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[[File:Catalogue_Exterminator.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Exterminator. Attachment only.]]
An Exterminator is a small Hand Flamer that is seldom taken as a stand-alone weapon. It contains only enough fuel for a single shot without having to be reloaded, therefore it is commonly fitted to other weapons to augment the firepower of the user without encumbering them with another weapon to carry, or providing a degree of ranged firepower to those who only carry melee weaponry. Think of it as a small Flamer attachment to your main gun you see in Call of Duty. It is not a Combi-Weapon however, as it is meant to be a replaceable accessory, not permanently part of the gun. The difference can be explained as a Combi-Weapon being explicitly built or modified as such, while this thing is meant to be disposable.
An Exterminator is a small Hand Flamer that is seldom taken as a stand-alone weapon. It contains only enough fuel for a single shot without having to be reloaded, therefore it is commonly fitted to other weapons to augment the firepower of the user without encumbering them with another weapon to carry, or providing a degree of ranged firepower to those who only carry melee weaponry. Think of it as a small Flamer attachment to your main gun you see in Call of Duty. It is not a Combi-Weapon however, as it is meant to be a replaceable accessory, not permanently part of the gun. The difference can be explained as a Combi-Weapon being explicitly built or modified as such, while this thing is meant to be disposable.

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image:RedemptionistExterminator2.jpg|<center>Alternate View</center>
image:RedemptionistExterminator2.jpg|<center>Alternate View</center>
image:KlovisExterminator.jpg|<center>Klovis the Redeemer</center>

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Tabletop wise, the Incendine Combustor is a Heavy Flamer with a longer 12" range (so it can be used right out of infiltration/deepstrike), this thing is great for clearing out hordes like all flamers but on a longer range. Works well on those close and dirty as well as punchy Kastelans.
Tabletop wise, the Incendine Combustor is a Heavy Flamer with a longer 12" range (so it can be used right out of infiltration/deepstrike), this thing is great for clearing out hordes like all flamers but on a longer range. Works well on those close and dirty as well as punchy Kastelans.
===Clearance Incinerator===
[[File:Clearance_Incinerator.JPG|200px|right|thumb|Clearance Incinerator]]
A quad-barrelled civilian Heavy Flamer.
The Clearance Incinerator is a type of Flame Weapon used on [[Goliath Truck|Goliath Rockgrinders]], originally as a construction equipment to weaken and liquefy rock, it is also utilized by [[Genestealer|Genestealer Cults]]. This massive, multi-chambered heavy flamer is able to turn a landslide to molten slurry.
In the Genestealer Codex, the Clearance Incinerator is a upgrade to the regular Goliath Truck. Depending on whether you want to go all out on blob cleansing,than the Incinerator is competing with the Heavy Seismic Cannon (Although the Heavy Seismic Canon has the ability to switch between two modes at the expense of being a better overall troop killer). The Incinerator is a Assault Heavy Flamer with a 12" range and is considered the best compliment to the Drilldozer.

===Flamestorm Cannon===
===Flamestorm Cannon===
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image:KlovisExterminator.jpg|<center>Klovis the Redeemer</center>
image:KlovisTheRedeemerPict.jpg|With Fire and Chainsword
image:KlovisTheRedeemerPict.jpg|With Fire and Chainsword

Revision as of 13:31, 8 October 2018

I just want to start a flame in your heart.

"Build a man a fire, you keep him warm for a day. Set a man on fire, you keep him warm for the rest of his life..."

– Terry Pratchett

" Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean. And remember, your trusty Flamer can do all three."

– Sergeant Tobe Kisubo

The Flamer is a short-ranged support weapon employed in many different variations by nearly all of the races of the WH40K universe.


The flamer is a weapon that sprays an area with an extremely flammable liquid/gas known as Prometheum (no relation to the actual element Promethium but a reference to the Greek Titan Prometheus), burning anything in front of it. Now apart from the varying degrees of burns you'll receive when you're on the business end of one, your squad won't really be motivated when they see a giant firewave of painful and slow death, which will proceed to painfully and slowly kill them. In fact it's a rather terrifying experience, and anyone short of a space marine or a particularly stubborn commissar will probably bolt when they see a lot of 'em coming.

Armies field flamers in different sizes ranging from pistol-sized flame units, a regular rifle sized unit, to a big-ass flamer capable of bathing entire platoons in fire with a single burst. Table-top wise, Flamers are special weapons that ignore cover bonuses and are extremely effective against infantry. Very good against the Tyranids due to their total lack of vehicles, so you always have a chance at hurting most any tyranid unit you shoot at, plus it's great for killing all those pesky rippers. Fairly effective against Orks as well, as flamers are awfully good at killing large blobs of infantry. In 8th edition, they can now damage vehicles with weight of fire and are one of the better tools for taking on fliers, funnily (stupidly) enough.

Imperial Variations

A cruel and painful weapon in its own right, this would not be 40k if there weren't several variations of the flamer, each deadlier than the last.

Hand Flamer

Hand Flamer

Also called a Burner, the Hand Flamer is a more compact pistol version requiring only one hand. Mainly used by the Adepta Sororitas, Hive Gangers, and the Inquisition, this weapon is a pint-sized flamethrower that can be wielded as if it were a pistol. Along with using a lower-capacity fuel tank it has much reduced range, which makes it suited for assault and close-combat purposes, incinerating foes at short range. Some extremely unhinged individuals go as far to dual-wield them for extra burny power. There are quite a number of Hand Flamer patterns such as:

  • Ignis Pattern: Used by Space Marines, most notably the Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters.
  • Akkadic Pattern: Used by Ashen Circle marines of the Word Bearers Legion
  • Exterminator
  • Destroyer-Pattern: Also known as the Cadence Promethium Incineration Device, it was produced by the Inquisition in the Calixis Sector. It uses technology similar to a Plasma Gun to create super-heated thermal blast that burns fat hotter and with greater fuel efficiency than normal Hand Flamers.


Exterminator. Attachment only.

An Exterminator is a small Hand Flamer that is seldom taken as a stand-alone weapon. It contains only enough fuel for a single shot without having to be reloaded, therefore it is commonly fitted to other weapons to augment the firepower of the user without encumbering them with another weapon to carry, or providing a degree of ranged firepower to those who only carry melee weaponry. Think of it as a small Flamer attachment to your main gun you see in Call of Duty. It is not a Combi-Weapon however, as it is meant to be a replaceable accessory, not permanently part of the gun. The difference can be explained as a Combi-Weapon being explicitly built or modified as such, while this thing is meant to be disposable.

Common weapon fits include:

  • Lasguns
  • Boltguns
  • Shotguns
  • Autoguns
  • Eviscerators: (Exterminator/Eviscerator hybrids are particularly favored by members of Redemption Cults.)



The regular sized flamethrower as described above, used by nearly everyone in the 41st millennium. In the case of the Imperium, there are loads and loads of different patterns of Flamers. All suitable for your occasional pyromaniacs. Usage or users of Flamers within the Imperium can be seen within the list below.

  • More fanatic adherents of the Imperial Creed employ flamers against mutants and heretics as the weapon's flames are seen to cleanse sin and impurity from body and soul alike.
  • It is the preferred weapon of the more fervent worshipers of the Emperor such as the fanatical Red Redemptionists and the associated Fanatics of the House of Cawdor of Necromunda.
  • Among the Adepta Sororitas (As expected), as a purifying weapon, the flamer has a prominent function and for a Sister to be entrusted with one is a great honor.
  • The Salamanders Chapter (Again, as expected) make wide use of flamers and melta weapons due to their preference for close-ranged combat.
  • The Catachan regiments of the Imperial Guard are often deployed to areas of heavy jungle, where enemies can make as much use of the ever present cover as the Catachans themselves. Accordingly flamers and heavy flamers are especially valued by the Catachans for their ability to rob the enemy of the benefit of the terrain.
  • Troops of the Adeptus Mechanicus use a more advanced version of the flamer known as the Cognis Flamer. This weapon is equipped with a Machine Spirit that continue to fire even when its wielder is distracted.

Heavy Flamer

Heavy Flamer

The big brother of the regular flamer, able to do far more damage. It produces a larger flame capable of enveloping more targets. Due to the longer barrel and more powerful gas propellant, the Heavy Flamer has a much longer reach then the regular Flamer, but it is off set with its higher maintenance and bulkiness due to its large and ungainly size.

Mainly used by Terminators and vehicles, they are also carried by the Sisters as a specialist weapon, by everyone in the Salamanders, and by the Catachans because they simply don't give a fuck. Also sees use by the Blood Angels and Deathwatch and many Sternguard Veteran squads. Strictly better than a regular flamer, which is why GW usually manually prevents you from just taking gobs of them. Unless you play a Crusade Legion list, where you can field squads of 10

Pyroclast Flame Projector

Pyroclast Flame Projector

A special type of Heavy Flamer.

Pyroclast Flame Projector's were the Salamanders unique and complex flame weapons created by Vulkan himself during the Great Crusade. Wielded by the Legion's Pyroclasts, they were far more elegant and potent than the standard Flamer used by the Legiones Astartes. They were used to incinerate a swathe of targets in the manner of a standard Flamer, but also focused their jet into searing cutting arcs, difficult to aim, but able to slice through durable armor.

It is unknown if the modern-era Salamanders Chapter still utilizes this specialized formation within its Chapter organization.

In a simpler sense, they are the Astartes version of an Ork Burna.


Incinerators. The only weapon that can make Khorne Berserkers and Bloodletters wet themselves in terror.

The Grey Knights own personal flamers on steroids, dial up over 9000. Essentially exclusively wielded by the Grey Knights Purgation Squad (But can also be wielded by Terminators and Dreadnoughts as well).

These fuckers have their fuel mixed in with blessed oils which when fired, essentially create a stream of flaming blue or white sanctic power. These guns cause most infantries to piss themselves red and scatter like droves, and make most regular Chaos forces to shit-launch themselves into near orbit of the sheer fear on the amount of collateral rape they will be forced to endure. Tl;dr, this is essentially the Grey Knights version of pesticide, to wipe out those hard to kill critters.

You could say that the Incinerators are one *Hell* of a gun to use as in the Dawn of War 2 Elite Mod, Incinerators are absolute rape machines capable of lolnoping almost all types of infantry save those donning the most protective armor. Not even vehicles is safe from this monstrosity of a Flamer. Light one up and watch the chaos reign in everywhere.

Flame Gauntlet

Flame Gauntlet

Like its more Dakka version, the Boltstorm Gauntlet, the Flame Gauntlets are a type of Flame Weapon used by Primaris Space Marine Aggressor Squads. The Flame Gauntlet as mentioned, is similar to the Boltstorm Gauntlet, replacing its Bolter with a Flamer. As such, it also bears a strong resemblance and function to Roboute Guilliman's famed weapon Hand of Dominion as well as Marneus Calgar's Gauntlets of Ultramar.

Unsurprisingly, the Flame Gauntlets specialize in bathing large mobs of infantry in fire whereas the Boltstorm is more for crowd control. The Flame Gauntlets is used if other Primaris troops such as Hellblasters are caught too hot in CQC and a much needed punch is needed to soften the blow.

Furthermore, despite the pitiful range on a unit that relies on overwhelming firepower at a distance, these still are Terminator-esque infantry, so trying to charge one knowing full well that these guys carry a 2D6 flamer on both hands is bound to spell a terrible end to whatever mook not enclosed in centimeters-thick ceramite.

Infernus Incinerator

Infernus Incinerator

For when you want to be Choppy yet have a toasty after-crisp.

The Infernus Incinerator is a type Flame Weapon used by the Adeptus Custodes. Basically the Flamer version of the Bolt Casters, this time, wielded on swords to further maximize its close combat lethality. They are sometimes mounted on Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnoughts.

The sword itself is called the Galatus Warblade, which is a massive Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon used by Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnoughts and it is where the in-built Flamers are placed upon (The hilt of the sword).

Infernus Firepike

Infernus Firepike

The big golden marshmallow melter. The Phoenix Gun. The golden incinerator. There are many names for the Infernus Firepike and it is understandable to know why. This gun looks absolutely beast!

The Infernus Firepike is one of the primary weapons of the golden pain trains known as the Aquilon Terminators. Able to burn a huge swaths of filthy Heretics in a single gout of holy Promethium. As with all Custodes equipment, the Promethium is of high quality blessed with sacred oils and wards for extra burny power. It is likewise, known as one of the most powerful Heavy Flamers available.

On the tabletop, the Infernus Firepike is a powerful S6 AP6 Heavy 1, Torrent gun that can assrape most infantry in one setting.

Incendine Combustor

Incendine Combustor

The Incendine Combustor is a type of heavy Flame Weapon used by Adeptus Mechanicus Kastelan Robots. The incendine combustor hurls out great gouts of burning, thrice-blessed promethium. Laced with Magos-blessed unguents and ignited by a flame lit from the Perpetual Forge, each holy fire-thrower can turn a technoheretic into foul tallow in a matter of seconds.

Due to the size and weight, the Incendine Combustor is reserved to only to the robots of the AdMech as not even the augmented muscles of the Space Marines could use this thing in a efficient and practical manner.

Tabletop wise, the Incendine Combustor is a Heavy Flamer with a longer 12" range (so it can be used right out of infiltration/deepstrike), this thing is great for clearing out hordes like all flamers but on a longer range. Works well on those close and dirty as well as punchy Kastelans.

Clearance Incinerator

Clearance Incinerator

A quad-barrelled civilian Heavy Flamer.

The Clearance Incinerator is a type of Flame Weapon used on Goliath Rockgrinders, originally as a construction equipment to weaken and liquefy rock, it is also utilized by Genestealer Cults. This massive, multi-chambered heavy flamer is able to turn a landslide to molten slurry.

In the Genestealer Codex, the Clearance Incinerator is a upgrade to the regular Goliath Truck. Depending on whether you want to go all out on blob cleansing,than the Incinerator is competing with the Heavy Seismic Cannon (Although the Heavy Seismic Canon has the ability to switch between two modes at the expense of being a better overall troop killer). The Incinerator is a Assault Heavy Flamer with a 12" range and is considered the best compliment to the Drilldozer.

Flamestorm Cannon

Flamestorm Cannon

The Flamestorm Cannon is a large Imperial flamer, more powerful than even the heavy flamer used on several Space Marine vehicles. An even bigger variation of the flamer, found on the Land Raider Redeemer as a sponson weapon and the primary weapon of the Baal Predator. Each Flamestorm Cannon spouts a billowing tide of burning promethium into the thick of the foe, incinerating any biological matter and melting any inorganic matter in the way.

These massive flame-based weapons also enable Redeemers to be highly effective against infantry during grueling and dangerous urban combat. A Land Raider Redeemer can use its Flamestorm Cannons to burn enemy infantry out of their hiding spots in shattered buildings, mazes of debris, and rockcrete rubble. Although there are reports that the flames being spitted out is hot enough to melt plasteel and even the Ceramite of Space Marine Power Armour which would have made it more of a plasma weapon.

A cool trivia is that these weapons are so good at killing hordes of infantry that the Yiffers nickname them Firewyrms, which is an ancient beast of Fenrisian legend that is said to have harbored the fires of the sun in its gullet.

This is the weapon you wanna use to flashfry and BBQ a whole swarm of Tyranids before getting into superheavy category. Although the Inferno Cannon might be a bit better in terms of assault and price.

Inferno Cannon

Inferno Cannon

The Inferno Cannon is a huge, vehicle mounted Flame Weapon. The primary weapon of the Hellhound, this weapon focuses on the "thrower" aspect of "flamethrower". Similar in strength to the Heavy Flamer, the Inferno Cannon can project its payload over a considerable distance and if used right can fuck up even vehicles if they have poor armor. It is used by the Imperial Guard and can also be equipped on Space Marine Dreadnoughts. The amount of damage it does is magnified by the explosive force it is fired with. It causes fear amongst those enemies that face it, and rightly so. The sheer amount of flame that leaves the vehicle is immense, enough to melt through most armor and even some defensive structures. The tank has to carry large barrels of Promethium, making it extremely volatile, especially under explosive fire.

When it fires, the vehicle must not be moving, as a disastrous back wash of flame would fry everyone inside the vehicle. The crew are often seen as pyromaniacs.

The Immolator tank of the Sisters of Battle uses twin-linked Heavy Flamers which produces a similar effect.

Flame Cannon

Flame Cannon

Should not be confused with the Tzeentchian Flame Cannon which some has taken into calling it as the Warpfire Flame Cannon to avoid confusion.

A step up from your regular Inferno Cannon. The Flame Cannon is a class of heavy Flame Weapon mounted of Imperial Knights, most notably the Knight Acheron's Acheron pattern Flame Cannon. This devastating weapon can literally project a literal hellstorm of the flame torrent to the enemy. Fire basically rains when this thing comes into play. The power of the Flame Cannon can be equally compared with the Titan class weapon.

It is just overshadowed by the even bigger Inferno Gun which may be why this weapon is not that heard off much at all.

Heavy Incinerator

Heavy Incinerator

If you thought the regular Incinerator just weren't enough to scare those pesky critters from the Warp. Fear not! for the Grey Knights can just upscale the whole thing and now you can bathe entire daemonic armies in purifying white hot flames.

A Heavy incinerator is a much larger, and therefore much more powerful version of the common Grey Knight Incinerator. It is only known to be mounted on the infamous Nemesis Dreadknights.

On 7th ed, it was the heavy version for the Dreadknight. Gained Soulblaze just like the standard incinerator. It was one of the best horde cleanser in the Grey Knight armory and was notorious for making swift barbecue to entire Termagaunt hordes.

On 8th ed, the Heavy Incinerator dishes out d6 auto hits and an additional 12 shots, however, it is now a requirement to just arm you Dreadnight with either a Gatling Psilencer or a Heavy Psycannon (Or both) since these two are just better then the Heavy Incinerator. The only part the Heavy Incinerator shines is stopping horde rushes during Overwatch.

Conflagration Cannon

Conflagration Cannon

There is a new flamer in town and this one is so big that it just stops shy of being a Inferno Gun. The Conflagration Cannon is the primary weapon of the Knight Valiants which are basically baby Warlord Titans in both design and weapon loadout.

These bad motherfuckers are essentially three Inferno Cannons duck taped together in a tri-barrel configuration. Yes you heard us right, it is not one, not two, but three of these horde eaters combined and supercharged! Of course there are some argumentative debates on the design choices of this weapon. With detractors stating the the top barrel lacks a pilot light to actually lit the flame up, whilst supporters stating that the bottom two barrels which DO have a pilot light would end up lighting the top barrel any way. Both sides however, can agree that it might have been a deign oversight by GW that they have just given up after they realized it went passed the drawing boards and into production.

Crunch wise, this thing is a monster. The Conflagration Cannon is essentially an 18″ flamer that auto hits with 3D6 shots that each are Str 7, AP -2, and 2 Damage. The Flame Cannon wishes it could be this cool...or awesome...or recognized....

Inferno Gun

Inferno Gun

Some men just want to watch the world burn. Others provide the matches. The Inferno Gun falls under the second category. Mounted only on the Warhound Scout Titan and the Malcador tank it will do horrifying damage against anything caught in its path. It is composed of several linked barrels firing highly flammable chemicals in massive waves of flame. It typically uses Promethium for this task, which is stored in multiple parts and pumped independently into a mixing chamber just behind the barrel to create a chemical "jelly." This jelly is then compressed and released as a jet of flaming mass which sticks to any surface. This massive gout of sun-fire can melt stone and concrete, causing buildings to collapse in on themselves, and even liquidate Power Armored infantry. It can also effectively clear minefields as the sudden heat detonates their main charges on contact.

The Inferno Gun can be fitted to the limb mounts on Warhound Scout Titans, as well as the carapace mounts found on Reaver and Warlord Battle Titans. They can also be found on the carapace mounts of some Imperator Titans. The Imperial Guard Malcador Infernus super-heavy tank also mounts an Inferno Gun as its main armament, though it must tow its Promethium fuel in a separate trailer.




Heavy Flamer

Inferno Gun

Weapons of the Imperium of Man
Ballistics: Absolvor Bolt Pistol - Archaeotech Repeater - Archeotech Revolver - Assault Grenade Launcher - Autopistol
Belasco Galvian Needler - Bolter Cane - Bolt Launcher - Bolt Pistol - Condemnor Stakethrower - Exitus Pistol
Flechette Blaster - Flechette Pistol - Flintlock Pistol - Grenade Discharger - Handbow - Hand Cannon - Heavy Bolt Pistol
Kinetic Destroyer - Needle Pistol - Radium Pistol - Radium Serpenta - Ripper Pistol - Sawn-Off Shotgun - Shotgun Pistol
Stub Gun
Directed-Energy: Arc Pistol - Blast Pistol - Digital Weapons - Disintegration Pistol - Electrostatic Gauntlet - Gamma Pistol
Helfrost Pistol - Hellpistol - Hotshot Laspistol - Inferno Pistol - Laspistol - Neo-Volkite Pistol - Photon Gauntlet
Bale Eye - Eradication Pistol - Plasma-Caster - Plasma Cutter - Plasma Pistol - Rad Beamer - Voltaic Blaster
Volkite Serpenta
Incendiary: Exterminator - Hand Flamer - Phosphor Blast Pistol - Phosphor Pistol - Phosphor Serpenta - Sulphur Breath
Chemical: Alchem Pistol
Gravitational: Grav-Pistol
Other: Chimera Pistol Sword - Grapnel Launcher - Neural Shredder - Reductor Pistol - Snare Gun - Web Pistol - Web Spinner
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Angelus Bolt Carbine - Autogun - Astartes Assault Shotgun - Bolter - Bow - Combat Shotgun - Crossbow
Gun Axe - Galvanic Carbine - Pump-Action Shotgun - Radium Carbine - Storm Bolter - Stubber - Musket
Blunderbuss - Stub Cannon - Stub Rifle - Longrifle - Macrostubber - Bolt Carbine - Imperial Boltgun
Stubcarbine - Sling - Solo Boltgun - Sororitas Boltgun - Special Issue Boltgun - Bolt Rifle - Concussion Carbine
Directed-Energy: Arc Rifle - Blast Rifle - Lascutter - Hellgun - Lasgun (Lasgun Patterns) - Phased Plasma-Fusil - Plasma Blaster
Plasma Incinerator - Suppression Laser - Hotshot Lasgun - Hotshot Volley Gun - Mining Laser - Lascarbine
Laser Gauntlet - Auxilia Lasrifle - Las-Lock - Mitralock - Rad Gun
Incendiary: Assault Flamer - Flamer - Pyreblaster
Gravitational: Grav-gun
Other: Webber
Special Weapons:
Ballistics: Assault Bolter - Grenade Launcher - Flechette Carbine - Needle Sniper Rifle - Radium Jezzail
Sniper Rifle - Transuranic Arquebus - Mole Mortar - Galvanic Caster - Galvanic Rifle - Forge Bolter
Magnarail Lance - Vengeance Grenade Launcher - Purgatus Crossbow - Stake Crossbow
Exitus Rifle - Light Mortar - Mark IX Sniper Rifle - Guardian Bolter - Balistus Grenade Launcher
Lastrum Storm Bolter - Mk.III Shrike Pattern Bolt Sniper Rifle - Krumper Rivet Cannon - Nemesis Bolter
Executioner Shotgun
Directed-Energy: Conversion Beamer - Long-Las - Meltagun - Plasma Caliver - Plasma Gun - Adrathic Destructor
Plasma Repeater - Volkite Charger - Photon Thruster - Melta Rifle - Plasma Talon - Plasma Exterminator
Las-Fusil - Lightning Gun - Proteus Plasma Projector - Volkite Incinerator - Plasma Burner - Arc Lance
Eradication Ray
Incendiary: Incinerator - Phosphor Blast Carbine - Phosphor Torch - Immolation Rifle - Balefire Gun
Chemical: Alchem Flamer - Chem-Thrower
Sonic: Transonic Cannon
Gravitational: Grav-Amp
Warpcraft: Animus Speculum - Psilencer - Psycannon
Combi-Weapons: Magna-Needle Mk.X Pattern Pistol - Ultra-Needle Mk.IX Pattern Pistol - Stub Gun-Plasma Combi-Pistol
Combi-Flamer - Combi-Melta - Combi-Grenade Launcher - Combi-Plasma - Combi-Grav - Combi-Volkite
Infernus Heavy Bolter - Adrastus Bolt Caliver - Disintegration Combi-Gun - Combi-Needler
Condemner Boltgun - Executioner Pistol - Needlespine Blaster
Other: Chaff Launcher - Crozius Arkanos - Infernum Halo Launcher
SLHG Pattern Assault Ram - Stormcaller Stave - Tarantula Sentry Gun
Heavy Weapons:
Ballistics: Autocannon - Assault Cannon - Scatterbolt Launcher - Harpoon Gun - Heavy Bolter - Heavy Stubber - Missile Launcher
Rotor Cannon - Heavy Mortar - Heavy Shotgun - Storm-Welder - Heavy Crossbow - Harpoon Launcher - Scatter Cannon
Ripper Gun - Rad Missile Launcher - Boltstorm Gauntlet - Maxim Bolter - Grenadier Gauntlet - Tempest Bolter
Mole Launcher - Salvo Launcher - Mauler Bolt Cannon - Cyclone Missile Launcher - Typhoon Missile Launcher
Skyhammer Missile Launcher - Grenade Harness - Cerberus Launcher - Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Deathwatch Frag Cannon - Auto-Launcher - Ravenwing Grenade Launcher - Thunderfire Cannon - Icarus Rocket Pod
Ironhail Heavy Stubber - Lucius Pattern Heavy Quad-Launcher - Tempest Salvo Launcher - Bombast Field Gun
Castellan Launcher (Superfrag Rocket Launcher - Superkrak Rocket Launcher - Vengor Launcher) - Charge Caster
Concussion Cannon - Malleus Rocket Launcher - Rad Grenade Launcher
Directed-Energy: Heavy Arc Rifle - Helfrost Cannon - Lascannon - Rad Cannon - Multi-Melta - Multi-laser
Plasma Cannon - Volkite Caliver - Volkite Culverin - Darkfire Cannon - Melta Destroyer
Las-Ripper - Irradiation Projector - Volkite Blaster - Plasma Culverin - Heavy Mining Laser
Volkite Cavitor - Volkite Falconet Battery - Corve Las-Pulser - Vultarax Arc Blaster
Heavy Lascannon
Incendiary: Atalan Incinerator - Heavy Flamer - Phosphor Blaster
Flamestorm Gauntlet - Incendine Combustor
Pyroclast Flame Projector - Infernus Firepike
Chemical: Alchem Heavy Flamer - Death Cloud Projector
Sonic: Seismic Cannon
Gravitational: Grav-Cannon - Heavy Grav-Cannon - Graviton Pulsar - Graviton Ram
Other: Firestrike Servo-Turret - Heavy Webber - Mancatcher - Sabre Weapons Battery - Torsion Cannon
Daemon Weapons:
Ballistics: Hellrifle
Ballistics: Anvilus Autocannon Battery - Anvilus Snub Autocannon - Battle Cannon - Conqueror Cannon - Demolisher Cannon
Hellstrike Missile - Hydra Autocannon - Eradicator Nova Cannon - Punisher Gatling Cannon - Punisher Rotary Cannon
Vanquisher Cannon - Ironhail Skytalon Array - Ferrumite Cannon - Onslaught Gatling Cannon - Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Icarus Stormcannon Array - Siegebreaker Cannon - Skyreaper Battery - Avenger Bolt Cannon - Iliastus Accelerator Cannon
Hurricane Bolter - Lastrum Bolt Cannon - Multiple Rocket Pod - Blackstar Rocket Launcher - Deathwind Missile Launcher
Hunter-Killer Missile - Bellicatus Missile Array - Hammerstrike Missile Launcher - Sabre Missile Launcher
Disruptor Missile Launcher - Frag Cannon - Hellfury Missile - Skystrike Missile - Stormstrike Missile Launcher
Aiolos Missile Launcher - Scorpius Launcher - Hyperios Missile Launcher - Hammerfall Missile Launcher
Ironclad Assault Launcher - Boreas Air Defence Missile - Skyspear Missile Launcher - Fragstorm Grenade Launcher
Arcus Launcher - Krakstorm Grenade Launcher - Blackstar Cluster Launcher - Macharius Battle Cannon - Taurox Battle Cannon
Taurox Gatling Cannon - Leviathan Storm Cannon - Vengeance Launcher - Xiphon Rotary Missile Launcher - Kratos Battlecannon
Hellion Pattern Heavy Cannon Array - Terrebrax Rocket Battery - Castigator Gatling Cannon - Pulveriser Cannon
Ballistus Missile Launcher - Oppressor Cannon
Directed-Energy: Helfrost Destructor - Magma Cannon - Pulsar-Fusil - Volcano Cannon - Volkite Saker - Adrathic Devastator - Eradication Beamer
Las-Talon - Macro Plasma Incinerator - Volkite Demi-Culverin - Melta-Cutter - Siege Melta Array - Plasma Eradicator
Magna-Melta - Plasma Destroyer - Volkite Sentinel - Cyclonic Melta Lance - Plasma Storm Battery - Heavy Conversion Beamer
Thermal Spear - Hellfire Plasma Cannonade - Neutron Laser Projector - Neutron Laser - Arachnus Blaze Cannon
Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon - Arachnus Heavy Lascannon Battery - Arachnus Storm Cannon - Laser Destroyer Array
Laser Destroyer - Heavy Laser Destroyer - Omega Plasma Array - Sabre Neutron Blaster - Solex Heavy Lascannon
Melta Blastgun - Volkite Cardanelle
Incendiary: Heavy Phosphor Blaster - Incendium Cannon - Inferno Cannon - Flamestorm Cannon - Clearance Incinerator
Infernus Incinerator - Heavy Incinerator
Chemical: Chem Cannon
Sonic: Heavy Seismic Cannon - Laud Hailer
Warpcraft: Gatling Psilencer - Heavy Psycannon - Rift Cannon
Combi-Weapons: Cerastus Shock Lance
Ballistics: Apocalypse Missile Launcher - Basilisk Magnus - Colossus Siege Mortar - Deathstrike Cannon - Deathstrike Missile
Dreadhammer Cannon - Earthshaker Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar - Manticore Missile - Medusa Siege Cannon
Quake Cannon - Spicula Rocket System - Stormshard Mortar - Stormsword Siege Cannon - Tremor Cannon
Nemesis Quake Cannon - Doomsday Cannon - Exorcist Multiple Missile Launcher - Taurox Missile Launcher
Ironstorm Missile Pod - Stormspear Rocket Pod - Spiculus Bolt Launcher - Karacnos Mortar Battery
Praetor Multiple Missile Launcher - Morbus Heavy Bombard - Dominus Triple Bombard - Behemoth Cannon
Whirlwind Multiple Missile Launcher
Directed-Energy: Belleros Energy Cannon - Hellex Plasma Mortar
Gravitational: Graviton-Charge Cannon - Grav Flux Bombard
Warpcraft: Vortex Missile
Ballistics: Accelerator Autocannon - Ardex Defensor Mega-Bolter - Avenger Gatling Cannon - Doomstrike Missile Launcher
Gatling Blaster - Thunderhawk Cannon - Vulcan Mega Bolter - Trident - Thundercoil Harpoon - Castigator Bolt Cannon
Shieldbreaker Missile - Helios Defense Missile Pod - Hellion Missile - Accelerator Cannon - Baneblade Cannon
Stormhammer Cannon - Hellhammer Cannon - Macro-Accelerator Cannon - Revelator Missile Launcher
Cruciator Gatling Array
Directed-Energy: Atrapos Lascutter - Hellstorm Cannon - Lightning Cannon - Melta Cannon - Plasma Annihilator
Plasma Blastgun - Plasma Destructor - Plasma Obliterator - Turbo-Laser Destructor
Vengeance Cannon - Arachnus Magna-Blaze Cannon - Thermal Cannon - Plasma Decimator
Volkite Veuglaire - Las-Impulsor - Volcano Lance - Volkite Chieorovile - Volkite Carronade
Defense Laser - Lightning Lock - Conversion Beam Cannon - Volkite Eradicator - Volkite Destructor
Conversion Beam Dissolutor - Extirpator Cannon
Incendiary: Acheron Flame Cannon - Conflagration Cannon - Inferno Gun
Sonic: Sonic Destructor
Gravitational: Graviton Destructor - Graviton Imploder - Graviton Ruinator
Graviton Singularity Cannon - Krius Grav Imploder
Warpcraft: Warp Missile - Warp Missile Rack - Psi-Cannon
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Annihilator Cannon - Bombardment Cannon - Doomstorm Missile
Hellfire Missile - Macro Cannon - Nova Cannon - Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Lance Weapon
Sonic: Sonic Disruptor
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Chain Weapons - C'tan Phase Weapons - Daemonblade - Force Weapons - Power Weapons - Arc Close Combat Weapons
Transonic Weapons - Basic Close Combat Weapons - Imperial Miscellaneous Weapons - Grav Close Combat Weapons
Grenades & Explosives: Arc Grenade - Blind Grenade - Choke Gas Bomb - Colossus Bomb - Demolition Charge - Frag Grenade - Gunk Bomb
Haywire Mine - Heavy Bomb - Incendiary Charge - Krak Grenade - Melta Bomb - Mindscrambler Grenade - Phosphex Bomb
Poison Globe Grenade - Smoke Grenade - Shock Grenade - Stasis Bomb - Stasis Grenade - Psyk-Out Grenade - Rad Grenade
Tectomagnic Munitions - Vortex Grenade

Chaos Variations

Chaos Space Marines and Daemons both use flame weapons with fire generating from more warp-derived sources. Results of this are positively deadly as fuck! Additionally, CSM use a lot of the imperial flamer variants including the flamer, heavy flamer and combi-flamer.

Burning Brand of Skalathrax

Rumoured to be the weapon employed by Kharn himself to burn out his allies for being faggots and shying away from cold weather on Skalathrax, the Brand has a colourful history of burning shit to death - most notably power armoured Mary-Sues. This is a unique weapon that projects a gout of Khorne's (or Tzeentch? Nobody knows exactly) best fire at a long distance, to chase out and scorch anyone who might be hiding in cover.

Hellmaw Cannon

Hellmaw Cannon

The Hellmaw Cannon is a large Flamer weapon that is used by Brass Scorpion Daemon Engines. These Brass Scorpion is armed with a set of twin-linked Hellmaw Cannons which are mounted on the underside of the beast, located just beneath its Demolisher Cannon.

These Khornate weapons are one of the most METAL things available in a Khornate army. And we mean it LITERALLY. This shit does not spray normal fire, instead it sprays infernal Warp-fed fire and molten brass, and are used as assault weapons during sieges, where they are fired into buildings that have been damaged by the creature's large claws.

The weapons are perfectly suited to the Brass Scorpion's role as an assault vehicle, allowing it to saturate enemy trench lines and tunnels with screaming Warpfire and fire the weapons into damaged buildings to force garrisoned enemy infantry out into the open.

Back then, the Hellmaw Cannon was much more visible, but nowadays they are pretty hidden, only found on the undersides of a Brass Scorpion.

Warpfire Flame Cannon

Flame Cannon

Should not be confused with the Imperium's Flame Cannon

The lazily named Flame Cannon is a weapon that betrays its generic name. As such, some people has taken into calling it the Warpfire Flame Cannon to avoid confusion and make it sound more awesome. The Warpfire Flame Cannon is a type of Flamer weapon that is used by the Doom Wing and the Fire Lord Daemon Engines of Chaos. These daemonically-possessed vehicles are assault aircraft that take the forms of gigantic birds of prey and are completely dedicated to the service of Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change and deceit.

The Doom Wing is armed with a single Warpfire Flame Cannon located under its bird skull-shaped nose and the Fire Lord is armed with two, one on each of its wings. The Warpfire Flame Cannon is special because it fires deadly Warpfire, and is capable of being used to strafe ground targets and attack other aircraft. This Warpfire can mutate and turn their victims into the nameless ones or reduce them into multi-colored gases.

Its a real shame that GW couldn't come up with a more badass name than Flame Cannon. Seriously....



A larger, more common and much deadlier flamer that takes the Flamestorm Cannon one step further - in that it shoots further! These are exclusively seen on CSM Helldrakes and are super effective against almost anything NOT wearing terminator armor or hiding in METAL BAWKSES. The Baleflamer takes the shape of a large projector muzzle that is usually located within the Daemon Engine's mouth. The weapon is fueled by the dark Warp fires that burn within the beast's chest, and when unleashed the burning ichor that flows forth and rains down upon the creature's target ignites flesh and soul alike.

It used to be a potent weapon of unrelenting rape as it can ignore cover and fire in a 360 degree radius on a flyer. Now it has been nerfed to be more balance. It is still powerful however, just not as game breaking as before.

Breath of Chaos

Employed exclusively by Daemons, this is less of a weapon than it is a shooting attack - a shooting attack that eats through armour, body and spirit with ease, that is. Effects of this weapon are as varied as the Changer of Ways himself, but can include anything from simple conflagration up to fire that turns things into tentacles or frogs or - well, we can't really make an accurate assessment of this attack. Seen used by Flamers of Tzeentch mostly, but also by Daemon Princes and Lords of Change.

Warpflame Pistol

Warpflame Pistol

As of the introduction of Warzone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus, the Thousand Sons got some sweet new looking toys, the latest of which is the Warpflame weapons. It is pretty much what happens when you trap a Flamer of Tzeentch inside a gas canister. The Warpflame Pistol is the baby of the bunch, essentially the Chaos equivalent of the Imperium's Hand Flamer used by a Rubric Marines sergeant, also known as an Avenging Sorcerer. The pistol has the shortest range out of the Warpflame family but is offset by its ease of use and smaller profile.

As a daemonic weapon, Warpflame Pistols do not really need to worry about fuel, as the very nature of the Warp makes it more likely to carry more fuel than its small canister might of originally intended. In the hands of the Thousand Sons, flame weapons such as the Warpflame Pistol hurl gouts of transmorphic fire that mutates those touched by them, turning them either into a immobile tumor to a They-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.



As of the introduction of Warzone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus, the Thousand Sons got some sweet new looking toys. The latest of which is the Warpflame weapons. Pretty much what happens when you trap a Flamers of Tzeentch inside a gas canister. The Warpflamer is the middle child of the bunch. Essentially the Chaos equivalent of the Imperium's regular Flamer. The Warpflamer has a decent range and is able to hit targets that could not be reached with a Warpflame Pistol.

Warpflamers can be a great alternative to your Rubric Marines as its affects makes it quite good at dealing with those chumps that likes to get close and personal. It is also great to clear out entrenched positions as its flame affects would roll over those pesky cover.

As a daemonic weapon, Warpflamers do not really need to worry about fuel as the very nature of the Warp makes it more likely to carry more fuel than its canister might of originally intended. In the hands of the Thousand Sons, flame weapons such as the Warpflamer hurl gouts of transmorphic fire that mutates those touched by them, turning them either into a immobile tumor to a They-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

Heavy Warpflamer

Heavy Warpflamer

As of the introduction of Warzone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus, the Thousand Sons got some sweet new looking toys. The latest of which is the Warpflame weapons. Pretty much what happens when you trap a Flamers of Tzeentch inside a gas canister. The Heavy Warpflamer is the adult of the bunch. Essentially the Chaos equivalent of the Imperium's Heavy Flamer. The Heavy Warpflamer has a long range compared to its smaller cousins and can provide excellent covering fire from allied Thousand Sons detachments.

Due to their size, only Rubric Terminators have the strength to wield one of these with ease. They provide a good anti-infantry bonus to an army quite vulnerable to tarpit swarms like those of the Tyranids or the Orks.

As a daemonic weapon, Warpflamers do not really need to worry about fuel as the very nature of the Warp makes it more likely to carry more fuel than its canister might of originally intended. In the hands of the Thousand Sons, flame weapons such as the Warpflamer hurl gouts of transmorphic fire that mutates those touched by them, turning them either into a immobile tumor to a They-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

Weapons of the Forces of Chaos
Ballistics: Autopistol - Bolt Pistol - Flintlock Pistol
Handbow - Inferno Bolt Pistol - Stub Gun
Directed-Energy: Plasma Pistol
Incendiary: Warpflame Pistol
Chemical: Alchem Pistol - Injector Pistol
Plaguespurter Gauntlet - Xyclos Needler
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Autogun - Blunderbuss - Bolter - Bow - Crossbow
Fatecaster Greatbow - Inferno Bolter - Musket
Pump-Action Shotgun - Sawn-Off Shotgun - Shotgun
Stub Rifle
Directed-Energy: Lasgun
Sonic: Sonic Blaster
Other: Net Gun
Special Weapons:
Ballistics: Light Mortar - Sniper Rifle
Directed-Energy: Conversion Beamer - Meltagun - Plasma Gun
Incendiary: Flamer - Warpflamer
Chemical: Alchem Flamer - Bile Spewer - Plague Belcher
Sonic: Doom Siren - Sonic Shrieker
Combi-Weapons: Combi-Bolter
Heavy Weapons:
Ballistics: Autocannon - Heavy Bolter - Heavy Stubber - Havoc Launcher
Reaper Autocannon - Reaper Chaincannon - Soulreaper Cannon
Hellfyre Missile Rack - Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
Tyrant Rocket Launcher
Directed-Energy: Æther-Fire Cannon - Lascannon - Plasma Cannon
Heavy Conversion Beamer
Incendiary: Heavy Flamer - Heavy Warpflamer
Chemical: Alchem Heavy Flamer - Death Cloud Projector
Plague Sprayer - Plague Spewer - Blight Launcher
Sonic: Blastmaster - Kakophoni
Daemon Weapons:
Ballistics: Kai Gun - Harvester Cannon - Butcher Cannon - Soul Burner Petard
Hades Autocannon - Hades Gatling Gun - Scorpion Cannon - Tower Gun
Skullreaper Cannon - Skullshredder Cannon - Doomfire Cannon - Impaler
Kytan Gatling Cannon - Balemaw Cannon - Plague Catapult
Directed-Energy: Storm Laser - Ectoplasma Cannon - Magma Cutter
Incendiary: Baleflamer - Daemongore Cannon - Hellmaw Cannon - Warpfire Flame Cannon
Chemical: Plaguespitter - Heavy Blight Launcher - Pandemic Staff
Plagueburst Mortar - Rot Cannon - Bile Spurt
Sonic: Heartstring Lyre
Warpcraft: Beam of Power - Bolts of Change - Ether Lance - Mirror of Absorption
Other: Fleshmetal Guns - Mawcannon - Skull Hurler - Cauldron of Blood Cannon - Ichor Cannon
Gorestorm Cannon - Tormentor Cannon - Skull Cannon - Entropy Cannon - Excruciator Cannon
Ballistics: Avenger Chaincannon - Battle Cannon - Hurricane Bolter - Kratos Battlecannon
Demolisher Cannon - Accelerator Autocannon - Punisher Gatling Cannon
Directed-Energy: Daemonbreath Spear - Melta Blastgun - Single-Barrelled Turbo-Laser Destructor
Volkite Combustor - Volkite Cardanelle
Sonic: Dirge Caster
Gravitational: Graviton-Charge Cannon - Grav Flux Bombard
Ballistics: Apocalypse Missile Launcher - Doomstrike Missile Launcher
Ballistics: Gatling Blaster - Natrix Shock Lance
Ursus Claws - Vulcan Mega-Bolter
Directed-Energy: Conversion Beam Dissolutor - Extirpator Cannon - Double-Barrelled Turbo-Laser Destructor
Hellstorm Cannon - Laser Blaster - Laser Destructor - Melta Cannon - Plasma Annihilator
Plasma Blastgun - Plasma Destructor - Plasma Obliterator - Volcano Cannon
Vengeance Cannon
Incendiary: Inferno Gun
Chemical: Pus Cannon
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Macro Cannon - Naval Missile Turret - Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Armageddon Gun - Lance Weapon
Warpcraft: Warp Cannon
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Chain Weapons - Power Weapons - Daemonic Close Combat Weapons - Arc Weapons
Tzaangor Blade Weapons - Basic Close Combat Weapons - Force Weapons - Close-Range Grav-Weapons
Grenades & Explosives: Frag Grenade - Blight Grenade - Krak Grenade - Melta Bomb - Phosphex Bomb - Pox Bomb

Eldar Variations

Though the Imperium has by far the most flame weapons, certain aliens also employ them. The Eldar is just one of them.

Eldar Flamer

Eldar Flamer

The lazily named Eldar Flamer is used by Storm Guardians to support their role as close-quarters combat and by Wraithlords as secondary weapons for assault-oriented constructs. As all things Eldar, they are much more advanced than the Imperium's version (Although how advanced is up to debate).

They are the more diet-lite version of the Dragon Breath Flamer as it has a lower reach and range then the Aspect exclusive weapon. Other then that, despite the fluff they share very little if no difference then the regular Imperial Guardsmen/Space Marine/Sisters of Battle version of the regular flamer.

Dragon Breath Flamer

Dragon's Breath Flamer

An upgrade to the regular Eldar Flamer. Used by exarchs of the Fire Dragons, these weapons can sear anything that gets within range of their wielder. It only exists as a piece of fluff, as while there is an option to give one to a model on the tabletop, so far no-one has been dumb enough to actually take that option over the basic fusion gun or fire lance.

They are similar to the Heavy Flamers employed by the military forces of the Imperium of Man although in terms of appearance, there is very little difference between that and the regular Eldar Flamer other than possibly the way its ammunition is held and a longer nozzle to project an increased range of the ignited fuel.

Weapons of the Eldar
Ballistics: Shuriken Pistol - Harlequin's Embrace - Harlequin's Kiss
Directed-Energy: Fusion Pistol - Mandiblaster
Sonic: Banshee Mask
Warpcraft: Neuro-Disruptor
Other: Neural Shredder
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Avenger Shuriken Catapult - Death Spinner - Gatekeepers Bastion
Reaper Launcher - Shuriken Catapult - Shuriken Rifle
Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack
Directed-Energy: Cloudsweeper - Fusion Gun - Lasblaster
Laser Lance - Prism Rifle - Ranger Long Rifle
Incendiary: Eldar Flamer
Exarch Weapons:
Ballistics: Spinneret Rifle - Tempest Launcher
Directed-Energy: Fire Pike - Hawk's Talon - Prism Blaster - Star Lance - Sunrifle
Incendiary: Dragon's Breath Flamer
Heavy Weapons:
Ballistics: Eldar Missile Launcher - Pack Grenade Launcher - Mirage Launcher - Shadow Weaver
Shrieker Cannon - Shuriken Cannon - Torrent Reaper Launcher
Directed-Energy: Bright Lance - Scatter Laser - Starcannon
Haywire Cannon - Firestorm Scatter Laser
Sonic: Vibro Cannon
Warpcraft: Wraithcannon - D-Scythe
Vehicle Weapons:
Ballistics: Doom Weaver - Phoenix Missile Launcher
Directed-Energy: Prism Cannon - Pulse Laser - Prismatic Cannon
Warpcraft: D-Cannon - D-Flail
Super Heavy Weapons:
Ballistics: Deathshroud Cannon - Phantom Missile Launcher
Revenant Missile Launcher - Void Spinner Array
Directed-Energy: Inferno Lance - Pulsar - Suncannon
Sonic: Sonic Lance
Warpcraft: Psychic Lance
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Naval Lascannon - Phantom Lance - Pulsar Lance
Shadow Lance - Heavy Starcannon
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Eldar Chain Weapons - Eldar Power Weapons
Eldar Force Weapons - Miscellaneous Weapons
Grenades & Explosives Plasma Grenade - Haywire Grenade - Hallucinogen Grenade

Ork Variations

Orks love their flamers just as much as they like their Dakka. So they have made a few to spare.



Not so much a gun as a furious campfire, the Burna is the Ork answer to a need for a Flamer. Given to pyromani-orks, these weapons are devastating, especially if wielded en-masse (and they always are). They are also explosive due to the huge backpack full of propane and propane accessories that the wielder needs to fuel the weapon.

The Orks employ Burnas for their flamer-duties. These weapons are unique because they can also be used as cutting torches to deal serious damage in close combat (AP3 marineopeners ftw! Unfortunately, they can only fire as a flamer or take on a better melee profile, but not both. FUCK YOU GW). It is often used in as a construction tool in creating Ork war machines, as well as a weapon. For fuel Burnas use toxic liquid, usually a mix of pressured squig-oil and promethium, hand-made by Ork Mekboys, each of whom has his own recipe of the 'burnin' brew'. Like most examples of Ork technology, Burnas are designed to sustain the worst sort of battering and are very robust. They have to be, given that they are often used in close combat as improvised bludgeons after the fuel runs out. Orks obsessed with fire often equip themselves with Burnas, forming up mobs of Burna Boyz.

They are also essentially a burning gas-can, strapped on a stick, to give you a hint on what they usually look like. Their vehicles occasionally employ larger versions known as Skorchas.

Splash Burna

Splash Burna

The Splash Burna is what happens when you ask a Mek Boy to take parts from a Space Marine plasma weapon and combine them with a standard Ork Burna. Not a kombi weapon, this hybrid functions (essentially) like a Plasma gun, but the fuel source is liquid based, rather than plasma coil based.

The coils still perform a vital function, super heating the fuel to extreme temperatures, and the liquid itself clings to the target causing sustained damage. The fuel pack, on the other hand, is extremely precarious and often explodes if shot. As usual with most Ork weapons, the Splash Burna is prone to failure and self-destruction. Due to its plasma nature, the risks of things going wrong is absolutely high. Expect a lot of Orks being blown up by their own weapons because of the lack of any cooling ports located in the Splash Burna

Think of it as a 'Plasmathrower' of sorts or a Melta that fires a continuous stream of atomizing radiological masers. Or in any other case, it is the Okified version of the Tau Phased Plasma Flamer in terms of nature but it is an Ork Melta in terms of function.



The Ork's version of a Inferno Cannon or a Heavy Flamer. The Skorcha unlike the Burna is literally a tried and true flame-thrower, a device designed to hurl burning fuel, with a volatile mixture of gases and liquids compressed into a cylinder. When a valve is opened, the mixture is forced through the Skorcha's nozzle and sprayed over a target area, reducing it to burning shambles in seconds.

It is basically the Ork equivalent of a Heavy Flamer, usually mounted on vehicles such as Killa Kans, Grot Tanks or Wartrakk Skorchas, or as a secondary weapon on bigger Ork war machines. Skorchas are dangerous, unreliable and spectacular weapons and so are very popular among Orks.

The new 8th edition has given Kombi-Weapons with a mini Skorcha! Although it has only enough fuel to fire one shot like the Imperium's Exterminator attachment.

Like most flamers in 8th edition, Skorchas are now able to auto-hit targets on the charging phase, make that of what you will as you ain't gonna need it since you will be the ones charging. The Skorcha/Killa Kan combo can be one of the most devastating assault units available if you play it right, so have fun and cause some chaos.



The Skorcha's bigger brother on steroids. This time it is mounted on Mekboy Junkas, Mega Dreads and Big Trakks. These badass mofos are for those Orks who really like to turn the ground into a lake of fire. The Supa-Skorcha is big enough that only the largest of vehicles could mount it effectively.

Unfortunately, there aren't any official models for the Supa-Skorcha due to GW incompetence. Fortunately, the beauty of Orks is that you could just kitbash anything and it would still be considered cannon. Hence, a lot of modelers had made their own Supa-Skorcha, often duct-taping various Skorchas or Flamers together to make a pyromaniac piss himself in glee. Still despite not having models, there are rules for it in 8th edition.

On the tabletop, Supa-Skorchas are ridiculous especially on the Big Trakk for example. On the Big Trakk this thing is a 4D3 weapon that obviously autohits with 24" range S6 and AP-2, God damn. Equip it with two additional Skorchas and load it with 6 Nobz with Kombi-Skorchas and you have a vehicle that could fucking rival a Angel Infernus Land Raider in sheer literal firepower. The only downside is that it is quite pricey and your enemy would most likely target it for immediate destruction.

Flame Belcha

Flame Belcha

The big cheddar cheese of the Ork Flamer family. The equivalent and answer to the Imperium's Inferno Gun, the Ork Flame Belcha is the largest known Ork Flamer known to the Imperium of Man.

Like the Gaze of Mork, the Flame Belcha is mounted on a Stompa's head, whether it is situated in the eyes or the mouth, it doesn't matter so long as it can bathe and incinerate an entire battalion on fire.

Only the Goff Klawstompa variant of the Stompa family is known to utilize this and given the rarity of Goffs using superheavies in general, it would make the Flame Belcha one of the rarest and least used Ork weapons to date.

There are currently no rules nor official models of the Flame Belcha in 8th edition, although there were rules back in 7th edition and Christ ol'mighty was this thing powerful. Essentially this weapon was a S6 AP3 Hellstorm-template weapon. Oh yes, automatic S6 hits, you could say goodbye to most infantry at that point.

Weapons of the Orks
Da Basik Poppas:
Ballistics: Grot Blasta - Grot Grappling Hook - Sluggas
Six-Shoota - Pokkit Rokkit Launcha
Directed-Energy: Kustom Mega Slugga
Warpcraft: Shokka Pistol
Other: Squig Blasta
Trusty Shootas:
Ballistics: Gretchin Blunderbuss - Shootas - Shoota Kannon - Ork Blunderbuss
Incendiary: Burnas
Spechul Dakka:
Ballistics: Dakka Shoota - Stikkbomb Launcha - Stikkbomb Chukka - Thump Gun
Directed-Energy: Kustom Mega-Blasta
Incendiary: Splash Burna - Burna Exhaust
Sonic: Rokker Shoota
Warpcraft: Shokk Attack Gun - Tellyport Blasta
Kombi-Weapons: Kombi-Rokkit Launcha - Kombi-Skorcha - Twin-Linked Shoota - Kopta Rokkits
Other: Squig Launcha
'eavy Gear:
Ballistics: 'Eavy Lobba - Supa Shoota - Dakkaguns - Kannon - Lobba
Mek Speshul - Rattler Kannon - Rokkit Launcha - Big Shootas
Snazzgun - Boomstikk - Rivet Kannon - Stikka Kannon
Directed-Energy: Zzap Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
Incendiary: Skorcha
Gravitational: Smasha Gun - Traktor Kannon
Warpcraft: Kustom Shokk Rifle
Other: Bubblechukka - Deffguns - Heavy Squig Launcha
Da Big Stuff:
Ballistics: Big Lobba - Flakka-Dakka Gun - Supa-Lobba - Killkannon - Supa-Kannon
Krusha Kannon - Bursta Kannon - Skulhamma Kannon - Seacannon
Grotzooka - Boom Gun - Rokkit Kannon
Directed-Energy: Big Zzappa
Incendiary: Supa-Skorcha - Skorcha Missile
Gravitational: Magna-Kannon - Shunta
Other: Mek Gunz
Bloody'Uge Exploshunz!:
Ballistics: Belly Gun - Cluster Buster - Deffstorm Mega-Shoota - Deth Kannon - Gigashoota
Grot Bomms - Gut Buster Mega-Kannon - Soopagun - Supa-Gatler - Supa-Rokkits
Skullkrusha Mega-Cannon - Krooz Missiles
Directed-Energy: Snapper - Soopa Zzap Gun - Gaze of Mork
Incendiary: Flamebelcha - Splasha Attack Gun
Gravitational: Lifta-Droppa - Supa-Lifta-Droppa
Other: Pulsa Rokkit
Planet-Zoggin Krackars!:
Ballistics: Ship Gunz - Heavy Ship Gunz - Mega-Kannon - Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Zzap Kannon
Choppy Bitz: Choppa - Ork Chain Weapons - Ork Power Weapons - Runtherd Equipment
Ork Force Weapons - Miscellaneous Klose Kombat Weapons
Bangas and Boom!: Stikkbomb - Burna Bottle - Tankbusta Bomb - Bigbomm - Bomm - Burna Bomb
Boom Bomb - Repulsor Mine - Mega Bomb - 'Gantbuster Bomb

Tau Variations

The space Weeaboos also dishes out a few flame weapons. Though not as metal as the Imperium/Chaos counterparts.

Tau Flamer

Tau Flamer

Used solely by Crisis Battlesuits, they are meant to deter close-range attackers. The Tau Empire's Earth Caste has developed Flamers designed for use as a weapon system for Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuits. XV8 Crisis Battlesuits can also choose to use twin-linked Flamers, in which case it will take up two of their three available system hardpoints.

Most often equipped when Battlesuit teams are expected to be fighting massed, lightly-armored opponents, Tau Flamers are lethal weapons when used against foes in dense terrain. Due to the nature of said battlesuits, they are not intended to be used as a primary weapon (Farsight's pyromaniac buddy/possible fangirl Torchstar gives zero shits about this and she dual-wields them anyway).

It curiously look like a toy piece ripped straight out of Lego which doesn't really look 40k. Suffice to say, the designs of the Tau Flamer is one of repeated facepalms.

Tau Phased Plasma Flamer

Tau Phased Plasma Flamer

Trust the Games Workshop to make a gatling version of any weapon, however inappropriate it is... Plasma Flamer is a triple-barreled gatling flamer, mounded on Y'Vahra battlesuit that shoots fire so hot it burns through terminator armour (one that is designed to work inside a nuclear reactor) and turns a marine inside into a crisp in a split second, and much like imperial flame cannons or chaos baleflamers it spurts that fire at a considerable range.

Its like a more efficient Ork Splash Burna without the chance of it blowing up in your face if you accidentally nudge a loose screw. Didn't I mention if fires in bursts? Because it does. Your army is now officially fucked.

Weapons of the Tau Empire
Ballistics: Kroot Pistol
Directed-Energy: Pulse Pistol
Basic Weapons:
Ballistics: Kroot Scattergun - Kroot Rifle - Krootbow
Directed-Energy: Pulse Blaster - Pulse Carbine - Pulse Rifle
Special Weapons:
Ballistics: Accelerator Bow - Kroot Bolt Thrower - Kroot Gun
Kroot Hunting Rifle - Londaxi Tribalest - Rail Rifle
Directed-Energy: Ion Rifle - Neutron Blaster
Other: Dvorgite Skinner
Ballistics: Airbursting Fragmentation Projector - Flechette Discharger - Heavy Rail Rifle - Missile Pod
Directed-Energy: Burst Cannon - Cyclic Ion Blaster - Cyclic Ion Raker - Fusion Blaster - Fusion Cascade
Fusion Collider - Heavy Burst Cannon - Phased Ion Gun - Plasma Rifle
Incendiary: Tau Flamer
Heavy Battlesuit
Ballistics: Fragmentation Cluster Shell Launcher - High-Yield Missile Pod
Directed-Energy: Heavy Burst Cannon - Ion Accelerator - Ionic Discharge Cannon
Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon - Pulse Submunitions Cannon
Pulse Submunitions Rifle
Incendiary: Phased Plasma Flamer
Ballistics: Railgun - Seeker Missile - Smart Missile System
Directed-Energy: Ion Cannon - Tau Plasma Cannon - Pulse Bomb Generator
Quad Ion Turret - Fusion Cannon
Ballistics: Cluster Rocket System - Destroyer Missile - Heavy Rail Cannon Array
Heavy Railgun - Nexus Meteor Missile System
Directed-Energy: Ar'Ka Cannon - Fusion Eradicator - Pulse Blastcannon
Pulse Driver Cannon - Pulse Ordnance Multi-Driver
Tri-Axis Ion Cannon
Ship Weapons:
Ballistics: Torpedo - Starship Railgun - Heavy Starship Railgun
Gravitic Launcher - Warsphere Missile Pod
Directed-Energy: Cutting Beam - Heavy Ion Cannon
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: Bonding Knife - Equaliser - Honour Blade - Onager Gauntlet
Grenades & Explosives: EMP Grenade - Photon Grenade

Necron Variations

The Necrons only have one flamer, but one is all they fucking need.

Gauntlet of Fire

Gauntlet of Fire

A Gauntlet of Fire is a Necron weapon that takes the form of an armored glove and vambrace, whose length crackles and flows with viridian flame. The gauntlet’s mechanisms are controlled by a series of sub-mechadermal filaments, allowing the wielder a level of control over the gauntlet as fine as that over his own hand. A Gauntlet of Fire is capable of firing a great column of green flame, with similar effects to an Imperial Flamer, or can be used in close combat for fiery attacks that are more likely to hit and harm the foe, as well as set them alight for a time. Gauntlets of Fire are weapons found exclusively as part of the armories of Necron royals, such as Necron Overlords, Necron Lords and Necron Destroyer Lords.

Despite having ostensibly the most advanced weapons in the setting, the only Necron template weapon short of Apocalypse is the Lord-only Gauntlet of Fire. It projects a blast of green flame mechanically identical to a regular flamer, and can also reroll to hit and to wound in melee. So why don't you remember it? Because a melee-fighting Necron isn't going to not bring a Warscythe. You may see some more in 7th now that they can bring BOTH. As of 8th Edition's Index Xenos 1, nobody can take one except Imotekh.

Weapons of the Necrons
Ballistics: Tachyon Arrow
Directed-Energy: Enmitic Disintegrator Pistol - Particle Caster - Scouring Eye
Dimensional: Transdimensional Beamer
Basic Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Gauss Flayer - Gauss Reaper - Tesla Carbine
Special Weapons:
Incendiary: Gauntlet of Fire
Other: Synaptic Disintegrator
Heavy Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Gauss Blaster - Gauss Cannon - Gauss Destructor - Heavy Gauss Cannon
Particle Beamer - Enmitic Annihilator - Enmitic Exterminator
Staff Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Arcane Conduit - Eldritch Lance - Entropic Lance
Rod of Covenant - Staff of Light - Staff of the Destroyer
Voltaic Staff
Other: Abyssal Staff - Aeonstave - Empathic Obliterator
Staff of Tomorrow - Tremorstave
Vehicle Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Death Ray - Focused Death Ray - Gauss Exterminator - Gauss Flux Arc
Heat Cannon - Heat Ray - Particle Shredder - Tesla Cannon
Tesseract Singularity Chamber - Thermal Cutting Beam
Dimensional: Exile Cannon
Superheavy Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Annihilator Beam - Doomsday Cannon - Doomsday Blaster - Gauss Annihilator
Gauss Obliterator - Particle Whip - Tesla Destructor - Tesla Sphere - Æonic Orb
Gravitational: Singularity Generator
Dimensional: Transdimensional Projector - Transdimensional Abductor
Other: Synaptic Obliterator - Atomiser Beam Lance
Ship Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Lightning Arc - Particle Whip Launcher
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Melee Weapons: C'tan Phase Weapons - Hyperphase Weapons - Miscellaneous Weapons - Voidblade
Grenades & Explosives: Countertemporal Nanomine - Death Spheres

Tyranid Variations

The Nids also only have one variation. Although seeing how fire spoils some important genetic materials, it is understandable why they only need one variation. Too bad that one variation has a notoriety for being terribad until 8th ed.

Tyranid Flamespurt Cannon

Flamespurt Cannon

Used by the Pyrovores, notable for being smarter than the creatures that carry them. The Pyrovore is little more than an ambulatory digestive system set in a squat and vicious body, containing nothing that does not serve it in sating the Great Devourer’s hunger. Its role within the Tyranid swarms is to find the choicest morsels of the worlds the Hive Fleet consumes, from living flesh to exotic minerals required by the strange leviathans in orbit above it. Basically, the beast om nom noms the delicious biomass and makes it ready for easy digestion. In return, the Flamespurt Cannon uses the digested chemicals as fuel to ejaculate its hot, sticky liquid at the opposing foe.

Thanks to 8th edition, they're basically heavy flamer equivilants that are Assault. Meaning, you can run and shoot with them, on a fairly durable and cheap platform which also packs a decent punch in melee. Nice.

Bio-Weapons of the Tyranids
Small Bio-Weapons:
Ballistics: Spike Rifle - Spinefists
Parasitics: Devourer - Fleshborer
Chemical: Blinding Venom
Other: Atomic Disassembler - Strangleweb
Medium Bio-Weapons:
Ballistics: Impaler Cannon - Light Bio-Cannon
Incendiary: Tyranid Flamespurt Cannon
Chemical: Deathspitter - Spore Mine Launcher - Venom Cannon
Other: Barbed Strangler - Shock Cannon
Large Bio-Weapons:
Ballistics: Rupture Cannon
Directed-Energy: Bio-Plasmic Cannon - Tentaclids
Parasitics: Brainleech Devourer - Fleshborer Hive
Chemical: Acid Spray - Drool Cannon - Heavy Venom Cannon
Other: Stranglethorn Cannon
Titanic Bio-Weapons:
Directed-Energy: Bio-Plasma Battery - Bio-Torpedo
Chemical: Bio-Cannon - Seed Spore - Pyro-Acid Battery
Non-Firearm Weapons:
Inbuilt Bio-Weapons: Bio-Electric Pulse - Bio-Plasma - Cluster Spines - Flesh Hooks
Grasping Tongue - Ripper Tentacles - Spine Banks
Spore Mine Cysts - Stinger Salvo - Thorax Swarm
Melee Weapons: Tyranid Close Combat Weapons - Eradicator Glove