Shokkjump Dragsta

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A new Ork vehicle from the 2018 Orktober event, as a Speed Freek vehicle, it is designed for XTREME SPEED!. The Shokkjump Dragstas are close-range Ork attack vehicles that use repurposed shokk-attack technology in battle to project themselves ahead of or directly into the Orks' enemies for MAXIMUM ROADKILL. It is also armed with several Rokkits for killing tougher enemy armor, a row of slicing blades that will mulch and turn any human-sized enemy into burger patties, and a smaller Shokk Attack Rifle that hits almost as hard as the full-sized version- and with greater accuracy too thanks to its Grot gunner and targeting squig.
Originally conceived by the Mad Mek Gungubbinz after he somehow managed to fire himself out of his own Shokk Attack Gun and live, the Shokkjump Dragsta incorporates part of a Shokk Attack Gun into its engine, allowing it to teleport short distances at will. Needless to say, most of the Dragsta's drivers tend to be not completely sane.
It may or may not be the spiritual successor of the Speedsta and its variant, the similarly named Dragsters. For all intents and purposes, the direct opposite of the Boomdakka Snazzwagon.