Leman Russ Battle Tank

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Were you looking for Leman Russ, the wolf of the Wolfity Wolves?

This tank uses the tears of MEQ dependent players as fuel for its engine.
This page is in need of cleanup. Srsly. It's a fucking mess.


The Leman Russ Battle Tank is the most common tank in the Warhammer 40,000 universe and the product of a drunken three-way between an old British Mark-V, a Char B1, and a T-34 that can go as fast as 70 kilometers per hour ungoverned.

The biggest pain in the ass, for points, a player will encounter when fighting the Imperial Guard, the Leman Russ Battle Tank is so reliable and hard-hitting that it is named for the rapetastic Space Wolf Primarch, Leman Russ. The Leman Russ is widely considered one of the most religiously useful vehicles the Imperial Guard have on the tabletop, boasting both heavy firepower and good utility; it is easily one of the best tanks for cost in Warhammer 40K tabletop, and its ability to rape Necron and SPESS MEHREEN players through judicious use of ordnance and weapons fire make this thing a complete pain in the ass to deal with. Heavy armour and the ability to fire their main gun twice if they move slowly makes them capable of delivering serious punishment - and that's before their ability to pack on Heavy Bolters, Plasma Cannons, and Multi-Meltas is factored in.

It looks older than the Emperor's toilet-dreadnought. One could argue that the Leman Russ is obsolete even by late 20th century standards, making it significantly more modern than the Imperium's quasi-Napoleonic navy.

So it's no wonder that the Leman Russ is one of coolest tanks in 40k as it just oozes with the rugged badassery that the IG are known for. With a relatively low point cost, armor that makes it a real bitch to kill, and a massive amount of variants and upgrades, the Russ is the go to vehicle for almost every Imperial Guard player. If you play IG for tanks, the Leman Russ is going to be your bread and butter.

Even the Orks like the Leman Russ tank, which just proves how awesome it is.

At 500 Points

They're pretty scary in low point games.

A lot of players used to field nothing but low-level infantry squads and a Leman Russ, due to its low points cost, in 500-point games. This practice continues today (though it's more commonly seen with the Imperial Guard Manticore Rocket Launcher), and has induced ragequits. Now, if the Imperial Guard was not balls-to-the-wall enough, Leman Russ' can be SQUADRONED in threes. Three Leman Russ' per Heavy Support slot. NINE TOTAL. The new Tank Commander allows you to take a squadron of Russes as a HQ slot with him, and you can take two Tank Commanders! 15 russes...

Add in with the new codex which gave all but the Battle Tank and Demolisher variants point reductions (the Demolisher actually got a point increase, allowing you to buy upgrades for units with some of the cheaper variants), you can easily bring two Executioners with the list below with the same points left. Replace the CCS with a Tank Commander and watch the fun as your tanks can get orders which make them even better. Run for the hills, heretics. No wait - the tanks ARE the hills. Run away from the hills. Just get away from the tanks.

With the rules found in the 'Imperial Armour: Imperial Guard' book, you can field Leman Russ' as troops choices in a mechanised army, meaning you can field 6 2 HQ tanks (only one tank per HQ slot, it's not a squadron), 3 'Elites' commissar tanks (Leman Russes that give infantry within 6" Ld10), 18 'Troops' tanks, and 9 'Heavy Support' Tanks.


500 point Patrol detachment


Knight Commander Pask, Punisher gatling cannon, heavy bolter, heavy bolter sponsons

Tank Commander, battle cannon, lascannon, plasma cannon sponsons, Relic of Lost Cadia


10 Guardsmen

Total: 500 points.

Due to terrible wording on tank orders which was not FAQ'd, Pask and the generic Commander can order themselves or each other. Reroll your battle cannon shots with the Cadian tank order, or Strike and Shroud if they have enough lascannons to trouble you. Likewise the Relic of Lost Cadia is not one-use only and likewise was not FAQ'd to be. Re-roll every 1 to wound every turn, or all failed to hit or wound rolls against Chaos. For Warlord trait, give the generic commander Tenacious Survivor. All the Imperial Guard-specific ones are irrelevant in this list.

In 8th Edition, they got even better. Not only can they fire their turret weapon TWICE if you move less than half their movement distance, you can take Detachments of them! And even better, Leman Russ tanks in a Spearhead Detachment gain Objective Secured! Watch that Space Marine player weep and rage when you capture that objective with a single Leman Russ tank from right under his Deep Striking Terminators' noses (who will most likely destroy your tank in close combat the next turn)! A Tank Commander and 3 Leman Russ tanks minimum, to 2 Tank Commanders and 18 Leman Russ tanks in a single Spearhead Detachment, and all of them having Objective Secured! And if those aforementioned Terminators charge your tank, spend a Command Point on Defensive Gunners and hope your plasma cannons evaporate the lot of them before they make it in.

And Commanders Too

Tank Commanders may now be taken as a HQ choice. They can only have the first three Warlord Traits out of the Imperial Guard Astra Militarum BLAM Astra Miliwhat, heretic? codex, but increase their tank's BS to 4. They also require at least one buddy tank to ride along with them. They can issue three special orders to their squadron (at effectively LD9), which includes allowing the Commander to fire at a different target, making the squadron pop smoke after they shoot, and letting the squadron move flat out at D6+6", even though they're heavy.

Knight Commander Pask Not really a Leman Russ but an upgrade for one, Knight Commander Pask raises the BS of any Russ he's placed in to 2+ and can give orders to boot, making the tank more accurate and more versatile. Widely considered conditionally broken against some factions when paired with a Punisher, Executioner, or Exterminator. Pask is known for killing Titans with a Leman Russ and refusing to drive a Baneblade in favor of one. His balls of steel rating is thusly considered somewhere between Vance Motherfucking Stubbs and Colonel "I tore a Landshark's throat out with my teeth" Straken.

Genestealer Cults

With the latest release of the new revamped Genestealer Cult, our favorite gubbly Genestealers are now able to get their own Leman Russ Tanks as well! In terms of Fluff, these Cults manage to gain access to these tanks via infecting guardsmen/ pretending to be regular old Imperial Tank Commanders, and then 'borrowing' the tanks.

Fortunately, from what we have seen as of lately, the Genestealer Cults only gain access to the vanilla variety, the Exterminator, the Vanquisher and the Eradicator.

Flavor of the Week

There are a dizzying number of Leman Russes with tons of different payloads. The current rulebook alone has seven, with several others being available through Forge World. The variations seen in the tabletop game are as follows:

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Battle Tank.

"If it isn't broken, don't fix it;" this is especially true given how much the Adeptus Mechanicus has forgotten by the 41st millennium. The basic Leman Russ Battle Tank is a simple, brutal machine; it can be built out of almost any metal, can run on almost any fuel, and has no complicated auto-targeting or driving systems -- every gun is operated by a person inside the tank, and the controls are simple enough that a crew only needs minimal training before going into battle (which the Departmento Munitorum really likes, though commanders on the ground tend to prefer more seasoned crews). Though it gets loud and hot inside, and it is not usually a fast machine, it is tough as nails...from the front and sides -- the back is much less heavily armored, to save weight and let the engine breathe. Even so, it's been getting the job done since the Great Crusade.

The original boasts a hull-mounted Heavy Bolter and a Battle Cannon in its turret, the latter of which is widely regarded for its ability to fuck up squads of Space Marines and Necrons. It can swap the Heavy Bolter for a Lascannon and take a pair of Heavy Bolters, Plasma Cannons, or Heavy Flamers for sponsons, but these will suffer if you move before shooting. It's still good for blasting the fuck out of just about anything that pisses it off -- it's hard to go wrong with the vanilla Russ.

Leman Russ Vanquisher

Leman Russ Vanquisher.

The Leman Russ Vanquisher has a variant of the Battle Cannon that "usually" one-shots enemy vehicles at long range (overconfidence killed the Guardsmen). If a lascannon or Battle Cannon just isn't doing it for tankhunting, and you don't really feel like grabbing a Melta, this weapon can fill the need. Whilst its penetrating power is similar to a Melta(S8 + 2d6), its actual tank killing power is limited, thanks to a lack of AP1 it only rolls +1 on the penetration table, meaning you need a 6 to make things explode. Unfortunately, the Adeptus Mechanicus only made the Vanquisher Battle Cannon on one Forge World, which got taken over by Orks, so the only way to make new Vanquishers nowadays is to take the guns off of ruined Vanquishers and fit them on new Leman Russ chassis -- which happens a lot, because enemies who make use of tanks have learned to make Vanquishers a priority target. Because this is so difficult to do, especially for long campaigns, only the very best tank crews get to use Vanquishers, and even then, they only deploy to zones where there are lots of tanks to be killed. The Mechanicus is trying to alleviate the shortage by commissioning other Forge Worlds to reproduce the old cannons (see Forge World Patterns below), but progress is very slow.

The Vanquisher is so specialized as an anti tank weapon that it can be argued that it's not a tank anymore, but a Tank Destroyer. A tank is a multi-purpose weapon, and, sponsons aside, the Leman Russ is a general purpose tank, equally adept at blowing tanks or infantry apart. The Vanquisher, though, can only really tear apart tanks, and it is very, very good in that regard. Normal Leman Russes are like Shermans, this is a Firefly. The downside of this tank, from a tabletop perspective, is that it doesn't have any blast effects from its main gun, so consider the Plasma Cannon options for this thing. However, when adding Pask, this tank has been known to cause rage with its stupid BS 4, + 1 armor pen etc (you're better off putting Pask in a Punisher, save the standard TC for a Vanquisher). The Tau can say all they want with their railgun heresy, but this is the best tank hunter (aside from all the others) in the game and with plasma sponsons, it's a beast at killing Space Marines.

If you are having problems with those pesky tyranid MCs, consider going for the double cheese and cheddar routine on Vanquishers; Forge World now allows Command Vanquishers to take beast hunter shells, specialized Vanquisher shells with the solid penetrating core replaced with a canister of weapons-grade toxic acids. In gameplay, it's a small blast that has the instant death special rule. Booo, you wanted even more Leman Russes? Take the said vanquisher as HQ tank in allied armoured battlegroup. With squadron of Leman Russes as allied troop detachment. Yes, you read that right. 13 Leman Russes in one battle.

Due to only having a single BS3 shot at AP2 the Vanquisher is actually mediocre at tank killing. Sure it will penetrate if it hits but chances are you're only going to take off a hull point and roll for one of the inconvenience vehicle damage table results. Firing both the Lascannon and the Vanquisher cannon is likely to leave most tanks in the game alive if injured; not ideal for what you're paying. You can alleviate the accuracy through a number of means but nothing save driving into multi-melta range will alleviate the killing power (why Russ tanks can't fit sponson Lascannons is a mystery for the ages) and getting that close has its own issues, like being in wraith cannon range.

8-th edition

Sadly, the weapon was somewhat nerfed in the new edition of the crunch. It does damage like a melta-gun (roll 2 d6 dice when rolling for damage and keep the highest result) without the range limitation, but aside from that it is now rather mediocre (for a specialised tank hunter) cannon with S=8 (with most battle tanks now having Toughness of 8 that means it woul wound on 4+) AP-3 (the latter actually means that most tanks, having Sv 3+ would still get their 6+ save), and worse still it is now only Heavy 1 (that is one shot with BS 4+ on "vanilla" Leman Russ Vanquisher). Nuff said.

Leman Russ Exterminator

Leman Russ Exterminator.

This tank is so awesome that it was first introduced as part of the third edition Space Wolves army list (the Imperial Guard only had the regular Russ and the Demolisher at the time), as the Wolves wanted to have a few tanks named after their Primarch. The Exterminator uses a twin Autocannon as its main gun, because its not a massive artillery-sized cannon it is a little faster (in story only) than the original Russ.

Though the Hydra Flak Tank is better suited toward Flyers and Skimmers now with its higher ballistic skill, heavy infantry and light vehicle rape is still applicable with the Exterminator and with a superior skill against ground targets to the Hydra. One of several vehicles capable of driving Ork or Tyranid players into a frothing, white-hot RAGE when used with Heavy Bolter Sponsons, the Exterminator's main drawback is that it relies on its sponson/hull weapons to deal with enemy heavy armor (unless you're using Pask, in which case the Autocannons will often suffice).

Although it does not have the advanced anti-air targeting mechanisms that the Hydra Flak Tank does, its matched primary firepower along with added sponson fire makes a stop-gap air defense (Heavy 4 firing twice and S7 is fairly threatening to most flyers). Combined with its characteristic toughness and a pair of multi-melta sponsons to deal with heavy vehicles this tank can be a threat to anything and everything, though not quite as effective against larger targets as the similarly universal Battle Cannon equipped model.

Leman Russ Eradicator

Leman Russ Eradicator.

Once upon a time, some Forge World in the Imperium decided they had too many nuclear weapons on their hands, and that they needed to do something with them. After some wacky hijinks and hilarious mishaps, the result was the Leman Russ Eradicator, a tank with a short range cannon that lobs "sub-atomic" charges at enemies in cover. So, basically, fuck your cover saves.

The percussive shock (and probably the radiation, too) neutralizes cover saves, and though it's a little weaker than the Battle Cannon in every way (lower strength, shorter range, worse AP), it is still a respectable tank, especially against Eldar or any unit that is trying to take advantage of the Small Targets or Stealth rule. It's otherwise basically the same as the regular version, range and power aside. Unfortunately, this means it also has the laughable rear armor; Scouts with shotguns could kill this tank if they got behind it, and because its range is so short, it needs to be up close and personal. Paper-thin rear armor + urban combat = dead tank.

The Eradicator has the distinction of being the cheapest tank in the arsenal, and are often used as the ablative shield of Pask or a regular tank commander. While their main gun is useful, taking them with plasma sponsons is the best reason to field them, especially if you can score preferred enemy through a warlord trait, wargear, or a formation bonus. Or choose heavy flamers to make your tau friends cry tears of pure cheese

Leman Russ Demolisher

Leman Russ Demolisher.

The first of the "Reinforced" or "Siege" Leman Russ models (additional rear armor), the Leman Russ Demolisher packs a short range gun that is much stronger than the normal battle cannon and virtually guaranteed to threaten entire formations with Instant Death should it shoot. It combines the firepower of artillery with the speed and durability of a tank, for situations where the Guard can't wait for a proper artillery barrage but needs to take heavily guarded or fortified positions, and it excels in such an environment - in fact, it is a better line-breaker than the Space Marines' Vindicator tank (which is silly, because Space Marines are all about cracking defenses with overwhelming firepower...).

However, the Demolisher Cannon's short range means that it'll be unable to do much else and will likely draw massive amounts of firepower in its direction, meaning there is a risk that the Demolisher will be wrecked before it can even fire a single shot. Keep long-range support nearby it to ensure it remains in one piece, or send it straight up the center of the field, eating colossal amounts of punishment before exploding in a massive fireball while the rest of your army maneuvers into position. Either way, it's done it's job.

On the table, the Demolisher, just like the Battle Tank, is one of the two Russ variants that should be left without its sponsons; since the Ordnance shot forces snapshots on everything else fired that turn, your plasma cannons/heavy flamers will never fire, and your 20 points of heavy bolters will average 1 or 2 hits at most. Save the points for elsewhere, the tank doesn't need them.

Leman Russ Punisher

Leman Russ Punisher.

The Leman Russ Punisher is about as close to "enuff Dakka" as the Imperial Guard can get without bringing in Titans or Baneblades. Like the Demolisher, it has the increased rear armor of a Siege Tank, though its main gun, the S5 AP- Heavy 20 Punisher Gatling Cannon, is meant for attacking infantry and light vehicles. It has poor range for a vehicle weapon, but one of these things can crank out more firepower than an entire squad of guardsmen under a Rank Fire order, which is absolutely hilarious; normally only Orks with Shootas, Combined Squads, and Hornagaunts get to roll this many dice. When backed up with other weapons, the Punisher can destroy huge numbers of troops at once, though it is hampered by its operators' low ballistic skill and its inability to penetrate armor.

As of the new Codex, Knight Commander Pask turns it from a fun toy to an absolute wrecking ball. Between his BS4 and a Warlord Trait that gives Preferred Enemy, he's likely to get nearly all hits. He also gives the Punisher rending, and can reroll armor penetration with the main gun. Light tanks get torn to shreds in one burst, Medium tanks take a beating, and even Land Raiders or other Leman Russes can get glanced to death due to all the rerolls.

Mont'ka goes one step further by allowing Pask or a generic alternative used in the Emperor's Fist formation to grant every Leman Russ variant in 6 inches BS 4. 7 BS 4 punishers with Pask giving the finger in the middle will turn anything short of an army of Ghost Keels into so much pancake batter, and rocks in only just over 1k points. Probably not the most effective use of points, Pask in a Punisher is devastating, normal Punishers, not so much (besides raping infantry).

There's three ways to equip a Punisher:

- completely stock

- with heavy bolter sponsons, to supplement its firepower. This can be seen as pointless, or excessive, as the Punisher has enough anti-infantry firepower.

- with multi-melta sponsons, to make it a great all rounder.

Pask is almost a must, but he's only one man.

Leman Russ Executioner

Leman Russ Executioner.

The Leman Russ Executioner was developed during the Dark Age of Technology, and during the Great Crusade, the Imperium used to field them by the regiment; unfortunately, they lost much of their manufacturing capacity for complex plasma mechanisms during the Horus Heresy, Although strangely the Imperium has no difficulty making plasma technology and since most worlds produced advanced plasma weapons, Executioners and Baneblades during the Great Crusade, the only possible explanation for how this common technology could be lost while everything else remained is for the Grimdark.

Jokingly called the "Leman Russ Trollface" or "Leman Russ Blast Template Dropper" by some players, the Executioner is the bane of Space Marines everywhere, for it packs a Plasma Cannon that fires in 3-round bursts. For maximum hilarity, pair with Plasma Cannon sponsons (ergo allowing 5 Plasma Cannon shots a turn from one vehicle) and try not to laugh when killing about double the tank's point cost in heavy infantry every turn. This used to be the bane of Terminator-heavy armies that had gotten used to being nearly invulnerable to non-anti-tank weaponry, but then the Grey Knights got their Plasma Syphon to remove that weakness (what edition are you playing..?)...though since Plasma Cannons are Blast weapons, firing at BS1 only makes them scatter harder but still lets them fire, and it only matters if the tank is within 12" of the syphon-bearing model anyway, it doesn't help any if they roll direct hits with blast templates, and it doesn't make the Executioner any less effective against other armies with high armor saves and toughness values, like Space Marines, Necrons, Nidzilla armies, and Chaos Daemons. So, even Grey Knights' plasma syphons aren't that good. It used to be that models not under the center hole of a blast took hits at half-strength, but 5th Edition changed that, which made the Executioner much more effective against lighter (AV10/11) armored vehicles.

    • Alternative take: Use Executioner as Tank Commander's co-tank. If you take Pask as the main tank, you get to reroll "Gets Hot" results due to having preferred enemy (Final GW FAQ confirms this), so it rerolls 1's for to hit and to wound rolls. Also due to S7 you wound basically everything with 2+, making it rerollable if you fail any wound rolls.
    • Alternative 2: add Trojan with Techpriest to the mix, giving everyone within 12" bubble Preferred enemy. See above, except for your whole heavy ordnance. Ouchy.
    • Park one of these near a Haemotropic Reactor. You are now flinging 5 Plasma Large Blasts downrange. Bonus points if you use Divination to grant the tank re-rolls and Ignore Cover.


GW's specialist subsidiary Forge World made a couple of their own Leman Russes. They also pimped out the appearances of several types.

Leman Russ Conqueror

Leman Russ Conqueror.

The Leman Russ Conqueror was built to be a faster Leman Russ tank -- its cannon fires smaller shells with less recoil, which allows the tank to be more mobile, store more ammunition and sustain a higher rate of fire. The smaller cannon also allows the installation of a co-axial weapon, which helps the gunner keep the main cannon on target.

Forge World created the Conqueror back in Third Edition, when a Leman Russ had to stay still to fire its battle cannon. The main point for a Conqueror now is that its cannon is not Ordnance; it fires a battle cannon pieplate (shrunk to 3" from 5", per IA Vol. One Second Ed.) to a shortened range of 48 inches, with the profile of Heavy 1. In standard games on a 4x6 foot table, the shorter range doesn't matter. Losing Ordnance means your shots are worse at penetrating armor, but also means that you can fire other weaponry at the same time.

In other words, it was intended to be cavalry tank: a faster, more lightly armed vehicle designed to exploit breakthroughs that the slower, more heavily armed tanks could create but not themselves use. Once it broke though, it would then overrun the enemy's rear areas, causing trouble behind enemy lines while the infantry tanks and regular infantry keep pressing the advance and securing ground behind it. Now, it's ironically in the same position that the vanilla Leman Russ was when it was first introduced, only without the armor-piercing abilities of the regular Russes. As a result, it's not very useful in general anymore unless it gets an update to bring it in line with the other variants.

The Death Korps of Krieg Leman Russ Conqueror has been updated to be a fast vehicle, meaning that it can fire two of its weapons normally and snap-fire the rest if moving up to 12", but the Conqueror in other lists still lacks the fast vehicle rule.

8th ed. - For an extra three points over the vanilla, you get a 48" battle cannon (compared to the 72" regular one) and a co-axial storm bolter. Co-axial weapons no longer need to hit their target; the main weapon and the coaxial weapon just need to have the same target. If you're playing on a small board, a regular one with lots of intervening cover, or an urban one, this will serve you better than the vanilla. Otherwise, just grab the vanilla for the two feet of range.

Leman Russ Annihilator

Leman Russ Annihilator.

As the supply of Leman Russ Vanquishers is ever-dwindling after the loss of Tigrus, while the Imperial Guard's demand for anti-armor tanks is ever-growing, so some Forge Worlds have started to try and meet demand by taking the twin-linked lascannons off the Predator Annihilator and putting them in the Leman Russ's turret. That's not how they're made, they share the namesake, but the Leman Russ Annihilator began as a field conversion. An Imperial Officer found his armoured units constantly losing to renegade armour, so he decided to replace his companies Leman Russ' battle cannons and replace them with the companies lascannon. This ultimately won them the battle, but the officer responsible for these conversions was found of tech-heresy and sentenced to death. The Techpriest then later decided to sanction it, thanks to a need of more anti-armour tanks, and began production. Because the lascannon is easier to make, maintain, and use, the Annihilator is the preferred armour-hunting tank of armoured regiments that expect to sustain lots of damaged and lost tanks (like the Death Korps of Krieg).

Forge World rolled this tank with the Death Korps of Krieg army, and was very popular before 5th edition changed the way a Leman Russ works. Since moving and shooting Ordnance weapons was no longer a problem, the Annihilator lost much of its appeal, but after sixth edition changed which weapons can be fired when a vehicle moves, its utility has risen some: because its cannon is not an ordnance weapon, and the Annihilator is a heavy vehicle (unlike the Conqueror), it can fire all of its weapons at full ballistic skill on the move.

It'd be pretty awesome if they gave it the Exterminator treatment, where they not only made the weapon twin-linked but doubled its rate-of-fire, case-and-point making its lascannons heavy 2, twin-linked. But alas, it's fairly underwhelming at the moment. You're better off just getting a Vanquisher at the moment, seeing as the Vanquisher only costs 5 more points and has a much better gun, it's not twin-linked though, but it could get that from other means.

8th ed. - Since twin-linked got scrapped, this is the only Russ to have an increase in firepower. Mathhammer-wise, it's on par with the Demolisher for anti-vehicle capabilities (putting out 1.94 wounds against another Leman Russ), but it has double the range, and the turret still costs 40pts. Obviously you're going to put a hull lascannon on it, since you'd have to be lobotomised not to. Also fares slightly better with sponson meltas. The shorter range of the turret means that there's a greater chance of you being in range to use them, unlike the Vanquisher (which scores 0.94 wounds against another Leman Russ by the way)

Leman Russ Incinerator

Leman Russ Incinerator.

A Pre-Heresy Russ variant armed with a massive Volkite cannon in the turret. Only available to Solar Auxilia, it is twin-linked, and has an additional point of strength and shot than its smaller regular culverin. Can cause a lot of damage at great range to infantry, but it cannot take sponson weapons, and the more vanilla variants can do the same job more efficiently.

Because of the downsides of the Incinerator, it's pretty much a take only if you're a huge fan of Volkites. Even then, it's limited to causing a maximum of only 10 wounds per round(If your opponent fails its first 5 armor saves, and Deflagrate succeeds in wounding 5 more times). It also shares its AP with every single Volkite weapon smaller than it on the table, including the fucking pistol. So if you really need to bring Volkite weaponry to vaporize Tyranids or other blobs, you're MUCH better off putting some Veletaris in an Arvus or a Dracosan. They can cause up to 40 wounds through Deflagrate, compared to the Incinerator which can only cause up to 10. To maximize its effectiveness, you could double down on the high-strength high-AP attacks with multilasers on the hull and pintle, making a fairly decent hunter of Mechanicum automata.

Destroyer Tank Hunter

Destroyer Tank Hunter.

The Destroyer Tank Hunter is basically the tank equivalent of a sniper. It's the Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. G (StuG III G) (probably closer to the Jagdpanzer IV) of the 40K universe, it loses the turret and swaps out the hull-mounted heavy bolter for a massive laser destroyer -- basically, a twin-linked Ordnance lascannon, all the better to penetrate armor with. Like a sniper, its job is to hide in a defensive position, kill a high-valued enemy, and move on -- it has the same armor as a Russ, but its only secondary weapon is a pintle-mounted heavy stubber or storm bolter, making it all but defenseless against enemy anti-armor. Fortunately, as it lacks the increased mass and stabilization requirements of the turret, it can be substantially faster than the Leman Russ Battle Tank, which helps it evade pursuit. The lower profile can also be of some help when it comes to putting it out of line of sight.

On the table, it's quite close to a Vanquisher in intended use, and in practice it generally does a better job for 25 more points; it's built-in Twin-Linking gets in more hits, and the S9 Ordnance shot damages anything with a toughness value and any AV lower than 14 more reliably than the Vanquisher's S8 Armourbane shot.

In addition, it's faster than the Vanquisher (and thus can reposition more easily), and its low profile grabs cover more easily. Any terrain that gives a Vanquisher 25% cover will give this tank close to 50%, which becomes a 3+ save with camo netting.

Thunderer Siege Tank

Thunderer Siege Tank.

The Laser Destroyer is a rare weapon, so units with Destroyers whose main cannon is destroyed will seldom be given a replacement. The hulls were re-purposed by installing a Demolisher cannon in the laser destroyer's mount, resulting in the Thunderer Siege Tank. It is essentially a faster, discounted Demolisher, except its stuck with a fixed forward casemate (though if your Demolisher is in a position where it has to shoot something behind it, you are in a bad place) and it cannot take any secondary weapons besides a pintle-mounted heavy stubber or storm bolter (not that it needs any more firepower than S10 AP2 5" Blast, though when the Vehicle Damage table comes calling you may be glad you took something else to lose on a Weapon Destroyed result). The reduced versatility means that most commanders would rather use a proper Demolisher, but as vehicle reserves run low, any Demolisher cannon is a welcome addition to the line of battle.

In practice, it's gone from a tank destroyer to an assault gun; it functions like a more expensive (by 15 points), but much tougher Vindicator (which is rather hilarious, since Space Marines love the Vindicator, while the Thunderer is a second-line Guard assault gun that is usually passed over for the Leman Russ Demolisher). Don't mention this around Space Marines -- they're still bothered that the Imperial Guard have what amounts to a Vindicator with better armor on every facing and access to camo netting, which in turn inspired them to make the Land Raider Ares. But that comes with the price tag of a Land Raider, so...

8th ed. Functions just like a Demolisher Leman Russ with one extra wound but without the hull mounted Lascannon option, Forgeworld Leman Russ were considerably more expensive than GW in 8th but Chapter Approved 2017 normalised them to the GW price cost.

Alternate Patterns

Forge World has also released variant turrets and hulls for Leman Russ models.

Mars Alpha Pattern Hull
The Mars Alpha hull has more internal space and a larger engine, resulting in a slightly bulkier hull overall (especially noticeable with the engine sticking further out the back of the tank). The hull-weapon's mount is slightly different, with a more streamlined joint than the boxy sponson-like mount of the standard pattern. The increased internal space is used for ammunition storage on battle-line tanks, or for extra communication equipment on command tanks.
Ryza Pattern Turret
Ryza is most known for their work on plasma weapons, but then the tech-priests realized that their Executioner turret looked really cool, so they made turrets for the regular Battle Tank, Annihilator, Demolisher, Exterminator, and Vanquisher (with co-axial autocannon) turret variants. It is a sleeker turret than the original, with straight sides angled forward and a searchlight or scanner on the left side, while the weapon is contained in a slightly more sensible-looking elevation joint. Ryza turrets are often mounted on Mars Alpha hulls.
Gryphonne IV Pattern Turret
Before it got overrun by the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan, Gryphonne IV made turrets for the Conqueror, Exterminator, and Vanquisher (with co-axial storm bolter) tanks. Gryphonne IV turrets are much more "greebled" than the standard turrets, and are distinguished by the flared-out sides and the searchlight mounted to the right of the commander's hatch.
Stygies VIII Pattern Turret
Stygies VIII also produces a Vanquisher turret with a co-axial storm bolter, and is also a rather greebly turret (though its searchlight is mounted on the left side, like the Ryza turret), but their variant of the Vanquisher cannon is shorter than the Gryphonne IV's (which is ridiculously long, to be honest), and it is unrifled, to bring the muzzle velocity back up to that of the Gryphonne IV cannon.

Wargear/Configuration Breakdown

In the newest codex, Multi-melta sponsons share the same cost as Heavy Bolters, so seriously consider taking them if you want to gear up for mercilessly slaughtering tanks.

The Hull Heavy Flamer and sponson Heavy Flamer should be avoided. There are dozens of better ways to get cover hate on the battlefield (Chimeras and Hellhounds coming readily to mind), and it removes your Heavy Bolter, so don't go with it. The Hull Heavy Bolter is always a good thing as it is free and a lifeline to your main weapon; if you suffer a weapon destroyed. The hull Lascannon is a good addition to a Vanquisher, for extra punch, as they are both used for the same battlefield role, both long ranged and high strength/low AP. Again, if you really hate cover, you have the Leman Russ Eradicator; I mean, it's why the thing exists.

Sponson Bolters are generally a "take 'em or not" option, because it's only 20 points for the pair, and the worst case scenario is that they add to the hull Heavy Bolter in slinging shots downrange anyway, which can help a lot against Tyranids and other blob armies and is especially nice to have with Pask in play. It's as much as 6 extra shots, so it's not bad. They're less useful on the Punisher (which is already spraying out 23 shots by default) and Demolisher (which really doesn't need much to help the Demolisher Cannon), and many players scream with irritation if they're used on them, but they remain effective and they're not a huge investment, so use them if you feel like it. It's not like the Dozer Blade is a better use of those points. Bear in mind that, due to the changes to the Leman Russ's "Lumbering Behemoth" rule, a Russ can only fire its sponson weapons as snap shots if it fires an Ordnance weapon (Battle Cannon and Demolisher Cannon), so your vanilla Russes and Demolishers should have heavy bolters (plasma cannons and heavy flamers cannot be fired as snap shots, and you get more chances to hit with heavy bolters than with lascannons) if they are given any sponson weapons at all.

The Plasma Cannon Sponsons, however, are a different story. These need to be on the right tank or they're a waste of points. They generally do better on the likes of the Exterminator and Vanquisher, giving blast effects to tanks that otherwise wouldn't have it. It's especially good on the Executioner, however, adding 2 more Plasma Cannons to the existing 3-round burst of the main gun and adding yet more raep to the firestorm. There is possibly no tank better at blasting Tyranids and Necrons than this configuration - and god help anything in its way if it has Pask as well. In other words, whatever you put them on, make them count. They aren't very good on the standard Leman Russ (because its S8 AP3 basically eclipses anything a Plasma Cannon can do). The Eradicator can make some decent use of it, mostly because its Nova Cannon doesn't pack the AP of the Battle Cannon and ergo makes a nice support weapon for dropping into a crowd that would otherwise be able to deal with the Nova Cannon. Games Workshop has a notoriously raging hard-on for equipping them on Demolishers and Punishers, but this is actually a fairly bad idea; these two tanks are almost invariably better off charging headlong into the enemy's face, where they won't be firing the Plasma Cannons anyway (at least the Heavy Bolter sponsons can work with the hull Heavy Bolter and pick off stragglers after the initial insert-gun-into-face manoeuvre). So put these on Executioners, Exterminators, and Vanquishers only for best results - these tanks are the ones that make the best use of them. In sixth edition, plasma cannons can now 'get hot' on vehicles so they are less useful.

For wargear, it's generally a good idea to avoid the pintle mounts. They simply aren't of use on a vehicle that is bristling with weapons in the first place, and it's extremely hard to envision an environment wherein a player screams "Man, a Storm Bolter on my Leman Russ would have been the absolute BOMB right now!" The Stubber can be somewhat useful if only due to its range, but generally isn't simply because - again - every reason you'd use one is already covered by its baseline weaponry. If you're looking hard to find a spot to drop a few points (why are you doing this), I guess you could put one on a bullet-spewing tank and add a few more shots, but again, probably more efficient ways to spend those points.

Firebarrels is a new wargear option added in the 6th edition (looks around to make sure I do not get BLAMMED by Commissar)*BLAM*Cowardice! You will say this with pride! Codex Astra Militarum. In layman terms it is a one time use wall of death that deals D6 amount of damage. More or a scare tactic then anything, it does allow the Russ to protect itself in close combat. For ten points, it is cost effective. Though not a auto include, it should not be overlooked. Especially when you take a squadron of three and give each tank these barrels. That's going to hurt

Recovery gear is probably a autoinclude in any build for the Leman Russ. Why? For 5 points you can roll to remove a immobilized result. Think about that for a moment. For 5 points, you don't have to worry (as much) that your tanks will be stopped due to a lucky roll or failed dangerouse terrain test. Now granted, you will not always use this gear, or even do well to de immobilized the tank. Just that when compared to dozer blades, you can obviously see a winner.

Relic plating is.....controversial. Its the cheapest wargear the Russ can take. And it does give Adamantium Will to this giant machine of death. The problem comes with formations. Depending on how one sees the rules, this upgrade either A. gives the entire squadron Adamantium Will when just applied to one tank. Or B. Only applies to the tank that takes the wargear. Either way, best to give all tanks in the squadron this upgrade. (Lets face it, the second the opponent hears one of the tanks has Adamantium will, that tank is a target. Might as well give all tanks this upgrade just to be safe).

The Hunter-Killer Missile is... questionable. Its unlimited range can be a good surprise against players not expecting it, which, when combined with its good strength, makes it a good option for destroying artillery (this is actually a halfway decent choice with Pask by the way), but Chimeras and Sentinels are widely (and rightly) considered the best platform for this secondary weapon, whereas the Leman Russ is often rightly considered a somewhat wasteful (if potentially useful) platform for the weapon. Pask abuse aside, the Hunter-Killer missile generally isn't useful for Leman Russes simply because you don't need a Krak missile when any of these tanks can pack anti-vehicle punch in the form of its turret weapon or Lascannon (the latter of which any Russ can get).

With the new codex, we get the ability to take tank commanders. They have to bring another tank in a squad, which you would do anyway, and gives the tank they are commanding BS4. They can be a warlord and only roll on the first three choices of the codex warlord table, and their unit is moved into the HQ force org slot. So you can take up to 12 Leman Russes in a battle forged army! They also have three orders they can give their unit. They can move flat out in a heavy tank for 6+D6 inches, a form of split fire for the commander to shoot at a different target from the others in his unit, and an order that its unit makes a shooting attack then uses smoke launchers if it has not already. The commander has to roll a 9 or less on 2d6 to get these off. Good for a mechanized army list specializing in tanks.

Whilst he's pricey, Pask himself deserves special note - he is a great upgrade to a command tank, since he makes a Russ BS4, gets to reroll to hit with most weapons, adds rending to punisher and exterminators, rerolls penetration against vehicles, and turns the executioner into a large single blast with blind. Naturally starts out with Old Grudges as his warlord trait giving him preferred enemy of your choice. He is an expensive upgrade for a tank commander, so again, make sure that whatever you put him in, it gets used.

How to Use It

First and foremost, note the tank's armor ratings. It's dirt cheap, its BS is average, but its armor value on the front is 14 and its side armor is hefty at 13. Its rear armor, however, sucks and can be damaged by many regular infantry weapons. Keep them facing the enemy at all times and do your best to keep their backs covered - you can't afford to let some jump infantry Deep Strike behind one and play catch-the-fucking-meltabomb. Treat them well and they'll treat you well.

Second, three of the Leman Russes - the Demolisher, Punisher, and Executioner - have additional rear armor. This is not enough to make them invulnerable but what it does mean is that it's no longer threatened simply by being completely surrounded by regular infantry (Hormagaunts for example). This is important for the Punisher and Demolisher, which have to get close, but the Executioner is just more survivable since it generally shoots from afar. AV 11 still isn't very good, so bear in mind the first example on this list and keep the front facing the enemy.

It is also important to remember that the Guard is like an army from World War II. Learn from their tactics and apply them wisely. All nations had some way to make sure infantry are mobile enough to keep up with tanks (as tanks without infantry support and with infantry around them tend to go BOOM), so transports (obviously Chimeras) are generally necessary. If defending, they would employ dedicated tank destroyers (Vanquishers or Destroyer) to deal with enemy armor. If sieging, assault guns (Thunderer) and massed artillery would be used to handle fortifications.

(History Note: Tank Destroyers(TD) have wandered in and out of development and use since their practical deployment in WWII, and are still in use today.

In general, TDs were initially based on obsolete or marginally unrepairable chassis that a government had about and needed for the war effort (for example, for Germany the JgPzI was a rework of the PzI, while the Marder was a PzII rework with captured Soviet 76mm guns; The Soviets turned the T-34 into the SU-85 and SU-100s), usually by ripping off what's was left of the turret and upper deck, and welding a casement cover and gun mounting over the resulting hole. Later on, purpose-built ones were developed, usually for defensive fights (the JagTiger and the more modern Swedish line of STRV-103 TDs, for example). Even now, some are still either in use or being developed (the Russian 2S25 Sprut-SD is a 125mm gun-armed TD going into main production in 2018).

As their role dictated a tank-hunting role, they tended towards heavy frontal armour and a bigger gun than a tank of the same weight (as turrets are surprisingly heavy, when you take into account the weight of the turret ring, the armour that the turret covers by necessity and the mechanisms needed to turn the turret, so by not having them, you can add more weight elsewhere). Some historical tanks, like the SU-152 and the JagTiger had cannons big enough to be used effectively as artillery, or could kill a tank behind hard cover, as Otto Carius proved by using the 128mm cannon on his JagTiger to kill a Sherman tank by shooting through an entire brick building). As anti-infantry backup, most TDs had at least one machinegun (the German Ferdinand was one notable 'oops' on that part, which is why it got a machinegun and anti-magnetic paste later and they called it the Elefant to distinguish between old and new models).

So why aren't they more common? Well, TDs excel in ambush-predation of tanks and in infantry support against prepared positions. The former is inherently defensive and static, as you wait for your target usually. The latter means you're assaulting a prepared static position with infantry support and using your big gun to suppress your enemy. Neither of these are very mobile, and coming out of WWII, the major focus of tank-use strategy was (and still very much is) as a fast and well-armed assault or reaction force (possibly why they're still called cavalry, and used much the same as in previous wars). Tanks are mobile, infantry is usually mechanized, and even artillery is often self-propelled. Add in that many tanks, IFVs, APCs, utility vehicles (and likely mobile outhouses) can and have sported ATMs of varying lethality, being static or assaulting in a direct line can have "unfortunate" outcomes if the attacked party has a steady hand or a good laser pointer.

Ed. Note: If you ever wonder why the monster tank ideas like the Maus never really took off in the modern era, mobility is pretty much it. The Maus got 14mph maximum by doing horrible things to the electric drive and drank gallons of fuel per mile. All your armour doesn't mean anything if you can't outrun, outrange or at least dodge heavy artillery fire and strike aircraft. Then again, the Baneblade moves as fast as a Leman Russ does, so if you could get a modern Maus equivalent sporting feet-thick slabs of CHOBHAM armour, some sort of auto-loading 155mm cannon, backup 20mm chainguns/autocannons, a plethora of heavy remote-turreted MGs and god-knows how many pop-up-celled HATM to do 40mph off-road, I suspect modern warfare would collectively give a panicked 'WUT?' for a bit until they worked how to dangle a Exocet off a Predator drone...)

Generally, it is a good idea to keep your tanks behind your infantry, with the exception of Demolisher and Punisher. Their longer range and the fact that they're more expensive/useful than basic infantry makes the cover save valuable. Combine with Camo-netting to get a 4+, like a walking, shooting aegis. If you're running gunline it's not a bad idea to use them as gun emplacements, by flooding your deployment zone with bodies you can stop any pesky deep strikers, and combined with the 4+ save (potentially 3+ if you get an aegis) can make it nigh-unkillable. Combined with reasonable point cost and the ability to take squadrons, you can flood the field like Mega-MEQs.

In addition, the Leman Russ, due to its renowned toughness, is likely to draw a lot of fire, so it can pair well with weaker glass-cannon type units like Basilisks.

Now, each country had outstanding tank tactics - Germany for example would make good use of 'Blitzkrieg' shock attacks, seeking to break through a weakpoint on the enemy lines and drive deep into the rear area and rampage around, forcing the enemy to pull back to prevent being surrounded and to protect squishy REMFy objective points. For said tactical style your will need Leman Russ Conquerors for speed (or if you are willing to go slower then normal ones will do) backed up by mobile infantry (Chimeras, anyone?) On defense, they tended to dig in their tanks/TDs and snipe (Vanquishers and Destroyers), so look at uprating your tanks armour and camo. Germany also had a bit of a hard on for super heavy tanks and assault guns, so feel free to liberally splash Baneblades and Thunderers into a German style army list.

Early British and French styles were massed foot-infantry supported by anti-fortification 'infantry' heavy tanks (Eradicators, Punishers and Demolishers) pinning in place and eliminating enemy forces first, while faster 'cavalry' vehicles (Sentinels and Tauros/Venators) would flank around to hunt tasty lone units. (Early Soviet was just massed infantry without the heavy tanks, but then you wouldn't be doing that now, would you?) After all, if the enemy's not on the table, they can hardly contest objectives, can they?

American (and later the collective allied forces) tactics would be on using one mainstay tank (normal Russes), but would also field as many as possible so their massed firepower could support infantry on assault or defense, then exploit breaches in enemy lines to drive deep wedges into enemy lines (yes, the Americans and Russians shamelessly copied the Truppenführung, but had the material support to stuff their entire leg down the German throat, while early German could only afford the boot) while dedicated tank destroyers (Vanquisher and Destroyer) wait in support to react to enemy tanks counter-attacking. America also had air supremacy for the most part, so air support (Valkyries, Avengers and Marauders) was usually available. The Soviets tended to go for massed artillery more-so on assault, so feel free to load up on the Basilisks and recreate Verdun's 'lively' atmosphere. In short, flexibility is key. Don't just bend like the willow. Bend, recover to whack them on the nose, then shove yourself up their ass for good measure.

Regardless of the details, it's always a good idea to use infantry to kill things that can kill your tanks since lascannons don't really do a lot of damage to a squad while you have your tanks kill things that can kill your infantry, heavy bolters don't bother Russes. Counter enemy units with the unit they themselves can't counter. Maybe have a Chimera (or variant) acting as an IFV to help protect the infantry, too, which takes a bit of strain off the Leman Russes so that they can focus on killing bigger fish.

How to Kill It

The Leman Russ can be a tough adversary. If you're facing a guard player there's a good chance he's taken five of them, so you may need to get creative in how you approach them. The stock Leman Russ is probably the most common variant you'll be facing. It's dirt cheap, comes with the Cadian battleforce, and generally gets the job done. The main thing you need to look out for is the battle cannon, obviously. With S8 AP3 and large blast, it can straight up smoke whole squads of just about anything, and any multi wound T4 models will get Insta Death'd as well. AV 14 on the front, and 13 on the sides makes shooting it difficult. Spamming high strength weapons i.e. Lascannons, Missiles, etc can work but it's all up to luck at that point. Or bring Haywire weapons if you're Mechanicus-even though you're mostly going to be glancing, a single unit's volley of 6-7 shots *will* glance it to death. Even Lascannons only pen on 6. If you have to shoot your best bet is tricky weapons. Melta, Lance, Armorbane, Strength D, etc are really the only things that reliable pen a Russ frontally. The most surefire way to get a Russ is to gun for the rear armor. Use skimmers or deep striking units to get behind the Russ and unload on its AV10 ass. Likewise melee is an excellent option because of its thin rear. Even MEQs can glance a Russ to death with their fists, and if they have something like powerfists or melta bombs its going to be dead real quick. If you are able to get something even meaner, like a Wraithlord or Dreadnought, into close combat with a Russ it's going to be toast. Melee in general is good against guard, the only thing to worry about is being tarpitted by conscript hordes who can keep your expensive vehicle punchers stuck.

In general, get close. With its heavy, long range guns the Russ excels at long range shooting matches. So to save your infantry blobs from getting ground down by S8 pie plates close the distance. Or get behind it with something that's fast or can deep strike.

Unless you're necrons of course then just spam it with YOUR BASIC WEAPON or scarab swarms.

Alternative Modeling Options

If you don't want to use GW stuff, or if you just want something to give your tanks a more unique look, there are a plethora of ways to proxy up a Russ stand-in. Perhaps most obviously and lazily, virtually every WW2 medium tank can and has been counted-as a Russ at some point or another, and models for those can be found in literally every every hobby store in existence. Hell, even toys could work if you really feel like scraping the bottom of the cheapskate barrel and they fit the general size. If you want good quality and properly scaled WW2 tanks though, suitable 28mm models of which can be acquired from Warlord Games' Bolt Action line. However, if you actually want to put a little more creative effort into it, to get something closer to the 40k style, something you want to put on the table to be taken seriously, there are also plenty of 3rd party kits specifically made as such. The Gideon Main Battle Tank (seems to be discontinued) from Mad Robot Miniatures is basically a German Tiger styled Russ, with included guns for a vanilla battle tank, Vanquisher, Exterminator, Demolisher, and Punisher. The Matilda tank from Victoria Miniatures, like the Gideon, is another straight Russification of a WWII tank, in this case the British Matilda (obviously), and also comes with all the guns for different Russ variants. The Gothic KV2 Tank from Maxmini technically represents the Ragnarok, but since there aren't any current rules for the Ragnarok you'd just be fielding it as a Russ Battle Tank anyway. Blood and Skulls Industry on Ebay is also a good venue for an alt Russ. Though they don't offer whole hulls, they have every kind of turret, track, sponson, and gun you could want, for Russes as well as Predators, Chimeras, Tauroxes and Baneblades.


Vehicles of the Imperium of Man
Walkers Brutalis Dreadnought - Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought - Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
Death Company Dreadnought - Deathwatch Dreadnought - Dreadnought - Nemesis Dreadknight
Doomglaive Dreadnought - Furioso Dreadnought - Ironstrider Ballistarius - Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Librarian Dreadnought - Mortifier - Mortis Dreadnought - Onager Dunecrawler - Penitent Engine
Redemptor Dreadnought - Sentinel - Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought - Sydonian Dragoon
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought - Throne of Judgement - Wulfen Dreadnought - Paragon Warsuit
Arachni-rig - Ballistus Dreadnought - Eldthursar - Hrimthursar - Ridge Walker
Auto-Gurney - Ambot - Castellan-class robot - Cataphract-class robot - Colossus-class robot
Conqueror-class robot - Crusader-class robot - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - CATs - Nuncio-Aquila
Robot Crawler - Sanctioner Pattern Automaton - Servo-Automata - Servo-skull - Scyllax-class robot
Thanatar-class robot - Thunderfire Cannon - Vultarax stratos-automata
Transports Aurox - Chimera - Coronus Grav Carrier - Crassus Armored Assault Transport - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Goliath Truck - Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Immolator - Impulsor - Macro-Hauler
Pegasus AAV - Razorback Transport - Repressor - Rhino - Road-Wheeler - Taurox - Testudo - Titan Train
Trojan Support Vehicle - Triaros Armoured Conveyer - Tunneling Transport Vehicles
Atlas Recovery Tank - Achilles Ridgerunner - Bane Wolf - Bike Squad - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Centaur Utility Vehicle
Devil Dog - Field Ordnance Battery - Galvanic Servohauler - Goliath Mauler - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hellhound
Invader ATV - Land Crawler - Outrider Quad - Pegasus AFV - Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Scylla Light Tank
Siegfried - Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tauros - Tectonic Fragdrill - Venator - Wolfquad
Castigator Tank - Caladius Grav-Tank - Gladiator Tank - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank - Krios Battle Tank
Land Raider - Leman Russ Battle Tank - Predator - Ragnarok - Repulsor Tank - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank - Spartan Assault Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher - Exorcist
Goliath Mega-Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Hunter - Hydra Flak Tank
Legion Arquitor Bombard - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Whirlwind - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Astraeus - Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade
Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank - Macrocarid Explorator - Malcador Heavy Tank
Mobile Cathedral - Mastodon - Ordinatus - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Skimmers Dawneagle Jetbike - Escher Cutter - Gyrfalcon Pattern Jetbike - Imperial Jetbike
Javelin Attack Speeder - Grav-Cutter - Grav-Rhino - Kharon - Kyzagan Assault Speeder
Land Speeder - Land Speeder Vengeance - Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica
Skorpius Hover Tank - Stormrider - Storm Speeder - Pallas Grav-Attack - Abeyant
Flyers Archaeocopter - Ares Gunship - Caestus Assault Ram - Container Transporter - Corvus Blackstar
Fire Raptor - Iron Eagle Gyrocopter - Nephilim Jetfighter - Orgus Flyer - Orion Gunship - Overlord Gunship
Sky Talon - Space Marine Landing Craft - Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Stormhawk - Chiropteran
Stormraven - Stormtalon - Stormwolf - Thunderhawk - Whispercutter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture
Fighters &
Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Stormfang - Thunderbolt Fighter - Xiphon Interceptor
Spacecraft Aquila Lander - Arvus Lighter - Boarding Torpedo - Devourer Dropship - Drop Pod
Faustus Interceptor - Fury Interceptor - Gun-Cutter - Shark Assault Boat
Starhawk Bomber - Tetrarch Heavy Lander - Galaxy Troop Ship
Titans Imperial Knight - Warhound Scout Titan - Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan - Reaver Battle Titan
Warbringer Nemesis Titan - Warlord Battle Titan - Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan - Emperor Battle Titan
Forces of the Imperial Guard
Command: Commissar - Enginseer - Imperial Guard Command Squad - Lord Solar
Ministorum Priest - Primaris Psyker - Regimental Advisors - Tank Commander
Troops: Armoured Fist Squad - Breacher Squad - Infantry Squad - Field Chiurgeon
Heavy Weapons Squad - Militarum Veteran Squad - Ogryn Squad - Penal Legion
Psyker Battle Squad - Ratling Squad - Rough Rider Squad - Scout Squad
Sharpshooter - Special Weapons Squad - Stormtrooper - Servo-skull
(Data Skull - Guardian-skull - Monotask-skull - Servo Commissar-skull)
Whiteshield Conscript
Structures: Aegis Defence Line - Aquila Strongpoint - Firestorm Redoubt - Fortress of Redemption
Imperial Bastion - Imperial Bunker - Imperial Defence Line - Imperial Fortress Walls
Plasma Obliterator Platform - Primus Redoubt - Sabre Weapons Battery
Skyshield Landing Pad - Tarantula Sentry Gun - Vengeance Weapon Battery
Void Shield Generator
Transports: Aurox Armoured Transport - Chimera - Crassus Armored Assault Transport
Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Hellbore
Mole - Taurox - Termite - Testudo - Trojan Support Vehicle - Pegasus AAV
Light Vehicles: Atlas Recovery Tank - Bike Squad - Bane Wolf - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Centaur Utility Vehicle - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - Devil Dog
Field Ordnance Battery - Hellhound - Land Crawler - Scylla
Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Sentinel - Siegfried
Robot Crawler - Tauros - Venator - Pegasus AFV
Tanks & Ordnance: Basilisk Artillery Gun - Carnodon - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher
Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hydra Flak Tank
Leman Russ Battle Tank - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Ragnarok - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Superheavy Vehicles: Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank
Malcador Heavy Tank
Special Vehicles: Fortress of Arrogance
Flyers & Bombers: Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Thunderbolt Fighter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture - Chiropteran Scout
Spacecraft: Devourer Dropship - Galaxy Troop Ship - Tetrarch Heavy Lander
Forces of the Lost and the Damned
Command: Apostate Cardinal - Chaos Champion - Cult Demagogue - Dark Commune
Iconrach - Mindwitch - Renegade Command Squad - Renegade Demagogue
Renegade Enforcer - Rogue Psyker
Human Troops: Accursed Cultist Mutant - Accursed Cultist Torment - Blooded Squad
Cultist - Blessed Blade - Disciple Squad - Heretek - Pontifex Guard
Renegade Infantry Platoon - Renegade Marauder Squad
Renegade Support Squad - Negavolt Cultist
& Beasts:
Beastmen Attack Squad (Khorngors - Pestigors - Slaangors - Tzaangors
Fellgor Ravagers
) - Chaos Beast - Chaos Hound - Chaos Spawn - Mutant Rabble
Ogryn Brute (Ogryn Berserker - Plague Ogryn) - Plague Zombie
Vehicles: AT70 Reaver Battle Tank - AT83 Brigand Super Tank - Chimera - Hellhound
Leman Russ Battle Tank - Salamander Command Vehicle - Stalk Tank - Sentinel
STeG 4
Artillery: Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier
Hydra Flak Tank - Minotaur Artillery Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Daemon Engines: Blight Drone - Blood Slaughterer - Brass Scorpion - Lord of Skulls - Plague Hulk
Super Heavies: Baneblade - Macharius Heavy Tank - Malcador Heavy Tank - Valdor Tank Hunter
Flyers: Hell Blade - Hell Talon - Valkyrie
Spacecraft: Arvus Lighter
Members of the Genestealer Cult
Cult Leaders: Broodlord - Genestealer Patriarch
Specialists: Biophagus - Clamavus - Jackal Alphus
Locus - Magus - Primus - Nexos
Cultists: Abominants - Atalan Jackal - Brood Brothers
Genestealers - Genestealer Aberrants - Sanctus
Hybrids: Acolyte Hybrids - Hybrid Metamorphs
Neophyte Hybrids - Kelermorph Hybrids
Familiars: Alchemicus - Mindwyrm - Soulsight
Vehicles: Achilles Ridgerunner - Chimera - Dirtcycle - Goliath Truck
Leman Russ - Sentinel - Tectonic Fragdrill - Wolfquad
Allies: Tyranids