Branx Magna
Branx Magna is one of the several planets a player can roleplay in Warhammer 40K: Darktide. It is considered the Moebian Domain's version of Coruscant, of which more can be read below.
Overview[edit | edit source]
A thriving industrial world, Branx Magna is the most densely populated in the Moebian Domain, its teeming billions manning its continent-spanning manufactorums night and day.
As the largest industrial world, Branx Magna is the most cosmopolitan planet in this sub-sector. This makes Branx Magna pretty strategically important for the wider Imperium as Branx would most likely form the bulk of an Imperial Guard fighting force.
Its heavy industry also makes it very self-sufficient when it comes to weapons, but incredibly vulnerable when it comes to food and water. Whilst not forge world levels of bad, Branx Magna is still pretty damn dependent on agri-worlds like Rocyria. Seriously, look at that skyline, we ain't kidding when we say this is Darktide's Coruscant.
Other than that, that's all we know from this planet. Seriously, no need to expand that much on it.
Branx Magna, due to its position as a heavily industrialised world, is a great place to LARP as an ex-Guardsmen or an Ogryn.