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Orks first appeared in the ''[[Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader|Rogue Trader]]'' rulebook and the Space Orks boxed set, containing eighteen metal models. These Orks were squat, powerfully muscled humanoids, wielding crude ballistic weaponry (usually blackpowder or other explosive projectile-based equivalent) and large "stikkbombz"; along with their helmets and other paraphernalia. This equipment is reminiscent of German equipment from World War I.
<span style='color:green;font-size:200%'>'''''"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!"'''''</span><br>
:-Da Orks, all da zoggin' time.
[[File:Orks attack3.jpg|600px|thumb|right|{{KRUMP|'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go! Let's break sum' zoggin' 'eads!}}]]
{{Topquote|War means fighting, and fighting means killing.|Nathan Bedford Forrest}}
{{Topquote|War is the business of barbarians.|Napoleon Bonaparte}}
{{Topquote|The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn. And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.| Uthan the Perverse, Eldar philosopher, offering an alternative perspective}}

Additional rules, cultural details, and painting guidelines were given in the later expansions ''Waaagh! Da Orks'' and '' 'Ere We Go!''. An explanation for the combination of brutal stupidity with relatively high technology was now found: Orks had been created, in times long past, as a warrior race by the long-vanished '''Brain Boyz'''. This theme recurs in recent editions, the Orks having been created by the Old Ones as a race of bio weapons to fight the Necrons in the war that shattered the galactic civilization which existed prior to the rise of the Eldar.  
{{Topquote|ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ ORKZ.|Typical Orkish Chant}}
The '''Orks''' (''Orkus vulgus'') are a race in [[Warhammer 40,000]]. Commonly known and referred to as "Greenskins" or "the Green Tide", they're probably the most numerous and successful race in the entire 40K setting, or at the very least on par with the [[Tyranids]]. They have a ''[[Warhammer Fantasy]]'' equivalent, the only major difference being that fantasy Orks, spelled Orcs, have a (slightly) lower level of technology relative to the setting, they use [[toof|teef]] as currency, and they have different attitudes, particularly when it comes to losing a fight. Because of Games Workshop's desire to keep all their properties under hard lockdown they are now called "Orruks" in Age of Sigmar... So we’re actually going back in time to when orcs were named [[The Lord of the Rings|Uruks]].

Orks are genetically engineered to be muscular, aggressive, and none too bright; their technology is maintained by '''Mekboyz''' who have genetic dispositions to do well at special tasks. Indeed, the Brain Boyz were apparently able to encode information on how to build simple machinery in the genetic strands of Orks; thus '''Mekboyz''' require very little (if any) training in their function, since they understand mechanical principles at an instinctive level...even if few of them ever know what they're building until it's done.  
Orks are widely considered to be the most fun faction of all for the simple reason that they are an over-the-top (even by 40k standards) bunch of happy-go-lucky misfit maniacs who like [[Shootas'an Dakkas#Ork Gunz|shooting shit up]], [[Choppa|chopping shit up]], [[Shootas'an Dakkas#Da Big Stuff|blowing shit up]], and generally being fun-loving crazies who live for a good fight who will laugh gleefully as they overrun entire worlds laying waste and bringing about the apocalypse to everything and everyone. For them, war is just one blood-filled game and everybody is a player. Unfortunately for everyone else, they're the only ones who think this way and they don't realize it, and even when they do, they simply don't understand why other races do not condone their outlook on life. While the Codices generally meme up Orks as the comic relief faction, the novels involving them get pretty grimdark especially when it comes to their treatment of human slaves.

Specializations include '''Mad Doks''', the ork equivalent of medics and doctors, who stitch up Orks wounded in battle, but also like to conduct unnecessary and gruesome medical experiments on their patients (such as replacing limbs with mechanical contraptions and transplanting heads); those who tend more towards these cybernetic experiments become '''Painboyz'''. The '''Slaverz''' (or 'Runtherders') direct the efforts of '''Gretchin''' (or 'Grotz'), the smaller and smarter servants essentially equivalent to [[goblins]] as well as squigs (or squiggly beasts), which are basically small, ferocious beasts, some which have the capability to rip one's head off, others which can be pets. ''Waaagh! da Orks'' also indicates of the existence of more specialised castes such as '''Bankaboyz''', who controlled the Orks' supply of 'teef' (see [[#Kurrency|Kurrency]] below), '''Yellerz''' who function as Orkish priests, and '''Brewerz''' who made beer; however, as the game became more combat-oriented, these were never mentioned again. Even ''Waagh da Orks'' gives no information on them other than their bare existence; it may be assumed that when the Orks go to war, these castes fight as ordinary Slugga (pistol) & Choppa (axe, large knives, clubs, pipes etc.) armed '''Boyz'''.The boyz who can afford it acquire big bore two handed guns, '''Shootas''', and the boyz with even more teef buy big shootas, weapons that buck and spark at the pull of the trigger. Orks are brutish and speak with a low gutteral rumble and obscene curses.
If Orks were summarized in one sentence, the best way to describe them would be as follows: '''''A race of [[Leman Russ|retarded]], [[Angron|belligerent]] [[Mortarion|mushrooms]] born an hour ago that [[Magnus|became too successful at existing]] and never have enough dakka.'''''

==Later versions==
[[File:Ork_Boy.jpg|350px|thumb|left|[[Ork_Boy|A typical Ork Boy.]]]]
Orks are the most successful race of the [[Warhammer 40,000 | 41st millennium]] <s>{{Blam|HERESY!}}</s> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>WHO LET DEM HUMIES IN 'ERE?!</span> Despite their entire lack of structured education or training, they seem to be very proficient with all kinds of technology (for a given value of "proficient"), which they inevitably utilize for their armaments (of which firearms and vehicles are the most common). This is explained away in the fluff by their origins: they were created by the [[Old Ones (Warhammer)#Warhammer 40,000|Old Ones]] to be a warrior race called the ''Krork,'' and some of them (the Mekboyz) were genetically hard-wired to have a pre-programmed proficiency for technological engineering. Unfortunately, the Old Ones died before they could finish their little science project; specifically the psychic control mechanism. This means that such war machines simply fight everything, everywhere, all the time. The ancient Krork were known to have fought the ancient Eldar empire when the latter was at the peak of its power and were implied to have been a considerable threat (a Harlequin in M32 compares the nearly invincible hordes of the Beast as being like children compared to them). The only Krork to exist in the present day (one of Trazyn's exhibits) wore exo-armour that was more sophisticated than power armour and stood 12 meters tall. In principle, Orks can loot just about anything: the minor greenskins, such as "Grotz" ([[goblin]]s) can construct several working vehicles and machines out of mere scrap (They actually can't but orks believe they can so it happens anyway. see: a few paragraphs below).

As the game evolved, some of the clunkier (if more flavour-filled) rules regarding Orks were dropped, though their culture remained much the same. For example, '' 'Ere we Go'' contains several pages of rules for mobs (i.e., squads) of ''Madboyz'', Orks whom other Orks consider maladjusted, (it should be noted that an average Ork would be considered dangerously aggressive to the point of insanity in a human society). The Madboyz change their behavior unpredictably according to dice rolls whenever conditions change, for example, when an enemy unit charges into combat with them. A roll is first made to determine which subset of behaviour is going to apply, such as 'Skitzo' and 'Manik', then another roll is made to see how this overall insanity manifests. The results vary from charging the closest enemy, with bonuses to their combat attributes ("Waagh! Dat makes me mad!") to phobic avoidance of all vehicles, even ones on their own side ("Urr! Keep dem wurrin' teknikol bitz away!"). While often found quite humorous, this was highly time-consuming, and dropped in the later editions, which were streamlined for combat. However, in the Feral Orks PDF, there are new rules for Madboyz. Weaponry such as the Shokk-Attak Gun were also dropped, but are now reincarnated in the 5th edition of the codex.
The Orks derive much of their success from their reproductive process: Orks are, essentially, a psychosensitive hybrid of animal and fungi, not unlike a very complex version of a lichen, save that it's all the same organism. One advantage is a redundancy of vital organs, making them able to easily survive events such as head transplants; it's not easy to kill an individual Ork since they could very well shrug off injuries that would cripple a human. In fact there is a [[Valhalla|Valhallan]] folktale about a relative finding an Ork and [[Carnifex#Old_One_Eye|thawing it out only for it to attempt to kill them]]. Another advantage is their ability to grow larger as they win more battles (due to the aforementioned psychosensitivity): an Ork who is winning a fight is enjoying himself, which causes fluctuations in the gestalt field that all Orks generate. These fluctuations supercharge the Ork's physiology, causing the Ork to gain muscle mass and evolve. Consequently, if an Ork should somehow be incapable of fighting (like being imprisoned); they will actually ''devolve'' instead, causing the Ork to become pudgy and lethargic. This was observed during [[Xenology]] where a captive Ork was eventually found morbidly obese when the Inquisitor brought him out for dissection. Hence,the saying: "Orkz iz made fer fighten' and winnin'" applies literally in their case, as the incentives of fighten' and winnin' are what makes or breaks an Ork.

The main background change lies in their method of reproduction. According to ''Waagh da Orks'', Orks are born to feral enclaves as ''Wildboyz''. They are then recruited into warbands and fight for a while with primitive weapons such as spears, before being recruited into a ''Boyz Mob'' and being given their first gun. If they survive the ensuing ten or twenty years of warfare, they become overwhelmed with the urge to go off 'lookin' fer sumfink' and wander back to their enclaves to breed, developing sexual characteristics on the way. In newer editions, however, adult Orks give off spores when they die which lie in the ground, often for years, waiting to develop into Orks, Gretchin, Squigs, Snotlings or any other insignificant sub-breed of Orks. Thus a world invaded by Orks will be troubled by them for hundreds of years to come, even if the original assault is beaten off. The problem is in one way solved by the Orks themselves, however; they fight each other as often as they fight other races, and if they run out of other species to kill, they simply start waging war upon themselves.
In addition, the fungal part of their physiology allows Orks to reproduce asexually en masse through underground fungal colonies that act as self-sustaining ecosystems. Reproductive spores enter the topsoil, produce fungal mycelia that assimilate base nutrients and could exchange genetic information with other mycelia, putting normal Human sexual reproduction to shame, first sprouting actual Orkoid [[Fungus|Fungi]], then eventually producing lesser motile Orkoids: squigs and Grotz. The Grotz cultivate the protein-rich squigs in preparation for the emergence of the greater Orks, which take longer to develop. All in all, this cycle was designed to fight against the Necrons, which sterilized a planet to its bacteria. Orks can terraform a barren planet into a veritable paradise this way, though what defines "paradise" is a point of discussion; if you like endless wars and tribal conflicts in a mushroom rich planet, it probably is. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>IS YOU SAYIN' DERE'S FINGS WHAT DON'T LIKE FIGHTIN' FEREVER? DEM UMIES IS REEL GOOD AT MAKIN' FORTS FER US TA KRUMP, SO DEY MUST LIKE FIGHTIN'...</span>

The origins of the Orks have also been changed with the arrival of the 3rd edition of ''Codex: Necrons''. In this book, a race called the Krork is described as a hardy green-skinned race, created by the Old Ones to defend their last strongholds against warp spawned horrors. In another part of the codex, there is some text in which the C'tan called the Deceiver expresses surprise that humanity and the Krork have spread everywhere. Since humanity and the orks are the most numerous races in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the connection is obvious (as is the name similarity). The book ''Xenology'' also implies that the Orks were created by an ancient race.   
Though all Orks discharge reproductive spores throughout their lives, the most significant and numerous emissions occur when an Ork is dismembered or dies. Like all fungi, these spores benefit enormously from decaying matter to draw nutrients from... such as enemy corpses. This means that heavy bombardment or entrenched warfare against an Ork force just results in thousands to millions of new Orks, similarly to [[tyranids]]. The concept of "blood-lust" is especially applicable to Orks, as combat effectively serves as the Ork reproductive process (with all associated hormonal incentives).

Ork weaponry is built by the ''Mekboyz'' or ''Mekanikz'', as well as being captured from enemies or delivered as tribute. Weaponry is intentionally portrayed as being often clunky, early-industrial driving belts, hillbilly armor, and extraneous bells, whistles, and gongs. More recently, vehicles have spouted pollutants from wasteful engines, been coated in riveted plates, and altogether seem built from scrap parts. Weapons are often based on teleporter and Force field  technology, which the robust Ork physiology can use more easily than humans. A weapon found in '' 'Ere we Go'', and reintroduced in the latest codex, is the Snotling Teleport Gun (also known as the Shokk Attack Gun). ''Snotlings'' are a tiny, Orkoid race even smaller than Gretchin and less bright than Orks, thus they are not usually of much use in combat. The weapon sends the Snotlings through a tunnel through a daemon-infested alternate dimension known as the Warp. The horrors the Snotlings experience drive them mad, and they emerge inside enemy power armor or vehicles as a biting, scratching mass. The Teleport Gun suffered from severe inaccuracy, but could be quite effective when it did hit.  
Due to this, an Ork infestation is incredibly hard to handle if kept unchecked since it won't take them long to get enough boyz to launch a full-scale WAAAGH! to overrun an entire planet and necessitate [[Exterminatus]]. We can use flamethrowers, [[Plasma]], nukes, [[melta]] weapons or anything high-energy to eradicate any spores and fungi, saving the world from the eventual Exterminatus, but then again, efficiency ain't manly n' [[grimdark]] enough compared to good ol' spore-releasing bolters, chainswords and artillery.

In their current incarnation, Orks are very much a close-combat-optimised species, their weapons having short range and low accuracy - though this can sometimes be made up by sheer numbers. Orks are quite cheap in terms of in-game points, that is, it is possible to build a very large army, colloquially known as a 'sea of green' or 'green tide' from the skin colour. This is often necessary, since the effectiveness of an individual Ork at anything but the shortest range is small, and the Ork commander must be prepared to absorb considerable casualties in his effort to close in for  ''good 'n proppa choppa'' work. This is in contrast to their earlier editions, where the large number of fun, but inaccurate weapons and special rules could easily make them rather unfocused, a jack-of-all-trades army but master of none. Some have accused the designers of regarding the Orks more as comic relief than as a serious army, and being more concerned with the flavour than the effect of weapons designed for them.
Orks only have two popular combat doctrines: [[Choppa|choppy]], which involves giving your opponents a good stomping up close, and [[dakka|shooty]] which involves spitting out as many bullets as possible with an assortment of shootas, and the faster it shoots; the better. That said, a good shoota should also still be able to kill enemies ''while'' putting out a lot of dakka, otherwise it wouldn't be killy (and woe betide an Ork who isn't killy). Because of the Ork's naturally low penchant for accuracy; they typically get around this problem in two methods: the first one is to have a gun that simply shoots bullets as fast as Orkilly possible that the wielder ''should'' be able to hit something eventually (strapping two or more shootas together is a crude but effective way to go about this). The second one is to make the gun really killy every time it shoots, like putting a dangerously high-explosive shell in a kannon that can obliterate an entire building in one shot.

Unlike most army doctrines, which emphasize strategic victories with minimal casualties, Orks view strategic gains as a secondhand priority, instead opting to kill more of the enemy whenever possible. Also, due to Ork biology and culture, they are not adverse to sacrificing large numbers of Orks to achieve a victory, in order to (in some cases literally) drown the enemy with their bodies. Speaking of extremely high casualties, Orks also view death of other orks as something perfectly fine, as long as it satisfies their WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. More death, more WAAAAAAAAAAGH, which means the Orks can be greater Orks.
Orks are green-skinned, a side effect of their symbiotic relationship with fungi (explained in more detail below). Orks are genetically engineered for combat, and quite efficiently so. They are extremely strong, and their squat bodies can withstand immense punishment. This is fortunate since the Painboyz operate on a generally nineteenth-century level of "surjikul" knowledge; unlike humans, though, Orks are quite capable of having limbs (or even heads) freely chopped and swapped onto a different body, and surviving the experience to fight again.

They eat fungi of all kinds as well as meat (Humans, Elfdar, Grots, etc  very Kroot-like if you ask me.  Hmmm.).  A particularly favoured ingredient in their diet are '''Squigs''', short for 'Squiggly beasts' &mdash; a variety of symbiotic races about the size of a cat but only possessing a set of lower legs or no legs at all.  In earlier editions, Squigs were said to be a form of Tyranid with Ork genes.  These include the "Eatin' Squig", a limbless blob which feeds on fungus, the "Growler Squig", a legged variety used as a sheepdog for Gretchin (in third and fourth editions referred to as a "Squighound" and available as an item of wargear), the "Attack Squig" a powerfully voracious little beast available as an item of wargear, and the "Face-eater Squig", a ferociously toothed variety used both as a weapon and for entries in face-eating contests.  (The Ork and the Squig both open their mouths and bite, in a parody of a kiss.  If the Ork eats the Squig, he wins.  If he keels over backwards, he loses.)  There is also a larger sub-species of Squig, called a '''Squiggoth''', that ranges in size from about that of an elephant to a 60-plus-foot monstrosity capable of stomping buildings into rubble.  Squiggoths are used as pack animals and in combat as the carriers of mobile fortresses. Another species of Squig is the "Hair-Squig" which the Orks do not eat, but wear on their heads as a form of decoration, as Orks are naturally hairless. Orks are known for pitying Humans (uumies) for their lack of proper Hair squigs of varying colors.
[[File:Eac.jpg|thumb|right|450px|Hey if it works...]]

Orks grow all through their lives, though the average Ork stands around the same height as the average man. The Ork would be far taller if he were only to stand up straight. In their normal walking and standing pose Orks hide about a foot in height; when standing normally in their pose they look similar to a gorilla. Orks growth rates can vary, however. The effect is notable in extremely aggressive Orks. As the Ork survives combat and wins trophies, the respect of other Orks will produce in him an effect somewhat similar to adolescence in the human male: he puts on muscle, becomes more aggressive and assertive, and generally throws his weight around. If he wins the ensuing challenges to single combat, he may become a '''Nob''' (short for "noble," but pronounced "knob"), a leader of Orks, noticeably larger, tougher, and of a darker green than the average. Once he begins to grow, an Ork will generally keep getting bigger, stronger, and greener until he is beaten by a bigger or more cunning Ork. '''Warbosses''' and '''Warlords''', the rulers of continents and empires, are very large Orks indeed, often standing over three meters (10') tall or higher. Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka himself is a towering 6 meters (19'6") in height.
Orks do not fear their own death as the Old Ones made them without that. Unfortunately, they do fear no longer being able to destroy and kill things - for an ork that is the most frightening fate. So indirectly they still lose morale when things are going south.

Assuming they aren't killed in combat, a buggy accident or by a rival, an Ork will live indefinitely. As such, Orks seem to live longer the more powerful they are, with Ghazghkull possibly being a hundred years old. It seems Ork warbosses live a similarly long time unless a rival or enemy does them in first. The process causing this is unknown, but most likely another legacy of the Old Ones' genetic manipulation, designed to create a more permanent leadership base for the Orks.
Orks are commonly believed to be stupid and superstitious by the other races of the 40k world, but they can also be cunning and quick on the draw. Orks are always ready for a fight and while you can trick them, they quite like the idea of tricking people back.

===The Waaagh!===
Their philosophy of DA RED WUNZ GO FASTA is the ultimate truth: because of the aforementioned gestalt field, Ork vehicles painted red will ultimately go faster than Ork vehicles that are ''not'' painted red, because the Orks believe that Red makes everything go faster:
Ork behavior is dominated by the '''Waaagh!''', a [[gestalt]] psychic field they generate that affects the Ork psyche, as it allows Orks to instinctively recognize who is 'bigga' and therefore in charge. All Orks generate this field, and it grows stronger as the Orks enjoy themselves, generally while fighting. The Waaagh! helps give momentum (and the name) to the Orks' planet-crushing Waaagh!s. These Waaagh!s are a cross between a mass migration, holy war, looting party and pub crawl, with a bit of genocide thrown in for good measure. Millions of Orks will gather together, drawn to the power of a single dominant Ork called a '''Warboss''', who is larger and more intelligent than the Orks around him. Then the Orks will set off to find an enemy to fight - any enemy. Ork Waaagh!s will sweep whole planetary systems away and destroy armies and fleets in tides of bloodlust and carnage, and only once the Orks have killed every available enemy will they start to fight amongst themselves again.
In some cases, Warlords eventually forge their Waaagh! into an empire, although very different to the Imperium. The most famous is Charadon, which has been ruled for centuries by successive emperors called 'Arch Arsonist,' while the Octarius empire is run by the Overfiend ("Overfiend" being a title used as a nickname for Andy Chambers, a former high-level Games Workshop Games Developer).

The Waaagh! is also used to refer to an Ork Warboss' army.
We can assume that this cuts both ways, with enemies such as the [[Blood Angels]] and [[White Scars]] gaining the same boost due to their use of red paint. (in fact, this is almost a universal truth: subfactions with red color schemes across 40k tend to be focused on speed and mobility, such as Saim-Hann and the Farsight enclaves.)

A hallmark of Greenskin civilization is the WAAAGH! (like "war"). A term of their oft-forgotten "true" language, deafening volume is a key part of its proper pronunciation. To this end, it is always written in all-caps, with at least three "A"s and an exclamation point. The WAAAGH! occurs when an Ork population reaches critical mass and a dominant Warboss appears. A Warboss is an Ork Alpha who is bigger than all the other Orks and has proven his right to lead by either his sheer size or krumpin' all the other big Orks that think otherwise. Lesser Orks sense the presence of the Boss in the Orks' psychic field and follow him on what is often described as a combination of pub riot and holy war with a dash of genocide. The WAAAGH! accomplishes two things: it weeds out weaker Orks, keeping the species strong; and it facilitates genetic exchange and reproduction as the Orks die and release spores.
Orks consist of two symbiotic organisms: one comparable to a terrestrial animal and the other to an alga or fungus living in the first's bloodstream. The animal cells carry the genetics information of only the individual's subspecies, but the alga has genetic information for all the varieties of Orkoid, as well as the different Oddboyz. The alga also helps heal wounds quickly. If an Ork loses an arm, and has it stitched back on, the wound will be healed enough to go smash some heads within a day. Ork biology lends itself well to combat; they are extraordinarily strong and tough and are naturally good fighters, always looking for a scrap.

=== Origin ===
The Ork economy is based on teef, more information on which [[toof|can be found here]].

Orks draw their heritage and unique biology from genetic modification by a now extinct master race, referred to in Ork legends as "Brain Boyz".
Ork religious beliefs also help manage their population. Orks believe in two gods, [[Gork]] and [[Mork]], which according to the Orks are engaged in a perpetual battle between themselves, a ditheistic belief system. One is "kunningly brutal" where the other is "brutally kunnin'", which is in itself a good summary of the Orkish race. The former (like regular Boyz) will punch anything in front of them first and only fall back on a more cunning trick if that doesn't work, while the latter (like the many Oddboyz) will try the sly trick first and only fall back on straightforward violence second. Unfortunately, no one can decide which god is which, nor can the Orks decide which is better: cunning brutality or brutal cunning. These differences of opinion tend to lead to Gigantic Brawls, yet another method of keeping the Ork race strong, warlike and in check. Their division also keeps them perpetually divided, for it has been theorized that if the Orks were to ever unite in one big WAAAGH!, their gestalt reality-warping field might just as well turn omnipotent and crush all opposition.

In the first edition of the game, Brain Boyz were the ancestors to the Snotlings. The Brain Boyz soared to intelligence upon eating a particular species of mushroom and spread across the galaxy with the help of their less intelligent Ork slaves, but whose empire fell apart when the Orks consumed all traces of the mushroom which only grew on their home planet. Before the Brain Boyz regressed into the permanently juvenile Snotlings, they genetically engineered the Orks' DNA to include a 'techno gene'. This gene developed in Orks as they grew, influencing their minds and releasing encoded knowledge; in a similar way that a human baby will reflexively hold its breath under water or a horse can walk half an hour after being born, an Ork's techno gene gave it information on how to fight, operate weapons, and speak his language. Ork specialists, such as Mekboyz and Painboyz, are the mechanics and surgeons of Ork society, and receive their knowledge through these techno genes. It seems this was a deliberate measure to ensure that the Orkoid race would survive in a hostile universe.
Beyond this internal conflict, there are groups amongst the 'outcasts' of Ork society, namely Freebooterz, that may even turn away from the worship of all things roight and orky, instead seeking patronage from the [[Chaos Gods|Spikey-Killy Gits]], although extremely rarely. Makes you wonder if there isn't a tribe of Feral Orks out there praisin' the Emprah (See section below).

After the release of Gorkamorka and the revision to the Ork reproductive system presented therein, the Orks' heritage was revised to match the prominent role of the Old Ones in the game background of later 40k releases. The current story is that Brain Boyz were supervisors of the Old Ones, and the Orks are the descendants of the green-skinned '''Krork''', created as a survivor race by the Old Ones in their wars against the Necrontyr. However, when the war was over it didn't take long for the krork to rebel. To ensure their masters' creations would not be wiped out they encoded the various techno genes into them and thus as a short time went by they regressed into snotlings and their legacy as well as the old ones was wiped from history.

=== Reproduction ===
In previous editions of 40k, Orks reproduced when they got old; wandering into the wilderness to die, with new Orks budding off the corpse.  Later, this was retconned so that the old Orks would gestate a litter of Orks in a marsupial-like pouch, raising the young orks in orky kulture. In 'Gorkamorka', this was retconned again into the current version, which follows:

"Orks have not only survived, they have prospered and are more numerous than humanity. This at least is due in part to how they reproduce. Orks reproduce through the release of spores, which grow into a plant-like womb underground that nourishes the bodies of the various Orkoid species. This is the entire basis of the Orkoid ecosystem, producing first Squigs, then Snotlings who cultivate the Squigs and fungus, then Gretchin to build the settlements, and finally the Orks themselves. This means the Orks, where ever they go, will have an abundance of food, slaves and other resources, a moving ecosystem that supports them as they go on their Waaaghs!" 
Ork society is effectively the perfect society for the 40k universe. Its society is a Kratocracy (A Government ruled by the strongest, fitting for Orks) in maturity as all disputes are settled fairly quickly and painfully (just the way they like it). The economy is steady, as teef grow and rot at a reliable rate. Once a Boss is in charge, mostly everyone falls into place, and the Orks go and [[/tg/ Gets Shit Done|get shit done]].

This also makes it extremely difficult to rid a planet of Orks, even if the initial invasion is defeated. Orks release spores throughout their lives, but they mass-release them at the moment of death; to prevent this you must burn the bodies shortly after killing them (within, as said in the ''Fifteen Hours'' novel, around seven hours, as the battle took around five hours, and Bulaven mentioned they would start walking around again in two hours) and then burn their bodies and heads. Without a nearby population of Orks, the fungus will eventually start the Ork life cycle anew. Decades after weathering an Ork Waaagh!, settlements on a planet can find themselves faced with an unexpected attack from feral Ork tribes coming out of the wilderness.
Also, they probably killed the [[Imperial Fists]]. <strike>All of them.</strike> Scratch that, [[Slaughter Koorland|one of them survived!]] <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> DAMN IT! SHOW ME DA GIT THAT LET HIM LIVE AND I WILL CRUMP HIM SO HARD HE WILL SE LAST CENTURY!

=== Orkoid subspecies ===
Fun fact: The Orks use black and white on their shock troops, because it reminds them of the [[Black Legion|Luna Wolves]] who destroyed them at [[Armageddon|Ullanor]]. The Orks do not fear death, but they do fear the Luna Wolves. That is right, [[Horus]] traumatized them as a race more than the fucking grim reaper. Note: Why would you fear death, if death usually results in you being reborn into several thousands of yourself? Horus probably swept the spores up post battle and that's why they fear him. Though it's also worth mentioning that Orks harbor a natural fear of [[Farsight|Commander Farsight]] too, whom they know as "Da Red Commit". But then again he was committing Ork genocide so... and of course, we can't just forget the final great fear of the Orks, [[Commissar Yarrick]], the only normal human that can cause Orks to actively PANIC. On the other hand Yarrick, Farsight and Moon-Wolfie boyz are also considered a source of prime fighting so despite being scary they actually also attract Orks.
Gretchin are the Orks' slaves.  Small, grasping, green creatures with the overall demeanor of a whipped dog, gretchin are at the wrong end of everything, including the food chain. Gretchin are used to clear minefields, distract the enemy in combat, assist Oddboyz, are often used as meat shields and act as a living carpet for larger Orks to cross difficult ground. A rule for this (Gretchin providing cover for Ork units) existed until the most recent Codex (In the 5th edition rules, Gretchin still provide cover, but the ability is not unique to them as all units provide cover for those behind them). In fact, it has been joked by some hobbyists that if Gretchin do anything correctly, they will either be injured, or die. They are overall similar to the Warhammer Fantasy goblins. Snotlings are weaker still and form the bottom rung of Ork society. They originally were used in swarms like in Warhammer Fantasy and could even be fired out of a shokk attack gun. In the current version thay are no longer available in actual combat but are again used in the shokk attack gun, though they are not represented by models.

More unusual are the squigs. Squigs are animals that share the same general algae-based biology of the Orks and gretchin, and are used as food, clothing, weapons and even hair, being trained as guard squigs and attack squigs, as well as super-massive squiggoths.
===Ork Life Cycle===
When an Ork WAAAGH's they release spores into the air (and release any remaining spores after they die). Depending on how many Orkoids are on a planet this can either be negligible to a planet's environment or kick off a terraforming (Ullanor-forming) process. The main feature generated by this process are the Spawning Shrooms. These "Shrooms" like dark places similar to normal mushrooms, but are connected to the spawning of Snotlings, Gretchin, Squigs, and Boyz. Boyz created by this process emerge fully-grown from cocoons, from which they [[rip and tear]] their way out as Orkilly as possible.

In the first and second editions of the game, squigs were the result of Tyranid manipulation of Orkish gene-matter and could be present in either army. Orks were said to have discovered the first squigs aboard a Tyranid bio-ship and recognised them as being "Orky", subsequently taking the little creatures home. Squigs then spread throughout Ork space. However, since this conflicts with the more recent descriptions of the Orkoid ecosystem, this has been dropped. Squigs are now exclusively orky, with ripper swarms replacing them in the Tyranid list.
Keep in mind that all Orkoid organisms produce spores, and any given spore could mature into any given Orkoid phenotype depending on conditions. Not just Orks themselves, but also Gretchin, Snotlings, and all sorts of fungi or Squigs. Since there are enough varieties of the latter two to fill out every niche in a fully-formed ecosystem, there are quite a few thriving planets out there where the only things that ''aren't'' green are the freaking weather, rocks, and occasional bright red Squig, and the air everywhere is filled with perpetual shouting. Which is, let’s be honest, awesome.

===Waaagh Urlakk Urg/Da Lost Age M31===
Although a standard Ork's genetically encoded knowledge allows him to survive at a basic level, keep his weapons in working order and fight in battle, there is always a need for specialists who can do things most can't. Some Orks possess knowledge of very specific and often extremely complicated things far beyond a regular Ork's mental capacity. These Orks are known as Oddboyz. These inate talents are believed to have been purposely written into the genetic code of the Orks by the Brain boyz to ensure that the race could not only survive without their masters but also flourish and expand across the galaxy. Although there are probably countless different Oddboyz to fill all the necessary roles in Ork society only a handful are fully recognized and respected by Orks, probably due to their crucial roles in Ork warfare as well as lifestyle.
Prior to the [[Horus Heresy]], Orks were the biggest threat to the [[The Imperium of Man]]. So big that the [[The God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor of Mankind]] was personally involved. The great galaxy spanning Ork Empire was put into temporary decline when Horus beheaded Warlord Urlakk Urg. The defeat of such a great Warboss led to the Orks being considered a broken force. By the time of the Horus Heresy the Orks were considered little more than vermin by the Imperial Forces, which would be their greatest mistake.

'''Mad Doks''' (also known as 'Painboyz') are responsible for fixing injuries that even the Ork physiology can't repair, such as severed limbs and brain damage. An Ork will only go to the Dok when he has no other choice, as these Oddboyz are infamous for trying out experimental procedures (such as the greatly feared squig brain transplant) on patients while they are under anesthesia (known a concussion to other races). Doks are responsible for attaching bioniks, although sometimes they aren't paying attention and replace the wrong part of the patient's body. (For example, Dok Blag's Mk I Exploding Leg.) High-ranking Doks are known as 'painbosses' and are known to be accompanied by cybork bodyguards.

'''Yellerz''' are Orks which have been naturally gifted with an incredibly loud voice. These Orks' usefulness is nowhere near as important as the majority of the other Oddboyz and they do not make an appearance in the 40K game. They do however appear in the specialist game ''Epic'' where they sit on top of Ork titans, known as Gargants. These are huge lumbering constructions built in the image of the Ork gods by Mekboyz. Using an amplifier to further increase their voices' volume, they shout communications to other Orks and Gargants and in return they themselves receive communications and orders from other Yellerz. Off the battlefield Yellerz also act as priests in Ork society, preaching to their brethren with their supernatural voices.
===Waaagh Beast/Da Age of Da Beast M32===
While the humies were off fighting their little civil war, the Orks were biding their time to create a proppa WAAAGH!. Six great Warbosses formed an alliance and brought together the shattered tribes of the Orks under a single cause; Da Greatest WAAGH the galaxy had ever known!!! The Ork forces raided myriad isolated Imperial worlds, cut off by warp storms during Horus Heresy and so unprotected and primed for looting, whilst the Bosses for their part managed to reclaim Da Home of the Orks, Ullanor.

'''Mekboyz''' (also known as 'Mekaniks' or just 'Meks') are Ork engineers, who build all the gunz, vehicles, and other machines used by Orks. They are especially important to Speed Freeks. Important meks are known as 'Big Meks'. Their main cause of death would be officially listed as 'eksperiment (sic) gone wrong' if Orks bothered with all that sort of thing. In the current edition of ''Codex: Orks'', Mekboyz can lead mobs of "Burna Boyz" or "Lootas" as well as repair vehicles using their equipment "Mekboy's tools." In the 5th edition main rules, Big Meks can also be used to lead an Ork army.
The best Big Meks of the time came up with the idea of the Attack Moons, giant battle stations big enough to contain teleport-y gates and entire legions of Orks. The simple presence of one in orbit could decimate an entire planet's surface due to gravitational pull, and debris. This massive mobilisation by the Ork forces against the planets that lost contact went unnoticed by the Humies for a near fatal period of time. It wasn't until the entire Imperial Fist Chapter was wiped out barring one (Don't worry gitz we gotz him in the end!) that the Imperium knew of the severity of the threat. They then realized there wasn't just one Attack Moon, there were ... Lotz!
* The Orks rebuilt Ullanor.
* The Beast (All 6 of them) made their presence known to the Imperium by killing off all but one Imperial Fist. Prime-Orks the size of Hab Blocks with Nobs the size of Warbosses and Boyz the size of Nobs.
* The Beast teleports an Attack Moon into Terra's orbit.
* The Beast sends Ambassadors to psychologically damage the Imperium's morale.
* The Beast takes on Vulkan and wins, though Vulkan likely got better.
* Waaagh Beast hits decline as the Imperium use Sisters of Silence along with captured Weirdboyz to explode vast swathes of the Waaagh.
* The Beasts slowly get killed one by one.
* Ullanor is reclaimed by the interlopers and marked for Exterminatus.
* The Adeptus Mechanicus feel a bit Ork-y and want that sweet loot, so they teleport Ullanor into a new orbit and rename it Armageddon!

'''Pigdoks''' are an odd combination of Dok and Mek, although not as skilled as either individually. They are found in feral Ork tribes, tending the boars that are ridden to battle by the primitives. Their main use in battle is to provide 'doping' to increase the ferocity of the various beasts that feral Orks take to war, as well as some of the Orks themselves. Skilled pigdoks have been known to "swap" the hind legs with a single track/wheel and a big loud engine.
===Da Age of War M41===
This is the age of Warhammer 40k from when GW didn't progress the timeline.
* Da Lost Waaagh
* Tuska Daemon-Killa
* Rynn's World
* The Second War of Armageddon.
* The Third War of Armageddon.

'''Slavers''' (also known as 'runtherdz') are the Orks who have the patience to take care of gretchin, squigs and any other slaves or creatures the Orks may have captured. Their trademark weapons are the whip and grabba stikk.
===Da Age of Da Ork M42===
With the advent of GW advancing the timeline so too has the Ork timeline advanced.
* The Great Rift has been dubbed Gork's Grin by the Orks. The Warp Rifts are being used by Orks to "navigate" across the galaxy. Typically being dropped into the best fights in the galaxy.
* Old Zogwort's Wierdwaaagh! destroyed a planet with Mork's snot.
* Mad Dok Grotsnik has been leading a Painboy Waaagh that's captured Silver Templar Primaris Marines.
* Ghazghkull is blessed by Gork and Mork so much that he can use the Warp Rifts [[The Beast|(Or some unknown means)]] to be at multiple places across the galaxy.
* Freebooter Warbands close in on the traitor world of Eisenfel, where Gork's fist is gonna crush da Chaos Gitz.
* Nazdreg is gonna loot a Stormsurge to prove that his boyz have the most Dakka, and surpass Badrukk's Flash Gits.
* The Antonis Crusade kills a bunch of Orks, leaving them as feral warbands, only for Night Lords and Feral Orks to destroy them.
* Death Skull Waaagh Zort loots the Necron Tombworld of Overlord Thanptek the Magnificent. Including the Overlord himself. Sod off, Trazyn! Go zog yerselves, Blood Birdies. We’z da best lootas der iz!
* Rynn's World gets Primaris reinforcements which acts as a beacon for Orks who want to Rynn's World 2: Electric Dakka-loo
* A Blood Axe Waaagh defeats the Heretic Skull Knights warband on Jakhtor. When the Blood Axes retreat it's soon realized that they are waiting for the Imperial reinforcements to arrive so they can get a proppa' fight.
* Krooldakka has lead a Speedwaaagh! on the planet of Vigilus. Leading to Ork death racing while waiting for the planet's defenses to weaken.
* Waaagh! Snagrack starts during the Psychic Awakening. A Deffskullz Waaagh! with a large number of Madboyz created by the Great Rift.
* Waaagh! Wazzdakka speeds towards Terra on his Bike of Da Aporkalypse.

'''Wyrdboyz''' (also spelled '''Weirdboyz''') are Ork psykers. One major difference between them and the psykers of other races is that, instead of drawing upon the power of The Warp, a dangerous realm full of daemons, wyrdboyz draw on the power of the Waaagh! When drawing on the power of the Waaagh! Ork wyrdboyz are not in any less danger: if they soak up too much of this power, their heads explode. This is much like a catastrophic mistake for a Warhammer Fantasy greenskin shaman. In addition to the wyrdboy'z head exploding, the powerful psychic backlash that is unleashed can cause other Orks' heads to explode as well. Naturally, wyrdboyz avoid combat as much as possible, but the ability to gout green flame capable of melting armor and shoot bolts of lightning is too great for most warbosses to resist, and they get dragged into combat anyway. Some wyrdboyz actually become addicted to battle as most other Orks and seek out battles; these exceptionally dangerous individuals are known as '''Warpheads'''. Wyrdboys have made a comeback in the revised 4th edition Ork codex.
==Ork Teknologee==

'''Smartboyz''' were first seen in the graphic novel ''Deff Skwadron'', which featured the name Smartboyz several times, most often for the character Gimzod, a co-pilot. Judging by Gimzod's role, Smartboyz seems to be the name for normal fighter type Orks who are oddly intelligent, and who often find themselves used to help bigger Bosses on their missions in several things that the Boss might forget, like reminding them of their actual mission.
[[File:Dat zoggin bigmek by majesticchicken.jpg|220px|thumb|left|A perfect example of Ork tech. Powered by make-believe and the essence of WAAAGH!, and patched together with duct tape and chewing gum, the Emperor himself has truly never seen finer craftsmanship or innovation.]]
Gimzod in particular was able to spell many words with an "h" in them, and often had a clear overview on the current situation.
It is unclear where exactly a Smartboy stands in the Ork hierarchy. However, Gimzod's Boss once said: "There's a difference between bein' smartboy an' bein' a smart git.", indicating that Gimzod is only useful to him as long as he knows his place. It is also possible that Smartboyz are only tolerated in the Blood Axe clan and would be killed in other Clans because of being too un-Orky ('ez too tellagit!).

'''Stormboyz''' are those young orks who, tired of being told they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, separate themselves from Ork society and join Stormboy squadrons where they are taught the merits of rank, file, and bodily hygiene. They are viewed as strange, a little crazy, and generally "un-orky". However, their battlefield use is undeniable by any warboss, flying into battle with ramshackle jetpacks in order to get to the enemy first. Unfortunatly for the Stormboys, the Meks generally find it hilarious when a jetpack malfunctions, sending the stormboy off in the wrong direction, and have been known to purposely sabotage thier own creations.
Occasionally, if a "tech-caste" gets into control of an Ork society, ridiculous constructions can result. Best example we know about is the Telon Reach Empire and its central stronghold Gorro. A "scrapworld", Gorro was full of things that shouldn't have worked at all (Horus notes that individual bits of architecture inside were just too mad for any human to contemplate) and could withstand the normally planet-killing weapons on the Vengeful Spirit and Imperator Somnium (the Emperor's own flagship). The Orks defending it were far more advanced than most (everything from their augmentations to the accuracy of their ships' weapons) and had actually built a plasma reactor to hold their world together. Their function mostly relied on the Orks' gestalt, as the core began to fail as the Emperor, Horus and their respective posses carved through the population. Once the Emperor killed the resident Warboss and psychically burned the rest of the Orks (a preview of what he'd eventually do to Horus) the system went into total meltdown.

Other oddboyz include '''Sumboyz''' (bankers/accountants), '''Minderz''' (Bodyguards for Weirdboyz, usually to beat him up if he goes wanderin' off), '''Flyboyz''' (Pilots of aircraft and some spacecraft), '''Diggerz''' (Miners and tunnelers, although in Gorkamorka Diggas were primitive humans who dressed, fought, and acted like Orks ((Clearly the only proppa 'umie)) ), and '''Brewboyz''' (alcohol manufacturers), all of whom have an important role in ork society (although not necessarily on the battlefield).  
How Ork Technology works is up for debate. As written Ork technology is beyond comprehension by the majority of races. Their weapons/tech work and other races can use them, but not as effectively. [[Techpriest|Techpriests]] have taken apart Ork guns and reassembled them to what they assume is the same configuration only to find that they don't work any more. This leads to two schools of thought on Ork Technology.

There are also many other oddboyz varieties whose role in Ork society is either barely noticed or are of no use in most battles, and are therefore never given much attention. Their talents however are essential to Orkz all the same and some dedicated players have been known to invent them to add more character to their Ork armies and Ork background in general.
===The Anzion Theorem of Orkoid Mechamorphic Resonant Kinetics - Every Ork is a Psyker===

In the 1st edition of ''Warhammer 40,000'' an Ork '''Navigator''' made an appearance. This is the only mention of such a character and no explanation has since been offered for how the Orks navigate through Warp-space. It should be noted that this character was a psyker and, as the term "Weirdboy" was not yet in use back then, it is possible that Weirdboyz now fulfill this function in the current background, akin to Astropaths.
The Anzion Theorem postulates that Ork technology works mainly because the Orks think it does. The explanation is that the subconscious gestalt psychic field that all Orks generate enables their technology to function; the stronger the field, the more esoteric their technological achievements become. In older versions of the fluff, if you hand an Ork a pipe and convince him it's a gun, it WILL shoot bullets. In current fluff, this is definitely not the case; if you hand an Ork a slugga that has been stripped of all internal mechanisms, it won't suddenly start firing bullets just because the Ork believes it should. However, if a crudely manufactured slugga consistently misfires in the hands of a human but *does* fire reliably when wielded by an Ork, it is definitely Orkish belief that is bridging that gap. If the Ork picks up a mixed handful of slightly different caliber rounds and jams them into it, it will (most likely) shoot them all and not jam up from the different sizes. This means that technologies that should be ''impossible'' become merely ''unlikely'' when crafted by an Ork. In short, if Ork technology is held together by spit, duct tape, and hope, then the Orks' psychic field provides the hope.

To put it another way, Orks believe that, "Red wuns are fasta." They believe that blue is lucky. They believe that yellow is more shooty and/or more explosive, and that black represents strength and toughness. And because they believe this, it manifests as true; thus this applies not only to the Orks themselves but also to their wargear. For example, a meat cleaver in the hands of an Ork can tear through the toughest ceramite armor if the Ork believes it will; for anyone BUT an Ork, a power weapon or the equivalent would be required to do so. That same cleaver, with a battery and wires crudely bolted to it, would BE a power weapon in the hands of an Ork.
Orks gather into various levels of organization. The first is the '''mob''', a squad-level unit of Orks with similar ideas of how to act on the battlefield, generally led by a '''Nob''' (a person - Ork, in this case - of wealth or social importance. It is short for "noble," but is pronounced "knob"). A number of mobs will gather together into a '''warband''', which is roughly equivalent to an Imperial Guard company (although with a greater variation in size), led by a warboss. The largest organizational unit is the '''tribe''', a group of numerous warbands all under the command of a warboss. Different tribes can be united by a powerful warlord when he raises a Waaagh!.

This tends to work well for them, but not for the other races of the galaxy: Imperial observers note that Ork weapons will generally function poorly or not at all in the hands of a non-Ork. The only reason the Orks haven't exploited the limits of their generated gestalt field by creating easily made but devastatingly powerful weaponry that could eclipse the weapons of the other races is that they themselves do not know nor understand that they create said field, they believe that their equipment works because that's how the universe works, not because they themselves are making it work. Which, in a way, makes it true. This, in turn, makes for an interesting paradox: If Orks managed to understand the physical universe as it is, they would not believe their "weapons" work, thus stripping them of their psychic advantage. If there is a little ounce of disbelief, this would quite literally nullify their ability to believe hard enough to manipulate reality. Of course, this is actually monumentally absurd when you think about it. The galaxy is full of ''trillions'' of Mekboyz and Weirdboyz who have collectively been Orkin' about for ''billions'' of years, and yet ''not one'' has ever figured out this fundamental aspect of Orkiness?
The Orks speak the same language that most humans (Low Gothic) do, although due to possessing tusks they can't pronounce words in the same way. For example, they seem unable to voice some letters, such as the letter "h", or "er". Therefore, they pronounce words such as "hunter" as "'Unta", "head" as "'Ead". (note: while this is usually the case, it is not always so. In the Ork Codex 2007, there is listed a famous Ork: "The Mighty Mangler". It seems honorifics, notably those of the Orcs of Warhammer Fantasy, are not limited in orkish speech) Shooter becomes shoota, and so forth. Their speech seems largely based on a Cockney or Estuary English  accent, although it is important to note that English is only used to represent the Imperial language so we can understand it; humans actually speak Low Gothic and High Gothic which are descended from today's languages but almost certainly unintelligible to us. In Dawn of War: Dark Crusade the Orks may shout Up yours! or Sod off! when you give them an order. In the game's 2nd edition (and repeated with additions and modifications in the game Gorkamorka), the orks have a runic/glyphic language, with simple symbols used to carry the meaning of certain words (generally battlefield/mechanical concepts) with glyphs capable of spelling words without a specific symbol.  While this has not been carried into the 3rd edition codex, your average ork warband will still be covered in these glyphs, often painted in clan colours.

Orks seem incapable of making the "th" sound with tongue and tooth, therefore they simply spit out an "f" sound, producing words like "teef", "fings", and "fink" as opposed to "teeth", "things", and "think".
This said, Orky know-wots DO have a say in stuff that the Orks build. Mekboyz build much of the stuff they do because they have been genetically programmed with the knowledge on how to make and maintain their technology. While much of their tech runs because they want it to, the fact is that the Orks ''can'' actually produce, and even improve upon, technology based on certain conceptual principles that they somewhat understand and can replicate to some degree or another. This explains how Orks can build such technological wonders as the Shokk Attack Gun, Tellyportaz, and [[Gargant]]s. Also, there ''have'' been instances of Ork tech working well in the hands of other races (at least for a time till it blows up). Be careful though, most Ork players have ''very'' deep-set opinions on how Orky tech works, and [[skub|debates]] between them can generate much [[RAGE]].

In addition, they do not pluralise in the same fashion as humans, preferring the harsh buzzing of 'z' to the soft hissing of 's.' So, the term for multiple Orks armed with sluggas and choppas is Slugga Boyz, and so on for Mekboyz, Grotz, Mad Dokz, etc.
So if the Anzion Theorem is true, there are still some unanswered questions. For example, if Orks do indeed create some innate psychic field of belief, then would [[Sisters of Silence]] or a [[Blank]] be able to interfere with or destroy that power, thus causing Ork constructions to fail? We know Orks DEFINITELY have a passive psychic field, after all, but the Sisters don't seem to interfere with it in the same way that they do with the active psychic powers wielded by battlefield psykers. Perhaps the answer is that WAAAAGH energy is something almost completely different from the psychic abilities that other races use, and it therefore tends to ignore/negate some of the restrictions other psykers have. That would suggest that when the Old Ones created the Orks they used some other form of psychic phenomenon that is unrelated to or is isolated from the warp somehow. This might suggest that Orks' gestalt psychic field is actually a very advanced form of technology similar to that used to create the [[Webway]]. Alternatively there may be another distinct metalevel in the warp that Orks draw from; after all, we know Orks' gestalt field works as well in the warp as in reality, because their ships can traverse the warp without Gellar fields and remain unharmed. Ultimately we don't know, but there is definitely ''something'' going on. Probably. Who knows? In the end, we should look at it from the viewpoint of an Ork: As long as it works, who cares? Worrying about it just means less time krumping gits.

When (and if) an ork spells something in glyphic, it should be done "Fohnetikalee" (phonetically).
====Orks and the Emperor====

An extension of the "All Orks are Psykers" theory is that the [[Emperor|Emprahs]] continued existence (despite the fact his throne is in serious need of an MOT) is the fact that the Orks BELIEVE it to be so. As any self-respecting Weirdboy will tell you, what da boyz fink will 'appen 'appens (see below), so if they think the Emperor is still alive then alive he will be. Probably cos they're stupid enough not to realise he's a corpse more fucked than a Slaaneshi cultist at Ciaphas Cain's place.. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>'ANG ON A SECOND.. I FINK DEY BE MAKIN FUN OF US...WELL.....MAYBE WE OUTTA GO STOMP SUM HUMIES!</span> {{BLAM|That's right, the "chaos boys" are messing with you Orks, go stomp them in the name of the Emp... For the WAAAGGGHH! (-ahem- Heretics...)}}
Orks believe in two gods - Gork and Mork - of which Gork is the god of brutal cunning (Brutal but kunnin') and the other; Mork, is the god of cunning brutality (Kunnin' but brutal), the subtle distinction being that one hits you when you're not looking at him, and the other hits you hard when you are. There is a different mythology sometimes portrayed in which Gork and Mork are the gods of Defense and Attack. Orks can't agree which god plays which role, and debates about this topic often erupt into fighting (Although generally Gork is considered the more brutal by players, and Mork the more cunning, possibly due to their roles in gorkamorka, in which a Gorker was better at fighting, and a Morker better at driving). The priesthood of these gods has no in-game representation, although the infamous Goff Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka claims to be receiving visions from both. Also, there has been some mention of Yellerz (the ork version of a priest) although they are not seen ingame. In earlier versions a third god, Bork, appeared, but has since been dropped. Orks generally tend to distinguish between Gork and Mork as one being mean, and the other being meaner. Some divisions lie in determining who is meaner; another factor preventing Orks from being united. It is doubtful if the distinction between Gork and Mork means anything in Ork culture, as long as it allows them to bash something.  
Although in the Ghazkull/Makari novel they dismiss the "humies' dead god" as a pathetic wimp who cannot even stand from his throne to krump some gitz in person.

In the specialist game Gorkamorka, the surviving Orks of a space hulk crash on a desert planet and desperately try to rebuild a spacecraft from the ruins of their previous one so that they may leave the planet and rejoin the Waaagh! There are many theories about how this new spacecraft would do this, including the notion that it is really an enormous teleportation device which will transport all the Orks on to a passing spacehulk or friendly Ork craft. Another theory is that the monstrosity will simply take off into space with all the Orks aboard. However as the new space craft grew in size it began to gain a similarity to one of the Ork gods just as Ork Gargants do. This of course immediately led to a violent debate erupting between all the Orks present as to which god it looks like. Those that believe it looked more like Gork called themselves Gorkers and those who thought it to be Mork called themselves Morkers and the society was split in two. The rivalry between the two sides became the biggest obstacle to the Orks ever leaving the planet because as soon as they stopped concentrating on finding a way off the planet and started fighting each other, construction on the new space craft slowed to a practical halt and the battle between the two sides practically destroyed it. The Meks then decided to call the figure Gorkamorka to stop any future fighting and allowed any Ork to believe it was either Gork or Mork. This is just another example of how the Orks' built-in animosity has held back their progress severely and how their religion can inspire their violent tendencies. Perhaps this character flaw was purposely built into Ork personality by their ancient creators in order to prevent them from ever growing too powerful.
====Orks and Yarrick====
Another slightly less stupid theory. Commissar Sebastian Yarrick is still alive despite his massive, massive age because Ghaz and his boyz think he should be alive. Also Orks believe a glance from Yarrick can kill them, so Yarrick installed a laser eye and it works better against the greenskins. And of course, he also wields an Ork power klaw that, perhaps for the all the same reasons, apparently works quite well for him.

===Ork Technology is More Advanced than it Seems===
Orks use their teeth ("teef") as currency. This is quite a natural solution to inflation and income support, as orks go through teeth in a similar manner to sharks, replacing them quite frequently, and they degrade over time, so it is impossible to hoard them. This keeps prices constant, ensures all orks have access to money, and allows constant values to be placed on commodities. A toof will buy a good squig pie and a tankard of fungus beer, while a bag of teef will buy a cheap buggy. A big flash battlewagon could cost a warboss hundreds of teef (though they need not all be his). In some stories there are references to captured human scientists developing a preservative which slows down teef degradation, and making some warbosses rich and as a consequence fueling inflation.
[[File:Ork tech.jpg|400px|thumb|right|This will happen given enough time and grots.]]
{{Topquote|Cultural collapse, reorientation of belief systems in the aftermath of a renaissance can provoke magical thinkin' in previously rational beingz...|Talker, Madboy on the subject of the Adeptus Mechanicus}}

The Bad Moonz are one of the richest clanz (See below) due to their slight genetic difference which makes their teeth grow earlier and quicker, making them richer than the other clanz.
On another perspective. Looking over the Ork codices from old to new the only record of Orks willing technology to work is one line in which a techpriest says "Well if we can't figure this out it must be magic". In fact, the only source besides that codex entry is this 1d4chan page... All other lore being from the Techpriest perspective. The Ork Codex points out that Mek Boys and Big Meks are genetically engineered by the Brain Boyz/Old Ones to know how technology works. In "Evil Sun Rising", the Big Meks who created the Stompa Fat Mork don't remember how they created their super compact, miniature red sun engine. The implication is that as the Meks worked together that it unlocked the technology. This might mean that the Brain Boyz/Old Ones programmed the mek genetics to gain access to bigger and better equipment when the army is at a proper size to create and maintain such weaponry. As Ork numbers grow and WAAAGHs become bigger more technology is unlocked. The Gorkanaut and Morkanaut walkers are unlocked when Meks begin thinking that a Great WAAAGH is coming along.

The way that they "make" their money has also been joked about many times. It is stated that if one Ork wishes to rob another Ork the former only has to hold down the latter and beat his face until all the teeth have fallen out. Also, on the newest release of Ork Boy models, there is an ork skull model missing a tooth or two.   This bit is referred to as an "Ork Wallet"
Ork technology is special in many ways; while crude and impossible from an outsider perspective almost all of Ork technology is based on the idea of [[Looted|looting the enemy technology]]. They are the apex scavengers and can create weapons from the technology of the Imperials, Tau, Eldar, Necrons, and even the biotechnology of the Tyranids. It could be guessed that the Brain Boyz wanted Orks to be able to adapt to any battlefield and be able to resupply without need of supply lines. In this way Orks don't need to wait for a spaceship to drop a Titan to the battlefield for back up, instead they can build one out of that broken humie one.

===Da klanz===
And this is BEFORE we even consider what the hordes of the Beast were able to do what no other concurrent faction could, such as create Void Shielded Deff Dreads, Ork Ambassadors, and teleporting attack moons into the Terra's orbit.
Ork klanz are not communities but rather philosophical delineations of the different varieties of Ork. Each has its own colours, markings, and ways of waging war. Orks tend to form warbands with others who follow the same clan, but different groups tend to be lumped together after suffering casualties during a Waaagh!. There are six famous clans:

====Bad Moonz====
'''HOWEVER''' there are a few holes in this theory. First one must remember that the Imperium is not the only faction to try and study/retrofit Ork technology. The Tau have a much greater understanding of science and engineering than the Imperium and still cannot figure out Ork tek. Though there isn't much from the Eldar perspective on how Ork Tek works, which could just mean that they don't care. The second point is that Orks use materials that shouldn't work as components for weapons and technology. When was the last time you built a gun out of sheet metal and literal droppings, and it actually worked? Finally there's [[Colorz]]; red paint causes things to go faster, yellow causes explosions to be bigger, and purple makes everything stealthy. Though Colorz only exist in the rules with Red Ones Go Fasta and Deff Skulls being lucky, <s>most of the other stories are overblown fanfics by the fanbase</s> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>'''*SMASH*''' '''''WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!'''''</span>.
The '''Bad Moonz''' are the richest Orks around, because their teeth grow faster than anyone else's (this shows that, at least in one case, the clan affiliation has a physical effect). The other Clanz don't mind this, because they figure that if they want more money, they can always knock a Bad Moon Ork over the head and take his teef. They trade with other Orks to get the biggest guns, the flashiest gear, and the best food, but are not as concerned with close combat as other Orks, perhaps due to their larger girth. They have been noted to have a greater proportion of wyrdboyz than other clans, but they still do not appear past the feral stage. Other notable troops of the Bad Moonz are the Flash Gitz. They are very effective ranged fighters, but are cut down in melee fighting. They are obsessed with their Kustom Shootas,and they give the Orkz's Waaagh! some much needed firepower by mowing down enemies at a distance while the other boyz charge in. They spend so much time polishing and upgrading their Shootas and are so over equipped that they are often ridiculed by the other Orks. Their marks are the yellow crescent moon and the black flames. Warboss Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub is a member of the Bad Moonz clan, as is Kaptin Badrukk.

====Blood Axez====
Be that as it may. The possibility exists that mekboys are combining psyker abilities and inherent technical knowledge to construct tools and weapons with nano-level engineering, allowing orks to use tech with a crude appearance hiding devices of unimaginable sophistication.
The '''Blood Axez''' were the first Ork clan to encounter the forces of the Imperium (It is said that a Human and an Ork stumbled across one another when a Rouge Trader landed on a planet.  Neither particularly liked what they saw so they each drew their weapon and shot one another), and as a result, of all Ork clans, they have the best understanding of human culture. They have picked up many human tactics, such as using camouflage (although it may seem a bit too brightly coloured to a human's eye, as their idea of camouflage is much more vibrant) and retreating when they're losing ("it don't count as losing, cuz we can also come back for anuvver go, see?"). They trade with humans for equipment and vehicles, and have even worked as mercenaries for the Imperium at times (such as the Battle at Big Toof River). All of these things lead followers of other clanz to brand them as dangerously treacherous, cowardly, and, worst of all, "un-Orky" so they are often abused or even targeted for destruction by other Orks. However, other Orks often fail to notice that when Blood Axes retreat, they usually go back 'fer anuvver go' properly reinforced, with more Boyz and larger gunz. Many Blood Axes are back-stabbing 'kommandos'. The Blood Axez symbol is a pair of crossed axes, although the backstabba mob has their own mark, a large knife dripping blood. The Blood Axes were once one of the wealthiest clans until most of them were wiped out in a battle with other clans called 'Da Big Party.' Judging by their use of ranks and their love for medals by their leaders, it can be assumed that the members of the Fly Boyz are actually Blood Axez.

====Death Skulls====
===Special Note on Orky Vehicles===
The '''Death Skulls''' (also known as '''Deff Skullz''') are lootas who grab whatever they can from corpses on the battlefield, although they aren't above taking things from other Orks who aren't watching. This has earned them the name of "Thieving blighterz who take anyfing dat izn't nailed down" by the other Orks. They collect anything that might be useful, as well as various lucky trinkets and charms. They are superstitious even for Orks, and often paint themselves blue (which Orks find is a lucky color).It is not uncommon to find looted vehicles in Death Skull armies, such as Imperial Guard Chimeras and Space Marine Rhinos. Their symbol is the horned skull.
To properly describe what Ork vehicles are like is a difficult prospect, or perhaps an overlooked opportunity. Either way, few actually attempt to clarify in tangible terms what orkish vehicle-makers create.
Deathskulls have a larger number of gretchin compared to other clanz, as the grots are used to scout around, helping their ork masters to look for gubbinz they can steal. In battles these gretchin will often be fielded right in front of the orks themselves, for obvious reasons.  Painters often use the "Braveheart-style" of facepaint when painting Death Skull models. According to older background, the Death Skull clan produced more Mad Docs than other clans and in that vein Mad Dok Grotsnik was a Death Skull before his 'accident.'

====Evil Sunz====
Let's start with the venerable Trukk. Keep in mind that the standard Ork Boy is a hunched, monstrous, 7-foot-tall Hulk Hogan. Now, the Trukk is essentially an over-sized, skeletal pickup truck, with armored bus tires and a spiked ram-plate for a bumper. The frame is then covered in all manner of inch-thick armor plating, the basic standard in orkish vehicle armor. No Ork vehicle with more than two wheels has an engine smaller than a V8, and the trukk is no exception. A common brag for a trukk owner, "I'z put twelve silenderz in dis 'ere kart" (when not met with the classic "You shoulda sprung fer forteen!" comeback), is similar to a human saying he put an extra two cylinders in his car and overhauled his transmission ( hilariously the official trukk model from Games Workshop has a horizontally opposed 6 cylinder engine - a 40K Boxer engine).
The '''Evil Sunz''' love going fast, and thus most join the Kult of Speed. Even warbands that haven't given completely over to their love of speed will often have many bikes or vehicles in their force. The clan also contains more Mekboyz than most, and therefore they often field more mechanical creations than other clanz. Their symbol is a red sun with a grimacing face. The Evil Sun symbol is also found in Warhammer Fantasy. Most vehicles of the Evil Sunz are painted red with flames down the side to tie in with their main belief that "Da red wunz go fasta!" (This is supported by in-game rules.  A vehicle that has a red paint job can buy an upgrade to make it move one free inch faster on the table)

Larger orkish vehicles, like the Big Trakk, often use V14 engines that any human would say belongs on a fishing trawler. Alternatively, some vehicles use turbine engines for extra torque (which is always a good thing) and a higher top speed (also a good thing), or crackling electrical engines (less popular than a good-old combustion engine, but can "accidentally" taze pesky Lootas or enemies who get too close (i.e. rammed)). Big Trakks are literally the size of a heavy tank, but are completely open-topped to provide a chassis for hauling Boyz or insanely big gunz into the fight. They have banks of fat-tired wheels or, most likely, four-plus-foot-wide treads. They have as much torque as a Battle Wagon and fear no infantry.
The '''Goffs''' (pronounced as if an ork was pronouncing 'goth', hence the Goff's distinctive colours) are the toughest and most brutal Orks, roughly equivalent to Warhammer Fantasy Black Orcs. They value close combat above all else, preferring to carry an array of weapons for close-quarters fighting, and look down with disdain on the other clans who hang back to shoot when they could be experiencing the thrill of fighting hand-to-hand. They have a large proportion of veteran Skarboyz and also carry a lot of units called stormboyz, orks with crude 'rokkit packz'. Goffs dress mostly in black, with some white checks for relief, as they see bright colors as being un-Orky. Anyone deviating too much from the Clan colour scheme will at best be given a "right good kicking" or at worst be booted out of Da Clan or even killed by a passing Nob or Warboss as an example. Their symbol is the black or red bull's head, and Nobz almost always wear big horns on their helmets. Great Overlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is the most famous member of the Goff Clan.

==Special Groups of Orks==
The '''Snakebites''' prefer tradition to technology, shunning things like force fields and vehicles in favor of protecting themselves with war paint and riding into battle on huge boars. Depending on how fundamental they are, they may remain as feral Orks even after their civilization can advance to the next stage. Snakebites' symbol is the venomous serpent (or in some cases a boar's head), and they always take some along so they can have initiation rituals where Orks endure being bitten and then sucking the venom out, if the local brand of serpents prove too weedy (I.E. Not lethal enough).  A feature of the army are the Boarboyz, Orks who ride into battle on giant boars and cyboars (mechanically-enhanced boars), they also feature the largest number of Herdas, Runtherdz and 'active' Wyrdboyz (due to their society remaining in the feral state for longer if not indefinite periods).
Apart from the regular Boyz, there are several groups of Orks who specialize in a specific task or doctrine. Called Oddboys (if they are relatively normal when fighting time rolls around) or Weirdboys (when they shoot lighting out of their eyes, gunz or eye-gunz). The most common ones are:

====The Kult of Speed====
Although most Orks prefer slaughter and explosions, some become addicted to driving very fast. These crazy individuals band together in 'Kults of Speed' (known as Speed Freeks to the Orks), complete with their own mobs and warbands, full of buggies, bikes, and trukks. Most vehicles are painted red as, according to Orky superstition, "Da red wunz go fasta!" They rely on meks to build and maintain their vehicles, and sometimes a warband is even led by a Big Mek instead of a Warboss.  The Kult of Speed is not a true Klan as such: many orks from different klans will fall to the addiction of being the fastest.  Speed kults can include any of the previously mentioned klans, from looted tank filled deathskull armour warbandz, to regimented bloodaxe armour "krumpanies", to Goff warbandz chock full of trukks and boyz trying to get into combat first.  The Evil Sunz are the most common of all Speed kultists, and it is from them the common stereotype originates. Wazdakka Gutzmek is an Evil Sunz Bad Ork Bike Boy member of the Kult of Speed.
This category is filled with Orks who express genetic predispositions to certain tasks. Here are your Mekboys (engineers), Painboys (doctors), Weirdboys (psykers), Madboyz (psychos), Slaverz/Runtherders (take care of grots, snotlings and slaves), [[Dorfs|Brewerz]] (makers of alcohol; lost to time), [[Noise Marines|Rockaz]] (musicians), and Shoutaz (communications experts).

==== [[Speed_Freek|Kult of Speed]] ====
A subset of the Kult of Speed, some Orks in their desire for speed crave to fly through the air like birds. Their demand and addiction for speed cannot be satisfied on the ground, so they take to the skies in cobbled together aircraft, taking great pleasure in divebombing enemy (and friendly) targets. Flyboyz are considered very mad (even by Ork standards), and will often live in semi-exile, only associating with other Flyboyz, Gretchin slaves, and the Meks responsible for maintaining their 'fighta-bommaz'.

A graphic novel called ''Deff Skwadron'' covers the lives of Flyboyz and breaks down the use of an Orky airplane. Notable parts are the brakes which are often removed, the gun-sight which is almost never used, the fuel lines wired through the cockpit in case the pilot gets thirsty, the dials that nobody knows what they do, a speedometer that has three markings (STOP, FAST, WAAAGH!) and also the 'steery-stick'.
[[File:Kult o speed by majesticchicken.jpg|250px|thumb|right|'''WAAAAAAAAGHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!''']]

===Feral Orks===
Speed Freeks who commonly go into the battlefield on bikes hyped up on dakka and flashy bitz, as their name suggests, they'z like goin' faster dan fast. On tabletop, they're okay, since they're really shooty for Orks and fairly cheap. These guys field the classic Mobile Ork Army, which causes loads of [[Butthurt]] and [[Rage]] when people go up against them. Just look out for Lascannons.
Feral Orks are the prestage to the common codex-orks, and is the stage most Orks begin with when the first Orks are born from fungus spore and form a new society. Official army lists have been published allowing their use in the main ''Warhammer 40,000'' game as well as in ''Epic''. However; in the UK Grand Tournaments the Feral Ork and Snakebite lists are now illegal.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://uk.games-workshop.com/orks/feral%2Dork%2Dlist/1/ |title=Spored to be Wild: Feral Ork army list |accessdate=2006-09-15 |last=McQuirk |first=Space |format=PDF |publisher=[[Games Workshop]]}}</ref>.<ref>{{cite book |last=Johnson |first=Jervis |coauthors=and Keefe, Matt |title=Epic: Swordwind |url=http://www.specialist-games.com/epic/rulebook.asp |format=PDF |accessdate=2006-09-15 |publisher=[[Games Workshop]] |pages=36 – 41 |chapter=1.3 Feral Orks}}</ref> Special units to be found in a Feral Ork army include Boarboyz, who ride wild boars and Squiggoths, giant dinosaur-like monsters used as fighting machines.
*'''[[Deff Skwadron | Flyboys]]''' - Crazed pilots that like fast vehicles, death defying stunts, and lots of dakka. The better pilots, fighta aces, are held in great esteem only by other flyboys and tend to give themselves crazy-cool nicknames.

====[[Burna Boyz | Burna Boyz]]====
Ork technology (or "teknologee") appears ramshackle and slapped-together, but can be as potent as any equipment used by other races.
Burna boyz are similar to standard orks in ability, possessing no unique qualities except every one of them being a pyromaniac. These boys are the type who would burn their own mother alive if she tried to stop them from playing with matches, even though Orks technically don't have moms. As such, they regularly burn their own comrades for the hell of it (to see them 'do da burny dance'). Their obsession with fire is, of course, genetically coded, and this has a particular disadvantage during periods of time where stealth is of the essence. In fact, this pyromania coupled with the rate of accidental deaths among Orks may explain why Burna boyz aren't more common; after all, an Ork that accidentally burns himself to death wouldn't be able to spread his spores so easily. On a more lighthearted note, they are also quite fond of fungus cigars!<span style='color:green;font-size:110%'> GREEN IZ BEST</SPAN>

Ork technology is characterised by a constant stream of poorly thought-out experimentation and constantly trying to outdo the competition to build the biggest gun, the largest walker, or the fastest buggy. Therefore, vehicles and equipment are not uniform, lending Ork warbands a cobbled appearance. Ork mechanics ("Mekboyz" or "meks") are specialists in the field of producing powerful force fields that can protect against damage, and at battlefield improvisation of repairs. Traditionally, ork meks are masters of teleportation, force field and tractor beam technology, all technologies used when hitching onto space hulks (large conglomerations of interstellar wreckage used by the orks as improvised transport ships/battleships). They are superior to even the Elfdar  in these fields, as the Third War for Armageddon shows.  
Meks are Orks who are capable of making the ramshackle yet effective weapons and vehicles the Orks use. They're primarily the ones who make the warband's wagons, restore salvaged vehicles, and create/modify weapons. An Ork who lead bands of Mekboys is called a "Big Mek", and is a bitch to kill on tabletop if he's kitted out. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZQdaEFa_60 Five-up cover saves for everyone!]<span style='color:green;font-size:110%'> 'Ho says we ain't smart 'n' such! Only fing betta den an ork is an ork wif a good bit of technorkology.</span>

Many Ork vehicles have been reported destroyed dozens of times, only to be cobbled back together, given a fresh lick of paint (if even that), and sent back into the fray. It is a point of pride among meks to wreck an enemy vehicle, "kustomize" it on the battlefield, and turn it around on its former masters; there are accounts of meks having done this no less than 7 times in one battle. This can also be done with weapons, producing kombi-skorchas built from looted heavy flamers, or big shootas made from redesigned heavy bolters.  
Basically Orks medics, a Painboy's instinctive understanding - and obsession - is with medicine, anatomy and surgery. Unlike the Meks above who are seen with something like respect, other orks think Painboyz are dangerous and won't go anywhere near them unless they really have to. This is because, like the Mekboyz, Painboyz are driven mostly by their urge to explore and experiment and aren't very good at concentrating on what they're supposed to be doing. Which is okay when the Mek tinkers with a piece of gear, but a lot worse when the Dok starts poking around inside a body and removing bits at random just to see how it works.

Orks can salvage almost any wreck, including vehicles of other races. This feature is represented in the tabletop game by assembling a vehicle from another race, mutilating and scarring it, and then crudely attaching ill-fitted parts, weapons, and orks to the hull.
Many Orks enjoy the odd explosion. These guys like that so much that they decided what better way to get their kicks than to get into a nice squad of 5-15 boys and try blowing tanks sky high with their rokkits. They also train Squigs to run into tanks while strapped to the hilt with explosives. And if neither of that works, run into close-combat and strike the tank with a rokkit attached to a metal stick. They get so high off this that they will enter the broken vehicle, eat any survivors, and drink the motor oil in a ritual act known as <span style='color:green;font-size:110%'> "GETTIN' TANKED!" </span>

The tough, resilient nature of Orks allows them to accept crude bionics, transplants, and other medical shenanigans. Their hardiness is invaluable, since Ork medical technology is extremely crude.  A "dok" is usually experimenting on injured orks, and uses an axe more often than anything close to a scalpel.
Lootas are Orks who are obsessed with pimping out their shootas by salvaging bitz from their enemies. Lootas are critically important to Orkish mechanical industry, because they head salvage operations and assist Meks where Grots can't. They're also the ones who loot wrecked tanks and vehicles after a battle to use as Looted Wagons, with the help of Mekboys, which means Orks can remobilize rapidly, and scale up to match tank-driving foes. <strike>When not fighting or looting, Lootaboyz are a menace to Orky society, stealing, swindling, making trouble, and being REAL BACKSTABBIN GITs the reason other Boyz can't have nice things.</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:110%'>WOT?! YIZ SAYIN' DERE'S TIME WHEN DA ORKZ AIN'T FOIGHTIN' OR LOOTIN'?! I OUTTA GIVE YA A STAMP!!!</span>

Ork technology is useless (non or poorly funtioning) in the hands of others, with an exception going to Catachan Ork Hunters, who will not only use Ork Shootas and Choppas, but also have their own form of the "Waaagh" when they charge (Known as AAAAGH!). They become much akin to their green-skinned foes, including the in-game effect of having a low ballistic score. Ork weapons and vehicles are of too poor quality to to work mechanically.  However, orks' latent psychic energy makes the technology work, only because the orks believe that their equipment will operate properly.  This same ability makes ork vehicles go faster when painted red, as they believe rumors that "red wunz go faster".
====[[Flash Gitz]]====
<strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:110%'>DA PIMPIEST ORK IZ DA BESTEST ORK!!!!!!</span></strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:110%'>Dat is why dey arrogant Gits. SPEAK UP I CANT 'EAR YA!</span> They are another group of shoota-obsessed Orks known as "Flash Gitz"; rich, obnoxious Bad Moonz gits who buy powerful weapons and upgrades using their large stockpiles of [[toof|teef]]. They love nothing more than showing off their wealth and (supposedly associated) martial power. They do things like wearing ''FABOLOUS'' clothing, sporting huge banners declaring their awesomeness (shogun-style), and plating everything they have in gold, silver, platinum, or any other shiny metal they have at hand (although gold is preferred). Goldz iz da bestest. Flash Gitz boast the shootiest kustom shootaz in all of orkdom, sometimes known as "snazzgunz", which makes them an invaluable asset to their clan. Conversely, due to their boasting and attitude problems they often alienate pretty much every other Ork they work with, and are prone to getting their arrogant asses booted out of their group the moment they become less useful than annoying.

Orks who raid and pillage the galaxy as MOTHERFUCKING PIRATES. And just to add to their awesomeness, they'll usually dress and/or speak like pirates. (W)AAARG! Well-known individuals include Kaptins Badrukk and Bludflagg.

An Ork army gives its commanding player numerical superiority on the battlefield (in fact, in the game ''Dawn of War'', some of their technology depends on it), as Ork units are less point-intensive than that of other races. The downside of this is that Ork units perform poorly in individual ranged combat, and, like the Imperial Guard, require massed volleys of fire to ensure sufficient damage. Their melee abilities, however, are much more satisfactory (their close combat stats are on par with the space marines), giving them an edge in close combat and hand-to-hand battles. In addition, Ork armies can use a variety of original and interesting rule sets to help give them an edge over their opponents.
====[[Ork Kommando|Kommandoz]]====
Orks who managed to figure out that charging a gunline isn't always the best option, so dey'z da sneakiest of da Orks. In practice, all of this boils down to a fairly simple difference in tactics. Whereas a normal Ork Boy will see the enemy and immediately [[WAAAGH|shout]], run up to him, and smash him in the head, a Kommando will see the enemy, hide behind a nearby [[Catachan Jungle Fighters|bush]]/[[Dorf|barrel]]/[[Creed|lamp-post]] and wait for the enemy to get close like 5 feet to 2 meters, THEN shout, run up to him, and smash him in the head. They typically paint themselves purple, which Orks believe is the sneakiest color (and because Orks are Orks, purple does in fact make them harder to see ... don't ask how the fuck that one works, it just does <span style='color:green;font-size:110%'>Hav you eva seen a purpul ork? Course not, dey's <s>too sneaky</s> don't exist</span>.)

Secondly, Ork armies are very customizable; orks are easily converted (in fact, the battle fortresses of most players are little more than a mountain of leftover vehicle parts and weapons). Furthermore, looted vehicles add a huge variety of options when it comes to personalizing your army.
Kommandoz rely on stealth tactics rather than balls-out firepower, and achieve this by using crude camouflage techniques, Speshul Forces equipment such as night-vision goggles, various types of grenades, and all those other gubbins that makes them all sneaky. However, their best weapon is often that the concept of Orks using tactics beyond drowning their enemies in corpses and bullets is so completely out there that a lot of Imperial commanders [[Skaven|do not believe that Kommandoz actually exist]], which actually make their job easier to pull off. The Imperials quite often find out the very hard way that some orks have both brains and brawn. For instance, nobody laughed when a Kommando unit suddenly [[Blood Ravens|hi-jacked]] a unit of three [[Deathstrike Missile Launcher]]s inside a Mordian regiment's lines drove one to the front and proceeded to launch it at the their front lines, killing thousands, including a [[Baneblade]] (Except for the Orks, who laughed their duffs off as this was happening). Meanwhile, the Kommandoz ran off with the remaining one and two extra missiles.

Thirdly, Ork armies, with their ramshackle vehicles and unusual inventions, are far less conventional than most of the other forces available in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The unique (and often humorous) nature of the Orks contrasts sharply with the more serious tone of other armies, which may appeal to players who prefer a lighter edge on Warhammer 40,000's dark future scenario.
Kommandoz are typically distrusted by other Orks due to their chosen battle strategy. They view sneaking about rather than getting straight to a fight right and proppa as "Mukkin' about". The enjoyment of the color purple among them is also considered right strange. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> "Az dere ain't no such fing az a purpul ork!"

The simple ideology of the Orks ("We'z gonna smash dem Oomies ta bits n' pieces")
An ork asked about Kommando groups: <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> "I dinna see anyfing... Do you?"
allows for fewer hard feelings after what can sometimes be a game that leads to animosity between players. Even if da Boss dies, the biggest surviving Ork will gladly take charge after a battle and maintain the crude Orky heirarchy that his late superior worked so hard to instill. It is such that an Ork army can be decapitated a great number of times before losing momentum.  

As a result, if da Boss falls in combat, da Army stays fully operable. This comes at contrast with most other Races, who realistically have a set-in-stone command structure that, once destroyed, effectively brings the Army down with them. The Orks are as tough as nails, and any given Army's survivability truly goes to show that "da Orks is da best, an pinky oomie skin ain't nuffin nex ta a fine set o' green hide".
==== [[Feral Orks]] ====

==Current edition==
Hidden away in GW fluff are these guys. These guys are what happens after a WAAAGH! has left your planet. They crop up in wildernesses and form tribes. They don't have technology (like shootas) or any kind of Mekboyz or even good resources to build junk. They are roughly on par with your [[Warhammer Fantasy|Fantasy]] Orcs, so you can just use your Fantasy army in 40k if you can fluff your army right. Not like it matters, it's the same tactic either game. They tend to have Grots, Kommandos and Weirdboys coming out of their ears, and love to ride big Squigs. If you don't prune them back to the forest well enough, they might sic buttloads of [[Squiggoth]]s on you. [[Snake Bites]] love these guys, and if space-born Orks pick them up, Feral Orks usually become Snakebites anyway.
They breed a special kind of Oddboy, the [[Pigdok]], who is a combination of a Mek and a Dok, but excels at neither. They do surgical procedures like a stereotypical medicine man, wander around covered in robes and talismans given to them by the Weirdboy Shamans, and head the construction of things like ballistas and catapults, all the way up to magical stompy Idols and the [[Titans_40k#Orky_Titans|Steam Gargant]].
Weirdboyz are Orks who are active psykers. All Orks are passive psykers, emitting their WAAAGH!! gestalt field, but Weirdboyz are the only ones who can decide they're gonna blow another Ork's face off with a mean look and a lightning bolt (and get it to actually happen). They tend to be crazy and can blow up if they're not careful. Even when they are careful. Sometimes blowing up is the preferred/expected option for a Weirdboy. Amusingly, most Weirdboyz are 'cowards', in the sense that they know bad things happen whenever they get into a fight alongside a bunch of other Orks so they try to avoid doing that. The other Orks are often forced to drag them along.
:''"Don’t need an interpreter. We tell you how to surrender, you surrender. Easy. The Great Beast has you by the guts. Struggle, he’ll rip ’em out. Surrender, you get to keep ’em." - Bezhrak, Ork Ambassador''
"Ambassadors" as the humans of Terra called them are a dignified and "majestic" Oddboy dedicated to delivering threats directly to the enemy through the powerful weapon of words. At this time there is no known Ork name for these Oddboyz and are very rare to encounter. They carry staffs as their only weapon and have the ability to speak languages as if they were native speakers. The Ambassadors not only discussed terms of surrender, but acted as psychological warfare to destabilize the enemy.
:''The self-inflicted moral wound the Imperium would suffer if it acted with less sophistication than orks would be a septic one. - Vangorich''
Only ever seen during WAAAGH! The Beast in 544.M32. More modern encounters with ork Runtherders and similar ork-to-men communiques tend to use a translator device/person, instead. That said, many orks do pick up Low Gothic while interacting with human armies, especially more kunnin' Warbosses and Warlords.
[[Inquisition|Ork Snipers are the bane of the Celestial Lions and took out the Chapter's Apothecaries.]] [[Vindicare Assassin|Highly accurate, the Ork Sniper is a dangerous enemy.]]
Hilariously, Grot snipers are a thing that exists, but it's incredibly rare to see them. It's probably because any grot that manages to slap together enough spare parts into a rifle get spotted by an Ork who thinks it would make a nice foundation for a decent shoota, and said grot will almost immediately get robbed at shoota- or choppa-point. On the other hand, these might make it in a scenario when Orks realize that a passable longarm is more valuable in the hands of somebody who can actually shoot straight.
There was an incident in the short story ''Red Reward'' where a guy was dropped into the front of some trench warfare between the Guard and Orks, and inspired the humiez to drive back the Orks in a counter charge only to get shot by a grot sniper. Ironically, the guy signed up with the Guard to escape prosecution on his own world, meaning he would have been a valid target to the elusive Ork sniper.
==Retired Boyz==
All following Ork Oddboys have been lost to time ([[Retcon|"Everything is canon, just not always true"]] - The way GW avoids officially retconning anything). They live on in our hearts (and custom-models) as:
[[Rogue Trader]] Orks with a penchant for hard rock, metal, leather armor, and overgrown hair squigs. They do seem to keep cropping up in the fluff though never in any significant capacity. Also known as Goff Rokkas, these boyz tend to come out of the Goffs exclusively, but it isn't completely unknown for other Clans to spit out one of these crazy green "musicians". They play machine gun guitars and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_wdRy7x4Sc PARTY 'ARD!!!]
It should be noted that Rokkas were invented in the Eighties, so they don't play things like Death Metal as much as they do generic Metal, 80's Metal, electric guitar ballads, and Hard Rock.
(note: the Goff Rokkas essentially make the [[Dawn of War III]] ork theme canon)
And...now they're back and canon again, in the June 2020 White Dwarf. Albeit renamed to the [[Goff Rokker]]z instead.
These orks have over-developed lungs and super-strong vocal cords so that they can [[Derp|yell really loud.]] Yes, you heard me right. They yell across Gargant-tops and over battlefield din to act as a telecommunications array. <strike>See, not all things that have disappeared were too good to last.</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:200%'>'''SHUDDUP STOOPID HUMIE, WHUT DO YOU KNOW?!?!?! SHOUTAS IZ DA BEST!!!!!!!'''</span>
<span style='color:lightgreen;font-size:300%'>'''YOU'Z CALL DAT SHOUTIN'? YOU'Z AIN'T A REEL SHOUTA, YA GIT!'''
<span style='color:forestgreen;font-size:700%'>'''A REAL SHOUTA'''</span>
<span style='color:forestgreen;font-size:850%'>'''DROWNS OUT DA'''</span>
<span style='color:forestgreen;font-size:1000%'>'''COMPUTISHUN!'''</span>
<span style='color:lightgreen;font-size:1750%'>'''I konkur!'''
<span style='color:purple;font-size:40%'>'''I'z prefur sneekin' up to some hummie and shoutin' in iz ear from reel gut close.'''
Anyone caught messing with this section again will get their shit handed to them. Do you know how fucking hard it is to make sure this shit is right? I can't do this AND dodge those fucking Orks. I'm a janitor, and a FUCKING BENDY PENIS!
<span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>'''See, iffin' you'z had sum of dat purpley paint, dis wouldn' be a problem now, would it?'''</span>
<span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>''' 'e got youz good, e' did. aneewayz da squigs ated da inturn again. Git ta cleenen dat wod ya.'''</span>
<span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>''' I 'erd dem cleanin' orks do wat they do and don't even want no teef for it''' </span>
<span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>''' Dem Kleenaboyz iz ryte fine ladz, Dey gitz a 'fungabeer offa me n'ytime dey needz.''' </span>
Never mentioned after about 3rd Edition. Brewerz, or Brewer Boyz function much like Mekboys or Mad Doks do, knowing the ins and outs of brewing through genetically inherited intuition. They make alcohol out of squigs. Made everything from beers to malts to meads to liquors to scotches. Yes, certain squigs can be made into scotch. No, no grains are involved in the process. No, they've never done this in Scotland. No, you may not question this.
''Eend out of mashrooms too booss!''<br><br>
[[What|Basically, they brew babies into beer sometimes.]]<br>
<span style='color:green;font-size:150%'>''' Zoggin DAMN'IT! NOT AGAIN!'''</span>
===Female Orks===
<span style='color:red;font-size:100%'>MY EYES!!!! THEY BURN!!!</span>
Vaguely referenced in older fluff and glimpsed during Blood Bowl, sacrificed because nobody wants to see those canonized saggy Ork tits (Except [[/d/]]), and fucking whores (and ye mum). Suffice to say, some drawfags will still draw them and several on [[/tg/]] will doubtlessly [[Faptau|fap]] to it. Considering how many random mutations are seen amongst the Orks, the possibility is [[Meme|more likely than you'd think]]. In normal canon, Orks are asexual, popping out of fungal growths in the ground...
...but in [[Rogue Trader|the oldest fluff]], when the Orks were basically Fantasy Orcs in Space, there ''were'' female orks. Slightly later (2nd Edition) fluff modified that idea: during later parts of their life cycle Orks would temporarily develop sexual characteristics and go bang one another. For the sake of Games Workshop's writers' self-respect, the idea of any orkish sexual reproduction was completely removed and forgotten. And all but the drawfags are happy for that.
Given the kind of universe Warhammer 40,000 is, the decision to make orks functionally genderless (a decision which occured some time in the early 90's) was likely driven by two factors: to reinforce the Orks warlike nature by making them dependent on getting blown up to repopulate and hardwire them for blockbuster-style total war, and the aforementioned removal of sex and gender discussions from the ugly comedy faction of an incredibly dark tabletop wargame. The change was both thematically appropriate and steered writers and fans away from uncomfortable topics. As of 2020 however, the idea of female orcs and goblinoids is fairly accepted across basically every genre and fictional universe which involves greenskins of any sort. This is a fairly significant change from the prevailing attitudes of the 20th Century fantasy, which was largely driven by <s>bad writing</s> female orcs and goblins being hidden somewhere and largely irrelevant.
More recent fluff has backed this up, stating that Orks have no reproductive organs and thus no personal concept of sex or gender. Some, usually Blood Axes or Slavers, are aware of the existence of the concept in other races, albeit at a rudimentary level; one bemused Blood Axe went on record describing the whole thing as funny and a captured tech-priest was once bribed with women as an incentive to do something for a Warboss.
<span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> Oi'm twalf an' wots dis? </span> {{FWIP|'''DAT GIT WAZ KRUMPED FOR DIS POST.'''}}
=== [[Ork_Boy#Madboyz|Madboyz]] ===
Not seen since the heydays of second edition and Epic 40k, although they're still mentioned here and there in the fluff. Madboyz are Orks that go crazy under the mental strain of knowledge encoded in their genes suddenly becoming available, their behavior becoming erratic and unstable even for Orks. The other Orks often round them up into a large warband that is set loose upon the enemy, in the hope their madness will prove useful or at least entertaining. (In game terms you rolled for their actions randomly, and it could vary from outright fleeing to going absolutely berzerk and charging forward while ignoring wounds.)
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
We had da new rulez for thiz gitz for weirdboy awotkaning
===Brain Boyz===
Brain Boyz is the name that the Orks give the Old Ones. However, the Orks' origin has shifted around a few times, such as the Brain Boyz being the ancestors of the Snotlings (although the Orks still believe that, but it's no longer the official explanation it was in Rogue Trader).
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
(OBJEKSHUN! Dat'z still canon! (In fact, everything is canon! [Just not always true]) Codex 7th ED 2014 and we'z seen it in the one before dat un too!!! What shrooms did ya zoggin' gits eat?!)
===Tin Boyz===
Back in Rogue Trader, there was a book - "'Ere We Go: Orks in Warhammer 40,000" and, hidden away on Page 92, complete with accompanying models, was a reference to these odd examples of Ork <strike>Humour</strike> Ooomarr. Traditionally, they are made in the form of Space Marines, Eldar or Squats though with more exaggerated features and comical patterns of movement designed to imitate and mock these species. To Orks, such effigies are highly amusing and they take great joy in having created such clever parodies of their enemies. Whilst a Tinboy's external appearance does vary, its simplistic inner components make it easy to spot and identify on the battlefield where they are deployed as a psychological weapon, for misdirection and distraction. In the game Shootas, Blood & Teef the protagonist refers to an imperial knight piloted by Lord Horrik Canorem<ref> Son of High King Valorik Canorem, High Prince of House Canorem, Master of the Blade of Gaia, Keeper of the Gates of Loralo, Wielder of the Kaloric Flame, Bringer of Hope, Herald of the Holy Order of the Adamantine Lance, The Paladin of Koto, Slayer of the Lion of Essa, The Triumphant! The Light of Stars! The Eradicator!</ref> as a "Zoggin' eck Big Tin Boy", if this is a reference to the old Rouge Trader "Tin Boy" or just a coincidence is unknown.
===Chaos Orks & Mutant Orks===
Back in the days of [[Rogue Trader]], [[Chaos]] was considered an equal opportunity employer instead of just relying on corrupted [[Space Marines]] and [[human]]s, which admittedly makes more sense. As such Chaos Orks were very much a thing, and in fact came in two distinct groups; [[Stormboyz]] of [[Khorne]] and general Chaos Orks. The basic idea was that most Stormboyz who didn't grow out of being Stormboyz would eventually gravitate to worshipping Khorne, as this was back in the day when Khorne had more of an "honorable, disciplined warrior" motif to him and thus he was considered a fine role model by the Stormboyz, whose whole thing was being disciplined, organized and professional compared to the anarchic barbarians of other orks. Other orks could also fall to Chaos, often but not always Khorne, without being still part of the Stormboyz cult. Both sets of Chaos-worshipping orks were regarded as "un-orky" by their mainstream fellows, but would sometimes be hired as mercenaries by warbosses in particular need of their killing power, or who just didn't really bother vetting their latest Freebooter hire all that well - they'd also happily join Chaos armies, where they were welcomed.
The big difference mechanically is that Khorne's Stormboyz were Stormboyz with the Mark of Khorne, whilst Chaos Orks were Orks with Chaos Marks, Chaos Gifts and Mutations.
Separate to both of these Mutant Orks, who had no intention of worshipping Chaos, but still got mutated as a result of exposure to Warp energies, radiation, psychic phenomena from the local weirdboy or the experiments of a Mekboy or Painboy. These wretches were social outcasts, and sometimes were allowed to join a Waaagh as expendable cannon fodder - not that they cared, because they hoped to ultimately prove they were still properly Orky. These poor sods sometimes mutated all the way into Chaos Spawn-OHGODGLARBABALAAGAAH!
\*Ahem.* While there has been no mention of nonhuman and nondaemon Chaos forces for several editions (save some background Xeno races worshipping Chaos), the idea of Chaos Orks makes perfect sense when you think about it. Not only because there's no real reason the Ruinous Powers should only corrupt humans, but also because there are Quadrillions or Orks in the galaxy, so at least ''some'' of them are bound to decide that [[Khorne]] is more killy than [[Gork]] or that [[Tzeentch]] is more cunnin' than [[Mork]], regarldess of whether or not they actually are. [[Nurgle]] would probably take a liking to them as well, not just because Nurgle likes everybody, but also because Ork spores tend to infect and kill a planet's ecosystem in much the same way a mundane fungus might a plant or animal. [[Slaanesh]] would seem to have the fewest Orkish worshippers, since the most common way Orks get their rocks off would end up empowering Khorne more, but then you remember that Slaanesh thing is 'excess' and what do orks like to do in excess of even to the point of self destruction? [[Speed Freek|Go fast]] and be [[Dakka|loud]]. [[Malal]] doesn't really seem to have anything going for him in this department, admittedly, but then he doesn't really have anything against him either like Slaanesh does, and maybe a couple of Mekboyz decided to make enough of a boom to destroy the universe.
Ultimately the lore has arrived at this explanation for Orks and Chaos: Their psychology just doesn't give much fertile soil for Chaos to take root in. While they love fighting, they don't really experience hatred that Khorne could feed on. They have no sexuality or appreciation of excesses beyond the banal joy of constant war (an objective lie given their fondness for fungus beer), so Slaanesh has nothing to tempt them with. Similarly, their wants and schemes are so unsophisticated and direct that there's nothing for Tzeentch to manipulate, and their biological nature so coarse and brutal in its simplicity that Nurgle can only be impressed as these grunting warrior mushrooms conquer the galaxy.
However, 6th ed Chaos Space Marines codex did mention an invading ork infected with a daemonic plague prior to Mortarion and Plague Marines showing up on the assaulted shrine world ; though in this case they were unwillig allies at best, victims of Chaos at worst, and not truly Nugrglite converts.
== Ork Klanz ==
<span style='color:green;font-size:150%'>Oi, listen up ya gits. Dere's six diverant majah clanz of Ork, and dey's all right 'ard. Da clanz waz made way back by [[The Beast|the biggest, baddest warboss dere eva waz]], startin' out as his specialist boyz before dey became dey own klanz.</span>
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* Dere's da '''Snakebites''', and dey'z a buncha fundie gits what won't use any teknowlogy more complicated den a [[choppa]] an' warpaint. Anytime dere's a world dat a WAAAAAGH smashed up, it gets full o' fundie boyz. When we pick em up, a lot a dem run off ta da Snakebites anyway instead o' learnin how ta fight propa. But dey got squiggoths, an' every WAAAAGH needs really big killy fings. Snakebites wear brown, like a buncha zoggin' humie 'Armish folk.</ul>
- On the tabletop, [[Snake Bites]] have the rule 'DA OLD WAYS' which allows them to ignore any wound rolls of 1-3 unless the attack is S8. It's best for green tide-style ork armies or keeping that [[Squiggoth]] alive until it gets within krumping range.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* Da '''Bad Moonz''', what gotz lotsa teef 'cause dey grow faster den any other orks, so dey'z a buncha rich gits. 'at meanz dat dey's got da best squigs and dakka, but since dey'z such lazy gits, dey's [[Tau|no good at choppin' an' stompin']], so other orks can always just find a Bad Moon and stomp his teef out. Bad Moonz wear Yella, da color a big booms and shiny bits.</ul>
- On the tabletop [[Bad Moons]] take [[Dakka]] up to a whole new level with their 'ARMED TO THE TEEF' ability; meaning they have +6 range to EVERY dakka or Heavy gun, and they get AP-1 on 6s. Great for an orky gunline.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* '''Goffs''' are the fightiest of all da Orkz. Dey'z always fightin', especially wif eachother - it's a rare Goff dat hasn't killed atleast somefing every day of his life. Dis constant fighting makes dem da toughest an' meanest of all da Orkz. [[Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka]] 'imself wuz a Goff. Dats why he's so big, 'ard, an mean. Goffs wear black, da color a bein' DED 'ARD!</ul>
- [[Goffs]] have three great things going for them, the first being [[Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka| the prophet of gork and mork]] and second being their ability 'NO MUCKIN' ABOUT' which gives them a melee equivalent to the (now dead) Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! ability, namely their 6's on melee attacks generate new attacks (for which you still have to do the hit roll). Alongside that, charges get you S+1 on any attack, making a squad of Slugga boyz capable of delivering [[Rape| all sorts of carnage]] if they manage to reach the enemy. Melee focused ork armies are preferable for this clan.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* Da '''Evil Sunz''''re all part a da Kult a Speed, and dey've got da most Meks, so dey're always muckin' about with teknowlogical equipment an speedy karts. Deyz big believas in da color red, cuz RED 'UNZ GO FASTA!</ul>
- When playing the [[Evil Sunz]] on the tabletop take full advantage of their 'RED ONES GO FASTA' ability and use as many 'speed freek' models as you can, the clan ability gives all units a plus one inch to their move and advance; with speed freek models this bonus is 2 inches instead.Oh and the ability also means you can advance your units and not suffer any penalty to accuracy for your assault weapons.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* '''Deffskullz''' are a buncha teevin', lootin' gits what'll grab anyfin' what's not nailed down an' if it's nailed down dey'll loot the nails den loot da fing wot was nailed down an' make it orky. An' oi does mean [[Looted|anyfin']]. Even in da middle of a scrap. Da mekz loves em, though, cuz nobody'z got more bitz and gubbinz than a Deffskull Loota. Deffskullz all seemz ta have some kinda technikal know-wotz, dough. Deffskullz wear da color Blue, cuz Blue's a lucky color. deyz 'ave a bit of a "bad relashunship" wif some 'umies called da [[Blood Ravens|blud rafens]]. deyz hatez da blud rafens.</ul>
- On the tabletop, [[Deathskulls]] have the ability 'LUCKY BLUE GITZ' which gives them a 6+ invulnerable save, [[Troll|BTW they all have OBSEC]]. You are also able to re-roll a single hit roll and a single damage roll for each unit with that culture. This clan is sort of an all rounder for ork players, a jack of all trades sort of deal.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* And, last of all but not least, dere's da '''Blood Axez'''. Dey're da ones what've been hangin' around them stinkin' humies fer ages too long, and gone and developed all sorts a un-orky tings like ''taktiks'', ''recownasense'', ''cammerfloggs'', an' worse of all, ''retreat''. Dey've even got a sayin' bout it: ''"If we runs for it, it don't count as losing, cuz we can also come back for anuvver go, see?"'' Dey'z mocked as a buncha cowardly gits by most'a da boyz, but 'cause dey be dead cunning dey'z da main source of da best warbosses in WAAAAAAAGH! time (Next ter Da Prophet hisself, o'course). Blood Axes also do lots of talkin' wiv humies, so deyz gots idears like tradin' with da' humies', <s>peace</s> waitin' fer da roight time ta fight, an' using armour and gunz wot don't stop working just 'cause otha' gitz believes dey'z useless (SEE, HUMIES ARE GUD' F'R SOME FINGS BUT NOT EVERY FING!). Blood Axez wear cammerflage, but at least they paint it nice an' bright so's you can see'em coming.</ul>
- Tabletop wise, [[Blood Axes]] are [[Creed| tactical geniuses]] with their 'TAKTIKS' able to [[What| take cover despite not really being in cover]] as long as the enemy is at least 18 inches away, making them good against [[Shooty]] armies, additionally their kultur gives them the ability to shoot or charge (but not both) even if they fell back within the same turn; essentially meaning this is the kultur you use when you are the type of ork player who believes in tactical retreats.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
Later, when da humies learned dat der was six Beasts, and each lead a "lejun" o Boyz, dey started tinking dat each o da Clanz were da rem... Re... ''Leftovers'' o' each Beast's lejun. 'Oo knows if datz da troof, I sure as zog dunno.</ul>
One last thing; any unit that only includes [[Gretchin]] don't get any benefit from their klan culture whatsoever. Because they suck at life.
=== Ork Non-Klanz ===
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* Den dere's da '''Freebootaz''', boyz wut left deir klan ta become merks an' piratz and all'at. Freebooterz iz often kicked o' deir klan for likin' sumtin' dat izn't violence more dan violence, like [[Kaptin_badrukk|Kaptin Badrukk]] (teef), [[Wazdakka Gutsmek]] (goin' fast), or [[Zodgrod Wortsnagga]] (snotlings), but some leave o' deir own accord for similar reasons, like [[Kaptin Bluddflagg]] (loot). Freebootaz work for stupid 'umies for shinies (or hats), though dat don't mean dey won't turn 'round an 'ave a go at dem too if dey fink dat gits dem more hats 'n fings. </ul>
- Although [[Derp| they aren't actually a klan]] the codex treats the [[Freebooterz|Freebootaz]] as if they were; with the klan ability 'COMPETITIVE STREAK' which adds 1 to hit rolls whenever a nearby (within 24 inches) friendly unit has successfully wiped out an enemy unit. So if you have [[Shooty]] army and successfully manage to wipe out an enemy unity within 24 inches of some [[Lootas]] then you could give yourself a pretty impressive buff. It also applies to [[Choppy]] armies; get a single unit to wipe out an enemy unit while within 24 inches of your mob of slugga boyz, and your hitting on [[FATAL| 2's for melee]] which combined with a large amount of boyz equals a [[Rape| bad time for whos facing them]].
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* '''Feral Orkz''' iz like Snakebites, but dey don't have a choice what wif not 'avin' access to Ork kultur seein' az dey don't got space travel. Often join da Snakebitez soon as dey'z recruited by a WAAAAAAGH!
** '''Beast Snaggas''' are loik a kind of really squigly-cybork gitz wot loik huntin' down tanks and big monsters. Dey gotz da biggest boyz, almost as big as a nob, cause deyz foighten all dem big an tough fings. Deyz ain't Feral gitz, an' are more loik da Kult of Speed, but prefer roidin' giant squigs ta trash everyfing dey run in to. Loik da Kult of Speed, any git can join da Beast Snaggas, but da Snakebitez really loik dem. </ul>
- If you want to play [[Feral Orks]] on the table top probably best to just [[Counts As| treat them as snakebites]], or give them no culture at all! Which makes sense giving they're uncultured scum even by the standards of other orks.
<ul style='color:green;font-size:100%'>
* '''Speed Freekz''' is what you call da members o' da '''Kult o' Speed''', a klub any Ork what likes goin' fast a lot can join, not just da Evil Sunz. Deez gitz loik to run around on da edges of da WAAAGH! an' act loik doze scouts 'n outroiders dat doze non-orky gitz use. </ul>
- Even though to get the "[[Speed Freek]]" Bonus you really should pair them with Evil Sunz
===What is the measure of a Klan?===
It's easy to think that Ork Klans are just galaxy-spanning groups of like-minded Orks; like there's just six huge fucking groups of Orks around the galaxy but as we all know, if Orks were that united, the rest of the races would have a real big problem on their hands. Ork Klans are more like six types of Ork personality (and/or, depending on the writer, ethnicity/subspecies) that might have been engineered into the Orks way back by the Old Ones or created by the Beast's Legions in M32. Maybe they appeared on their own, who knows.
Let's take a random Ork Boy as an example. All Orks love a good scrap, looting and of course dakka. However, the individual Ork Boy tend towards one type of Orkitude over others. Maybe he's more into crashing into his enemies at high speeds (which would make him an Evil Sun) or maybe the looting after the battle is his jam (making him a Deff Skull). As a single Boy in a large mob, his preferences doesn't really matter - he'll just have to follow his Nob or get krumped - So it is the leaders and/or majority Klan of an Ork warband who'll decide how the mob acts. So a large horde of Orks led by a Goff Warboss will likely use black and white paint on their stuff and prefer melee combat like Goffs would, but that doesn't mean that every single Ork in the mob is a Goff.
When Orks gather for Waaaghs they tend to form new mobs that are ''actually'' comprised mainly of one Klan of Orks. The large amount of Orks in the Waaagh makes it easier for them to organize themselves into groups of similar interests. That's where the huge Mad Max-esque hordes of Evil Sunz Bikers and Trukks on Armageddon come from.
From another perspective, the ork klans could be seen as the orkish equivalent of various orkish ethnicity. Boys from the same klan will often have similar physiological features; goff boys are naturally bigger and tougher, bad moonz boyz teef naturally grow faster, etc. Orkish klans could be interpretted as orkish "races" inasmuch as orks are a "race" unto themselves. (Disclaimer: Not from [[/pol/]]) But they also reflect different philosophical views about what is best in life, whether it being going fast, having the flashiest lootz, or simply being the biggest, toughest ork of them all.
From another, other perspective, the klans can be seen as the devolved remains of Krork society based on their specialities.
*The Goffs' brute strength and serious demeanor would've have fit well for front line soldiers.
*The Bad Moons' control over the Ork economy and usage of secondary currency in the form of gold indicates they could've been merchants or bankers, as they manage to maintain an upper-class role without any orks going into poverty for long.
*The amount of time Evil Sunz spend working on their vehicles, as well as discovering a way to make them go faster just by painting them red would've made great engineers and mechanics.
*Although Blood Axes are considered nowadays to be untrustworthy gits by the other klans, their (relatively) unmatched knowledge in wartime strategy would fit the role of leaders and tacticians.
*Deathskulls are a little harder to pin down, but their constant curiosity for items to loot and add their own Orky innovations to it could be an indication of their previous roles as scientists or even artists (if the blue face paint is any indication)
*Finally, the Snakebites' amount of Oddboyz and squig handler could suggest they served as shamans and animal handlers (assuming Krorks still used squigs.)
==Ork Language==
Orks in the 41st millennium all speak one seemingly-universal language with no well-defined name. It's commonly called '''Orkish''' or '''Ork speak''', both in-universe and not. As you can tell from the rest of this article, Orks speak a low, gruff, and guttural form of exaggerated Cockney English. Piratical-types such as Freebootaz and other mercenaries will mix in a stereotypical "pirate"/Bristol accent, along with appropriate nautical slang. If you're looking to do some [[homebrew]]ing and want to make your orks [[Your Dudes|Ur Doodz]], consider lightly spicing up the basic "Ork accent" by adding more unique word use (industrial jargon, military terms, rural slang), and consider varying the accent by looking into the endless, undulating mass that are the accents of the British Isles.
Ork language is, in-universe, written in glyphs. Those glyphs correspond to both concepts and sounds. Out of universe, when orks are speaking their words are translated as English, but written with heavy use of "phonetic" spelling and 90's "krazy kool" spelling. The exact specifics of these changes are left up to the author.
The question of what Orkish actually is in-universe has been mildly debated, left up to interpretation, and spun several ways by Black Library and Codex authors over the years. Some possibilities include:
* A heavily accented form of Low Gothic.
* A distinct dialect of Low Gothic.
* A separate and not-mutually-intelligible language evolved from Low Gothic at some point in history.
* A unique language which did not arise from the languages of other races.
* A collection of distinct languages, all spoken by orks, which Imperial scholars can't be bothered to tell apart (this would mean some orks wouldn't understand other orks from distant regions of the galaxy).
* Actually, ''literally'', just Cockney British English, spoken in universe, and either:
** Low Gothic is also literally British English, making Orkish a heavily accented form of Low Gothic, or...
** Low Gothic is entirely distinct from British English, meaning that orks would be speaking actual English 38,000 years from now, for no explained reason, and Imperial scholars are too stupid or too racist to realize that and subsequently go apoplectic trying to figure out why the fuck every greenskin in the galaxy is speaking some antique Terran language. (It may also be possible that a cover-up is in progress to prevent Imperial linguists from realizing this absurdity en-masse and all losing their minds at once.)
Do note that, in all of this, it is possible that the orks' psychic fields are acting as a translation tool whenever orks speak directly to anyone who doesn't know Orkish. This would allow for Orkish to be an entirely distinct language, which Imperial scholars could need to translate, but also allow orks to shout intimidating speeches at their enemies, and guarantee said enemies know exactly what insults are being hurled.
===Ork Terminology===
*Humie/Umie: Human
*[[Beakie]]: Space Marine
*Spikey Boy: Chaos-corrupted individuals
*Panzee: Eldar
*Gun Runt: Tau
*Tin Skull: Necron
*Bug: Tyranid
*Git: Generic insult/Anyone who ain’t being “Proppa Orky”.
*Choppa: Literally any melee weapon, even a bludgeoning one.
*Shoota: Two-Handed ranged weapon that fires a whole lotta dakka real fast.
*Slugga: One-Handed ranged weapon, more useful for making noise than for hitting things.
*Blasta: Two-Handed ranged weapon that isn't some kind of shoota (e.g.: Kustom Mega Blasta).
*Grot: A [[gretchin]]/An alternative insult to git.
*Snot: A Snotling, a Snot is usually a Midget/Young Gretchin.
*Drops/Bog: The communal toilet, where orks relieve themselves. Also filled with squigs and mushrooms.
*[[Squig]]: Short for "squiggly beast". Various symbiotic creatures encountered around orks. Grown from the same spores as orks and grots.
*Krump: Beat up and/or kill/destroy.
*Kustom: Specially made and/or customized gear, usually reserved for Nobs, Bosses, and Flashgitz.
*Gubbins: Components, especially those used to make something kustom.
*Zog: Ruin and/or destroy. Often used as a curse or exclamation.
*[[Dakka]]: Rapid fire capability and weaponry. It is impossible to have enough.
==Everyday Life of an Ork==
[[File:Wh40k online concept.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Your average Ork home. Quite cozy when it comes down to it, really.]]
GET UP! Doesn't matter when, but usually in the mid-morning, unless a Nob kicks him in the face because he is late for something, which he usually is. Next, grab a bite. Either the breakfast his pet grot brings him or the grot itself. Orks don't care much about this since it all tastes the same dipped in mud, fried on a stick and washed down with some fungus beer.
Afterwards, hit the drops, or in layman's terms, the communal act of using the local bog. Literally. He might get a scar on his duff to show off if the Squigs are feisty that morning. Then muck about and try to find new things to kill. Or new ways to kill things. This lasts all the way until noon.
LUNCH! Fungus rums and beers. Squig pies and mushroom fries. Plenty of fights break out at lunch, mostly because of a Loota stealing another Orks 'sweet-squig' dessert. Or some drunk Nob mouthing off then get socked in the mouth by another Nob. Either way LUNCH! Next, nap time/ 'wrekreation'. Most Orks, having spent a very busy day trying to think up new ways to kill or new things to kill, will take a nap. Usually the average rank and file Boy who has nothing better to do. It is around now that the more specialized Orkoids shall gather in their respective mobs and set about spending afternoon and early evening doing what they do best. Be it practicing blowing crap up if tankbustaz. Racing around the camp as speed freaks. Helping the meks if lootas or burnas. <strike>Hiding in plain sight if kommand-</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Move along, nofink to see 'ere.
WORK TIME! Da Boss or local Big Mek or Warp'ead bullies most everyone around the camp center and gets up on his WAAAGH!!! Banner-tower and starts to bark out orders on what they will attack that night, or where they will hit to steal material to build his next projekt, or give a flashy psycho-pyrotechnic light show during a prophetic chant. (though sometimes if no one got up till half past 5 they plan it during the early morning.) Depending on the Clan majority this can be as simple as "Smash dis!" (A Goff) to "Ok Dis team needs ta be 'ere right when da rockets hit Or we wont-" <strike>(Yeah Blood Axes don't know when to shut up) </strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>'''*THUMP*''' ZOGGIN' 'Umiez.
[["Da Tragedy of Hamlet, boss of Denmark" by Shake-da-boss-pole|DA ORKING HOUR]]! Do what was stated in the evening until they get tired and go home to bed. It don't count as failing cause they will try again tomorrow. Or pull it off and party all night (to the dismay of the defeated) until they pass out.
Even the Daily Life of the Ork is a miniature WAAAGH!!!
==Reasons it Rokks to be an Ork==
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z gotz a shiney new 8th ork-dition Codex-fingy, an dis time it's tourny-viable!
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z da biggest an' da strongest.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z made fer fightin' an' winnin'.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z got more boyz dan anyone else.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>All an ork eva wantz to do fo'eva iz to keep fightin', winnin', an' lootin'.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Dem mekboyz can loot anyfing an I mean [[Looted_Emperor|ANYFING]]!!
++''{{BLAM| Previous record has been made of note to Ordo Xenos for immediate actions to be taken. The Emperor Protects}}''++
<span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Ummm, wot woz dat? Zog, I've lost count of da resuns for being an Ork!
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z already know everythin' wotz wort' learnin'.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z da 2nd least [[grimdark]] race in da galaxy. BUT DA BEZT GREENDARK hur hur hur!
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Da painboyz can fix ya up right'n proppa, even if yer bloody 'ead'z chopped off.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z got da shiniest bitz, or we'z 'bout to krump da git dat does.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>The longa ya fite, the bigga and stronga ya get.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Teef's legal tenda. Punchin' sum git in da face getz youz a day'z meal.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>All ya ave' tah worry 'bout is: foighin, lootin, speedin, sneakin, or mukin round wif sum technical gubbins ats' wots' used for foighin, lootin, speedin or sneakin. Da grots do da rest.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>If da mekboy can finks it, he can build it.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>An' if he sayz it workz, he's roight.</span>
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>We'z da orkz an' dey iz not.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Dem 'umiez and marine boyz screamin' "FER DA EMPRER", an dem spikey boys yellin' "BLOOD FO' DA BLOOD GOD!" is nofin' kompared to "WAAAAAAAAAGH!"
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Da red wunz will '''alwayz''' go fasta.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Purple iz da sneekiest culla.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Yello' iz da 'splodiest culla.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Blu iz da lukiest culla.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Green iz da orkiest culla.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>I haz a hole in me chest an' a choppa stuck to me leg? Didn' notice it while I wuz krumpin dem spiky boyz.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Unlike dem 'umiez, greyskins, an' panzees, anyone can be a warboss usin' nofin' more den a choppa an' a litl bit o' dakka.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Even if all da boyz get krump'd, we'z still win. Da only way da gits can zog us off is by [[Exterminatus|dakkain' da 'ole bludy planet]].
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>You'z can trade in yer dakka fer moah choppa, or vice versah, and you iz still Orky enuff.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>You'z kan build an army of serial [[METAL BOXES|bawkses]] an' duk' tape an' maybe a bit o' spikez an' bitz and still look reel smart an' orky.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Rolling a double six with Shokk Attack Gun.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Some Git shootz 90% of Your squad, but the Nob smackz one boy on the 'ead and everybody iz doing good.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> You'z kan legally talk like a <s> retard</s> proppa ard' git.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Giving da boyz a frying pan on the 'ead and a fender on the shoulda makes dem 'arder.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Putting dem in a fridge makez dem mega'ard.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> You'z kan yooz every armiez gunz, but nun kan yooz yorz…‘cept dem [[Armageddon Ork Hunters|armygeddun]] ork ‘unters.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> If you die you get proppa afterlife wiz lotta fighnin' an' booze, instead of being raped by laffin' daemons for eternity.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Youz don't havta Hate everfink dat's not a Ork.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> You WILL die of larfin' if You play orkz.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Eiff Edishun iz da horde edishun! We'z can field more boyz dan dem 'humies or bug fingies!
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> No matta wot 'appens to da rezt of da galaxy, be it spikey boyz winning, Da 'umiez conkaring all da planetz, da Eldar succezzfully rezurrecting their godz, or da God-Emporer stepping down from 'is potty, you ztill 'ave a 99.99999% chance of surviving in zome capacity. There are Orks living in da Warp for Gorks sake.
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Wez da kannon winnaz of Soulstorm! Dat meanz we krumped dem 'undred baneblade fingys!
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'>Gorgutz WANTS DAT STIK!!!
# <span style='color:green;font-size:100%'> Lastly, an' most importantly, da mane reezun it rokkz ta be an Ork iz dis:
<span style='color:green;font-size:175%'>WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
==Reasons it sucks to be an Ork==
# You're the one species that is actually dumber than humanity. <strike>{{BLAM|HERESY!}}</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>*THUMP* LOK BOSS I GOT MEH WUN UH DEM UMIES!!!!</span>
# Your war cry "WAAAGH!" is overused by everyone. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>LIEK IF "FOR DA EMPRAH!!!" IZN'T OVERUZZED AZ 'ELL</span>
# No matter how hard you try, you will never achieve enough dakka... and if you did, it'd end up destroying you too. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>A TRAGGADY, DAT IS!</span>
# Despite having some awesome-looking guns, you can't shoot things for shit. Your standard Ballistic Skill is 2 (which means at best hitting things on a 5+), and when you ''do'' shoot somebody successfully it's probably due to sheer volume of bullets more than anything else. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> YOU SAY DAT LOIKE IT'S A ZOGGIN' BAD FING! </span>
# Your sole purpose in stories is to distract the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard from more dangerous threats like Chaos, Tyranids or Necrons. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> BUT WE'Z GET TA HAVE A REAL GREAT FIGHT WHILEZ BEIN' A DISTRAKSHUN. SO IT'Z STILL ALL GOOD. ALSO HAV YOU EVEN READ DA BEAST ARISES WE ZOG DEM HUMMIES UP. </span> (Sadly, the series' average rating on Goodreads didn't even pass 4 stars, I think not a single book has passed 4 stars. So, I say they are not bad, but not that good either.)
# Your army falls apart at the seams the minute your Warboss dies. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>NAH, WE'S JUST GOT TA FIGURA' OUT WHUZ IN CHARGE NEXT, DAN WE COMES BACK AROUND TA FUMP EM AGAIN!</span> <strike> <span style='color:purple;font-size:100%'> Hiss! By that time we've NOMNOMNOMNOM'D on you </span></strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> '''*CRUNCH*''' ANUDDA 'EAD FER ME POINTY STIKK!
# Orks do not draw psychic power from the [[Warp]], [[Derp|but still take Perils of the Warp]]. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> DEM WEIRDBOY GITZ JUST ORK'D TOO 'ARD!</span>
# Anytime you use anything, from your smallest pistol to your [[Battlefleet Gothic|largest space ship]], you have the same chances of surviving its use as a grot snuggling an overcharged standard issue Imperial [[Plasma Weapons|Plasma Gun]]. Offset by the fact you can survive 4th degree burns, decapitation, being septic, and acquiring space tetanus.<span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> OY, DOK. WUTZ DIS TETANATHINGY? CAN WE'Z SQUISH ET?</span>
# In Second Ed there was an alarming risk that your entire army might die before the battle actually started because almost no Ork units had sealed armour.<span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> ORKZ DUN' NEED ARMER! NOT WEN ORKZ GOT DAKKA!! SMASH DEM GITS WITOUT'IT!</span>
# You have a mushroom and two spore pods dangling between your legs, and Kroot find it a delicacy. <strike> <span style='color:yellow;font-size:115%'> GOOD MEAT BAKKAWW! </span> </strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>*THUMP* I DUNNO WUT DIS DUN SAID BUT IT URT ME EYES SO I KRUMPED IT!!!!</span>
# You're part of [[Squad Broken]]. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>WELL UH.... ZOGGIT, YOO GOT US DERE.</span>
#<strike>Even (some) vegetarians will eat you</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> NOT IF WE EAT DEM FIRST! HAH! </span>
# <strike>You haven't had a new codex since 4th edition. And it's starting to show.</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> SHUT IT YA GIT, WE'ZE DA ORKS AND YOU'Z A BUNCH O PANSY GITS! B'SIDES, WE IZ GOING TA GET NEW CODEX DIS 6TH ED! OI BOSS WEZ GOT A SEVENF EDISHUN CODEX BEFORE THE PANSY GITS DID! N NOW WE'Z GOTZ A SHINEY NEW 7 ORK-DITION CODEX-FINGY! ZOGGIN' GORK! DIS EYFF EDISHUN KODEX IS DED KILLY! </span> <strike>(And now you don't have a codex anymore.)</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>'''*CRUNCH*''' 'AVE YOU 'EARD OF ORKTOBER, HUMIE?</span> Your codex came out in November.
# <strike>There is a slight chance that [[Matt Ward|Mattard]] is going to write 6th edition codex. If so, in the next codex you'll read something like this: "The Orks insatiable thirst for violence is, really, just a way of coping with the angst they feel that no matter what they do, they will never be Ultramarines."</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> WHO KEEPS LETTIN' DEZ' HUMIES IN 'ERE! WE'Z BLOODY INFESTED! GET DA BURNAZ!</span> <strike>(Also [[Matt Ward|Mattard]] is apparently too busy with pestering Forge world for more Space marine resin collections to be converted into plastic for the main product line to be bothered with our humble bumbling green skins.)</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> Tipakill 'umie bee'ayevyohr dat iz. Alwayz ignorin' da orky fingz in loif an' only payin' attentchuhn to zoggin' 'umie fingz. Downroight shaymfol dat iz. Da onlee REEL orky 'umie dere iz iz dat Kaptuhn Yarik; Gork - or eh, iz it Mork? - bless 'iz 'eart.</span> (Trust us greenskin, Matt Ward ignoring you is a good thing.) <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> But waznt 'e fired fur being an annoying grot?</span><br/><span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>I GOT DA BURNAZ!! WE HAVIN A BBQ?? MAKE MINE CRISPY AN DUN FORGET DA EXTRA SQUIG SAUCE</span>
# <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> <strike>if dere ain't any Stormboyz, yer army k'n get krumped by da Blu Gitz real easy like. No not [[Ultramarines|DEM]] blue gits The [[Tau|udda ones]] wif da nice dakka and puny stompas.</strike></span><span style='color:green;font-size:120%'>'''*CRUNCH*''' OI! WHO LET DA GROT DO DA TALKIN?! WE JUS' SMASH DEM BLUEBOYZ WIT 'ARE CHOPPAS WHEN WE GET CLOSE, AN' IF DAT DON'T WORK WE JUST MATCH DERE AMOUNT OF DAKKA WIT SOME PRETTY KILLY SHOOTAS. UNLESS DEY SEND DA RED COMMIT THO... GOOD FING DEY GOT RID OF HIM!</span>
# <strike>You probably don't have a penis. You can piss on Space Marines, only to die a short while later.</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>IZ DAT BAD FING? OOMIEZ SAYZ DAT IT VERY HURTZ WHEN WE 'IT EM IN IT? Wait... Dat what dey call the mushroom'n'spore pods? Poor suckas! Dey have PAIN nerves down dat way? No WONDER dey scream so bad when we kick em there. </span>
# You all piss yourselves at the very mention of the name of a certain [[Farsight|Red Armored Swordsman]]. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> WE'Z JUST BE SO EXCITED CAUSE DAT BLUE-BOY ACTUALLY PUTS UP A FIGHT! </span><s> <span style='color:blue;font-size:100%'> More so than the Orks did against an old Ethereal with a pointed stick! </span> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>*KRUMP* SHUT IT YA GREAT LANKY BLUE GROT </span></s> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> Dat Red Kommit ain't got nottin' on Yarik, da Kommit just has a good choppy bit! Yarik jus' has ta look at ya funni to zog ya! *Thunk* Da Redd Kommit wuz tearin' boyz wif his stompaz' bare 'ands before 'e found da choppa ya grot! </span>
# One of your gods has the voice of Robin Williams. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> Izzat a bad fing? </span>
# You have to deal with Vance Stubbs fans refusing to admit that they lost Kaurava. The only real defeat is people pretending you never won. <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'> BUT DEN WE GETS TA KRUMP DOSE BUTT'URT GITS AN HAV A REEL GUD FIGHT! WATZ DA PROBLEM WIF DAT? </span>
== See Also ==
* [[Grot]]
* [[Snotling]]
* [[The Beast]]
* [[The War of The Beast]]
* [[Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka]]
* [[Gorgutz_%27Ead_%27Unter|Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter]]
* [[Deffboss]]
* [[Deffwotch]]
* [[WAAAGH]]
* [["Da Tragedy of Hamlet, boss of Denmark" by Shake-da-boss-pole]]
* [[Makbeff]]
* [[Ork Klan Creation Tables|Not a fan of the original six Klans? Make your own instead!]]
* [[Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Orks (9E)|Tactics on how to play them.]]
* [[Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Orks/Dred_List|Dreadnought List]]
* [[Codex Orks: Space Odin Edition]]
* [[Ork Gunz]]
* [[Gargant]]
* [[Stompa]]
* [[Deff Skwadron]]
* [[Scraplootas]]
* [[Da Chopshop]]
* [[Ork Trek]]
* [[Ironjawz]] for one of their Age of Sigmar counterparts.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whxcq4I0kAo Da Ork Song]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXCLtD5batc Dem Ork Boyz Song]
* [[Armageddon Ork Hunters]]

The 5th Edition Codex:Orks (released shortly before 5th edition) was published on the 12th of January 2008.<ref>White Dwarf issue 336 (December 2007)</ref>. New units such as weirdboyz and painboyz have been introduced, and many of the old Ork models such as trukks and warbikes were re-done. In addition, rules for weapons such as the choppa have been dropped, and weapons that were phased-out of the game altogether, like shokk-attack gunz have returned.
Image:Ork flowchart.png|WAAAAGH flowchart
Image:Ork flowchart.png|WAAAAGH flowchart
Image:Ork_WTF_is_this.jpg|WOT'Z DAT
Image:Orks_are_made_4_rokkin.jpg|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whxcq4I0kAo| ORKZ IZ DA ROKKINEST]]
Image:Disguise_1.jpg|Orks are the best at disguises
Image:Disguise_1.jpg|Orks are the best at disguises
Image:Disguise_2.jpg|Stoopid [[beakie|beakies]]
Image:Disguise_2.jpg|Stoopid [[beakie|beakies]]
Image:Orktaku.jpg|A different sort of Weeabork
Image:Samurork4.jpg|The truest of Weeaborks
Image:Da_warboss_Lincoln.jpg|The assassination of Warboss Lincoln.
Image:GorknMork.jpg|Gork and Mork
Image:Killskata.jpg|Jet Grind RadiOrk
Image:Gorkken_Morkann_by_Jaekyu.jpg|'OO DA 'ELL DO YA FINK WE IS?!!!
Image:Finking_wiz_siantz_2.jpg|IT'Z TIME FER SUM IKSPERIMINTS
Image:Ork_teaparty.jpg|No reason we can't be civil
Image:Finking_wiz_siantz.jpg|SIANTZ. It works.
Image:Oldboyz.jpg|Oldboyz can Waaagh! too. They just need a nap afterwards.
Image:Ork_Anatomy.jpg|Inaccurate (but in-universe) depiction of orky gubbinz.
Image:Orkspekta_gubbinz.jpg|Orkspekta Gubbinz iz on da case!
Image:Orkspekta_gubbinz.jpg|Orkspekta Gubbinz iz on da case!
Image:Orkishbeprepared.jpg|<strike>Jeremy Irons is orky, right?</strike> COURZE 'E IZ! E'Z ZO ORKY YOU'Z CAN'T LISTEN TA DA ORIGINAL SONG WIWOUT 'EARING DIS!
Image:1229746903774.jpg|[[Deff Skwadron]]. Zoggin' bootiful.
Image:1239594444871.jpg|Transform and WAAAGH! (Holyshit this thing actually transforms.)
Image:1258887158852.jpg| Essentially....this is the best thing ever.
Image:Ork_love_potion.jpg|Love Can WAAAGH!
Image:Ork with Lego shootah.jpg
Image:Eldars_are_orky.jpg|[[Eldar]]z iz da most orky race evar, ya gitz!
Image:Ork Powuz.png|An alternate explanation of how a WAAAGH works.
File:Mork and gork orks warhammer 40k 1334752549083.jpg|Brutally cunning or cunningly brutal?
File:CoDorks.jpg|Only Orks are capable of making something utterly godawful into something completely Orky.
File:SmurfOrks.jpg|Orks, mastaz uf stelff'en
File:Bork_Kube.jpg|A viable Ork space ship design. <strike>Actually, space doesn't have air resistance, so that would work fine for anybody</strike> <span style='color:green;font-size:115%'>*THUMP* WHO LET DE TALKY HUMIE GIT IN 'ERE?!</span>
== Navigation ==
{{Template:Important Species in 40k}}
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[[Category: Orks]]

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[[Category: Delightfully British things]]

Latest revision as of 14:12, 22 June 2023


-Da Orks, all da zoggin' time.
'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go! Let's break sum' zoggin' 'eads!

"War means fighting, and fighting means killing."

– Nathan Bedford Forrest

"War is the business of barbarians."

– Napoleon Bonaparte

"The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn. And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude."

– Uthan the Perverse, Eldar philosopher, offering an alternative perspective


– Typical Orkish Chant

The Orks (Orkus vulgus) are a race in Warhammer 40,000. Commonly known and referred to as "Greenskins" or "the Green Tide", they're probably the most numerous and successful race in the entire 40K setting, or at the very least on par with the Tyranids. They have a Warhammer Fantasy equivalent, the only major difference being that fantasy Orks, spelled Orcs, have a (slightly) lower level of technology relative to the setting, they use teef as currency, and they have different attitudes, particularly when it comes to losing a fight. Because of Games Workshop's desire to keep all their properties under hard lockdown they are now called "Orruks" in Age of Sigmar... So we’re actually going back in time to when orcs were named Uruks.

Orks are widely considered to be the most fun faction of all for the simple reason that they are an over-the-top (even by 40k standards) bunch of happy-go-lucky misfit maniacs who like shooting shit up, chopping shit up, blowing shit up, and generally being fun-loving crazies who live for a good fight who will laugh gleefully as they overrun entire worlds laying waste and bringing about the apocalypse to everything and everyone. For them, war is just one blood-filled game and everybody is a player. Unfortunately for everyone else, they're the only ones who think this way and they don't realize it, and even when they do, they simply don't understand why other races do not condone their outlook on life. While the Codices generally meme up Orks as the comic relief faction, the novels involving them get pretty grimdark especially when it comes to their treatment of human slaves.

If Orks were summarized in one sentence, the best way to describe them would be as follows: A race of retarded, belligerent mushrooms born an hour ago that became too successful at existing and never have enough dakka.

Overview[edit | edit source]

A typical Ork Boy.

Orks are the most successful race of the 41st millennium HERESY! WHO LET DEM HUMIES IN 'ERE?! Despite their entire lack of structured education or training, they seem to be very proficient with all kinds of technology (for a given value of "proficient"), which they inevitably utilize for their armaments (of which firearms and vehicles are the most common). This is explained away in the fluff by their origins: they were created by the Old Ones to be a warrior race called the Krork, and some of them (the Mekboyz) were genetically hard-wired to have a pre-programmed proficiency for technological engineering. Unfortunately, the Old Ones died before they could finish their little science project; specifically the psychic control mechanism. This means that such war machines simply fight everything, everywhere, all the time. The ancient Krork were known to have fought the ancient Eldar empire when the latter was at the peak of its power and were implied to have been a considerable threat (a Harlequin in M32 compares the nearly invincible hordes of the Beast as being like children compared to them). The only Krork to exist in the present day (one of Trazyn's exhibits) wore exo-armour that was more sophisticated than power armour and stood 12 meters tall. In principle, Orks can loot just about anything: the minor greenskins, such as "Grotz" (goblins) can construct several working vehicles and machines out of mere scrap (They actually can't but orks believe they can so it happens anyway. see: a few paragraphs below).

The Orks derive much of their success from their reproductive process: Orks are, essentially, a psychosensitive hybrid of animal and fungi, not unlike a very complex version of a lichen, save that it's all the same organism. One advantage is a redundancy of vital organs, making them able to easily survive events such as head transplants; it's not easy to kill an individual Ork since they could very well shrug off injuries that would cripple a human. In fact there is a Valhallan folktale about a relative finding an Ork and thawing it out only for it to attempt to kill them. Another advantage is their ability to grow larger as they win more battles (due to the aforementioned psychosensitivity): an Ork who is winning a fight is enjoying himself, which causes fluctuations in the gestalt field that all Orks generate. These fluctuations supercharge the Ork's physiology, causing the Ork to gain muscle mass and evolve. Consequently, if an Ork should somehow be incapable of fighting (like being imprisoned); they will actually devolve instead, causing the Ork to become pudgy and lethargic. This was observed during Xenology where a captive Ork was eventually found morbidly obese when the Inquisitor brought him out for dissection. Hence,the saying: "Orkz iz made fer fighten' and winnin'" applies literally in their case, as the incentives of fighten' and winnin' are what makes or breaks an Ork.

In addition, the fungal part of their physiology allows Orks to reproduce asexually en masse through underground fungal colonies that act as self-sustaining ecosystems. Reproductive spores enter the topsoil, produce fungal mycelia that assimilate base nutrients and could exchange genetic information with other mycelia, putting normal Human sexual reproduction to shame, first sprouting actual Orkoid Fungi, then eventually producing lesser motile Orkoids: squigs and Grotz. The Grotz cultivate the protein-rich squigs in preparation for the emergence of the greater Orks, which take longer to develop. All in all, this cycle was designed to fight against the Necrons, which sterilized a planet to its bacteria. Orks can terraform a barren planet into a veritable paradise this way, though what defines "paradise" is a point of discussion; if you like endless wars and tribal conflicts in a mushroom rich planet, it probably is. IS YOU SAYIN' DERE'S FINGS WHAT DON'T LIKE FIGHTIN' FEREVER? DEM UMIES IS REEL GOOD AT MAKIN' FORTS FER US TA KRUMP, SO DEY MUST LIKE FIGHTIN'...

Though all Orks discharge reproductive spores throughout their lives, the most significant and numerous emissions occur when an Ork is dismembered or dies. Like all fungi, these spores benefit enormously from decaying matter to draw nutrients from... such as enemy corpses. This means that heavy bombardment or entrenched warfare against an Ork force just results in thousands to millions of new Orks, similarly to tyranids. The concept of "blood-lust" is especially applicable to Orks, as combat effectively serves as the Ork reproductive process (with all associated hormonal incentives).

Due to this, an Ork infestation is incredibly hard to handle if kept unchecked since it won't take them long to get enough boyz to launch a full-scale WAAAGH! to overrun an entire planet and necessitate Exterminatus. We can use flamethrowers, Plasma, nukes, melta weapons or anything high-energy to eradicate any spores and fungi, saving the world from the eventual Exterminatus, but then again, efficiency ain't manly n' grimdark enough compared to good ol' spore-releasing bolters, chainswords and artillery.

Orks only have two popular combat doctrines: choppy, which involves giving your opponents a good stomping up close, and shooty which involves spitting out as many bullets as possible with an assortment of shootas, and the faster it shoots; the better. That said, a good shoota should also still be able to kill enemies while putting out a lot of dakka, otherwise it wouldn't be killy (and woe betide an Ork who isn't killy). Because of the Ork's naturally low penchant for accuracy; they typically get around this problem in two methods: the first one is to have a gun that simply shoots bullets as fast as Orkilly possible that the wielder should be able to hit something eventually (strapping two or more shootas together is a crude but effective way to go about this). The second one is to make the gun really killy every time it shoots, like putting a dangerously high-explosive shell in a kannon that can obliterate an entire building in one shot.

Unlike most army doctrines, which emphasize strategic victories with minimal casualties, Orks view strategic gains as a secondhand priority, instead opting to kill more of the enemy whenever possible. Also, due to Ork biology and culture, they are not adverse to sacrificing large numbers of Orks to achieve a victory, in order to (in some cases literally) drown the enemy with their bodies. Speaking of extremely high casualties, Orks also view death of other orks as something perfectly fine, as long as it satisfies their WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. More death, more WAAAAAAAAAAGH, which means the Orks can be greater Orks.

Hey if it works...

Orks do not fear their own death as the Old Ones made them without that. Unfortunately, they do fear no longer being able to destroy and kill things - for an ork that is the most frightening fate. So indirectly they still lose morale when things are going south.

Orks are commonly believed to be stupid and superstitious by the other races of the 40k world, but they can also be cunning and quick on the draw. Orks are always ready for a fight and while you can trick them, they quite like the idea of tricking people back.

Their philosophy of DA RED WUNZ GO FASTA is the ultimate truth: because of the aforementioned gestalt field, Ork vehicles painted red will ultimately go faster than Ork vehicles that are not painted red, because the Orks believe that Red makes everything go faster: DIS 'UMIE GIT THINKZ DAT DA RED WUNZ DON'T GO FASTA? DEY DON'T KNOW DAT ANYFING PAINTED RED MAKES IT DA BEST AN' MAKES IT GO FASTAAAA COZ RED IZ BEST! *WHAM!* NO IT AIN'T, YA BLEEDIN' SQUIG, GREEN IZ BEST! *Boots up the bog* SHUT YER GOB, 'E WAS TALKIN' 'BOUT DA TRUKKS, YA GIT!

We can assume that this cuts both ways, with enemies such as the Blood Angels and White Scars gaining the same boost due to their use of red paint. (in fact, this is almost a universal truth: subfactions with red color schemes across 40k tend to be focused on speed and mobility, such as Saim-Hann and the Farsight enclaves.)

A hallmark of Greenskin civilization is the WAAAGH! (like "war"). A term of their oft-forgotten "true" language, deafening volume is a key part of its proper pronunciation. To this end, it is always written in all-caps, with at least three "A"s and an exclamation point. The WAAAGH! occurs when an Ork population reaches critical mass and a dominant Warboss appears. A Warboss is an Ork Alpha who is bigger than all the other Orks and has proven his right to lead by either his sheer size or krumpin' all the other big Orks that think otherwise. Lesser Orks sense the presence of the Boss in the Orks' psychic field and follow him on what is often described as a combination of pub riot and holy war with a dash of genocide. The WAAAGH! accomplishes two things: it weeds out weaker Orks, keeping the species strong; and it facilitates genetic exchange and reproduction as the Orks die and release spores.

The Ork economy is based on teef, more information on which can be found here.

Ork religious beliefs also help manage their population. Orks believe in two gods, Gork and Mork, which according to the Orks are engaged in a perpetual battle between themselves, a ditheistic belief system. One is "kunningly brutal" where the other is "brutally kunnin'", which is in itself a good summary of the Orkish race. The former (like regular Boyz) will punch anything in front of them first and only fall back on a more cunning trick if that doesn't work, while the latter (like the many Oddboyz) will try the sly trick first and only fall back on straightforward violence second. Unfortunately, no one can decide which god is which, nor can the Orks decide which is better: cunning brutality or brutal cunning. These differences of opinion tend to lead to Gigantic Brawls, yet another method of keeping the Ork race strong, warlike and in check. Their division also keeps them perpetually divided, for it has been theorized that if the Orks were to ever unite in one big WAAAGH!, their gestalt reality-warping field might just as well turn omnipotent and crush all opposition.

Beyond this internal conflict, there are groups amongst the 'outcasts' of Ork society, namely Freebooterz, that may even turn away from the worship of all things roight and orky, instead seeking patronage from the Spikey-Killy Gits, although extremely rarely. Makes you wonder if there isn't a tribe of Feral Orks out there praisin' the Emprah (See section below).

Ork society is effectively the perfect society for the 40k universe. Its society is a Kratocracy (A Government ruled by the strongest, fitting for Orks) in maturity as all disputes are settled fairly quickly and painfully (just the way they like it). The economy is steady, as teef grow and rot at a reliable rate. Once a Boss is in charge, mostly everyone falls into place, and the Orks go and get shit done.

Also, they probably killed the Imperial Fists. All of them. Scratch that, one of them survived! DAMN IT! SHOW ME DA GIT THAT LET HIM LIVE AND I WILL CRUMP HIM SO HARD HE WILL SE LAST CENTURY!

Fun fact: The Orks use black and white on their shock troops, because it reminds them of the Luna Wolves who destroyed them at Ullanor. The Orks do not fear death, but they do fear the Luna Wolves. That is right, Horus traumatized them as a race more than the fucking grim reaper. Note: Why would you fear death, if death usually results in you being reborn into several thousands of yourself? Horus probably swept the spores up post battle and that's why they fear him. Though it's also worth mentioning that Orks harbor a natural fear of Commander Farsight too, whom they know as "Da Red Commit". But then again he was committing Ork genocide so... and of course, we can't just forget the final great fear of the Orks, Commissar Yarrick, the only normal human that can cause Orks to actively PANIC. On the other hand Yarrick, Farsight and Moon-Wolfie boyz are also considered a source of prime fighting so despite being scary they actually also attract Orks.

Ork Life Cycle[edit | edit source]

When an Ork WAAAGH's they release spores into the air (and release any remaining spores after they die). Depending on how many Orkoids are on a planet this can either be negligible to a planet's environment or kick off a terraforming (Ullanor-forming) process. The main feature generated by this process are the Spawning Shrooms. These "Shrooms" like dark places similar to normal mushrooms, but are connected to the spawning of Snotlings, Gretchin, Squigs, and Boyz. Boyz created by this process emerge fully-grown from cocoons, from which they rip and tear their way out as Orkilly as possible.

Keep in mind that all Orkoid organisms produce spores, and any given spore could mature into any given Orkoid phenotype depending on conditions. Not just Orks themselves, but also Gretchin, Snotlings, and all sorts of fungi or Squigs. Since there are enough varieties of the latter two to fill out every niche in a fully-formed ecosystem, there are quite a few thriving planets out there where the only things that aren't green are the freaking weather, rocks, and occasional bright red Squig, and the air everywhere is filled with perpetual shouting. Which is, let’s be honest, awesome.

Waaagh Urlakk Urg/Da Lost Age M31[edit | edit source]

Prior to the Horus Heresy, Orks were the biggest threat to the The Imperium of Man. So big that the Emperor of Mankind was personally involved. The great galaxy spanning Ork Empire was put into temporary decline when Horus beheaded Warlord Urlakk Urg. The defeat of such a great Warboss led to the Orks being considered a broken force. By the time of the Horus Heresy the Orks were considered little more than vermin by the Imperial Forces, which would be their greatest mistake.

Waaagh Beast/Da Age of Da Beast M32[edit | edit source]

While the humies were off fighting their little civil war, the Orks were biding their time to create a proppa WAAAGH!. Six great Warbosses formed an alliance and brought together the shattered tribes of the Orks under a single cause; Da Greatest WAAGH the galaxy had ever known!!! The Ork forces raided myriad isolated Imperial worlds, cut off by warp storms during Horus Heresy and so unprotected and primed for looting, whilst the Bosses for their part managed to reclaim Da Home of the Orks, Ullanor.

The best Big Meks of the time came up with the idea of the Attack Moons, giant battle stations big enough to contain teleport-y gates and entire legions of Orks. The simple presence of one in orbit could decimate an entire planet's surface due to gravitational pull, and debris. This massive mobilisation by the Ork forces against the planets that lost contact went unnoticed by the Humies for a near fatal period of time. It wasn't until the entire Imperial Fist Chapter was wiped out barring one (Don't worry gitz we gotz him in the end!) that the Imperium knew of the severity of the threat. They then realized there wasn't just one Attack Moon, there were ... Lotz!

  • The Orks rebuilt Ullanor.
  • The Beast (All 6 of them) made their presence known to the Imperium by killing off all but one Imperial Fist. Prime-Orks the size of Hab Blocks with Nobs the size of Warbosses and Boyz the size of Nobs.
  • The Beast teleports an Attack Moon into Terra's orbit.
  • The Beast sends Ambassadors to psychologically damage the Imperium's morale.
  • The Beast takes on Vulkan and wins, though Vulkan likely got better.
  • Waaagh Beast hits decline as the Imperium use Sisters of Silence along with captured Weirdboyz to explode vast swathes of the Waaagh.
  • The Beasts slowly get killed one by one.
  • Ullanor is reclaimed by the interlopers and marked for Exterminatus.
  • The Adeptus Mechanicus feel a bit Ork-y and want that sweet loot, so they teleport Ullanor into a new orbit and rename it Armageddon!

Da Age of War M41[edit | edit source]

This is the age of Warhammer 40k from when GW didn't progress the timeline.

  • Da Lost Waaagh
  • Tuska Daemon-Killa
  • Rynn's World
  • The Second War of Armageddon.
  • The Third War of Armageddon.

Da Age of Da Ork M42[edit | edit source]

With the advent of GW advancing the timeline so too has the Ork timeline advanced.

  • The Great Rift has been dubbed Gork's Grin by the Orks. The Warp Rifts are being used by Orks to "navigate" across the galaxy. Typically being dropped into the best fights in the galaxy.
  • Old Zogwort's Wierdwaaagh! destroyed a planet with Mork's snot.
  • Mad Dok Grotsnik has been leading a Painboy Waaagh that's captured Silver Templar Primaris Marines.
  • Ghazghkull is blessed by Gork and Mork so much that he can use the Warp Rifts (Or some unknown means) to be at multiple places across the galaxy.
  • Freebooter Warbands close in on the traitor world of Eisenfel, where Gork's fist is gonna crush da Chaos Gitz.
  • Nazdreg is gonna loot a Stormsurge to prove that his boyz have the most Dakka, and surpass Badrukk's Flash Gits.
  • The Antonis Crusade kills a bunch of Orks, leaving them as feral warbands, only for Night Lords and Feral Orks to destroy them.
  • Death Skull Waaagh Zort loots the Necron Tombworld of Overlord Thanptek the Magnificent. Including the Overlord himself. Sod off, Trazyn! Go zog yerselves, Blood Birdies. We’z da best lootas der iz!
  • Rynn's World gets Primaris reinforcements which acts as a beacon for Orks who want to Rynn's World 2: Electric Dakka-loo
  • A Blood Axe Waaagh defeats the Heretic Skull Knights warband on Jakhtor. When the Blood Axes retreat it's soon realized that they are waiting for the Imperial reinforcements to arrive so they can get a proppa' fight.
  • Krooldakka has lead a Speedwaaagh! on the planet of Vigilus. Leading to Ork death racing while waiting for the planet's defenses to weaken.
  • Waaagh! Snagrack starts during the Psychic Awakening. A Deffskullz Waaagh! with a large number of Madboyz created by the Great Rift.
  • Waaagh! Wazzdakka speeds towards Terra on his Bike of Da Aporkalypse.

Ork Teknologee[edit | edit source]

A perfect example of Ork tech. Powered by make-believe and the essence of WAAAGH!, and patched together with duct tape and chewing gum, the Emperor himself has truly never seen finer craftsmanship or innovation.

Occasionally, if a "tech-caste" gets into control of an Ork society, ridiculous constructions can result. Best example we know about is the Telon Reach Empire and its central stronghold Gorro. A "scrapworld", Gorro was full of things that shouldn't have worked at all (Horus notes that individual bits of architecture inside were just too mad for any human to contemplate) and could withstand the normally planet-killing weapons on the Vengeful Spirit and Imperator Somnium (the Emperor's own flagship). The Orks defending it were far more advanced than most (everything from their augmentations to the accuracy of their ships' weapons) and had actually built a plasma reactor to hold their world together. Their function mostly relied on the Orks' gestalt, as the core began to fail as the Emperor, Horus and their respective posses carved through the population. Once the Emperor killed the resident Warboss and psychically burned the rest of the Orks (a preview of what he'd eventually do to Horus) the system went into total meltdown.

How Ork Technology works is up for debate. As written Ork technology is beyond comprehension by the majority of races. Their weapons/tech work and other races can use them, but not as effectively. Techpriests have taken apart Ork guns and reassembled them to what they assume is the same configuration only to find that they don't work any more. This leads to two schools of thought on Ork Technology.

The Anzion Theorem of Orkoid Mechamorphic Resonant Kinetics - Every Ork is a Psyker[edit | edit source]

The Anzion Theorem postulates that Ork technology works mainly because the Orks think it does. The explanation is that the subconscious gestalt psychic field that all Orks generate enables their technology to function; the stronger the field, the more esoteric their technological achievements become. In older versions of the fluff, if you hand an Ork a pipe and convince him it's a gun, it WILL shoot bullets. In current fluff, this is definitely not the case; if you hand an Ork a slugga that has been stripped of all internal mechanisms, it won't suddenly start firing bullets just because the Ork believes it should. However, if a crudely manufactured slugga consistently misfires in the hands of a human but *does* fire reliably when wielded by an Ork, it is definitely Orkish belief that is bridging that gap. If the Ork picks up a mixed handful of slightly different caliber rounds and jams them into it, it will (most likely) shoot them all and not jam up from the different sizes. This means that technologies that should be impossible become merely unlikely when crafted by an Ork. In short, if Ork technology is held together by spit, duct tape, and hope, then the Orks' psychic field provides the hope.

To put it another way, Orks believe that, "Red wuns are fasta." They believe that blue is lucky. They believe that yellow is more shooty and/or more explosive, and that black represents strength and toughness. And because they believe this, it manifests as true; thus this applies not only to the Orks themselves but also to their wargear. For example, a meat cleaver in the hands of an Ork can tear through the toughest ceramite armor if the Ork believes it will; for anyone BUT an Ork, a power weapon or the equivalent would be required to do so. That same cleaver, with a battery and wires crudely bolted to it, would BE a power weapon in the hands of an Ork.

This tends to work well for them, but not for the other races of the galaxy: Imperial observers note that Ork weapons will generally function poorly or not at all in the hands of a non-Ork. The only reason the Orks haven't exploited the limits of their generated gestalt field by creating easily made but devastatingly powerful weaponry that could eclipse the weapons of the other races is that they themselves do not know nor understand that they create said field, they believe that their equipment works because that's how the universe works, not because they themselves are making it work. Which, in a way, makes it true. This, in turn, makes for an interesting paradox: If Orks managed to understand the physical universe as it is, they would not believe their "weapons" work, thus stripping them of their psychic advantage. If there is a little ounce of disbelief, this would quite literally nullify their ability to believe hard enough to manipulate reality. Of course, this is actually monumentally absurd when you think about it. The galaxy is full of trillions of Mekboyz and Weirdboyz who have collectively been Orkin' about for billions of years, and yet not one has ever figured out this fundamental aspect of Orkiness?

This said, Orky know-wots DO have a say in stuff that the Orks build. Mekboyz build much of the stuff they do because they have been genetically programmed with the knowledge on how to make and maintain their technology. While much of their tech runs because they want it to, the fact is that the Orks can actually produce, and even improve upon, technology based on certain conceptual principles that they somewhat understand and can replicate to some degree or another. This explains how Orks can build such technological wonders as the Shokk Attack Gun, Tellyportaz, and Gargants. Also, there have been instances of Ork tech working well in the hands of other races (at least for a time till it blows up). Be careful though, most Ork players have very deep-set opinions on how Orky tech works, and debates between them can generate much RAGE.

So if the Anzion Theorem is true, there are still some unanswered questions. For example, if Orks do indeed create some innate psychic field of belief, then would Sisters of Silence or a Blank be able to interfere with or destroy that power, thus causing Ork constructions to fail? We know Orks DEFINITELY have a passive psychic field, after all, but the Sisters don't seem to interfere with it in the same way that they do with the active psychic powers wielded by battlefield psykers. Perhaps the answer is that WAAAAGH energy is something almost completely different from the psychic abilities that other races use, and it therefore tends to ignore/negate some of the restrictions other psykers have. That would suggest that when the Old Ones created the Orks they used some other form of psychic phenomenon that is unrelated to or is isolated from the warp somehow. This might suggest that Orks' gestalt psychic field is actually a very advanced form of technology similar to that used to create the Webway. Alternatively there may be another distinct metalevel in the warp that Orks draw from; after all, we know Orks' gestalt field works as well in the warp as in reality, because their ships can traverse the warp without Gellar fields and remain unharmed. Ultimately we don't know, but there is definitely something going on. Probably. Who knows? In the end, we should look at it from the viewpoint of an Ork: As long as it works, who cares? Worrying about it just means less time krumping gits.

Orks and the Emperor[edit | edit source]

An extension of the "All Orks are Psykers" theory is that the Emprahs continued existence (despite the fact his throne is in serious need of an MOT) is the fact that the Orks BELIEVE it to be so. As any self-respecting Weirdboy will tell you, what da boyz fink will 'appen 'appens (see below), so if they think the Emperor is still alive then alive he will be. Probably cos they're stupid enough not to realise he's a corpse more fucked than a Slaaneshi cultist at Ciaphas Cain's place.. 'ANG ON A SECOND.. I FINK DEY BE MAKIN FUN OF US...WELL.....MAYBE WE OUTTA GO STOMP SUM HUMIES! That's right, the "chaos boys" are messing with you Orks, go stomp them in the name of the Emp... For the WAAAGGGHH! (-ahem- Heretics...) Although in the Ghazkull/Makari novel they dismiss the "humies' dead god" as a pathetic wimp who cannot even stand from his throne to krump some gitz in person.

Orks and Yarrick[edit | edit source]

Another slightly less stupid theory. Commissar Sebastian Yarrick is still alive despite his massive, massive age because Ghaz and his boyz think he should be alive. Also Orks believe a glance from Yarrick can kill them, so Yarrick installed a laser eye and it works better against the greenskins. And of course, he also wields an Ork power klaw that, perhaps for the all the same reasons, apparently works quite well for him.

Ork Technology is More Advanced than it Seems[edit | edit source]

This will happen given enough time and grots.

"Cultural collapse, reorientation of belief systems in the aftermath of a renaissance can provoke magical thinkin' in previously rational beingz..."

– Talker, Madboy on the subject of the Adeptus Mechanicus

On another perspective. Looking over the Ork codices from old to new the only record of Orks willing technology to work is one line in which a techpriest says "Well if we can't figure this out it must be magic". In fact, the only source besides that codex entry is this 1d4chan page... All other lore being from the Techpriest perspective. The Ork Codex points out that Mek Boys and Big Meks are genetically engineered by the Brain Boyz/Old Ones to know how technology works. In "Evil Sun Rising", the Big Meks who created the Stompa Fat Mork don't remember how they created their super compact, miniature red sun engine. The implication is that as the Meks worked together that it unlocked the technology. This might mean that the Brain Boyz/Old Ones programmed the mek genetics to gain access to bigger and better equipment when the army is at a proper size to create and maintain such weaponry. As Ork numbers grow and WAAAGHs become bigger more technology is unlocked. The Gorkanaut and Morkanaut walkers are unlocked when Meks begin thinking that a Great WAAAGH is coming along.

Ork technology is special in many ways; while crude and impossible from an outsider perspective almost all of Ork technology is based on the idea of looting the enemy technology. They are the apex scavengers and can create weapons from the technology of the Imperials, Tau, Eldar, Necrons, and even the biotechnology of the Tyranids. It could be guessed that the Brain Boyz wanted Orks to be able to adapt to any battlefield and be able to resupply without need of supply lines. In this way Orks don't need to wait for a spaceship to drop a Titan to the battlefield for back up, instead they can build one out of that broken humie one.

And this is BEFORE we even consider what the hordes of the Beast were able to do what no other concurrent faction could, such as create Void Shielded Deff Dreads, Ork Ambassadors, and teleporting attack moons into the Terra's orbit.

HOWEVER there are a few holes in this theory. First one must remember that the Imperium is not the only faction to try and study/retrofit Ork technology. The Tau have a much greater understanding of science and engineering than the Imperium and still cannot figure out Ork tek. Though there isn't much from the Eldar perspective on how Ork Tek works, which could just mean that they don't care. The second point is that Orks use materials that shouldn't work as components for weapons and technology. When was the last time you built a gun out of sheet metal and literal droppings, and it actually worked? Finally there's Colorz; red paint causes things to go faster, yellow causes explosions to be bigger, and purple makes everything stealthy. Though Colorz only exist in the rules with Red Ones Go Fasta and Deff Skulls being lucky, most of the other stories are overblown fanfics by the fanbase *SMASH* WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!.

Be that as it may. The possibility exists that mekboys are combining psyker abilities and inherent technical knowledge to construct tools and weapons with nano-level engineering, allowing orks to use tech with a crude appearance hiding devices of unimaginable sophistication.

Special Note on Orky Vehicles[edit | edit source]

To properly describe what Ork vehicles are like is a difficult prospect, or perhaps an overlooked opportunity. Either way, few actually attempt to clarify in tangible terms what orkish vehicle-makers create.

Let's start with the venerable Trukk. Keep in mind that the standard Ork Boy is a hunched, monstrous, 7-foot-tall Hulk Hogan. Now, the Trukk is essentially an over-sized, skeletal pickup truck, with armored bus tires and a spiked ram-plate for a bumper. The frame is then covered in all manner of inch-thick armor plating, the basic standard in orkish vehicle armor. No Ork vehicle with more than two wheels has an engine smaller than a V8, and the trukk is no exception. A common brag for a trukk owner, "I'z put twelve silenderz in dis 'ere kart" (when not met with the classic "You shoulda sprung fer forteen!" comeback), is similar to a human saying he put an extra two cylinders in his car and overhauled his transmission ( hilariously the official trukk model from Games Workshop has a horizontally opposed 6 cylinder engine - a 40K Boxer engine).

Larger orkish vehicles, like the Big Trakk, often use V14 engines that any human would say belongs on a fishing trawler. Alternatively, some vehicles use turbine engines for extra torque (which is always a good thing) and a higher top speed (also a good thing), or crackling electrical engines (less popular than a good-old combustion engine, but can "accidentally" taze pesky Lootas or enemies who get too close (i.e. rammed)). Big Trakks are literally the size of a heavy tank, but are completely open-topped to provide a chassis for hauling Boyz or insanely big gunz into the fight. They have banks of fat-tired wheels or, most likely, four-plus-foot-wide treads. They have as much torque as a Battle Wagon and fear no infantry.

Special Groups of Orks[edit | edit source]

Apart from the regular Boyz, there are several groups of Orks who specialize in a specific task or doctrine. Called Oddboys (if they are relatively normal when fighting time rolls around) or Weirdboys (when they shoot lighting out of their eyes, gunz or eye-gunz). The most common ones are:

Oddboyz[edit | edit source]

This category is filled with Orks who express genetic predispositions to certain tasks. Here are your Mekboys (engineers), Painboys (doctors), Weirdboys (psykers), Madboyz (psychos), Slaverz/Runtherders (take care of grots, snotlings and slaves), Brewerz (makers of alcohol; lost to time), Rockaz (musicians), and Shoutaz (communications experts).

Kult of Speed[edit | edit source]


Speed Freeks who commonly go into the battlefield on bikes hyped up on dakka and flashy bitz, as their name suggests, they'z like goin' faster dan fast. On tabletop, they're okay, since they're really shooty for Orks and fairly cheap. These guys field the classic Mobile Ork Army, which causes loads of Butthurt and Rage when people go up against them. Just look out for Lascannons.

  • Flyboys - Crazed pilots that like fast vehicles, death defying stunts, and lots of dakka. The better pilots, fighta aces, are held in great esteem only by other flyboys and tend to give themselves crazy-cool nicknames.

Burna Boyz[edit | edit source]

Burna boyz are similar to standard orks in ability, possessing no unique qualities except every one of them being a pyromaniac. These boys are the type who would burn their own mother alive if she tried to stop them from playing with matches, even though Orks technically don't have moms. As such, they regularly burn their own comrades for the hell of it (to see them 'do da burny dance'). Their obsession with fire is, of course, genetically coded, and this has a particular disadvantage during periods of time where stealth is of the essence. In fact, this pyromania coupled with the rate of accidental deaths among Orks may explain why Burna boyz aren't more common; after all, an Ork that accidentally burns himself to death wouldn't be able to spread his spores so easily. On a more lighthearted note, they are also quite fond of fungus cigars! GREEN IZ BEST

Mekboys[edit | edit source]

Meks are Orks who are capable of making the ramshackle yet effective weapons and vehicles the Orks use. They're primarily the ones who make the warband's wagons, restore salvaged vehicles, and create/modify weapons. An Ork who lead bands of Mekboys is called a "Big Mek", and is a bitch to kill on tabletop if he's kitted out. Five-up cover saves for everyone! 'Ho says we ain't smart 'n' such! Only fing betta den an ork is an ork wif a good bit of technorkology.

Painboyz[edit | edit source]

Basically Orks medics, a Painboy's instinctive understanding - and obsession - is with medicine, anatomy and surgery. Unlike the Meks above who are seen with something like respect, other orks think Painboyz are dangerous and won't go anywhere near them unless they really have to. This is because, like the Mekboyz, Painboyz are driven mostly by their urge to explore and experiment and aren't very good at concentrating on what they're supposed to be doing. Which is okay when the Mek tinkers with a piece of gear, but a lot worse when the Dok starts poking around inside a body and removing bits at random just to see how it works.

Tankbustas[edit | edit source]

Many Orks enjoy the odd explosion. These guys like that so much that they decided what better way to get their kicks than to get into a nice squad of 5-15 boys and try blowing tanks sky high with their rokkits. They also train Squigs to run into tanks while strapped to the hilt with explosives. And if neither of that works, run into close-combat and strike the tank with a rokkit attached to a metal stick. They get so high off this that they will enter the broken vehicle, eat any survivors, and drink the motor oil in a ritual act known as "GETTIN' TANKED!"

Lootas[edit | edit source]

Lootas are Orks who are obsessed with pimping out their shootas by salvaging bitz from their enemies. Lootas are critically important to Orkish mechanical industry, because they head salvage operations and assist Meks where Grots can't. They're also the ones who loot wrecked tanks and vehicles after a battle to use as Looted Wagons, with the help of Mekboys, which means Orks can remobilize rapidly, and scale up to match tank-driving foes. When not fighting or looting, Lootaboyz are a menace to Orky society, stealing, swindling, making trouble, and being REAL BACKSTABBIN GITs the reason other Boyz can't have nice things. WOT?! YIZ SAYIN' DERE'S TIME WHEN DA ORKZ AIN'T FOIGHTIN' OR LOOTIN'?! I OUTTA GIVE YA A STAMP!!!

Flash Gitz[edit | edit source]

DA PIMPIEST ORK IZ DA BESTEST ORK!!!!!! Dat is why dey arrogant Gits. SPEAK UP I CANT 'EAR YA! They are another group of shoota-obsessed Orks known as "Flash Gitz"; rich, obnoxious Bad Moonz gits who buy powerful weapons and upgrades using their large stockpiles of teef. They love nothing more than showing off their wealth and (supposedly associated) martial power. They do things like wearing FABOLOUS clothing, sporting huge banners declaring their awesomeness (shogun-style), and plating everything they have in gold, silver, platinum, or any other shiny metal they have at hand (although gold is preferred). Goldz iz da bestest. Flash Gitz boast the shootiest kustom shootaz in all of orkdom, sometimes known as "snazzgunz", which makes them an invaluable asset to their clan. Conversely, due to their boasting and attitude problems they often alienate pretty much every other Ork they work with, and are prone to getting their arrogant asses booted out of their group the moment they become less useful than annoying.

Freebootaz[edit | edit source]

Orks who raid and pillage the galaxy as MOTHERFUCKING PIRATES. And just to add to their awesomeness, they'll usually dress and/or speak like pirates. (W)AAARG! Well-known individuals include Kaptins Badrukk and Bludflagg.

Kommandoz[edit | edit source]

Orks who managed to figure out that charging a gunline isn't always the best option, so dey'z da sneakiest of da Orks. In practice, all of this boils down to a fairly simple difference in tactics. Whereas a normal Ork Boy will see the enemy and immediately shout, run up to him, and smash him in the head, a Kommando will see the enemy, hide behind a nearby bush/barrel/lamp-post and wait for the enemy to get close like 5 feet to 2 meters, THEN shout, run up to him, and smash him in the head. They typically paint themselves purple, which Orks believe is the sneakiest color (and because Orks are Orks, purple does in fact make them harder to see ... don't ask how the fuck that one works, it just does Hav you eva seen a purpul ork? Course not, dey's too sneaky don't exist.)

Kommandoz rely on stealth tactics rather than balls-out firepower, and achieve this by using crude camouflage techniques, Speshul Forces equipment such as night-vision goggles, various types of grenades, and all those other gubbins that makes them all sneaky. However, their best weapon is often that the concept of Orks using tactics beyond drowning their enemies in corpses and bullets is so completely out there that a lot of Imperial commanders do not believe that Kommandoz actually exist, which actually make their job easier to pull off. The Imperials quite often find out the very hard way that some orks have both brains and brawn. For instance, nobody laughed when a Kommando unit suddenly hi-jacked a unit of three Deathstrike Missile Launchers inside a Mordian regiment's lines drove one to the front and proceeded to launch it at the their front lines, killing thousands, including a Baneblade (Except for the Orks, who laughed their duffs off as this was happening). Meanwhile, the Kommandoz ran off with the remaining one and two extra missiles.

Kommandoz are typically distrusted by other Orks due to their chosen battle strategy. They view sneaking about rather than getting straight to a fight right and proppa as "Mukkin' about". The enjoyment of the color purple among them is also considered right strange. "Az dere ain't no such fing az a purpul ork!"

An ork asked about Kommando groups: "I dinna see anyfing... Do you?"

Feral Orks[edit | edit source]

Hidden away in GW fluff are these guys. These guys are what happens after a WAAAGH! has left your planet. They crop up in wildernesses and form tribes. They don't have technology (like shootas) or any kind of Mekboyz or even good resources to build junk. They are roughly on par with your Fantasy Orcs, so you can just use your Fantasy army in 40k if you can fluff your army right. Not like it matters, it's the same tactic either game. They tend to have Grots, Kommandos and Weirdboys coming out of their ears, and love to ride big Squigs. If you don't prune them back to the forest well enough, they might sic buttloads of Squiggoths on you. Snake Bites love these guys, and if space-born Orks pick them up, Feral Orks usually become Snakebites anyway.

They breed a special kind of Oddboy, the Pigdok, who is a combination of a Mek and a Dok, but excels at neither. They do surgical procedures like a stereotypical medicine man, wander around covered in robes and talismans given to them by the Weirdboy Shamans, and head the construction of things like ballistas and catapults, all the way up to magical stompy Idols and the Steam Gargant.

Weirdboyz[edit | edit source]

Weirdboyz are Orks who are active psykers. All Orks are passive psykers, emitting their WAAAGH!! gestalt field, but Weirdboyz are the only ones who can decide they're gonna blow another Ork's face off with a mean look and a lightning bolt (and get it to actually happen). They tend to be crazy and can blow up if they're not careful. Even when they are careful. Sometimes blowing up is the preferred/expected option for a Weirdboy. Amusingly, most Weirdboyz are 'cowards', in the sense that they know bad things happen whenever they get into a fight alongside a bunch of other Orks so they try to avoid doing that. The other Orks are often forced to drag them along.

Ambassadors[edit | edit source]

"Don’t need an interpreter. We tell you how to surrender, you surrender. Easy. The Great Beast has you by the guts. Struggle, he’ll rip ’em out. Surrender, you get to keep ’em." - Bezhrak, Ork Ambassador

"Ambassadors" as the humans of Terra called them are a dignified and "majestic" Oddboy dedicated to delivering threats directly to the enemy through the powerful weapon of words. At this time there is no known Ork name for these Oddboyz and are very rare to encounter. They carry staffs as their only weapon and have the ability to speak languages as if they were native speakers. The Ambassadors not only discussed terms of surrender, but acted as psychological warfare to destabilize the enemy.

The self-inflicted moral wound the Imperium would suffer if it acted with less sophistication than orks would be a septic one. - Vangorich

Only ever seen during WAAAGH! The Beast in 544.M32. More modern encounters with ork Runtherders and similar ork-to-men communiques tend to use a translator device/person, instead. That said, many orks do pick up Low Gothic while interacting with human armies, especially more kunnin' Warbosses and Warlords.

Snipers[edit | edit source]

Ork Snipers are the bane of the Celestial Lions and took out the Chapter's Apothecaries. Highly accurate, the Ork Sniper is a dangerous enemy.

Hilariously, Grot snipers are a thing that exists, but it's incredibly rare to see them. It's probably because any grot that manages to slap together enough spare parts into a rifle get spotted by an Ork who thinks it would make a nice foundation for a decent shoota, and said grot will almost immediately get robbed at shoota- or choppa-point. On the other hand, these might make it in a scenario when Orks realize that a passable longarm is more valuable in the hands of somebody who can actually shoot straight.

There was an incident in the short story Red Reward where a guy was dropped into the front of some trench warfare between the Guard and Orks, and inspired the humiez to drive back the Orks in a counter charge only to get shot by a grot sniper. Ironically, the guy signed up with the Guard to escape prosecution on his own world, meaning he would have been a valid target to the elusive Ork sniper.

Retired Boyz[edit | edit source]

All following Ork Oddboys have been lost to time ("Everything is canon, just not always true" - The way GW avoids officially retconning anything). They live on in our hearts (and custom-models) as:

Rokkaz[edit | edit source]

Rogue Trader Orks with a penchant for hard rock, metal, leather armor, and overgrown hair squigs. They do seem to keep cropping up in the fluff though never in any significant capacity. Also known as Goff Rokkas, these boyz tend to come out of the Goffs exclusively, but it isn't completely unknown for other Clans to spit out one of these crazy green "musicians". They play machine gun guitars and PARTY 'ARD!!! It should be noted that Rokkas were invented in the Eighties, so they don't play things like Death Metal as much as they do generic Metal, 80's Metal, electric guitar ballads, and Hard Rock. (note: the Goff Rokkas essentially make the Dawn of War III ork theme canon) And...now they're back and canon again, in the June 2020 White Dwarf. Albeit renamed to the Goff Rokkerz instead.

Shoutaz[edit | edit source]

These orks have over-developed lungs and super-strong vocal cords so that they can yell really loud. Yes, you heard me right. They yell across Gargant-tops and over battlefield din to act as a telecommunications array. See, not all things that have disappeared were too good to last. SHUDDUP STOOPID HUMIE, WHUT DO YOU KNOW?!?!?! SHOUTAS IZ DA BEST!!!!!!!





I konkur!

I'z prefur sneekin' up to some hummie and shoutin' in iz ear from reel gut close.

Anyone caught messing with this section again will get their shit handed to them. Do you know how fucking hard it is to make sure this shit is right? I can't do this AND dodge those fucking Orks. I'm a janitor, and a FUCKING BENDY PENIS!

See, iffin' you'z had sum of dat purpley paint, dis wouldn' be a problem now, would it?

'e got youz good, e' did. aneewayz da squigs ated da inturn again. Git ta cleenen dat wod ya.

I 'erd dem cleanin' orks do wat they do and don't even want no teef for it

Dem Kleenaboyz iz ryte fine ladz, Dey gitz a 'fungabeer offa me n'ytime dey needz.

Brewerz[edit | edit source]

Never mentioned after about 3rd Edition. Brewerz, or Brewer Boyz function much like Mekboys or Mad Doks do, knowing the ins and outs of brewing through genetically inherited intuition. They make alcohol out of squigs. Made everything from beers to malts to meads to liquors to scotches. Yes, certain squigs can be made into scotch. No, no grains are involved in the process. No, they've never done this in Scotland. No, you may not question this. SQUIGGIE WALKER - RED LABEL! COS IT ZOGZ YOU IN DA BRAIN FASTA! Eend out of mashrooms too booss!

Basically, they brew babies into beer sometimes.



Female Orks[edit | edit source]


Vaguely referenced in older fluff and glimpsed during Blood Bowl, sacrificed because nobody wants to see those canonized saggy Ork tits (Except /d/), and fucking whores (and ye mum). Suffice to say, some drawfags will still draw them and several on /tg/ will doubtlessly fap to it. Considering how many random mutations are seen amongst the Orks, the possibility is more likely than you'd think. In normal canon, Orks are asexual, popping out of fungal growths in the ground...

...but in the oldest fluff, when the Orks were basically Fantasy Orcs in Space, there were female orks. Slightly later (2nd Edition) fluff modified that idea: during later parts of their life cycle Orks would temporarily develop sexual characteristics and go bang one another. For the sake of Games Workshop's writers' self-respect, the idea of any orkish sexual reproduction was completely removed and forgotten. And all but the drawfags are happy for that.

Given the kind of universe Warhammer 40,000 is, the decision to make orks functionally genderless (a decision which occured some time in the early 90's) was likely driven by two factors: to reinforce the Orks warlike nature by making them dependent on getting blown up to repopulate and hardwire them for blockbuster-style total war, and the aforementioned removal of sex and gender discussions from the ugly comedy faction of an incredibly dark tabletop wargame. The change was both thematically appropriate and steered writers and fans away from uncomfortable topics. As of 2020 however, the idea of female orcs and goblinoids is fairly accepted across basically every genre and fictional universe which involves greenskins of any sort. This is a fairly significant change from the prevailing attitudes of the 20th Century fantasy, which was largely driven by bad writing female orcs and goblins being hidden somewhere and largely irrelevant.

More recent fluff has backed this up, stating that Orks have no reproductive organs and thus no personal concept of sex or gender. Some, usually Blood Axes or Slavers, are aware of the existence of the concept in other races, albeit at a rudimentary level; one bemused Blood Axe went on record describing the whole thing as funny and a captured tech-priest was once bribed with women as an incentive to do something for a Warboss.

Oi'm twalf an' wots dis? DAT GIT WAZ KRUMPED FOR DIS POST.

Madboyz[edit | edit source]

Not seen since the heydays of second edition and Epic 40k, although they're still mentioned here and there in the fluff. Madboyz are Orks that go crazy under the mental strain of knowledge encoded in their genes suddenly becoming available, their behavior becoming erratic and unstable even for Orks. The other Orks often round them up into a large warband that is set loose upon the enemy, in the hope their madness will prove useful or at least entertaining. (In game terms you rolled for their actions randomly, and it could vary from outright fleeing to going absolutely berzerk and charging forward while ignoring wounds.)

    We had da new rulez for thiz gitz for weirdboy awotkaning

Brain Boyz[edit | edit source]

Brain Boyz is the name that the Orks give the Old Ones. However, the Orks' origin has shifted around a few times, such as the Brain Boyz being the ancestors of the Snotlings (although the Orks still believe that, but it's no longer the official explanation it was in Rogue Trader).

    (OBJEKSHUN! Dat'z still canon! (In fact, everything is canon! [Just not always true]) Codex 7th ED 2014 and we'z seen it in the one before dat un too!!! What shrooms did ya zoggin' gits eat?!)

Tin Boyz[edit | edit source]

Back in Rogue Trader, there was a book - "'Ere We Go: Orks in Warhammer 40,000" and, hidden away on Page 92, complete with accompanying models, was a reference to these odd examples of Ork Humour Ooomarr. Traditionally, they are made in the form of Space Marines, Eldar or Squats though with more exaggerated features and comical patterns of movement designed to imitate and mock these species. To Orks, such effigies are highly amusing and they take great joy in having created such clever parodies of their enemies. Whilst a Tinboy's external appearance does vary, its simplistic inner components make it easy to spot and identify on the battlefield where they are deployed as a psychological weapon, for misdirection and distraction. In the game Shootas, Blood & Teef the protagonist refers to an imperial knight piloted by Lord Horrik Canorem[1] as a "Zoggin' eck Big Tin Boy", if this is a reference to the old Rouge Trader "Tin Boy" or just a coincidence is unknown.

Chaos Orks & Mutant Orks[edit | edit source]

Back in the days of Rogue Trader, Chaos was considered an equal opportunity employer instead of just relying on corrupted Space Marines and humans, which admittedly makes more sense. As such Chaos Orks were very much a thing, and in fact came in two distinct groups; Stormboyz of Khorne and general Chaos Orks. The basic idea was that most Stormboyz who didn't grow out of being Stormboyz would eventually gravitate to worshipping Khorne, as this was back in the day when Khorne had more of an "honorable, disciplined warrior" motif to him and thus he was considered a fine role model by the Stormboyz, whose whole thing was being disciplined, organized and professional compared to the anarchic barbarians of other orks. Other orks could also fall to Chaos, often but not always Khorne, without being still part of the Stormboyz cult. Both sets of Chaos-worshipping orks were regarded as "un-orky" by their mainstream fellows, but would sometimes be hired as mercenaries by warbosses in particular need of their killing power, or who just didn't really bother vetting their latest Freebooter hire all that well - they'd also happily join Chaos armies, where they were welcomed.

The big difference mechanically is that Khorne's Stormboyz were Stormboyz with the Mark of Khorne, whilst Chaos Orks were Orks with Chaos Marks, Chaos Gifts and Mutations.

Separate to both of these Mutant Orks, who had no intention of worshipping Chaos, but still got mutated as a result of exposure to Warp energies, radiation, psychic phenomena from the local weirdboy or the experiments of a Mekboy or Painboy. These wretches were social outcasts, and sometimes were allowed to join a Waaagh as expendable cannon fodder - not that they cared, because they hoped to ultimately prove they were still properly Orky. These poor sods sometimes mutated all the way into Chaos Spawn-OHGODGLARBABALAAGAAH!

\*Ahem.* While there has been no mention of nonhuman and nondaemon Chaos forces for several editions (save some background Xeno races worshipping Chaos), the idea of Chaos Orks makes perfect sense when you think about it. Not only because there's no real reason the Ruinous Powers should only corrupt humans, but also because there are Quadrillions or Orks in the galaxy, so at least some of them are bound to decide that Khorne is more killy than Gork or that Tzeentch is more cunnin' than Mork, regarldess of whether or not they actually are. Nurgle would probably take a liking to them as well, not just because Nurgle likes everybody, but also because Ork spores tend to infect and kill a planet's ecosystem in much the same way a mundane fungus might a plant or animal. Slaanesh would seem to have the fewest Orkish worshippers, since the most common way Orks get their rocks off would end up empowering Khorne more, but then you remember that Slaanesh thing is 'excess' and what do orks like to do in excess of even to the point of self destruction? Go fast and be loud. Malal doesn't really seem to have anything going for him in this department, admittedly, but then he doesn't really have anything against him either like Slaanesh does, and maybe a couple of Mekboyz decided to make enough of a boom to destroy the universe.

Ultimately the lore has arrived at this explanation for Orks and Chaos: Their psychology just doesn't give much fertile soil for Chaos to take root in. While they love fighting, they don't really experience hatred that Khorne could feed on. They have no sexuality or appreciation of excesses beyond the banal joy of constant war (an objective lie given their fondness for fungus beer), so Slaanesh has nothing to tempt them with. Similarly, their wants and schemes are so unsophisticated and direct that there's nothing for Tzeentch to manipulate, and their biological nature so coarse and brutal in its simplicity that Nurgle can only be impressed as these grunting warrior mushrooms conquer the galaxy. However, 6th ed Chaos Space Marines codex did mention an invading ork infected with a daemonic plague prior to Mortarion and Plague Marines showing up on the assaulted shrine world ; though in this case they were unwillig allies at best, victims of Chaos at worst, and not truly Nugrglite converts.

Ork Klanz[edit | edit source]

Oi, listen up ya gits. Dere's six diverant majah clanz of Ork, and dey's all right 'ard. Da clanz waz made way back by the biggest, baddest warboss dere eva waz, startin' out as his specialist boyz before dey became dey own klanz.

    • Dere's da Snakebites, and dey'z a buncha fundie gits what won't use any teknowlogy more complicated den a choppa an' warpaint. Anytime dere's a world dat a WAAAAAGH smashed up, it gets full o' fundie boyz. When we pick em up, a lot a dem run off ta da Snakebites anyway instead o' learnin how ta fight propa. But dey got squiggoths, an' every WAAAAGH needs really big killy fings. Snakebites wear brown, like a buncha zoggin' humie 'Armish folk.

- On the tabletop, Snake Bites have the rule 'DA OLD WAYS' which allows them to ignore any wound rolls of 1-3 unless the attack is S8. It's best for green tide-style ork armies or keeping that Squiggoth alive until it gets within krumping range.

    • Da Bad Moonz, what gotz lotsa teef 'cause dey grow faster den any other orks, so dey'z a buncha rich gits. 'at meanz dat dey's got da best squigs and dakka, but since dey'z such lazy gits, dey's no good at choppin' an' stompin', so other orks can always just find a Bad Moon and stomp his teef out. Bad Moonz wear Yella, da color a big booms and shiny bits.

- On the tabletop Bad Moons take Dakka up to a whole new level with their 'ARMED TO THE TEEF' ability; meaning they have +6 range to EVERY dakka or Heavy gun, and they get AP-1 on 6s. Great for an orky gunline.

    • Goffs are the fightiest of all da Orkz. Dey'z always fightin', especially wif eachother - it's a rare Goff dat hasn't killed atleast somefing every day of his life. Dis constant fighting makes dem da toughest an' meanest of all da Orkz. Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka 'imself wuz a Goff. Dats why he's so big, 'ard, an mean. Goffs wear black, da color a bein' DED 'ARD!

- Goffs have three great things going for them, the first being the prophet of gork and mork and second being their ability 'NO MUCKIN' ABOUT' which gives them a melee equivalent to the (now dead) Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! ability, namely their 6's on melee attacks generate new attacks (for which you still have to do the hit roll). Alongside that, charges get you S+1 on any attack, making a squad of Slugga boyz capable of delivering all sorts of carnage if they manage to reach the enemy. Melee focused ork armies are preferable for this clan.

    • Da Evil Sunz're all part a da Kult a Speed, and dey've got da most Meks, so dey're always muckin' about with teknowlogical equipment an speedy karts. Deyz big believas in da color red, cuz RED 'UNZ GO FASTA!

- When playing the Evil Sunz on the tabletop take full advantage of their 'RED ONES GO FASTA' ability and use as many 'speed freek' models as you can, the clan ability gives all units a plus one inch to their move and advance; with speed freek models this bonus is 2 inches instead.Oh and the ability also means you can advance your units and not suffer any penalty to accuracy for your assault weapons.

    • Deffskullz are a buncha teevin', lootin' gits what'll grab anyfin' what's not nailed down an' if it's nailed down dey'll loot the nails den loot da fing wot was nailed down an' make it orky. An' oi does mean anyfin'. Even in da middle of a scrap. Da mekz loves em, though, cuz nobody'z got more bitz and gubbinz than a Deffskull Loota. Deffskullz all seemz ta have some kinda technikal know-wotz, dough. Deffskullz wear da color Blue, cuz Blue's a lucky color. deyz 'ave a bit of a "bad relashunship" wif some 'umies called da blud rafens. deyz hatez da blud rafens.

- On the tabletop, Deathskulls have the ability 'LUCKY BLUE GITZ' which gives them a 6+ invulnerable save, BTW they all have OBSEC. You are also able to re-roll a single hit roll and a single damage roll for each unit with that culture. This clan is sort of an all rounder for ork players, a jack of all trades sort of deal.

    • And, last of all but not least, dere's da Blood Axez. Dey're da ones what've been hangin' around them stinkin' humies fer ages too long, and gone and developed all sorts a un-orky tings like taktiks, recownasense, cammerfloggs, an' worse of all, retreat. Dey've even got a sayin' bout it: "If we runs for it, it don't count as losing, cuz we can also come back for anuvver go, see?" Dey'z mocked as a buncha cowardly gits by most'a da boyz, but 'cause dey be dead cunning dey'z da main source of da best warbosses in WAAAAAAAGH! time (Next ter Da Prophet hisself, o'course). Blood Axes also do lots of talkin' wiv humies, so deyz gots idears like tradin' with da' humies', peace waitin' fer da roight time ta fight, an' using armour and gunz wot don't stop working just 'cause otha' gitz believes dey'z useless (SEE, HUMIES ARE GUD' F'R SOME FINGS BUT NOT EVERY FING!). Blood Axez wear cammerflage, but at least they paint it nice an' bright so's you can see'em coming.

- Tabletop wise, Blood Axes are tactical geniuses with their 'TAKTIKS' able to take cover despite not really being in cover as long as the enemy is at least 18 inches away, making them good against Shooty armies, additionally their kultur gives them the ability to shoot or charge (but not both) even if they fell back within the same turn; essentially meaning this is the kultur you use when you are the type of ork player who believes in tactical retreats.

    Later, when da humies learned dat der was six Beasts, and each lead a "lejun" o Boyz, dey started tinking dat each o da Clanz were da rem... Re... Leftovers o' each Beast's lejun. 'Oo knows if datz da troof, I sure as zog dunno.

One last thing; any unit that only includes Gretchin don't get any benefit from their klan culture whatsoever. Because they suck at life.

Ork Non-Klanz[edit | edit source]

    • Den dere's da Freebootaz, boyz wut left deir klan ta become merks an' piratz and all'at. Freebooterz iz often kicked o' deir klan for likin' sumtin' dat izn't violence more dan violence, like Kaptin Badrukk (teef), Wazdakka Gutsmek (goin' fast), or Zodgrod Wortsnagga (snotlings), but some leave o' deir own accord for similar reasons, like Kaptin Bluddflagg (loot). Freebootaz work for stupid 'umies for shinies (or hats), though dat don't mean dey won't turn 'round an 'ave a go at dem too if dey fink dat gits dem more hats 'n fings.

- Although they aren't actually a klan the codex treats the Freebootaz as if they were; with the klan ability 'COMPETITIVE STREAK' which adds 1 to hit rolls whenever a nearby (within 24 inches) friendly unit has successfully wiped out an enemy unit. So if you have Shooty army and successfully manage to wipe out an enemy unity within 24 inches of some Lootas then you could give yourself a pretty impressive buff. It also applies to Choppy armies; get a single unit to wipe out an enemy unit while within 24 inches of your mob of slugga boyz, and your hitting on 2's for melee which combined with a large amount of boyz equals a bad time for whos facing them.

    • Feral Orkz iz like Snakebites, but dey don't have a choice what wif not 'avin' access to Ork kultur seein' az dey don't got space travel. Often join da Snakebitez soon as dey'z recruited by a WAAAAAAGH!
      • Beast Snaggas are loik a kind of really squigly-cybork gitz wot loik huntin' down tanks and big monsters. Dey gotz da biggest boyz, almost as big as a nob, cause deyz foighten all dem big an tough fings. Deyz ain't Feral gitz, an' are more loik da Kult of Speed, but prefer roidin' giant squigs ta trash everyfing dey run in to. Loik da Kult of Speed, any git can join da Beast Snaggas, but da Snakebitez really loik dem.

- If you want to play Feral Orks on the table top probably best to just treat them as snakebites, or give them no culture at all! Which makes sense giving they're uncultured scum even by the standards of other orks.

    • Speed Freekz is what you call da members o' da Kult o' Speed, a klub any Ork what likes goin' fast a lot can join, not just da Evil Sunz. Deez gitz loik to run around on da edges of da WAAAGH! an' act loik doze scouts 'n outroiders dat doze non-orky gitz use.

- Even though to get the "Speed Freek" Bonus you really should pair them with Evil Sunz

What is the measure of a Klan?[edit | edit source]

It's easy to think that Ork Klans are just galaxy-spanning groups of like-minded Orks; like there's just six huge fucking groups of Orks around the galaxy but as we all know, if Orks were that united, the rest of the races would have a real big problem on their hands. Ork Klans are more like six types of Ork personality (and/or, depending on the writer, ethnicity/subspecies) that might have been engineered into the Orks way back by the Old Ones or created by the Beast's Legions in M32. Maybe they appeared on their own, who knows.

Let's take a random Ork Boy as an example. All Orks love a good scrap, looting and of course dakka. However, the individual Ork Boy tend towards one type of Orkitude over others. Maybe he's more into crashing into his enemies at high speeds (which would make him an Evil Sun) or maybe the looting after the battle is his jam (making him a Deff Skull). As a single Boy in a large mob, his preferences doesn't really matter - he'll just have to follow his Nob or get krumped - So it is the leaders and/or majority Klan of an Ork warband who'll decide how the mob acts. So a large horde of Orks led by a Goff Warboss will likely use black and white paint on their stuff and prefer melee combat like Goffs would, but that doesn't mean that every single Ork in the mob is a Goff.

When Orks gather for Waaaghs they tend to form new mobs that are actually comprised mainly of one Klan of Orks. The large amount of Orks in the Waaagh makes it easier for them to organize themselves into groups of similar interests. That's where the huge Mad Max-esque hordes of Evil Sunz Bikers and Trukks on Armageddon come from.

From another perspective, the ork klans could be seen as the orkish equivalent of various orkish ethnicity. Boys from the same klan will often have similar physiological features; goff boys are naturally bigger and tougher, bad moonz boyz teef naturally grow faster, etc. Orkish klans could be interpretted as orkish "races" inasmuch as orks are a "race" unto themselves. (Disclaimer: Not from /pol/) But they also reflect different philosophical views about what is best in life, whether it being going fast, having the flashiest lootz, or simply being the biggest, toughest ork of them all.

From another, other perspective, the klans can be seen as the devolved remains of Krork society based on their specialities.

  • The Goffs' brute strength and serious demeanor would've have fit well for front line soldiers.
  • The Bad Moons' control over the Ork economy and usage of secondary currency in the form of gold indicates they could've been merchants or bankers, as they manage to maintain an upper-class role without any orks going into poverty for long.
  • The amount of time Evil Sunz spend working on their vehicles, as well as discovering a way to make them go faster just by painting them red would've made great engineers and mechanics.
  • Although Blood Axes are considered nowadays to be untrustworthy gits by the other klans, their (relatively) unmatched knowledge in wartime strategy would fit the role of leaders and tacticians.
  • Deathskulls are a little harder to pin down, but their constant curiosity for items to loot and add their own Orky innovations to it could be an indication of their previous roles as scientists or even artists (if the blue face paint is any indication)
  • Finally, the Snakebites' amount of Oddboyz and squig handler could suggest they served as shamans and animal handlers (assuming Krorks still used squigs.)

Ork Language[edit | edit source]

Orks in the 41st millennium all speak one seemingly-universal language with no well-defined name. It's commonly called Orkish or Ork speak, both in-universe and not. As you can tell from the rest of this article, Orks speak a low, gruff, and guttural form of exaggerated Cockney English. Piratical-types such as Freebootaz and other mercenaries will mix in a stereotypical "pirate"/Bristol accent, along with appropriate nautical slang. If you're looking to do some homebrewing and want to make your orks Ur Doodz, consider lightly spicing up the basic "Ork accent" by adding more unique word use (industrial jargon, military terms, rural slang), and consider varying the accent by looking into the endless, undulating mass that are the accents of the British Isles.

Ork language is, in-universe, written in glyphs. Those glyphs correspond to both concepts and sounds. Out of universe, when orks are speaking their words are translated as English, but written with heavy use of "phonetic" spelling and 90's "krazy kool" spelling. The exact specifics of these changes are left up to the author.

The question of what Orkish actually is in-universe has been mildly debated, left up to interpretation, and spun several ways by Black Library and Codex authors over the years. Some possibilities include:

  • A heavily accented form of Low Gothic.
  • A distinct dialect of Low Gothic.
  • A separate and not-mutually-intelligible language evolved from Low Gothic at some point in history.
  • A unique language which did not arise from the languages of other races.
  • A collection of distinct languages, all spoken by orks, which Imperial scholars can't be bothered to tell apart (this would mean some orks wouldn't understand other orks from distant regions of the galaxy).
  • Actually, literally, just Cockney British English, spoken in universe, and either:
    • Low Gothic is also literally British English, making Orkish a heavily accented form of Low Gothic, or...
    • Low Gothic is entirely distinct from British English, meaning that orks would be speaking actual English 38,000 years from now, for no explained reason, and Imperial scholars are too stupid or too racist to realize that and subsequently go apoplectic trying to figure out why the fuck every greenskin in the galaxy is speaking some antique Terran language. (It may also be possible that a cover-up is in progress to prevent Imperial linguists from realizing this absurdity en-masse and all losing their minds at once.)

Do note that, in all of this, it is possible that the orks' psychic fields are acting as a translation tool whenever orks speak directly to anyone who doesn't know Orkish. This would allow for Orkish to be an entirely distinct language, which Imperial scholars could need to translate, but also allow orks to shout intimidating speeches at their enemies, and guarantee said enemies know exactly what insults are being hurled.

Ork Terminology[edit | edit source]

  • Humie/Umie: Human
  • Beakie: Space Marine
  • Spikey Boy: Chaos-corrupted individuals
  • Panzee: Eldar
  • Gun Runt: Tau
  • Tin Skull: Necron
  • Bug: Tyranid
  • Git: Generic insult/Anyone who ain’t being “Proppa Orky”.
  • Choppa: Literally any melee weapon, even a bludgeoning one.
  • Shoota: Two-Handed ranged weapon that fires a whole lotta dakka real fast.
  • Slugga: One-Handed ranged weapon, more useful for making noise than for hitting things.
  • Blasta: Two-Handed ranged weapon that isn't some kind of shoota (e.g.: Kustom Mega Blasta).
  • Grot: A gretchin/An alternative insult to git.
  • Snot: A Snotling, a Snot is usually a Midget/Young Gretchin.
  • Drops/Bog: The communal toilet, where orks relieve themselves. Also filled with squigs and mushrooms.
  • Squig: Short for "squiggly beast". Various symbiotic creatures encountered around orks. Grown from the same spores as orks and grots.
  • Krump: Beat up and/or kill/destroy.
  • Kustom: Specially made and/or customized gear, usually reserved for Nobs, Bosses, and Flashgitz.
  • Gubbins: Components, especially those used to make something kustom.
  • Zog: Ruin and/or destroy. Often used as a curse or exclamation.
  • Dakka: Rapid fire capability and weaponry. It is impossible to have enough.

Everyday Life of an Ork[edit | edit source]

Your average Ork home. Quite cozy when it comes down to it, really.


GET UP! Doesn't matter when, but usually in the mid-morning, unless a Nob kicks him in the face because he is late for something, which he usually is. Next, grab a bite. Either the breakfast his pet grot brings him or the grot itself. Orks don't care much about this since it all tastes the same dipped in mud, fried on a stick and washed down with some fungus beer.

Afterwards, hit the drops, or in layman's terms, the communal act of using the local bog. Literally. He might get a scar on his duff to show off if the Squigs are feisty that morning. Then muck about and try to find new things to kill. Or new ways to kill things. This lasts all the way until noon.


LUNCH! Fungus rums and beers. Squig pies and mushroom fries. Plenty of fights break out at lunch, mostly because of a Loota stealing another Orks 'sweet-squig' dessert. Or some drunk Nob mouthing off then get socked in the mouth by another Nob. Either way LUNCH! Next, nap time/ 'wrekreation'. Most Orks, having spent a very busy day trying to think up new ways to kill or new things to kill, will take a nap. Usually the average rank and file Boy who has nothing better to do. It is around now that the more specialized Orkoids shall gather in their respective mobs and set about spending afternoon and early evening doing what they do best. Be it practicing blowing crap up if tankbustaz. Racing around the camp as speed freaks. Helping the meks if lootas or burnas. Hiding in plain sight if kommand- Move along, nofink to see 'ere.


WORK TIME! Da Boss or local Big Mek or Warp'ead bullies most everyone around the camp center and gets up on his WAAAGH!!! Banner-tower and starts to bark out orders on what they will attack that night, or where they will hit to steal material to build his next projekt, or give a flashy psycho-pyrotechnic light show during a prophetic chant. (though sometimes if no one got up till half past 5 they plan it during the early morning.) Depending on the Clan majority this can be as simple as "Smash dis!" (A Goff) to "Ok Dis team needs ta be 'ere right when da rockets hit Or we wont-" (Yeah Blood Axes don't know when to shut up) *THUMP* ZOGGIN' 'Umiez.


DA ORKING HOUR! Do what was stated in the evening until they get tired and go home to bed. It don't count as failing cause they will try again tomorrow. Or pull it off and party all night (to the dismay of the defeated) until they pass out.

Even the Daily Life of the Ork is a miniature WAAAGH!!!

Reasons it Rokks to be an Ork[edit | edit source]

  1. We'z gotz a shiney new 8th ork-dition Codex-fingy, an dis time it's tourny-viable!
  2. We'z da biggest an' da strongest.
  3. We'z made fer fightin' an' winnin'.
  4. We'z got more boyz dan anyone else.
  5. All an ork eva wantz to do fo'eva iz to keep fightin', winnin', an' lootin'.
  6. Dem mekboyz can loot anyfing an I mean ANYFING!!

++Previous record has been made of note to Ordo Xenos for immediate actions to be taken. The Emperor Protects++

Ummm, wot woz dat? Zog, I've lost count of da resuns for being an Ork!

  1. We'z already know everythin' wotz wort' learnin'.
  2. We'z da 2nd least grimdark race in da galaxy. BUT DA BEZT GREENDARK hur hur hur!
  3. Da painboyz can fix ya up right'n proppa, even if yer bloody 'ead'z chopped off.
  4. We'z got da shiniest bitz, or we'z 'bout to krump da git dat does.
  5. The longa ya fite, the bigga and stronga ya get.
  6. Teef's legal tenda. Punchin' sum git in da face getz youz a day'z meal.
  7. All ya ave' tah worry 'bout is: foighin, lootin, speedin, sneakin, or mukin round wif sum technical gubbins ats' wots' used for foighin, lootin, speedin or sneakin. Da grots do da rest.
  8. If da mekboy can finks it, he can build it.
  9. An' if he sayz it workz, he's roight.
  10. We'z da orkz an' dey iz not.
  11. Dem 'umiez and marine boyz screamin' "FER DA EMPRER", an dem spikey boys yellin' "BLOOD FO' DA BLOOD GOD!" is nofin' kompared to "WAAAAAAAAAGH!"
  12. Da red wunz will alwayz go fasta.
  13. Purple iz da sneekiest culla.
  14. Yello' iz da 'splodiest culla.
  15. Blu iz da lukiest culla.
  16. Green iz da orkiest culla.
  17. I haz a hole in me chest an' a choppa stuck to me leg? Didn' notice it while I wuz krumpin dem spiky boyz.
  18. Unlike dem 'umiez, greyskins, an' panzees, anyone can be a warboss usin' nofin' more den a choppa an' a litl bit o' dakka.
  19. Even if all da boyz get krump'd, we'z still win. Da only way da gits can zog us off is by dakkain' da 'ole bludy planet.
  20. You'z can trade in yer dakka fer moah choppa, or vice versah, and you iz still Orky enuff.
  21. You'z kan build an army of serial bawkses an' duk' tape an' maybe a bit o' spikez an' bitz and still look reel smart an' orky.
  22. Rolling a double six with Shokk Attack Gun.
  23. Some Git shootz 90% of Your squad, but the Nob smackz one boy on the 'ead and everybody iz doing good.
  24. You'z kan legally talk like a retard proppa ard' git.
  25. Giving da boyz a frying pan on the 'ead and a fender on the shoulda makes dem 'arder.
  26. Putting dem in a fridge makez dem mega'ard.
  27. You'z kan yooz every armiez gunz, but nun kan yooz yorz…‘cept dem armygeddun ork ‘unters.
  28. If you die you get proppa afterlife wiz lotta fighnin' an' booze, instead of being raped by laffin' daemons for eternity.
  29. Youz don't havta Hate everfink dat's not a Ork.
  30. You WILL die of larfin' if You play orkz.
  31. Eiff Edishun iz da horde edishun! We'z can field more boyz dan dem 'humies or bug fingies!
  32. No matta wot 'appens to da rezt of da galaxy, be it spikey boyz winning, Da 'umiez conkaring all da planetz, da Eldar succezzfully rezurrecting their godz, or da God-Emporer stepping down from 'is potty, you ztill 'ave a 99.99999% chance of surviving in zome capacity. There are Orks living in da Warp for Gorks sake.
  33. Wez da kannon winnaz of Soulstorm! Dat meanz we krumped dem 'undred baneblade fingys!
  34. Gorgutz WANTS DAT STIK!!!
  35. Lastly, an' most importantly, da mane reezun it rokkz ta be an Ork iz dis:


Reasons it sucks to be an Ork[edit | edit source]

  1. You're the one species that is actually dumber than humanity. HERESY! *THUMP* LOK BOSS I GOT MEH WUN UH DEM UMIES!!!!
  2. Your war cry "WAAAGH!" is overused by everyone. LIEK IF "FOR DA EMPRAH!!!" IZN'T OVERUZZED AZ 'ELL
  3. No matter how hard you try, you will never achieve enough dakka... and if you did, it'd end up destroying you too. A TRAGGADY, DAT IS!
  4. Despite having some awesome-looking guns, you can't shoot things for shit. Your standard Ballistic Skill is 2 (which means at best hitting things on a 5+), and when you do shoot somebody successfully it's probably due to sheer volume of bullets more than anything else. YOU SAY DAT LOIKE IT'S A ZOGGIN' BAD FING!
  5. Your sole purpose in stories is to distract the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard from more dangerous threats like Chaos, Tyranids or Necrons. BUT WE'Z GET TA HAVE A REAL GREAT FIGHT WHILEZ BEIN' A DISTRAKSHUN. SO IT'Z STILL ALL GOOD. ALSO HAV YOU EVEN READ DA BEAST ARISES WE ZOG DEM HUMMIES UP. (Sadly, the series' average rating on Goodreads didn't even pass 4 stars, I think not a single book has passed 4 stars. So, I say they are not bad, but not that good either.)
  6. Your army falls apart at the seams the minute your Warboss dies. NAH, WE'S JUST GOT TA FIGURA' OUT WHUZ IN CHARGE NEXT, DAN WE COMES BACK AROUND TA FUMP EM AGAIN! Hiss! By that time we've NOMNOMNOMNOM'D on you *CRUNCH* ANUDDA 'EAD FER ME POINTY STIKK!
  7. Orks do not draw psychic power from the Warp, but still take Perils of the Warp. DEM WEIRDBOY GITZ JUST ORK'D TOO 'ARD!
  8. Anytime you use anything, from your smallest pistol to your largest space ship, you have the same chances of surviving its use as a grot snuggling an overcharged standard issue Imperial Plasma Gun. Offset by the fact you can survive 4th degree burns, decapitation, being septic, and acquiring space tetanus. OY, DOK. WUTZ DIS TETANATHINGY? CAN WE'Z SQUISH ET?
  9. In Second Ed there was an alarming risk that your entire army might die before the battle actually started because almost no Ork units had sealed armour. ORKZ DUN' NEED ARMER! NOT WEN ORKZ GOT DAKKA!! SMASH DEM GITS WITOUT'IT!
  10. You have a mushroom and two spore pods dangling between your legs, and Kroot find it a delicacy. GOOD MEAT BAKKAWW! *THUMP* I DUNNO WUT DIS DUN SAID BUT IT URT ME EYES SO I KRUMPED IT!!!!
  11. You're part of Squad Broken. WELL UH.... ZOGGIT, YOO GOT US DERE.
  12. Even (some) vegetarians will eat you NOT IF WE EAT DEM FIRST! HAH!
  14. There is a slight chance that Mattard is going to write 6th edition codex. If so, in the next codex you'll read something like this: "The Orks insatiable thirst for violence is, really, just a way of coping with the angst they feel that no matter what they do, they will never be Ultramarines." WHO KEEPS LETTIN' DEZ' HUMIES IN 'ERE! WE'Z BLOODY INFESTED! GET DA BURNAZ! (Also Mattard is apparently too busy with pestering Forge world for more Space marine resin collections to be converted into plastic for the main product line to be bothered with our humble bumbling green skins.) Tipakill 'umie bee'ayevyohr dat iz. Alwayz ignorin' da orky fingz in loif an' only payin' attentchuhn to zoggin' 'umie fingz. Downroight shaymfol dat iz. Da onlee REEL orky 'umie dere iz iz dat Kaptuhn Yarik; Gork - or eh, iz it Mork? - bless 'iz 'eart. (Trust us greenskin, Matt Ward ignoring you is a good thing.) But waznt 'e fired fur being an annoying grot?
  15. if dere ain't any Stormboyz, yer army k'n get krumped by da Blu Gitz real easy like. No not DEM blue gits The udda ones wif da nice dakka and puny stompas.*CRUNCH* OI! WHO LET DA GROT DO DA TALKIN?! WE JUS' SMASH DEM BLUEBOYZ WIT 'ARE CHOPPAS WHEN WE GET CLOSE, AN' IF DAT DON'T WORK WE JUST MATCH DERE AMOUNT OF DAKKA WIT SOME PRETTY KILLY SHOOTAS. UNLESS DEY SEND DA RED COMMIT THO... GOOD FING DEY GOT RID OF HIM!
  16. You probably don't have a penis. You can piss on Space Marines, only to die a short while later. IZ DAT BAD FING? OOMIEZ SAYZ DAT IT VERY HURTZ WHEN WE 'IT EM IN IT? Wait... Dat what dey call the mushroom'n'spore pods? Poor suckas! Dey have PAIN nerves down dat way? No WONDER dey scream so bad when we kick em there.
  17. You all piss yourselves at the very mention of the name of a certain Red Armored Swordsman. WE'Z JUST BE SO EXCITED CAUSE DAT BLUE-BOY ACTUALLY PUTS UP A FIGHT! More so than the Orks did against an old Ethereal with a pointed stick! *KRUMP* SHUT IT YA GREAT LANKY BLUE GROT Dat Red Kommit ain't got nottin' on Yarik, da Kommit just has a good choppy bit! Yarik jus' has ta look at ya funni to zog ya! *Thunk* Da Redd Kommit wuz tearin' boyz wif his stompaz' bare 'ands before 'e found da choppa ya grot!
  18. One of your gods has the voice of Robin Williams. Izzat a bad fing?
  19. You have to deal with Vance Stubbs fans refusing to admit that they lost Kaurava. The only real defeat is people pretending you never won. BUT DEN WE GETS TA KRUMP DOSE BUTT'URT GITS AN HAV A REEL GUD FIGHT! WATZ DA PROBLEM WIF DAT?

See Also[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]

Clans ov da Orks
Clans: Bad Moons - Blood Axes - Deathskulls - Goffs - Evil Sunz - Snake Bites
Non-Clan Factions: Freebooterz - Feral Orks - Speed Freeks - Dred Mob - Gretchin Revolutionary Committee - Beast Snaggas

Forces ov da Orks
Bosses: Beastboss - Big Mek - Boiler Boy - Meganobz - Painboy
Painboss - Pigdok - Warboss - Warlord - Weirdboy - Wurrboy
Boyz: Boyz (Huntas - Madboyz - Shoota Boyz - Slugga Boyz - Stikk Bommas - Wildboyz)
'Ardboyz - Brutes - Cyborks - Diggas - Gretchin - Nobz - Skarboyz
Oddboys: Burna Boyz - Flash Gitz - Kommandos - Lootas
Mekboyz - Rokkas - Runtherd - Stormboyz - Tankbustas
Feral Orks an'
Beast Snaggas:
Beast Snagga Boy - Boarboyz - Herda - Kill Rig
Squig Catapult - Squiggoth - Squighog Boy - Trappa
Stompy 'fings: Deff Dred - Gorkanaut - Killa Kan - Mega-Dread - Morkanaut
Transports an' Tanks: Battlewagon - Big Lugga - Big Trakks - Bonebreaka - Bonecruncha - Braincrusha
Flakkatrakks - Gobsmasha - Grot Tanks - Grot Trakbike - Gutrippa - Grot MegaTank
Gunwagon - Looted Wagon - Lungbursta - Trukk - Spleenrippa - Weirdboy Tower
Speed Freeks: Boomdakka Snazzwagon - Bowelburna - Cuttas - Deffkilla Wartrike - Junka
Kustom Boosta-Blasta - Megatrakk Scrapjet - Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
Shokkjump Dragsta - Speedsta - Warbikers - Warbuggy - Wartrakk
Flyboyz: Bomma - Dakkajet - Deffkoptas - Drilla-Killa - Fighta - Fighta-Bomma
Grot Bomms - Landa - Minelayer - Warkoptas - Wazbom Blastajet
Supportin' Dakka: Grot Bomm Launcha - Magna-Kannon - Mek Gunz
Splashy Noggins: Ship Smasha-class Maritime Destroyer
Nautical Kroozer - Ork Submersible
Zoggin' Big and Ded Killy: Battlefortress - Gargant - Kill Tanks - Locomotive Battering Ram - Stompa
Warp Ulks: Ork Assault Boat - Rok
Huts'an Stuff: Big'ed Bossbunka - Dropz - Mekboy Workshop
Gubbinz an' Wots-its: Choppas - Fungus - Ork Gunz - Snotlings - Squigs - Warboars
Ork Gitz and Bosses
From da canon: The Beast - Boss Snikrot - Boss Zagstruk - Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka
Grukk Face-Rippa - Mad Dok Grotsnik - Makari - Mek Boss Buzgob
Mozgrod Skragbad - Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub - Old Zogwort - Orkimedes
Tuska Daemon-Killa - Wazdakka Gutsmek - Zhadsnark da Rippa - Zodgrod Wortsnagga
Kaptin Badrukk - Herman von Strab - Ufthak Blackhawk
From da gamez: Brikkfist - Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter - Kaptin Bluddflagg - Grimskull
Mister Nailbrain - Orkamungus - Spookums - Stupid
Playable Factions in Warhammer 40,000
Imperium: AdMech: Adeptus Mechanicus - Mechanicus Knights
Army: Imperial Guard - Imperial Knights - Imperial Navy - Militarum Tempestus - Space Marines
Inquisition: Inquisition - Sisters of Battle - Deathwatch - Grey Knights
Other: Adeptus Custodes - Adeptus Ministorum - Death Cults - Officio Assassinorum - Sisters of Silence
Chaos: Chaos Daemons - Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned - Chaos Knights
Xenos: Aeldari: Dark Eldar - Eldar - Eldar Corsairs - Harlequins - Ynnari
Tyranids: Genestealer Cults - Tyranids
Others: Necrons - Orks - Tau - Leagues of Votann
Notable Species of Warhammer 40,000
Major: Eldar Dark Eldar Humans Abhumans Necrons Orks Tau Tyranids Genestealer Hybrids
Minor: Anthrazods Ambull Araklionid Barghesi Banelings Bale Childer Brachyura Drahendra Caradochians
Cimmeriac Cryptos Cythor Fiends Demiurg Donarathi Drugh Dracoliths Drax Enoulian
Enslavers Formosian Fra'al Galg G’nosh Greet Gykon Hrenian Hrud
Ji'atrix Jokaero Jorgall K'nib Kathaps Khrave Kinebrach Kroot L'Huraxi
Lacrymole Laer Lelith Loxatl Medusae Megarachnids Morralian Nagi Nekulli
Nicassar Old Ones Poctroon Q'Orl Rak'gol Rangda Ranghon Reek Reptos
Saharduin Saruthi Scythian Simulacra Slann Slaugth Sslyth Stryxis Tarellian
Thexian Thraxian Thyrrus Tushepta Umbra Ur-Ghul Vespid Watchers in the Dark Whisperers
Xenarch Yabi-Yabi Yu'Vath Zoats Viskeons
  1. Son of High King Valorik Canorem, High Prince of House Canorem, Master of the Blade of Gaia, Keeper of the Gates of Loralo, Wielder of the Kaloric Flame, Bringer of Hope, Herald of the Holy Order of the Adamantine Lance, The Paladin of Koto, Slayer of the Lion of Essa, The Triumphant! The Light of Stars! The Eradicator!