
"They embraced space and for that they were rewarded with the gift of a flawless sense of direction. They learned to feel the magnetic fields created by black holes and quasars, to negotiate singularities, to navigate not just the stars, but space-time itself."
- – Paladin, Wing Commander
Driftborn were introduced in Starfinder as a newly emerged subspecies of Gnome; like Bleachlings they appear to not succumb to the affliction that haunts Feychildren. They began appearing some time after the creation of the Drift plane by the god Triune. Compared to the rest of their kin, Driftborn are more exotic with lithe physiques (for gnomes, anyway) adapted for space travel and shifting, iridescent patterns on their skin. They also possess a strong instinctive sense of orientation and relative position. These adaptations appear to have arisen from prolonged exposure to drift travel.
In short, they're the first evolutionary step towards gnomish navigators.
From a stats perspective, Driftborn use the same statlines as other Starfinder gnomes but they get +2 Dexterity instead of +2 Charisma (Feychildren) or +2 Intelligence (Bleachlings).