Jupiter - K'otal - Klaisus - Kanak - Karrik
Kenov III - Klybo - Konor - Krieg - Kronus - Kurkaris - Laius Rift - Landunder - Loebos
Malfi - Medusa V - Mercury - Meridian - Messelina Gloriana - Mezoa - Midgardia - Minea
Mithron - Mordia - Mornax - Morwen VI - Naxos - ND0/K4 - Necromunda - Nemesis Tessera
Nemeton - Neptune - Nethamus - Novaris - Numinal - Ophelia VII - Orask - Orbel Quill
Pandrosar - Paramar V - Pavane - Percipre - Phyrr - Pluto - Port Maw - Prol IX - Pry - Pythos
Reth - Rophanon - Rocyria - Rynn's World - Ryza - Sacris - Sanctuary 101 - Saturn - Savlar
Scelus - Scintilla - Sepheris Secundus - Shaprias - Siscia - Soryth - Spectoris
St. Josmane's Hope - Tallarn - Tandaris - Tanith - Tantalus - Tartarus - Terrax
The Lathes - The Pearl Moon - Thracian Primaris - Thramas - Tranch - Tintaroth
Titan - Tsagualsa - Turtolsky - Typha-IV - Typhon Primaris - Uranus - Valhalla
Vanitor - Vaporius - Vaxanide - Venus - Vigilus - Vitria - Volonx - Vostroya
Vraks - Vyaniah - Wrack - Zayth - Zel Secundus - Zhao-Arkkad - 108/Beta-Kalapus-9.2
or Daemon Worlds:
Bathamor - Black Marble - Bubonicus - Bulwark - Cyclothrathe - Eidolon - Exyrion
Fleshworld - Glass Moon - Iniquity - Kathalon - Medrengard - Oliensis - Plague Planet
Sicarus - Slaughtersphere - Sortiarius - The Writhing World - Triplex Worlds - Ulan Huda
World of Immortal Sorrows - Xana II
Xenos Worlds: Amontep II - Arkunasha - Arthas Moloch - Dal'yth - Lub'grahl - Mandragora - Mekslag-Ikks
Quintus - Salash'hei - Sagacity - Silva Tenebris - T'au - Taros - Tinek'la - Ursulia - Vior'los
Contested and
Other Worlds:
Falon's Lament - Kulth - Mahir - Obstiria - Ravacene - Scansion Beta - Skapula
Systems and Regions: Ghoul Stars - Halo Zone - Jericho Reach
Kaurava System - Solar System - Stygius Sector
T'au Septs - Taelus System - Ultramar
Types of Worlds: Agri-World - Craftworld - Daemon World - Death World - Eldar World
Forge World - Fortress World - Hive World - Civilised World - Tomb World