
Sloppers are Necromunda citizens of the Underhive, who can produce "real" food from the local flora and fauna. Despite their fat bastard appearance, they are possibly one of the most popular dudes and all-round swell guys.
Overview[edit | edit source]
As most food in the Underhive consists of Corpse-Starch or nutri-slime, supplemented with synth-fats and vitamin shots, Sloppers can expect a steady stream of credits for their services. They are usually keen to set up a kitchen in an Underhive gang's headquarters, in order to get a secure location to store their wares and the gang gets its share of the Sloppers' leftovers.
Usually their kitchen is man-portable and they are able to lug around the entire set to set up shop. They use their giant cleaver axe to chop up and prepare their dishes, although he is just as capable in turning on any rude customers on a dime. Given that they are the only ones who make good shit to eat, they are very well-respected in the Hive.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, at just 20 credits, Sloppers are one of the best support units in the game. They grant a one in six chance for a fighter in Recovery to heal early and participate in the next battle. While that fighter will still miss out on the phases where he’d normally be able to spend XP and buy gear that round, having a wounded champ pop into action unexpectedly can even the odds early in a campaign.
Bigby Crumb[edit | edit source]

Bigby Crumb is a Necromunda Ratling Slopper, who plies his trade in the Underhive of Hive Primus.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Unlike most Sloppers, Crumb can actually cook and this has put him in high demand. The price for hiring Crumb, though, is often joining him on one of his legendary (and dangerous) ingredient hunts.
During such hunts, Crumb will delve deep into the badzones of the Underhive in his search for exotic plants and animals to fill his slop pot. Some say he is merely looking to add new recipes to his repertoire, though others claim Crumb seeks to create the perfect dish; one good enough to win his way into Hive Primus' Spire. Due to his short stature, Crumb isn't a good fighter, but he does use his Soup Ladle as a club and is armed with a Stub Gun for protection.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On Necromunda, Bigby is an expensive little shit who comes in at the price of two and a half standard sloppers, but offers some unique benefits for the discerning gourmet. He gives up the slopper’s standard fighting knife for a soup ladle (i.e. a club that ADDS to the opponent’s armor save) and a stub gun. Losing 2 AP and backstab on melee isn’t the worst trade-off, as you definitely don’t want this guy in combat.
Stat-wise, he takes a hit in WS, moving up to 5+ with his mighty soup ladle. He also drops in toughness, falling to 2. Maybe leave Bigby at home if you are facing off against Corpse Grinders, as his willpower has raised to 8+. Bigby does get some minor stat boosts over the buck standard slopper: initiative moves from 3+ to 2+, leadership & cool drop from 9+ to 7+, and intelligence improves from 7+ to 5+.
But the thing you want from him is his unique skills. If he’s within 2” of his slop pot, Bigby is able to buff his friends or potentially tie up gangers with his culinary skills. Stinger Spore Stew functions as an emergency field medic ability, giving his nearby allies an assist in their recovery rolls. Frenzon Fondue is the most interesting of his recipes, giving a 2” bubble of True Grit and Nerves of Steel. Ignoring pinning and improving injury rolls has some serious potential – stick Bigby with your fire support for some extra survivability. Tentacle Surprise functions as an "oh shit" button or threat deterrent as his pot now count as Beast Lairs, and they can absolutely mess your day up.