
Scabbers are Necromunda Underhive fencers, who have unparalleled access to illicit loot and can get rid of unwanted illegal goods on the Black Market.
Overview[edit | edit source]
These guys are your pawnshop's pawnshops. Your black market's black markets. Scabbers are your portable NPC traders who will sell you things you may want in exchange for things you want to get rid off. Their model gives them this sleazy look which is pretty appropriate for their profession.
Scabbers aren't fighters, but they do arm themselves with a Pump-Action Shotgun, so they aren't completely hapless in a fight. Just don't expect them to last too long however. As these are traders first and foremost.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, at 40 credits, Scabbers are sort of a mixed-bag. They allow outlaw gangs to sell illegal weapons and wargear back to the Black Market at half of the usual cost penalty, but that’s contingent on you having a deluge of extra illegal items worth selling in the first place. Their Trade Action ability also doesn’t seem to trigger any bonuses, making it of questionable value.
There’s probably ways to break the economy with this guy once an Outlaw gang has enough Reputation to get a flat 25% discount at the Black Market, but any right-thinking Arbitrator would slap that down immediately. At least they are more than capable in fending off attackers with his trusty shotgun. But without armour, he is gonna crumble like sand.