Bounty Hunter (Necromunda)
Bounty Hunters are Imperial or Xenos citizens who are licensed by their worlds to capture or kill fugitives, criminals and creatures for a bounty.
Overview[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, Bounty Hunters are among one of the most common, diverse and widespread of Hired Guns, with only Hive Scum being more numerous. But whereas Hive Scummers are over glorified cannon fodder, the Bounty Hunters from Necromunda are amongst the toughest and most dangerous of all Underhivers. They tend to be loners who neither need nor want to be associated with a gang, though some are erstwhile gangers and might still bear some of the distinctive trappings of their former Clan House. Many Abhumans on Necronmunda also find the life of a Bounty Hunter suits them well, for the Blood Warrant that serves as their license and writ allows them to go where others of their kind might ordinarily be barred. Thus, it is not uncommon to see Beastmen, Squats and other stable Abhuman strains operating as Bounty Hunters far from those areas on Necronmunda that are set aside for their kind.
Merchants Guild also has their own private order of Bounty Hunters, known as Adurators, who are granted special privileges and are equipped with the best weaponry and equipment the Guild has to offer.
The majority of official bounties on Necronmunda are displayed at Trading Posts in the Underhive, and offer rewards to anyone who brings in outlaw leaders, gangs, mutants and other criminal types. The rewards offered are good, but the job is a perilous one and many Bounty Hunters die out in the wastes, slain by the outlaws and mutants they set out to hunt. While they tend to work alone, some bounties may be so dangerous that it requires several Bounty Hunters to work together in brief alliances called Venators. Though some can become permanent partnerships and it is not unusual to see Venators, composed of blood relatives whose families have bounty hunted for generations. It is also common for Bounty Hunters to hire their services to a gang leader, if there are no decent bounties to be had or if their interests and the gang's are aligned, but such allegiances tend to be temporary.
Known Bounty Hunters[edit | edit source]
There is a metric shit ton of Bounty Hunter special characters, enough to give Star Wars a run for its money. These are the ones we know that is playable on the Necromundan tabletop.
Kal Jericho and Scabbs[edit | edit source]

The most famous Bounty Hunter on Necromunda both in and out of universe. Born the son of Necromunda's Planetary Governor Gerontius Helmawr and Heleana Jerico, who was in fact Inquisitor Jena Orichiel (who later described her coupling with the Planetary Governor as "just one of the many disagreeable things one has to do for the greater good of the Imperium"), Kal left the luxury of the spire for the life of a bounty hunter in the Underhive.
As well as hunting those with bounties on their heads, Jerico often has a bounty on his own due to his unorthodox methods, leading as often as not to trouble finding him. He resolves these situations using his trademark debonair swashbuckling style, relying on quick wits and his good luck more than brute strength.
He is also ambidextrous, which allows him to wield two laser-sighted duelling Laspistols as his trademark and carries a trusty Sabre. He also uses Photon Flash Flares and Frag Grenades to escape from unpleasant situations.
He is often accompanied by his ratskin-sidekick Scabbs who wields a Stub Gun and Plasma Gun.
On Necromunda, he’s got a 3+ invulnerable save, good stats, and great skills. He also brings in the option to purchase his actually pretty dang good buddy Scabs at a 50% discount.
The Deserter[edit | edit source]

The Deserter is the name given to a crazed old Necromundan Bounty Hunter who lives in a booby-trapped warren within the Underhive of Hive Primus.
Nothing is known about the Deserter, save that by his tattoos the Bounty Hunter once served in the legendary Necromundan 8th Regiment. Because of this, various rumours abound about who he truly is. With some saying he was a disgraced General, who lost his entire Regiment in some off-world war and was given the choice of execution or exile to the Underhive. Others reckon he was a war hero, who was grievously wounded (as his skull plate seems to attest), and then wandered down from the spire after losing his memory. Then there are those who say he is called the Deserter because that is just what he is, and Helmawr's cronies simply stopped trying to bring him in, after their enforcers kept failing to come back.
Whatever the truth is, the Underhive's gangs are unsure why the Deserter is tolerated by Hive Primus' authorities. This has not stopped the gangs from hiring the Deserter's services, though, they often need to send at least a few Juves when contracting the Bounty Hunter , as he can be a little trigger happy when it comes to those who knock on his door. The skills he brings to a fight, however, are always worth it, as there are few individuals as talented as the Deserter, when it comes to laying traps or setting ambushes.
The Deserter can also be used as a medic, and allows gangs that hire him to earn extra experience, representing the skills and knowledge he earned in service to the Emperor. He carries around a Sawn-Off Shotgun, a Stiletto Knife and Frag Grenades in his disposal.
On the tabletop, he is a Dramatis Personae with Overseer. His weaponry makes him quite the menace at close range and his potential to be used as a medic makes him a decent support.
Kria Kytoro[edit | edit source]

Kria Kytoro 'The Huntress' Kytoro is a House Escher Death-Maiden Bounty Hunter, who eared the right to become a maiden after her gang exploits while leading the Bittersweet Blades, unknowingly drew the attention of her House's alchymyst fleshteks.
After Kria finally met her end, in a mutual kill with her rival Gorgon, boss of the Goliath Irontree Lords gang, her body was later collected by the fleshteks and placed within an amniotic tank. From there, the process to bring her back to life began and when Kria reemerged as a Death-Maiden, her blood was now toxic and her mind had been stripped of whatever shreds of humanity she once had.
Despite this, the mantle of Death-Maiden rests well upon Kria's shoulders, and dying and coming back from the beyond has done little to diminish her skills as a tracker and hunter. Her toxic blood meanwhile, has made Kria even more deadly and the Death-Maiden has been known to use it to poison her weapons. Kria now serves as a bounty hunter for House Escher and has become the top enforcer for the House's matriarch council. At their sole discretion, she will fight alongside other Escher Gangs (though a suitably generous bribe will certainly aid any request for her intervention as a Bounty Hunter).
All in all, despite being a Death-Maiden, she is very relatively sane and normal looking.
She wears Flak Armour and carries around a Long-Las and an Autopistol.
On the tabletop, she is an Escher exclusive Bounty Hunter. She is a pretty good sniper, but she is not a one-man army.
Yolanda Skorn[edit | edit source]

Yolanda Skorn is an insane Necromundan Bounty Hunter, who was once a gang member of House Escher's Bloodmaidens, until she challenged the gang's leader and was defeated in a duel.
There is usually little mercy for such gangers, but the Bloodmaidens' leader was so impressed with the now one-handed Skorn's cruelty and beauty that her life was spared after she was given facial exile scars around her mouth Joker-style. Afterwards the crazed Skorn began a journey of murder and mayhem as a bounty hunter, after replacing her missing hand with a whirring cybernetic and covering her heavily scarred face with a veil.
Her insanity has since developed Skorn quite a reputation, as she constantly talks to any objects that cross her path and is known to favour close-in kills, which sometimes leads the bounty hunter to show her victims her scarred face before they die. Because of this, most places Skorn travels to receive word of her arrival well before she gets there and the mere sight of the bounty hunter can cause some of her enemies to flee for their lives.
Her insanity though also means she seldom stays with one employer for long, as there is only so many times a gang leader can wake up to find Skorn's crazed staring eyes an inch from their face.
She carries around a Stub Gun and a Stiletto Knife.
On Necromunda, she is an underwhelming and underpowered Bounty Hunter with no hope of ever doing anything in a game.
Yar Umbra[edit | edit source]

Yar Umbra is a void-born Necromundan Bounty Hunter who was forced to take up the trade after he was intentionally marooned on Hive Primus by a deck master of the chartist vessel Halcyon Dawn.
This was done to Yar for some unknown infraction, which some say was centered around what he hides the beneath the hood he always wears. Now left embittered by his abandonment, Yar yearns to return to the Halcyon Dawn and works as a bounty hunter, in the hopes of saving enough scrips to obtain passage on a vessel, and then begin tracking down his former home to go back and blow.
In the meantime, Yar has found that though he despises his planet-bound existence, he is very much at home in the confined tunnels of Necromunda. The stinking depths of a Hive are similar to those of a void ship, and since he is equipped with with enviro-filters and gas-plugs, Yar is well-protected from local hazards. Darkness is also an environment Yar knows well, and with his custom maw-patter Long-Las, even a flicker of movement is enough for the void-born sniper to bring down his target with relative ease.
Other than his Long-Las, he is also armed with a Combat Knife for close encounters.
On the tabletop, he is possibly the best sniper-for-hire out there. Overwatch is a hell of a skill, and on a Sector Mechanicus map he will be an absolute nightmare.
Ortruum 8-8[edit | edit source]

Ortruum 8-8 is Necromundan Psi-Hound, that serves as a Bounty Hunter for Lord Helmawr and his favoured servants and an absolute abomination, looking like the cross between the Navigators from Dune and a floating, fleshy, space potato.
Like all of the Psykers created from the Psykanarium breeding program, Ortruum 8-8 is heavily mutated and is unable to stand or even feed itself and is of interminable gender. These mutations have forced its masters, to augment Ortruum 8-8's body with suspensor implants to facilitate movement, inducer rigs to keep its organs functioning and a neural-crown to keep it docile. However despite its appearance, Ortruum 8-8 is a potent, yet horrifying, psychic weapon to be unleashed upon the enemies of Lord Helmawr.
He is not armed with anything outside of his prosthetic arms which are pretty feeble.
On the tabletop, 8-8 is your residential psychic Bounty Hunter. The Soul Hound ability is why you take him, and it is really, really good. Additionally, they can stun lock and even work with another Hunter. Super, super good.
Belladonna De'Escher[edit | edit source]

Belladonna Familus Umathurn De'Escher (Try saying that out loud) is a Necromunda Hive Primus noble of House Escher and one of the seven daughters of Orlena Escher — matriarch of the Seven Spire Killer Cult.
As a member of the Cult, Belladonna was an assassin as well and was once one of the most feared ones in the Palatine Cluster. This ended though, when the Cult arranged for Belladonna to marry a member of Ran Lo's noble houses, which would seal an alliance between them. Despite the arranged marriage, Belladonna and her soon to be husband fell in love, as the marriage day approached. However their bliss ended on the same day they were married, when the couple was attacked by a mysterious group, which killed Belladonna's husband and left her severely wounded. She would lose her left arm, left leg, and right eye in the attack and with her husband's death, the alliance between the Cult and Ran Lo was ended. In the aftermath of the attack though, Belladonna desired nothing more than vengeance and once she had recovered, and had her missing limbs and eye replaced with industrial bionics, she entered Hive Primus' Underhive in search for her husband's killers. Until she finds them however, Belladonna has put her deadly skills to use as a bounty hunter and has become well known throughout the Underhive.
When a Plague Zombie outbreak struck the Underhive, Belladonna and the Broken Blades bounty hunting gang, were hired by the Merchants Guild, to protect it. However as the zombies attacked, Belladonna famously negotiated a better price for herself, after threatening to leave unless the Guild payed her more for the risk of getting plague guts on her armour. Because of how similar their names are, Belladonna sometimes gets confused with fellow Bounty Hunter Mad Donna - which she takes great offense to, given Mad Donna's insane murderess reputation.
She wields a Power Axe into battle.
On the tabletop, she has good stats, a fantastic melee weapon, and good skills. She is pretty powerful beast in close-quarters, so dump her somewhere nearby and let her rip.
Krotos Hark[edit | edit source]

Kratos Jagi Krotos Hark is a badass-looking House Goliath Bounty Hunter who, like the vast majority of its members, was vat-grown to ensure they were born disciplined and subservient to the House.
Hark however is an aberration, as he was born with the most dangerous of gifts: intelligence. From a young age, he was clever enough to hide this from the House, and survived long enough to join one of its Underhive gangs. This was just a means to an end, as Hark had his sights on a grander destiny and chose not fight his way to a leadership position.
Instead, Hark gained the experience he needed to become a skilled armourer, before escaping from House Goliath's grasp and becoming a Bounty Hunter. He now wears a mask to hide his identity from House Goliath, but Hark's armouring skills have made him highly valued among gangs, for his ability to improve the weapons and gear of those willing to pay his price. Though Hark remains tight-lipped about his ultimate ambitions, it has not gone unnoticed that he seems to be gathering allies and contacts every time he works a contract or fills a bounty. The Bounty Hunter also seems to take a special interest in jobs that oppose Goliath in any way. All of this makes some speculate that perhaps Hark is looking to make a permanent change of management among House Goliath's leadership.
He is armed with a Stub Cannon and a Combat Knife into battle.
On Necromunda, unfortunately, despite his awesome appearance Krotos is a very situational Bounty Hunter. Munitioneer is really the only good thing about Krotos. If you bring a lot of unreliable weapons, he might be worth it, but otherwise he won’t do much.
Apollus Kage[edit | edit source]
Apollus Kage is a Necromunda Bounty Hunter in Hive Primus, who was once a member of House Orlock's Sump Dogs Underhive gang.
He made quite a name for himself in the House for taking convoys and seeing off Scavvies usually only using his fists. However, Kage could not learn to follow orders and whatever future he would have had with House Orlock ended after he failed in challenging the Sump Dogs' leader, Roky, for control of the gang. His defeat led Kage to leave the gang to become a Bounty Hunter and he has since developed a reputation as a hard case who does not scare easy and is able to soak up damage.
Because of this, more than one bounty has thought they had defeated Kage, only for the Bounty Hunter to soon reappear with his bolter against their skulls. This reputation has made him popular with the Merchants Guild, who use him to take down bounties located in the Underhive's Badzones, which many other Bounty Hunters refuse to take. Despite his success, though, Kage still holds a grudge against his former gang and House, which will likely remain, until the Bounty Hunter has a rematch with the Sump Dogs' leader, Roky.
Kage himself is armed with an Imperial Boltgun and a Combat Knife and wears bits of Imperial Mesh Armour into battle.
Rules-wise, Kage is the direct opposite of Krotos, as in, he is a very good Bounty Hunter. His hard-hitting Boltgun and skills mixed with his solid wargear means that he is no slouch in combat, even if he isn't a one-man army.
Eyros Slagmyst[edit | edit source]

Eyros Slagmyst was once a humble Necromunda dome-rigger, whose job was to repair the rusting pipe networks that fed the dismal settlement Cogtown, located in Hive Primus' Underhive. One day, however, Cogtown was ravaged by the deadly Eye-Blight disease and Eyros joined a group of brave souls who traveled deep into the Underhive in order to find a cure. Their search ended in disaster when Eyros put on strange archaeo-rig they discovered in a sump well near the bottom level of the Hive. To his horror, the suit permanently fused itself to Eyros' body and began replacing it with mechanical parts. Worse still, he was struck with a voracious thirst and unfortunately for Eyros' group, the suit had also given him the power to draw water from anything...
Once his former companions were left nothing but lifeless husks, Eyros began to search for more victims and now leaves only dust and scrap in his wake. In order to legally deal with his neverending curse, Eyros began to work as a Bounty Hunter — but those who hire him must ensure he will have enough victims to drain of their fluid, lest Eyros turn on them to quench his thirst, or they could just give him a swimming pool's worth of water. More horrifying is the fact that Eyros' archaeo-rig is still changing his body and no one knows what it will turn him into before it is done.
Given his appearance and his abilities. Rumours suspect that Eyros may in fact, not be a humble dome-rigger, but a member of the Water Guild given he looks strikingly similar to a Master Nautican in addition to his obsession with thirst and water.
Eyros arms himself with just a Laspistol.
Crunchwise, unfortunately despite his cool design, the fact that he only has a laspistol makes him a shitty Bounty Hunter.
Baertrum Arturos III[edit | edit source]

Baertrum Arturos III is a Necromundan Adurator, which are Hive Primus Merchant Guilds' own private order of bounty hunters.
Adurators are hired when a Guilder is concerned with the recovery of their own property and the reprimand of those responsible for taking it. However after one such bounty took Arturos into the Underhive, to run down a clan tithe-breaker, he developed a taste for that fringe realm and chose to remain there.
Although he could easily make more scrip in the mid-Hive domes, Arturos likes the way the Underhive's population look at him with a mixture of fear and disgust, while the filthy environment reminds him that he was born of higher stock.
Plus in the Underhive, the Adurator can throw his authority around, more easily than he could in the upper Hive levels. Despite his dislike of the Underhive's population though, Arturos is not above allying himself with them, when his interests and theirs co-align. This leads him to often works with gangs, who hire the Adurator because he is always cool-headed, quick with his Needle Pistol and shrewd enough to avoid being ambushed.
They do have to put up with Arturos' frequent scowls, condescending sneers and long diatribes in return, but it is a small price to pay for the Adurator's talents and the veneer of Guild authority he brings with him.
On the tabletop, Baertrum is an okay Bounty Hunter with alright stats. However, there is nothing much that sets him apart other than adding some additional firepower in the foray.
Grendl Grendlsen[edit | edit source]

Ah Grendl Grendlsen, the first Squat to be re-released after nearly three decades of their absence. The one who collectively made /tg/ shit their pants in awe.
Grendl Grendlsen was a Squat Banner-jarl in the famed Vega Rams mercenary company, when he came to Necromunda as part of the honour guard for the Arcadius Dynasty Rogue Trader, Constant Gerrit.
But while Grendl's liege was entertained in the undreamed-of luxury of Planetary Governor Helmawr's Palace-spire, the Abhuman members of Gerrit's household, including the entire complement of the Vega Rams, were required to remain in Hive Primus' Stranger's Tower, as they were forbidden to set foot in the Hive proper. This would prove fortunate for Grendl, as he was not present with Gerrit when a low-yield atomic charge, planted by a rival House, completely destroyed the wing of the Palace-spire the Rogue Trader was staying on.
However Gerrit's death subsequently gave way to a household purge of his servants and Grendl was forced to seek sanctuary in the Underhive of Hive Primus. Once there, Grendl quickly established a new life and found gainful employment as a bodyguard to various Underhive figures. At length, he earned the right to practice as a sanctioned Bounty Hunter, and now serves any master who will pay his fee. Grendl has become famed for protecting his charges from their rivals and subsequently claiming the bounty on the would-be assassin's heads, and so far there has been no shortage of foolhardy rivals eager to test his skills and his infamous hammer.
Ol'Grendy arms himself with a Imperial Boltgun on one hand and a Power Hammer on the other.
Crunchwise, as the first modern Squat character, Grendl kicks plenty of ass. Pretty good equipment, pretty good stats, and pretty good skills. Dump him on the table and watch him bonk his enemies to submission.
Gor Half-Horn[edit | edit source]
Gor Half-Horn is a Necromunda Beastman bounty hunter who offers his service in Hive Primus. No one knows where the mysterious Gor came from or how a Mutant was able to attain a bounty hunter license.
Gor is a figure of dread in the underhive, but equally, they make him a target for every raving zealot he encounters. As a sanctioned bounty hunter, Gor is entitled, in theory at least, to go wherever he will in pursuit of his targets; in reality, he has often found himself the quarry, though so far none have bested him.
Because it is so rare for a Beastman to be sanctioned as a bounty hunter, Gor has become the subject of numerous legends throughout the underhive. Some say he was once a member of an Abhuman Auxilia attached to an Astra Militarum regiment, and the sole survivor of a battle of apocalyptic proportions. Others whisper that he was once in the employ of an Inquisitor, whose service he fled for a life among the damned. Some have even claimed that he was not born an Abhuman at all, but a noble scion who developed hideous mutations in his adolescence and fled downhive lest he be put to death by his own kin.
Gor Half-Horn is pretty well stacked. Armed with a belt of Frag Grenades, a Stiletto Knife, a Stub Gun, a Pump-Action Shotgun, a Plasma Pistol and a Chainsword.
On Necromunda, whilst Gor's stats isn't that great, he hits like a freight train. The amount of dakka he can output is stupendous, and he is no slouch in close-quarters combat either. He is the ultimate glass cannon in Necromunda.
Pete Plainsman and Vespa Merdena[edit | edit source]

This drive-by duo are a pair of Bounty Hunters hailing from House Orlock. The main driver of the Outrider Quad goes by the name of "Big" Pete Plainsman who operate out of the Ash Wastes' Cinderak City. The gunner of the Quad goes by the name of Vespa Merdena who is the (joint) youngest of Slate Merdena's dozen children.
The two are usually located where they serve as guns-for-hire, protecting the Mercator Gelt convoys that radiate out of the great urban hub. When carrying out jobs in the Wastes, they ride a beefed-up Orlock Quad, that Big Pete drives while Vespa wields Mischief, a ridiculous belt-fed Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher and a Hand Cannon for her sidearm.
On the tabletop, these whacky duo are Bounty Hunters who can only be taken by House Orlock and are the first vehicle-based Dramatis Personae available. Their quad wheeler isn’t very tough, but - in the case of Vespa - she is armed with a Rapid Fire (1) missile launcher which takes full advantage of a BS 3+ profile that will completely wreck an entire tabletop in one salvo.
Mischief RPG.
Slate Merdena[edit | edit source]

Vespa Merdena's great papa. Slate Merdena is a powerful gang leader on the planet Necromunda.
He is a member of House Orlock, and the leader of the Sump Dogs gang. Under his command, they have become one of the hardest Necromundan gangs to ever ride the ash roads of Hive Primus' Spider Points. The Sump Dogs also control a dozen of the Hive's Ash Gates for their House and this has led Slate to become a shining example of Orlock leadership.
Adding to his legend is Slate's reputation for being nigh-unkillable, having survived bullets to the chest, blades between the shoulders and even being thrown under the wheels of his own rig. Because of this, the mere sight of Slate and his faithful Cyber-Mastiff, Macula, are enough to send the Sump Dogs' enemies running, lest they end their days as a mile-marker on the Spider Points, like so many before them.
Slate is known to have a dozen children, the joint-youngest of whom is the aforementioned Bounty Hunter Vespa (also known as 'Minx').
Slate is known to be armed with a Plasma Pistol on one hand, a Hammer on the other, and a belt of Frag Grenades.
Crunchwise, Slate is obviously Orlock only. Great skills, great equipment, and a dog. A pretty excellent and versatile Bounty Hunter all things considered.
Rex Spires[edit | edit source]

Rex Spires is a Necromunda Bounty Hunter, who is active in Hive Primus and is well known for his Michael Bay-levels of love in using explosives.
His infatuation began before Rex became a Bounty Hunter, as he desperately searched Underhive scrapheaps for anything valuable to sell, to help him break free of his drudgery filled life. It was while searching a scrapheap that Rex's life changed, when a nearby manufactorum exploded and buried him in rubble. It would take Rex three days to claw his way free, but he emerged completely changed.
He suddenly began ranting about a epiphany the explosion granted him and, in the hope of recapturing that feeling, Rex started scavenging materials to create crude explosives with. He then became a Bounty Hunter, after realising the work was a reliable way to bring in the credits he needed, to maintain a steady supply of his precious explosives. Since then, Rex has become the first choice for any clients, that want their enemies killed in a dramatic fashion, that will leave them in pieces.
His career has recently taken a turn, though, as Rex has just formed a partnership with fellow Bounty Hunter Orgen Mortz. Like Rex, Mortz also has a preference for unsubtle methods while collecting bounties, which makes their partnership work; as neither has any agenda, other than credits and mayhem.
As expected of someone who has a unhealthy obsession with explosives, Rex has access to Frag Traps, Melta Traps, Blasting Charges, and Demo Charges.
On Necromunda, against a combat gang, he’s probably a high level Bounty Hunter given the sheer Michael Bay-levels of explosives he can unleash. Still, a trio of Melta Traps are guaranteed to cause at least a little bit of chaos.
Eightfold Harvest Lord[edit | edit source]

A Harvest Lord-turned Bounty Hunter who only provides his services to Corpse Grinder Cults, Chaos Helot or Chaos Corrupted gangs.
Even on a world as violent as Necromunda, the crimes of the Eightfold Harvest Lord have turned the stomachs of hardened Enforcers and jaded Guilders. Its arrival always precedes the spreading of starvation, madness and cannibalism throughout the underhive. Wrapped in fluttering strips of human skin, it advances on its prey, desperate to spill the blood of the living.
Among its many foul deeds, was going full Konrad Curze, skinning numerous members of Hive Arcos' population, which the Harvest Lord then used to decorated its walls with. This caused terror to spread throughout Arcos, shortly before the Hive was successfully invaded by Corpse Grinder Cultists.
It is unlikely the Harvest Lord is human, or if it was once mortal it has long since transformed into something else. It is said that the Harvest Lord is drawn to the most vicious acts of murder, eager to spread the blood of the living.
Armed with paired Heavy Chain Cleavers, it can easily slice through any non-believers in the underhive, adding their remains to its impressive trophy rack.
Crunchwise, as aforementioned, he is Corpse Grinder, Helot Cult, or Chaos-Corrupted gangs only. He’s a terrifying avatar of slaughter and absolute melee-monster. You better fear him or else...
Ashwood Stranger[edit | edit source]

The Ashwood Stranger is a hooded Necromunda Bounty Hunter gunfighter, who has been known to surround himself with gangs of outcasts in Hive Primus' Underhive and is Necromunda's own Robin Hood (No, seriously). Like, he is legit, the only nice guy in Necromunda and all-round homie. Serious.
Who he truly is remains a mystery, but some believe the Stranger was once a Palanite Enforcer, due to the two custom Equalizer Stub Pistols, the Bounty Hunter excellently dual-wields (The other being a stripped-down Autopistol). This is added to the fact, that the Stranger has a habit of bringing down rogue Enforcers with his own brand of justice, even when the Merchant Guild will not place a bounty on them. He even uses Underhive gangs to bring down corrupt Palanite Enforcers, though not all Enforcers are his enemies. The Stranger will even work with the more virtuous of their kind from time to time, if their goals align.
Whoever he truly is, the Ashwood Stranger is a force for justice for the powerless. The Ash Waste Nomads blade he wears on his back hints at the Bounty Hunter's long travels between Necromunda's hive cities, and when his job is done, the Stranger simply disappears back into the Hive World's outlands.
If he is indeed an ex-Palanite Enforcer, than it would make sense on why he wears the damaged remains of his Flak Armour rather than merely stealing it from the corpse of one. Given his Flak Armour, it automatically makes him one of the more well-defended Bounty Hunters in Necromunda. His guns akimbo and sword also makes him pretty damn versatile at all ranges, so overall, as a Bounty Hunter, he is pretty good.