
The Dreadclaw Assault Pod (or just the Dreadclaw) is the older, more advanced pattern of Drop Pod used during the Great Crusade, and possibly even earlier. They have many major advantages over their current Imperial counterparts, but chief among them was that they could take off and fly on their own, even after landing- in essence, they functioned as assault boats as well as drop pods and could even be used for boarding action against enemy voidships. Some even suspected their Machine Spirit was dangerously close to true Abominable Intelligence. The big problem was...well how to put it? These pod's Spirits were not very nice. Space Marines who went in sometimes ran into 'accidents'. Rather nasty ones. Safety harnesses suddenly unbuckling mid-descent. Crew pods jettisoned in space. Failure of backthrusters to turn on. Passengers mulched by whirring machinery...while most people kind of accepted these rare and small costs, some worried and began to look deeper. If it wasn't obvious then, something was indeed fucking obvious when Horus declared his rebellion. Suddenly, the rate and amount of accidents was drastically increasing on loyalist pods, while rebel pods would do the kitty cat equivalent of purring contentedly on the traitors' laps. These kind of machinery-accidents spread on Imperial vessels during the Horus Heresy, to the point where many Imperial Navy admirals just jettisoned their Dreadclaws into the void of space when their Machine Spirits started sabotaging launch bays and maintenance decks on the starships where they were kept. After the Heresy, while no one could really figure out what was wrong, it was deduced that there was a deep, Chaotic flaw in their design, so the Imperial fleets who hadn't already done so had their remaining stock destroyed.
The Chaos Space Marines of course kept theirs, and so to this day have a huge advantage in space operations. I suppose if you needed proof that there was something wrong with the Dreadclaws, for one, daemons aren't all that willing or even able to possess the damned things, and they still happily continue their service mostly mutation free. Oh and they don't seem to mulch Chaos crews like they did with their old Imperial ones.
History[edit | edit source]
The Dreadclaw first received rules in Imperial Armour Update 2006, after the Space Marines got provisional Drop Pod rules in Imperial Armour Update 2002 and Chapter Approved and then proper rules in their 4th edition Codex. Forge World also made a model for them at this time.
Forge World also used to make Dreadclaws in Battlefleet Gothic scale to depict Chaos Space Marines' boarding torpedoes, but that ended in 2013 along with the rest of Forge World's and Games Workshop's Specialist Games figures.
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada I & II[edit | edit source]
The Dreadclaw is Chaos' primary assault boat in Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. It has the same stats as the Shark Assault Boat and is therefore, more of an average assault boat. You would expect its smaller size to give it some dodge stats right?
Forces of the Death Guard | ||||||||
Leaders: | Lord of Nurgle - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer - Chaos Champion Malignant Plaguecaster - Plague Surgeon - Tallymen - Lord of Virulence | |||||||
Troops: | Biologus Putrifier - Blightlord Terminator - Chaos Spawn - Deathshroud Foul Blightspawn - Noxious Blightbringer - Plague Marines - Possessed | |||||||
Great Crusade-era: | Grave Warden - Mortus Poisoner | |||||||
Structures: | Miasmic Malignifier | |||||||
Walkers: | Helbrute | |||||||
Vehicles: | Chaos Land Raider - Plaguereaper - Predator - Rhino | |||||||
Flyers: | Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Thunderhawk | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Dreadclaw Assault Pod - Kharybdis | |||||||
Daemon Engines: |
Blight Drone - Contagion - Defiler - Foetid Bloat-Drone Myphitic Blight-Hauler - Nurgle Plague Tower - Plague Hulk Plagueburst Crawler | |||||||
Daemons: | Beast of Nurgle - Nurgling - Plaguebearer | |||||||
Auxiliaries: | Cultists - Cursemite - Eyestinger Swarm - Nightmare Hulk - Pestigors Plague Zombie - Poxwalkers - Pox Hound - Sludge-Grub | |||||||
Allies: | Chaos Daemons - Chaos Space Marines |
Forces of the Emperor's Children | ||||||||
Leaders: | Lord of Slaanesh - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer - Chaos Champion | |||||||
Troops: | Noise Marine - Chaos Spawn - Possessed | |||||||
Great Crusade-era: | Kakophoni - Palatine Blade - Phoenix Guard - Sun Killer | |||||||
Walkers: | Chaos Dreadnought - Helbrute - Sonic Dreadnought | |||||||
Vehicles: | Chaos Land Raider - Chaos Predator Chaos Rhino - Chaos Vindicator | |||||||
Flyers: | Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Thunderhawk | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Dreadclaw Assault Pod - Kharybdis | |||||||
Titans: | Hell-Scourge - Hell-Knight - Hell-Strider Slaanesh Subjugator - Questor Scout Titan | |||||||
Daemon Engines: |
Defiler - Heldrake - Forgefiend - Maulerfiend | |||||||
Daemons: | Daemonette - Fiends of Slaanesh Steeds of Slaanesh - Seekers of Slaanesh Hellflayer Chariots | |||||||
Auxiliaries: | Cultists - Slaangors | |||||||
Allies: | Chaos Daemons - Chaos Space Marines |
Forces of the World Eaters | ||||||||
Leaders: | Berzerker-Surgeon - Chaos Champion - Daemon Prince The Eightbound - Lord of Khorne - Master of Execution | |||||||
Troops: | Chaos Spawn - Chaos Terminators Jakhals - Khorne Berzerkers | |||||||
Great Crusade era: |
Caedere - Devourers - Rampager Red Butcher - Red Hand | |||||||
Walkers: | Berserker Dreadnought - Helbrute | |||||||
Vehicles: | Chaos Land Raider - Predator Rhino - Vindicator | |||||||
Seacraft: | Ragnarok-class Oceanic Battleship | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Dreadclaw Assault Pod - Kharybdis | |||||||
Daemon Engines: | Blood Slaughterer - Brass Scorpion - Forgefiend - Defiler Heldrake - Kytan - Lord of Skulls - Maulerfiend | |||||||
Daemons: | Bloodletters - Bloodcrushers - Flesh Hound | |||||||
Auxiliaries: | Cultists - Khorngors | |||||||
Allies: | Chaos Daemons - Chaos Space Marines |
Forces of the Alpha Legion | ||||||||
Leaders: | Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord Librarian - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer | |||||||
Troops: | Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors Chaos Space Marine Squad Cultist - Havocs - Operative Saboteur - Warpsmith | |||||||
Great Crusade-era: | Effrit Headhunter - Lernaean - Seeker Squad | |||||||
Walkers: | Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought | |||||||
Vehicles: | Bike Squad - Land Raider (Land Raider Proteus Land Raider Phobos) - Land Speeder Predator Tank - Chaos Rhino - Road-Wheeler | |||||||
Superheavy Vehicles: | Spartan Assault Tank | |||||||
Flyers: | Chiropteran Scout - Storm Eagle - Thunderhawk | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Dreadclaw Assault Pod | |||||||
Allies: | Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned Space Marines - Imperial Guard |