Pale Consort

Pale Consorts are high ranking members of Necromunda's Corpse Guild.
Overview[edit | edit source]
They are charged with finding dead bodies within Necromunda's Hives for the Guild, which can then be turned into Corpse-Starch. This is a never ending task and the Pale Consorts wear macabre masks that are often equipped with ornamental Rebreathers, to block out the stench of their work. To aid them in their work, Pale Consorts will form Corpse Harvesting Parties which include Bone Scriveners and hulking Corpse Grinders, who also serve as their bodyguards.
These Parties are often seen exploring the aftermath of battles between gangs, or stalking the streets of a settlement savaged by outlanders. When they do find a dead body, the Pale Consorts and Bone Scriveners will use a collection of ancient surgical tools, to determine the worth of their catch. If it is acceptable, then the Corpse Grinders will either haul the corpses into their body carts or take the best pieces for the Corpse-Starch factories to refine. Pale Consorts defend themselves with a Stiletto Knife and her trusty servo-skull sidekick armed with a Bolt Pistol.
Judging by their name, it seems that ALL Pale Consorts are women. Why that's the case, we don't know.
They, alongside the rest of the Corpse Harvesting Party are fluff-wise, the only mercenaries that the Corpse Grinder Cults can hire.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
Corpse Harvesting Parties can get a little… overzealous. Post-battle, any fighter who suffered a Critical Injury might suddenly, inexplicably, stop moving. The Pale Consort herself acts as the leader with some skills that would buff her underlings. Nevertheless, she ain't a fighter, with her knife not doing much; relying on her servo-skull to do most of the damage.