
"Wartrakk iz da first to the foight!"
- -Wartrakk, Dawn of War.
Wartrakks are (or were, as of 8th edition) one of the most commonly used Ork vehicles. Cheap and relatively effective, they are essentially a Warbuggy mounted upon a sturdy track unit; a Wartrakk sacrifices some speed for the ability to traverse rough terrain such as a ruined city and deliver heavier firepower. It should be noted that the model is relatively outdated compared to... the entire rest of the army list, excluding the Warbuggy. This shows through with the wheels and the Orks themselves, both of which being a bit more bland than other Ork vehicles. This sort of thing is present in other armies too, but considering the general quality of the rest of the Ork List it is especially noticeable here, with the old models being extremely fucking boring. Kitbashing is STRONGLY recommended.
Usually most Ork warbands are accompanied by a ramshackle band of Wartrakks that hurtle around the battlefield shooting at anything they can. Most Wartrakks come with a Twin-Linked Big Shoota which makes it great for both fast assaults and clearing light infantry. As of 7th edition Wartrakks and Warbuggies can get a Twin-Linked Rokkit Launcha for free. Cue endless Lulz as you have a relatively fast anti-tank platform. They are also relatively cheap so you can try and spam those if you can. Of course they are still as lightly armored as the Warbuggies so a simple swift breeze can dismantle the entire thing.
As of 8th edition, the old-as-balls Wartrakk is now a Legends entry for the Ork army list. It fulfills the same role as the Warbuggy but trades 2" of movement for one more Wound, at a cost of 5 extra points.
Wartrakk Skorcha[edit | edit source]

Essentially the Ork's take on the Imperial Hellhound, the Skorcha version of the Wartrakk utilizes twin "Skorcha" heavy flamethrowers. Fueled by a large tank of promethium, Wartrakk Skorchas specialize in incinerating the enemy with great sheets of flame. The crews of these vehicles are usually Burna Boyz for whom man-portable burnas just aren't enough. Although if we take the size of that Skorcha at face value, it is too small for an Ork, so a Grot would most likely be the one manning it. Usually they have a Gretchin to mend the promethium tank so that it doesn't overheat and blow up in their face.
Like their normal cousins, the Skorcha variety has now been regulated as legends in 8th-9th Edition. Their points costs and abilities are identical to Wartrakks (other than the gun, of course). Skorchas are awesome - and the Wartrakk's high Movement enables them to position well for a barbecue. You can freely Advance close to the enemy, flame them, and then do it again if they try to charge you.
They are fragile and being charged from more than 8" denies their overwatch. A good tactic is to use two regular Warbuggies or Wartrakks with Twin Big Shootas, and two Skorchas. Any more Skorchas likely won't get in position and will waste their shot, whereas one or more Twin Big Shootas can continue to fire regardless and make the unit useful.