
Not to be annoyingly confused with Archeotech.
Archeoteks are the masters of House Van Saar and the head Hereteks shameless Votann thieves scientist supreme who overlooks Van Saar's immense technological base.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Archeoteks are the masters of tech-lore who oversee the secret STC at their core. While similar to the Adeptus Mechanicus, these figures have no interest in the religion of the Omnissiah. Archeoteks are the House's inner circle and have access to its greatest weaponry. However their exposure to the STC has caused them to waste away from radiation poisoning, and thus most require survival suits and extensive augmetics to stay alive.
In terms of hierarchy, Archeoteks share an odd status as, although they are leaders, in terms of the battlefield, most of the leadership responsibility would be shifted to the Primes instead. So you would actually see a sort of role-reversal here.
As the head of the most advanced House in Necromunda, Archeoteks are de-facto the most advanced individuals on the entire planet. The type of weaponry and equipment they carry shit on the armoury of most Space Marine Chapters. But given the potential origin of their STCs, this is no surprise. The type of equipment a typical Archeotek usually LARP around are Rad Beamers, Plasma Pistols, a mechadendrite called a Spider-Rig, a type of Shock Grenade called a Photon Flash Grenade (No NOT the other one) and a full set of Imperial Mesh Armour which looks so baller, it resembles the fucking Crysis Suit of all things.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, as they are on the Battlefield, Archeoteks are considered as champions rather than the leaders they actually are in the fluff during peacetime. This specialist gains +1A over the Augmek, but isn’t particularly suited to mix it up in melee compared to the leaders and champions from rival gangs. His unique weapon options are the Rad Beamer, a special weapon that is considered dogshit at best, and the Spider Rig, a pretty good, if expensive, melee weapon.
The Archaeotek is in an awkward place because with the stats, skills and gear available to him (he can pick freely from all Trading Post weapons) he’s best suited to carrying powerful ranged weapons, something the Augmek already does perfectly. Archaeoteks do start with one free Cyberteknika upgrade, and can purchase further Cyberteknika at half price. Therefore it is best to only choose an Archaeotek over an Augmek if there was some particular bit of Cyberteknika you wanted to incorporate into a build. What seems to be the intended use – a shooting champion with some melee punch to use as a counter-charger – isn’t a bad use of credits, but it’s not that great either. Tech skills are hot garbage, so avoid them, but Savant skills are excellent. Putting Munitioneer on a counter-charging Archaeotek is far from a bad idea, as they’ll be in the thick of it often enough.
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Command: | Archeotek - Prime |
Troops: | Augmek - Neotek - Subtek - Tek |
Constructs: | Ambot - Cyberarachnid - Servitor - Servitor-Ogryn |
Walkers: | Arachni-rig |
Vehicles: | Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler - Grav-Cutter |
Hired Guns & Neutrals: |
Agitator - Ammo-Jack - Beastwrangler - Bone Scrivener Brute-Handler - Chem Dealer - Corpse Grinder - Dome Runner Gang Lookout - Gun-smyth - Hive Scum - Jagerkin Outland Beastmaster - Krieg Mester - Master Nautican Pale Consort - Relicmonger - Rogue Doc - Scabber - Scalies Slopper - Subnautican - Syphonite - Pit Slave - Propagandist Spyrer - Bounty Hunter |