Basilisk Artillery Gun

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It's almost as fuckawesome as the Baneblade.
This article is about the Imperial Guard artillery tank. For the creature, see Basilisk.

"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."

– Frederick II of Prussia

"Though my guards may sleep and my ships may lay at anchor, our foes know full well that the big guns never tire."

Lugft Huron


– Basilisk commander from Dawn of War 1, about to fire the earth shaker round.

The Basilisk Artillery Gun is the iconic Imperial Guard self-propelled artillery piece. It is based on the versatile Chimera chassis, and it carries a massive Earthshaker cannon. It dates at least as far back as the Great Crusade, where it was used by the artillery batteries of the Space Marine Legions and Imperial Army; though they were too slow for the slimmer, faster post-Codex Astartes Space Marines, they could move at just the right pace to keep up with an Imperial Guard siege operation.

Of course, given its tremendous range, it doesn't need to move very fast to keep pounding the enemy, and it's not supposed to be at the front line -- rather, the Basilisk crews get told where to shoot, they launch great quantities of shells in that direction, and then they move away before they get hit by counter-battery fire.

Variants[edit | edit source]

Standard Pattern
You know'em, you love'em. The OG Basilisk with the famous gun shield. It is by far one of the most iconic vehicles from the Imperium of Man, let alone the Imperial Guard and stands equal with the Leman Russ Battle Tank, Baneblade, Land Raider and Rhino as most famous tank.
Armageddon Pattern
Because Armageddon is a desert world irradiated, poisonous shithole Ork playground, they developed a Basilisk pattern that fully enclosed the entire tank, sheltering the loading mechanism (and, coincidentally, the loader and gunner) from the harsh environment retarded amounts of small-arms fire constantly filling the air. Kallin' Ork gunz small? I oughter give yer a stamp!
Basilisk Magnus
A variant of the Basilisk fielded by Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, which seems to be dug into an immobile concrete position. It's like a regular Basilisk, except it can strike targets anywhere within the Imperial Dussala Precinct base, fires an absurdly powerful Earthshaker shell, and has styrofoam for armor. However along with the 100 Baneblades, Stubbs lost the targeting matrix for the thing and so it requires a spotter every time it shoots. Its size compared to the turret and crew suggest it would also be as well proportioned for mounting on a Macharius tank chassis as a normal Earthshaker is on a chimera chassis. Dis gon b gud.
Legion Basilisk
Before the Codex Astartes reforms, the Space Marine Legions operated some artillery of their own, including the Basilisk. The gun shield and crew compartment looks beefier, and the engine exhausts run out the sides of the tank. We don't know if they any Astartes Chapters have them stored as relics. Though a bit redundant when they have access to the Whirlwind and can just straight up pick up a Lascannon then start shooting.
Solar Auxilia Basilisk
Like the Armageddon Pattern, the gun and its crew are entirely enclosed, but the chassis is built around a Leman Russ rather than a Chimera. The gun is placed to the left of driver's compartment while the engine is left exposed behind the driver's compartment like the Mars-Alpha Pattern Leman Russ. The result is a smaller profile, although ammunition is sacrificed as space suddenly becomes a premium due to its enclosed and cramped nature.
Vanaheim Pattern
It's the same as the original Basilisk, with a less goofy-looking gun shield which offers additional protection for the gun crew from both the front and sides. Although its overall protection is not to the extent as that of the Armageddon Pattern or the Legion Basilisks.
Basilisk Anti-Aircraft Emplacement
It exists...don't ask us how the fuck it works. While the first assumption might be 'AAA' (Anti-Air Artillery), there's a reason such guns were entirely different from the regular howitzers and field guns. If a Basilisk was modified to act as an AAA gun, it'd require so much change to its system and design that it'd no longer be a similar gun. The Imperium seemingly forgot how to make surface to air missiles viable on emplacements, even though there are several artillery pieces that can make use of said surface to air missiles. Hell it makes more sense to use the Vanquisher Cannon as an anti air gun given how often in the real world the best anti-tank guns such as the famed German 88mm and Soviet 85mm guns.

Tabletop[edit | edit source]

The Basilisk's Earthshaker cannon has the longest range of any Imperial Guard weapon, beating out the Banesword's Quake Cannon by a good 100 inches(the Deathstrike lost its infinite range and the Manticore's was cut to 120"), able to drop a shell anywhere within 20 feet (which is pitifully small when scaled up to real-world dimensions...but so are all 40K weapon ranges). That is enough range to target an enemy on the next TABLE and is more than enough even for apocalypse. Prior to 8th it was possible for a single IG army to have up to nine of these monsters (three per Heavy Support slot, times three Heavy Support choices) for just under 1000 points, which would rapidly turn the entire battlefield into a moonscape.

In the couple of editions leading up to 8th, the Basilisk was something of an awkward middle child between the powerful Manticore and the Infantry shredding Wyvern. The Manticore launcher could provide more destruction pound for pound if you just wanted to plonk 1 ordnance template on the field, whilst the Wyvern (or even mortars) were far cheaper. In 8th, the Basilisk truly shines as it is meant to be played: in groups. An economy of scale with 3 of these boys will cost just over 300 points, but every turn you will likely destroy at the very least a Leman Russ, and at the very best a Baneblade. The Basilisk must take a support role, but when aided with a Master of Ordnance and a cup of hot cocoa, it will make your army suited to dealing with whatever your opponent may throw at you. MEQs, tanks and even Terminators can not afford to scoff at shots that deal 2D6 (pick highest) S9 AP-3 hits with D3 damage (just don't expect to quickly wipe out blobs with a single gun). The Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company specialist detachment makes them even stronger, giving the option for a unit to shoot twice and really lay down the hate, or else suppress a target of choice, at a fairly low CP cost.

In Second Edition, where it first appeared, the Basilisk featured epic levels of bullshit since it rolled a D3 for damage to vehicles even if it didn't penetrate armour, and since the template usually hit every location on the vehicle it was statistically likely that anything hit by a Basilisk would be crippled or destroyed even if all AP rolls failed. Thanks to the preliminary barrage rule, it also got to fire a battle cannon round (somehow) before the game had actually started.

Dawn of War[edit | edit source]

These babies were in Dawn of War 1 and BY THE EMPEROR they are awesome. They are one of the "must-get" units for the Imperial Guard faction because they make up for the Guards' shitty early game when they don't have more models and plasma gun upgrade, and they are one of the reasons people play IG (the others being THE BANEEEEEBLADE and the Commissar). They are best at blowing up infantry blobs and scattering them like frigging marbles for the Guardsmen to mop up. Most importantly, their Earthshaker round deals a fuck load of damage to ANYTHING.

Notable Basilisks[edit | edit source]

The personal attack vehicle/pet of Commissar Dan. Being the retard that he is, he uses the thing as a front line assault tank instead of a full-time artillery piece.

Why A Basilisk is The Best Place To Be In The Whole Goddamn Imperium[edit | edit source]

  • You're ten miles from the front lines and whatever fanged horrors or berserk supersoldiers are invading the Imperium this week.
  • You get to fire a MASSIVE fucking gun and blow shit up. It's one of the best artillery weapons in the galaxy, able to mow down whole swathes of armies in minutes. Thus, the Tyranids' numerical superiority is irrelevant.
  • If your regiment is commanded by Creed, you're one of a select few that knows how it is possible to deploy a dozen pieces of mobile artillery inside an impenetrable Ork stronghold.
  • All the commissars (save one) are also at the front lines, seeing as that is where the business of executing cowa.. erm upholding morale is most wanted.
  • You can probably even get away with complaining about the High Lords of Terra and their general not giving a shit, seeing as there are no senior officers, no Inquisitors (since you're probably in a depopulated area far away from Inquisitorial interest), and no fucking commiss*BLAM*
  • You're not at risk of being blown up when your commander tells the artillery to shoot right in front of his own troops. Though you will probably hear their screams over your vox-unit, and any complaints about your orders will get you *BLAM*'med.
  • Canon says you're going to go deaf, but whatever right? Hearing problems are the least grimdark thing in the entire setting. Or just stuff your ears with wads from your Uplifting Primer-*BLAM*
  • Not just anybody can drive one of these, therefore you are not as expendable as other Guardsmen, and Commissars are less likely to shoot you if you start fleeing (which is frankly what you SHOULD do if the enemy comes close to your art*BLAM*
  • If not you’re not singing Bosanka Artiljerija when using the Basilisk, you’re doing it wrong.
Vehicles of the Imperium of Man
Walkers Brutalis Dreadnought - Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought - Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
Death Company Dreadnought - Deathwatch Dreadnought - Dreadnought - Nemesis Dreadknight
Doomglaive Dreadnought - Furioso Dreadnought - Ironstrider Ballistarius - Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Librarian Dreadnought - Mortifier - Mortis Dreadnought - Onager Dunecrawler - Penitent Engine
Redemptor Dreadnought - Sentinel - Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought - Sydonian Dragoon
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought - Throne of Judgement - Wulfen Dreadnought - Paragon Warsuit
Arachni-rig - Ballistus Dreadnought - Eldthursar - Hrimthursar - Ridge Walker
Auto-Gurney - Ambot - Castellan-class robot - Cataphract-class robot - Colossus-class robot
Conqueror-class robot - Crusader-class robot - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - CATs - Nuncio-Aquila
Robot Crawler - Sanctioner Pattern Automaton - Servo-Automata - Servo-skull - Scyllax-class robot
Thanatar-class robot - Thunderfire Cannon - Vultarax stratos-automata
Transports Aurox - Chimera - Coronus Grav Carrier - Crassus Armored Assault Transport - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Goliath Truck - Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Immolator - Impulsor - Macro-Hauler
Pegasus AAV - Razorback Transport - Repressor - Rhino - Road-Wheeler - Taurox - Testudo - Titan Train
Trojan Support Vehicle - Triaros Armoured Conveyer - Tunneling Transport Vehicles
Atlas Recovery Tank - Achilles Ridgerunner - Bane Wolf - Bike Squad - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Centaur Utility Vehicle
Devil Dog - Field Ordnance Battery - Galvanic Servohauler - Goliath Mauler - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hellhound
Invader ATV - Land Crawler - Outrider Quad - Pegasus AFV - Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Scylla Light Tank
Siegfried - Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tauros - Tectonic Fragdrill - Venator - Wolfquad
Castigator Tank - Caladius Grav-Tank - Gladiator Tank - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank - Krios Battle Tank
Land Raider - Leman Russ Battle Tank - Predator - Ragnarok - Repulsor Tank - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank - Spartan Assault Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher - Exorcist
Goliath Mega-Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Hunter - Hydra Flak Tank
Legion Arquitor Bombard - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Whirlwind - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Astraeus - Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade
Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank - Macrocarid Explorator - Malcador Heavy Tank
Mobile Cathedral - Mastodon - Ordinatus - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Skimmers Dawneagle Jetbike - Escher Cutter - Gyrfalcon Pattern Jetbike - Imperial Jetbike
Javelin Attack Speeder - Grav-Cutter - Grav-Rhino - Kharon - Kyzagan Assault Speeder
Land Speeder - Land Speeder Vengeance - Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica
Skorpius Hover Tank - Stormrider - Storm Speeder - Pallas Grav-Attack - Abeyant
Flyers Archaeocopter - Ares Gunship - Caestus Assault Ram - Container Transporter - Corvus Blackstar
Fire Raptor - Iron Eagle Gyrocopter - Nephilim Jetfighter - Orgus Flyer - Orion Gunship - Overlord Gunship
Sky Talon - Space Marine Landing Craft - Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Stormhawk - Chiropteran
Stormraven - Stormtalon - Stormwolf - Thunderhawk - Whispercutter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture
Fighters &
Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Stormfang - Thunderbolt Fighter - Xiphon Interceptor
Spacecraft Aquila Lander - Arvus Lighter - Boarding Torpedo - Devourer Dropship - Drop Pod
Faustus Interceptor - Fury Interceptor - Gun-Cutter - Shark Assault Boat
Starhawk Bomber - Tetrarch Heavy Lander - Galaxy Troop Ship
Titans Imperial Knight - Warhound Scout Titan - Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan - Reaver Battle Titan
Warbringer Nemesis Titan - Warlord Battle Titan - Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan - Emperor Battle Titan
Forces of the Imperial Guard
Command: Commissar - Enginseer - Imperial Guard Command Squad - Lord Solar
Ministorum Priest - Primaris Psyker - Regimental Advisors - Tank Commander
Troops: Armoured Fist Squad - Breacher Squad - Infantry Squad - Field Chiurgeon
Heavy Weapons Squad - Militarum Veteran Squad - Ogryn Squad - Penal Legion
Psyker Battle Squad - Ratling Squad - Rough Rider Squad - Scout Squad
Sharpshooter - Special Weapons Squad - Stormtrooper - Servo-skull
(Data Skull - Guardian-skull - Monotask-skull - Servo Commissar-skull)
Whiteshield Conscript
Structures: Aegis Defence Line - Aquila Strongpoint - Firestorm Redoubt - Fortress of Redemption
Imperial Bastion - Imperial Bunker - Imperial Defence Line - Imperial Fortress Walls
Plasma Obliterator Platform - Primus Redoubt - Sabre Weapons Battery
Skyshield Landing Pad - Tarantula Sentry Gun - Vengeance Weapon Battery
Void Shield Generator
Transports: Aurox Armoured Transport - Chimera - Crassus Armored Assault Transport
Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Hellbore
Mole - Taurox - Termite - Testudo - Trojan Support Vehicle - Pegasus AAV
Light Vehicles: Atlas Recovery Tank - Bike Squad - Bane Wolf - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Centaur Utility Vehicle - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - Devil Dog
Field Ordnance Battery - Hellhound - Land Crawler - Scylla
Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Sentinel - Siegfried
Robot Crawler - Tauros - Venator - Pegasus AFV
Tanks & Ordnance: Basilisk Artillery Gun - Carnodon - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher
Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hydra Flak Tank
Leman Russ Battle Tank - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Ragnarok - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Superheavy Vehicles: Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank
Malcador Heavy Tank
Special Vehicles: Fortress of Arrogance
Flyers & Bombers: Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Thunderbolt Fighter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture - Chiropteran Scout
Spacecraft: Devourer Dropship - Galaxy Troop Ship - Tetrarch Heavy Lander
Forces of the Solar Auxilia
Command: Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Squad
Troops: Ogryn Charonites - Solar Auxilia Flamer Section
Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section - Solar Auxilia Medicae Section
Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section - Thallax
Castellax Class Battle-Automata
Transports: Aurox Armoured Transport - Dracosan Armoured Transport - Termite
Light Vehicles: Auto-Gurney - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - Rapier Armoured Carrier
Tanks &
Basilisk Artillery Gun - Carnodon
Leman Russ Battle Tank (Leman Russ Incinerator)
Malcador Heavy Tank (Malcador Annihilator - Malcador Defender
Valdor Tank Hunter
) - Stormhammer - Stormblade
Flyers &
Thunderbolt Fighter - Voss Lightning Strike
Spacecraft: Arvus Lighter - Devourer Dropship
Galaxy Troop Ship - Tetrarch Heavy Lander
Allies: Legiones Astartes - Adeptus Mechanicus
Sisters of Silence - Adeptus Custodes
Forces of the Iron Warriors
Leaders: Chaos Lord - Chaos Champion - Lord Discordant
Sorcerer - Warsmith - Warpsmiths
Troops: Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors - Chaos Space Marine Squad
Chaos Terminators - Cultist - Havocs - Mutilators - Obliterators
Tech-Assassin - Heretek
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Iron Havocs
Tyranthikos - Tyrant Siege Terminator
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle-Automata
Walkers: Chaos Dreadnought (Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought
Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought
) - Helbrute
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Chaos Land Raider - Chaos Predator
Chaos Rhino (Castellan Rhino) - Chaos Vindicator
Infernal Relic Predator
Ordnance: Legion Arquitor Bombard - Legion Basilisk
Legion-pattern Medusa Siege Gun
Flyers: Harbinger - Hell Blade - Hell Talon
Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Thunderhawk
Superheavy Tanks: Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Special Vehicles: Tormentor
Daemon Engines: Decimator - Defiler - Forgefiend - Heldrake
Maulerfiend - Venomcrawler - Helstalker
Allies: Chaos Space Marines
Forces of the Lost and the Damned
Command: Apostate Cardinal - Chaos Champion - Cult Demagogue - Dark Commune
Iconrach - Mindwitch - Renegade Command Squad - Renegade Demagogue
Renegade Enforcer - Rogue Psyker
Human Troops: Accursed Cultist Mutant - Accursed Cultist Torment - Blooded Squad
Cultist - Blessed Blade - Disciple Squad - Heretek - Pontifex Guard
Renegade Infantry Platoon - Renegade Marauder Squad
Renegade Support Squad - Negavolt Cultist
& Beasts:
Beastmen Attack Squad (Khorngors - Pestigors - Slaangors - Tzaangors
Fellgor Ravagers
) - Chaos Beast - Chaos Hound - Chaos Spawn - Mutant Rabble
Ogryn Brute (Ogryn Berserker - Plague Ogryn) - Plague Zombie
Vehicles: AT70 Reaver Battle Tank - AT83 Brigand Super Tank - Chimera - Hellhound
Leman Russ Battle Tank - Salamander Command Vehicle - Stalk Tank - Sentinel
STeG 4
Artillery: Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier
Hydra Flak Tank - Minotaur Artillery Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Daemon Engines: Blight Drone - Blood Slaughterer - Brass Scorpion - Lord of Skulls - Plague Hulk
Super Heavies: Baneblade - Macharius Heavy Tank - Malcador Heavy Tank - Valdor Tank Hunter
Flyers: Hell Blade - Hell Talon - Valkyrie
Spacecraft: Arvus Lighter