Rogue Doc
It is tough finding free medical insurance in a Hive World, fortunately, in the Imperium, having a medical license seem to come in cheap these days and anyone can patch you up irregardless of their capabilities. Rogue Docs are Necromunda Underhive medical specialists, who offer their services to anyone who can afford their prices.
Overview[edit | edit source]
If they are blamed for the death of an important patient or an outbreak of sickness, however, Rogue Docs will join a friendly gang and will offer their services for protection. The Palanite Enforcers have noted that many Rogue Docs appear to be former House Escher members, who could not make it as Clan Chymists. Its been noted, though, that only truly desperate Underhivers would use their services however.
They are armed with a Laspistol or a Stub Gun for self-defense.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, for just 50 credits, Rogue Docs will patch up your critically injured fighters for free, allowing your champions and leaders to skip the Medical Escort and instead rummage around for rare items at the Post. These Docs can only Stabilize at best, so their patient is likely going to need some form of Bionics to get fully back up to speed, but it still beats being dead. Multiple Docs allow you to perform this free visit to two separate fighters, so use them.
Doctor Arachnos[edit | edit source]

Arachnos is a Rogue Doctor on Necromunda.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Working out of the Six Clans "cutting room" in Dust Falls, both Proctor Clause Bauhein and Mistress of Coin Melerva pay him well for his services. Even Narco Lord Balthazar Van Zep has been known to go to him to save the life of a valued associate. A sinister figure, no one quite knows where he came from. Arachnos is usually accompanied by Craven Bonesaw, a small misshapen creature that acts as his servant. Despite his dubious origins his services are still valued, as good medical care is hard to come by on Necromunda.
Arachnos also offers an array of gene-enhancements and organ grafting for a nominal fee. These include implanting a Goliath pulmonary system to allow the patient to breathe toxic air, or a set of Phyrr cat eyes so they can see in the dark. More rarely, gang leaders come looking for cosmetic enhancements like ripper jack teeth or devil claws. To get the necessary parts for the operation, he regularly signs on with gangs going down into the depths of the Underhive.
He is helped by his mechadendrites for both healing and defense and wears Imperial Mesh Armour underneath his coat for protection.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
Arachnos cost twice the amount as a typical Rogue Doctor but is around superior. Arachnos comes with mostly useful defensive equipment that will help him stay alive to keep patching up those gangers. Arachnos also comes with a unique close combat weapon: medical mechadendrites, which are actually quite good. 3” Versatile is always useful, and the weapon has both a +1 to hit in short range (ie. base-to-base), and the Toxin trait, making Arachnos a threat to multi-wound models. Overall, Arachnos’ gear can be considered a significant upgrade over his Rogue Doc counterparts.
Stat-wise, Arachnos gets a WS and BS bump (from 5+ to 4+), and Attack bump (from 1 to 2), a bump to Leadership and Cool (ok, fine, whatever), and for some reason, an actual decrease in Intelligence.