Chem Dealer

Chem Dealers are Imperials who sell illicit substances, like Narcotics and Combat Drugs. Remarkably straightforward as far as 40k names go.
Overview[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, Underhive gangs will hire a dedicated Chem Dealer to keep their members supplied with a steady source of stims and chems. They are the only way non-House Escher gangers could get these stims in a playstyle. House Escher on the other hand, just makes their own, so a Chem Dealer would not only be seen as worthless to their eyes, but competition as well (Doesn't really change the crunch however).
Due to their hazardous profession, Chem Dealer are clad in concealing robes, with a full-face rebreather connected to a tank of dubious substances. They're loaded with phials and canisters containing their wares, posed to offer a sample.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, all chems count as common items at the Trading Post and Black Market. A single dose of Chems, Stimms, or Medikit can be purchased for free in the Pre-Battle Sequence, provided that the Dealer is reimbursed after the game.
Chems can add a lot of extra zip to a gang’s step, and not having to worry about supply to ‘Slaught, Frenzon, and Spur running dry at an inconvenient time can be a huge relief. It doesn’t hurt that outside of hogging a valuable Hanger-On slot, the Chem Dealer is one of the cheapest hires available.